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9. november 2007, 20:10:29
Teema: Re: Pming and butting in with trivial comments
Mousetrap: If i address this to you (as i have), i expect you to read it and reply if you wish, as i would any form of communication addressed to anyone individually.

Some just reply to things to create problems & conflict as this has just proved

9. november 2007, 19:40:44
Fencer: Sorry about this post earlier that was addressed to you

In future i will PM you about everything as others can not help butting in with trivial comments

The idea of this board is for everybody who is interested in BrainKing itself, its structure, features and future or is it not

OR is it about sulking because others are trying to help build BrainKing and others are not, they find more fun in moaning rather than trying to improve things

Well according to some, JUST because they have a Black Rook it makes them better than everyone else, well let them think that.

I know personally what do for the site

If there are issues that need addressing by yourself or just need mentioning, i will do it if i think it is necessary.

Try to think constructive, then things may happen

9. november 2007, 07:32:59
Teema: Re:
Snoopy: It has not been introduced at all

Its a bug that i found after creating a Random Tournament. It is something i guess Fencer is working on !!

9. november 2007, 07:19:45
Teema: Re:
Snoopy: You have to change the URL to team 255, and there is the random Team, but as Fencer said last week, it is not finished yet, but you can build a Team ready

9. november 2007, 07:09:08
Teema: Re:
Snoopy: all Fellowships have them, well Nirvana & Tarantino asked me where they were and they have them

9. november 2007, 06:30:02
MadMonkey toimetatud (9. november 2007, 06:41:40)
Fencer: Set up a challenge match last night for random game. It set up fine, but just stays in waiting.

Is that because you have not finished it yet ?

8. november 2007, 01:39:22
Teema: Re:
Rose: Funny you should say that

I Archive all Tournament winners for a week to post them at the same time, as i run so many. When i tried at the weekend to go through all last weeks, several of them would not open OR were just blank

I do not know if this is the same message problem as a couple of weeks ago i reported to Fencer, when trying to reply to a message from someone it would not give me a box to write in. He fixed that though but i had to tell him who the message was for

29. oktoober 2007, 00:46:34
Teema: Re:
redfrog: , well hopefully, Google should be ok most the time, thats why i picked it really

29. oktoober 2007, 00:35:49
Yours is there, i just replied to it lol
The BrainRook and .info sites are still down, well they were 5 mins ago
After you join, you have to wait to post, that way it will only be BrainKing members there, only take couple of ticks though

29. oktoober 2007, 00:16:01
Teema: Re:
Czuch: hmmmm maybe possible, as the time out process detects activity (or not) i believe.

Well, its there if people want to use it, and hopefully will keep this board clear a bit lol

29. oktoober 2007, 00:07:55
Teema: Re:
Bernice: Well, with Fencers permission i have set a forum up on Google

At least it may help people find out if it is a site or a local problem.

Everyone is welcome to join the BrainKing Discussion Forum

Then if you can not access the site at some point, just head there and hopefully you will be able to find out what is going on lol

28. oktoober 2007, 19:05:34
Teema: Re: Graphs
Fencer: Thats one of your favorite words, is it not ergo

Did you know that was an old board game. Its quite a good game actually, i have it in my cupboard.
In fact, see if i can find it on the web

Found it HERE

Its like a cross between Five in Line & Hasami Shogi

28. oktoober 2007, 18:42:44
Teema: Re: That's a problem of local DNS resolving and cannot be affected by us.
Fencer: I think it would be great, and immensely helpful to those who are not up with Computers & connection problems

If we had a separate place to go that people could remember to look at if they could not access brainking itself

Best have a chat to coan.net, mctrivia or someone else who has there own place, if they would be happy about it

28. oktoober 2007, 16:43:40
Teema: Re: That's a problem of local DNS resolving and cannot be affected by us.
Fencer: True, i know i read them all as well

As you are having a question day
Is it possible to have a brainking Discussion board based somewhere else (maybe mctrivias or coan.net site)
In other words, if someone can not access brainking we could goto a board there and just ask if it is a all round problem, or something closer to home.
That is the most irritating, the not knowing
I had to be up for work 5.00 the other morning, so i came on before bed to catch up on those games that may time out.

As for others the site was inaccessible, but how long could or should i wait for

Maybe coan.net or Rose or someone could have an access to turn on the suspended timeouts, until you can get here the next day, but if there is no site access, do not know how

Just an idea

28. oktoober 2007, 16:22:57
Teema: Re: That's a problem of local DNS resolving and cannot be affected by us.
Czuch: I just typed that into my Notepad, yours is worded better though lol

True, i do not get how people from every continent, can all have a site problem with the same site at the same time, yet it is nothing to do with the site

Something weird and VERY annoying i know that

28. oktoober 2007, 11:15:20
Teema: Re:
Fencer: oh lol
Well i have 17 players signed up ready for when you do

28. oktoober 2007, 11:09:01
Hello world
Can any other Big Bosses see a Random Team on there Team lists in Fellowships now
I have one, but it just appeared, i did not have to set it as a Team like normal.
Now i have had a couple of people ask me where to find it.
All i can say, is that it appeared after i set up a Random Tournament for the madhouse

Do you know Fencer ?

26. oktoober 2007, 12:30:24
Fencer, did you know that it will not let you create Tournaments from the drop box in the new Random Teams.
Do not know if its a bug, or you have not coded it yet

26. oktoober 2007, 11:28:50
Wooohoooo something new in Fellowships, Random Teams

23. oktoober 2007, 10:31:53
Fencer: Any idea why it will not display this Tournament Madhouse 2007 - Week 39

Nothing major, but i know you like these little mysteries

17. oktoober 2007, 13:08:38
Teema: Re: connection
MadMonkey toimetatud (17. oktoober 2007, 13:09:42)
rod03801: According to my FasterFox Add-on, this site is taking over 90 seconds to even respond (thats when i do not get the Connection was reset message or a white page), compared to just under 2 seconds on every other site i am logged into

14. oktoober 2007, 20:43:39
Fencer, i just downloaded another Firefox Extension called Youlicit

Its a handy thing to have if you are looking for sites like the one you are viewing. Great for finding new games to play and also if you are looking for information any any topic really but without having to search for it, so useful for project work & things like that.

Anyway, when you hit the Y button from within BrainKing it comes up with lots of sites with lots of board games, thousands that i have never heard of, but maybe when you have a spare hour or so, you could look at some of them and the games that are out there, you maybe able to borrow some for the future here, or get some ideas

One thing that will please you, if you are on BugCafe (Scrabble, Canasta & stuff) and you hit the Y button, what comes top of there list with 100%......................................
........yes, you guessed.......


14. oktoober 2007, 15:52:46
Teema: Re:
Czuch: I can not see why Firefox should have anything to do with BrainKing Settings

Firefox is all i ever use, and i use my context Menu all the time

10. oktoober 2007, 11:30:37
Teema: Re:
Fencer: I am glad it was you that said that

Hey !! Is that Beastie a friend of yours ???
He just gobbled me up in both our games (someone check the code lol)

10. oktoober 2007, 11:13:38
Teema: Re:
Fencer: well it may be a secret, like the awesome, pointless, unuseful Cloak Mode we have
BUT............ its not
its only to jessica, its very weird

10. oktoober 2007, 10:58:29
MadMonkey toimetatud (10. oktoober 2007, 11:00:47)
I am trying to reply to a message from a friend, but when i hit reply i just get a blank screen, with
Write new message

at the top and nothing else.

I have tried going to there profile and sending that way, but get the same.

It only appears to be this one person, any ideas ?

9. oktoober 2007, 13:43:36
Could Captains and/or Bosses PLEASE get a warning message if any Team that has been entered in a Tournament has a problem before the Tournament starts.
Its nice to get Teams in early for them, so it gives others players a chance to find another Team if they miss out on one.
We have just had another Tournament start, that has a Pawn in the Team, which would be ok if the player was still here playing games.
Sadly they have not been here in over a month, so all those games are lost, so really the Team match is over before it get going properly, therefore hard on all the other Team members.
Can we at least get a warning to let us know if there may be a problem OR think of a way to swap a player if they have yet to move in a Team Tournament game.

8. oktoober 2007, 21:11:08
Teema: Re:
Rose: Odd really, the site has been great for me for a while now, none of the old white pages & page not found, in fact no problems at all really
As you say Rose, today has been bad though, back to its old games
Must be the hardware upgrade Fencer mentioned , can we downgrade again

4. oktoober 2007, 11:25:28
Teema: Re: random game types
Oceans Apart & Hrqls: coat.net. & Tanien (and Fencer lol) in charge of Team Tournaments, have to ask them to bend Fencers ear (or is that message box hmmmm......whatever)

Please, please, please Leader, could we have a Random Team Tournament

4. oktoober 2007, 11:18:22
Teema: Re: random game types
MadMonkey toimetatud (4. oktoober 2007, 11:19:31)
Hrqls: Love the idea, a Random Team Tournament, say 8 players, but no one knows which games they will get

what fun

23. september 2007, 17:31:07
Teema: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: The best way to add a link to it, is to goto the page you want to add, then use the 'Add' link beside the Show one. That saves any mistake when trying to add it yourself to the Context Menu list.

I have about 15 on mine, as i find it the easiest way to jump about the site, with out using the left hand column (dont use that in games as th e page loads faster).

Are you certain you have more than one thing in your list ?
Have you got the box ticked on your JavaScript page in Settings, to show the menu there ?
Thats all i can think of offhand

23. september 2007, 17:17:40
Teema: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: I have it there as well, but mine is ok at the moment

Sometimes the Menu pops up when i hover over show, but it is about 1cm below and to the right, so when i mover the cursor across to click on something from it, it goes before i can get to it

22. september 2007, 01:15:44
Teema: Re:
Jason: I got here about 10.00am our time, and it was useless for about 2 hours.
I made 10 times as many moves on BugCafe as i did on here, which is crazy as i only have about 20 games there,
Rest of the day is has not been too bad here until about an hour ago.
Now i just keep getting

The connection was reset

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few

* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network

* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

Its just done it again in another BrainKing Tab while i typed this.

It only appears to be here though, all my others i am using are fine

18. september 2007, 12:05:59
Teema: Re: RSS Feeds
pauloaguia: hmmmm, good point wonder if there is any way round it, i do not know enough about RSS Feeds

I would of thought there must be as RSS is used by many people in all walks of life these days.

Would be quite sad if someone should be that interested about what is said in a Fellowship, that would subscribe to an RSS Feed for it

I guess that applies to our Message Box as well

18. september 2007, 11:43:41
Teema: RSS Feeds
Fencer: Would it be possible (well, i know it is, just if you have time lol) to have RSS Feeds for our Fellowship Discussion Boards please ?

I use Thunderbird to access all my email accounts and RSS Feeds (need Thunderbird icon lol)

For those who do not know, Thunderbird is Mozillas (who bring us Firefox) email client, that, like Firefox is awesome as well. What is more useful is having access to RSS Feeds from it is as well

Its nice to login in and be able check all my email accounts and RSS Feeds in one hit, one page all in plain simple Engilsh lol (especially if i am not staying and do not want to get caught up anywhere).

I have the Brainking Board and other Main boards on RSS, but it would be great if i could catch up on Fellowship posts as well

That, along with our Message Box on RSS would make it perfect

15. september 2007, 21:17:09
Teema: Re: Problem is solved.
Pbarb2: hmmmm that must be a flaw with Webtv

I know it was requested a while ago that once you hit 'delete', you would get a popup to confirm that is what you wish to do. It is a great idea and would solve these problems of deleting posts by mistake, maybe Fencer has not had chance to write the code yet (if he agrees that is lol)

10. september 2007, 15:29:49
Teema: Re:
Fencer: oh well, games will just time out then

I cant be in 2 places at once, and can not afford a year right now

Its good in a way, then my BKR's will be really low and i can knock others down

10. september 2007, 14:37:30
Do we have to purchase a years membership to get vacation days ?

I purchased 6 months and did not get any

Surely if 6 months is available we should get half the amount a years membership entitles us to ?

4. september 2007, 10:32:14
Teema: Re: Vacation days
MadMonkey toimetatud (4. september 2007, 10:35:19)
Eriisa: I extended my membership in the end as you suggested, but only by 6 months as things are tight right now, and did not get any vacation days

So i guess you only get them if you purchase a year, maybe that should be looked at

So i still request we be able to purchase a certain amount of vacation days a year

I could not go to a funeral last week, as it was away from here and i would of had to stay over and did not know if i would be able to get back in time. Luckily it was a family friend and not family which would of been a must, but it still would of been nice to attend.

This could crop up for weddings, hospital things etc.. etc..

27. august 2007, 21:24:14
Teema: Re:
gambler104: Agreed

I just find if funny though on a site like this, when you think how many Logik games have been played.
We know of 2 games (the one i mentioned & Roses one) that had identical codes, BUT thats only the people who noticed. I have to confess if my opponent had not told me i would not of noticed

27. august 2007, 14:06:53
Teema: Re:
Rose: Its crazy, wish i had a bet on that

32,768 possible codes, but to actually use them in the same game is crazy

27. august 2007, 14:03:21
A funny thing just happened in a game of Logik
My opponent just solved my code (luck i think lol), but looking at the game, we find that both our codes were the same.
Now i used Random to pick my code, yet currylms set hers herself..................how mad is that to both end up with the same code in the same game

26. august 2007, 17:47:38
Teema: Re:
redfrog: Well i just tried to remove lovelysharon & joshi tm from the Ludo Team that has already been entered, and good news it would not let me

So it looks like the option just appears, BUT will not actually let you remove players from a Team that has been entered.

It will let me remove players that are signed for the Team BUT NOT entered in a Tournament though.

So we have a bit of a mix, just because the Captain or Boss is on a Team the option should really be there all the time so anyone not entered in a Team Tournament can be removed, so it is a bug still i think lol

At least we know why its sometimes there & sometimes not

26. august 2007, 17:37:30
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey toimetatud (26. august 2007, 17:38:08)
redfrog: Well, the option is there for me to if i am not entered for that Team, so i guess i can.

If i can find a Team member online i will try it out

26. august 2007, 11:09:53
Teema: Re:
redfrog: Great , you found the reason


I still think there is a bug in the system

I dropped out of my Frog Finder Team as we had too many player and the Team has been entered.

Now, i can still remove players from the Team, well the option is there anyway, i have not tried as i do not want the poor system to break

So it seems, it will only take the option away from a Boss or Captain IF they are in the selected Team Tournament.

So Monkey verdict = Bug

25. august 2007, 13:24:06
Teema: Re:
Eriisa: I dont know, if Welly had not asked how to do it, i would never have mentioned it
Is it a bug ? I guess it must be

Marfitualu: you have lost me, my Computer is fine

25. august 2007, 13:11:32
Teema: Re:
Marfitalu: I know, so do i on MOST my Teams, but not all

Welly, was looking for a way to remove players from a Team, so i showed him the Remove member option.
He said he did not have it, then coan.net said he did not either.
It sort of escalated from there, some have it and some do not, BUT now Team i have found one (maybe more) that i do not have it on

Odd but i can not see any difference or reason as to why it is there or it is not. I thought it maybe a Team Captain thing, but i have it in ones i am a Captain of and also those i am not

I think Fencer will have to let us know what make it appear or not

Other thought i guess, it could be an option that should always be there for Captains & BB's BUT could be a bug causing it to act irrationally (thats a good word for a Saturday lol)

25. august 2007, 12:59:28
coan.net: Transfered from Fellowship board lol

That remove member from Team option we were talking about. I have just come across one Team that i do not have it on

22. august 2007, 12:02:46
If a member upgrades from a Bishop / Knight to a Rook, i thought there Rook membership started right away, and any left over of there previous membership was added to the end

Well, surely it should do so they can take advantage of there new membership for Tournaments etc...

20. august 2007, 18:32:16
Teema: Re: Vacation days
Eriisa: I know i can, but when things crop up on us, not everyone can find 'x' amount of money to do there membership on short notice

Having a way to just buy a quick day or two would be extremely helpful

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