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28. mai 2011, 20:58:04
Teema: Re:
rod03801: Agreed...... I was just trying to think of something to make it easier for Fencer to sort out.

I miss the Move and Goto Team Match, No Vacation and non-paying member as you say

28. mai 2011, 15:41:59
MadMonkey toimetatud (28. mai 2011, 15:42:58)
Happy weekend Fencer

If the 'Move and Goto' actions are still a problem i have another suggestion (as i do lol)

I have been using the 'Game Filter' on the main page, though it is not as useful as the 'Move and Goto' selections, to find all my Team Tournament games (by searching all Team Tournaments, and just selecting those game types to play first).

So, how about adding a third selection box to the filter ?

We have 'Opponent' & 'Game Type', so how about 'Group Selection' (first thing that came to mind lol) where there could be:

Non-paying member games
Team match games
No vacation games
Friend list games
Online opponents games
Offline opponents games
Stairs games
Fischer's Clock games

Those would be the Main ones i think, but you miss out on things like 'Similar type games' but that could be added, and if selected open and extra drop box to select All Lines games, All Chess games, All Checkers games etc.... and the same with Tournament selection.

Just another idea from my mad world

(p.s. this is not a Feature request, its an Observation note lol)

15. mai 2011, 12:57:26
Teema: Re: very very slow here
Fencer: My computer didn't make my breakfast this morning............must be your fault

Oh, still doesn't 'Move and go to next team Match' game

Happy Sunday Boss

13. mai 2011, 21:19:09
Teema: Re: New Players
Deb4858: The points are not really for anything...they are more of a personal challenge. Fencer (who owns BrainKing) has come up with a lot of different challenges (or goals if you like) that you can try and reach. For everyone you reach you get a certain amount of points.

Here is the page that tells you who has the most ----> Achievements

If you go to your profile, and click on the last Tab, you can look through all the achievements, and see which ones you would like to aim for

13. mai 2011, 21:04:29
Teema: Re: New Players
Deb4858: Well, not exactly Deb

Feel free to chat on any of the Public ones -----> Discussion Boards

If you have any particular game questions, every game here has its own Discussion Board. Anything to do with BrainKing itself can be asked here (or the General or Members boards).

Also you are in a few fellowships (including my Madhouse lol), someone will always reply to you in those

5. mai 2011, 15:26:46
Teema: Re:
Fencer: No worries, i like to let you know these things, best stamp on him before it happens again lol

Saying that, i am sure a small script could run through all finished Team Tournaments and check

5. mai 2011, 14:50:32
Fencer....I do not know if this is a Bug, or something has stopped working or maybe BarinKing just had a moment

Just going through all running Team Tournaments, so i can keep all Madhouse players up-to-date, and came across a Tournament that must have finished recently (well, since i last went through them all)

10-09-15 Hyper backgammnon is now over. We were 8 :4 up in the Final last time i checked. Anyway, now it has finished, i am wondering why it does not show up in Madhouse Team Tournaments Won ?

Did you disable something the other week, when you were testing other stuff or do we have a BUG .......

5. mai 2011, 00:36:19
Teema: Re:
Bernice: Where did that arrive ? In your Message box ?

4. mai 2011, 19:22:33
Teema: Re:
Fencer: Great stuff, Thanks

4. mai 2011, 12:10:18
Fencer ..... Any idea when any of the Broken (or disabled) Move and goto.... functions will be made available again ?

(Team game, No Vacation game & Non-paying member games were so useful)

21. aprill 2011, 11:13:23
Teema: Re:
Fencer: Thanks, do not like falling behind on Team games...they last long enough as it is

21. aprill 2011, 09:09:13
Move and goto next Team match

1. aprill 2011, 10:38:27
Teema: Re: Dweebo's
jouer: This is also handy place to try http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/

Just put pente.org into the box and see what it says....in fact i will

It says It's not just you! http://pente.org looks down from here.

28. märts 2011, 19:51:49
Teema: Re:
Fencer: That is what i thought, as we would have to check a box to confirm it

Is it only Big Boss & Little Boss that can ??? most odd

28. märts 2011, 18:24:53
Why do Teams keep removing themselves from my Fellowship

It's easy to re-create them i know, and have them back, BUT when i do that all the players have gone............

24. jaanuar 2011, 11:11:00
Teema: Re: 33 consecutive passes in Ludo. Needs an achievement :)
Artful Dodger: Look on the bright side, the game is not over yet

Still, you never know, your opponent needs a 5 (well, at the moment), it could happen to them

Don't mention that Auto-Pass thing either

29. detsember 2010, 10:50:56
Teema: Re:
coan.net: Thank you BBW, that is exactly the answer we are looking for

and i spy Lines of Action as well

28. detsember 2010, 23:45:14
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey: Well thanks for the replies (how many brainking staff have we got ???) so i will answer myself .....

We are not interested so don't ask again !!! anyone want to take over a Fellowship ?

28. detsember 2010, 10:42:23
Teema: Re:
Bernice: That is odd, i always use that for any site,like i did last night and it told me it was down for everyone

What annoys me is that i had no internet yesterday, and timed out on 80 games, then just as i get a connection, i make 2 moves and the site goes down, and time outs are suspended

26. detsember 2010, 11:47:40
Are we having any new Team Tournaments set for the New Year ?

6. november 2010, 16:55:52
Teema: Re: Every team should have a captain
coan.net: OK, so how about by default the Big Boss of every Fellowship should be in the Teams (that have been created) and then also made Captain, then if someone would like to take over it is easy, BUT to have the Boss join Teams (even if he does not play) just so he can put the Teams into a Tournament is pretty stupid really
You know the Madhouse tries to enter a Team all the time in any Tournament that is there, but getting players is one thing, trying to fins a Captain is something else (though i have to admit, i do not know why).

Gouwe gozer : It is simple, if you want to play in a Tournament, join that Team, once the team is entered, then leave....no problem.

Fencer : I am Captain of many of my Teams, BUT i do not always play, simply for a fact as that it is a game i can not play or i am crap at, but i make myself Captain just so we can take part.

ALSO, it has been requested before, that there should be a way for players in teams to either make themselves available or not without having to leave & rejoin teams. A better way would be able to set your own parameters for a Tournament in your settings (i.e. you will play if it is 5 days, standard vacation etc...).

6. november 2010, 12:38:56
Fencer, just wondering.....as a Big Boss i can enter any Team in my Fellowship, into a challenge against another fellowship.

I can only do this if the Team has a Captain, is there a reason for this. If the Team had a Captain i would not need to enter the Team anyway.

True i can join the Team, make myself Captain, then enter the Team (excluding myself).

Can it be changed so Big Bosses can enter any team regardless ? or is there some reason that i can not understand for this ?

27. oktoober 2010, 15:03:31
Teema: Re:
Fencer: thanks for the folders in the events box

22. oktoober 2010, 14:57:54
Teema: Re:
Fencer: oh yes, sorry, i have done that

22. oktoober 2010, 14:21:43
Teema: Re:
Fencer: hmmmm you say You can still archive tournament results in your Message Box, well i can not. The last couple of Team & normal Tournament finished messages (from this morning) have gone to the Events folder

Looking at it again i think just Folders for the Events page would be better


22. oktoober 2010, 11:30:32
Teema: Re:
Fencer: I am sure i am not the only one who has created folders in the Message box, for Team results, Tournament results etc...which i then collate at the end of the month and post in the Fellowship

Would it be possible to make the folders we have created in our Message box ALSO be available in the new Events box?? I guess the only other option would be create new folders in the Events box, though the is no option there for it yet, though then i guess people would ask about moving message between the 2 (Message & Events box's).

I think all folders accessed from both would be best if possible

20. september 2010, 02:15:17
Teema: Re: Is anyone else finding
Mousetrap: It does not so much effect brainking for me, BUT does on Facebook. It must be something to do with the States. They are asleep in our morning, and as you say i have no problems anywhere, but from about lunchtime it gets slower....can not think of any other reason

13. september 2010, 13:00:44
Teema: Re:
furbster: Especially in Team Tournaments that are for the lesser played games, it would hopefully encourage more to try as you say

13. september 2010, 12:40:08
Teema: Re:
Gabriel Almeida: It would be GREAT if ONCE a year Fencer set a few normal Tournaments and a few Team Tournaments with either Brains (or even Membership) as prizes

11. september 2010, 16:28:47
Teema: Re:
Fencer: Have you thought anymore about the discussion that started back in 2004

HERE & HERE by coan.net

It sparked a discussion about having Brain Prizes for all Tournaments. It has been mentioned a few times since (i have it on my list for you lol)

You thought it was a good idea at the time any new thoughts on the matter

It would need a bit of thinking about, the only addition i would make is those being members of winning Teams get a Prize as well. (if only a few Brains)

2. september 2010, 23:42:36
Teema: Re:
Marshmud: Well that is sort of what you told me, i was working it slightly different, BUT there are thousands of different methods players could use as you say. For them to be 1 point off i do not know, let them explain NOT that they should have to. Fencer did make a striking point early (jokingly or not) with his "Yes, I am a loser and I cannot stand anyone else being successful" point of view. It does seem there is a lot of that going on here lately. Maybe i should do that every Spider Line4 game i lose

Exactly as you say, there is no need for a player as good as him to cheat. So why would he ??? He is a life member anyway, not as if he needs membership.

Have all these people accusing him bothered to ask him ? of course not, its much more fun, and stirs up more crap, and upset more people to plaster it on the Discussion boards. That is what i call stooping low !!

Guilty without and trial or any proof.

Fencer is not interested, and the only reason i am is i hate players ganging up on others from my own experience, and times like when we had the KM here etc... It seems something has to happen every few years here, as i said, VERY sad

2. september 2010, 22:54:54
Teema: Re:
Marshmud: eh I never had a problem with Pedro......

I give up....it was YOU that told me the formula to use to improve my Pond play..... if 2 people used that method in the same game, there scores would be the same all the way through. Not this game in question, TRUE, but who knows what method was used.

There seems to be a tight little group of players here now trying to get players off BrainKng, hopefully Fencer will see through it and sort them out first !!

2. september 2010, 19:12:14
Pedro..... i stated that i know of at least one formula that can easily improve a players standing in Ponds (as i proved), i never said the players you mentioned were using it, and also Hrqls has given you a rough idea of one that works.

Is all you have done is slated 2 members and given no proof, just how you see it and that is definitely the wrong way to do it as you well know

2. september 2010, 14:44:49
Teema: Re:
pedestrian: That is what i said....only your explanation is much clearer

2. september 2010, 13:36:13
Teema: Re:
Vikings: I know anything is hard to prove, BUT for someone to announce on the brainking main board:


I would like to draw attention to two cheats
I want them to be banned from the site, banned from ponds or stripped of their BKRs and removed from rankings !

is totally out of order. Get the proof first .....

2. september 2010, 13:05:51
Teema: Re:

Just looking again, notice in both Tournament Ponds that Pedro pointed out, the FIRST play (which he neglected to mention) were nothing like each other

Again shows me they (like myself, and probably 90% of others) wait to the next round and work there next play out from the average of the previous round

2. september 2010, 12:06:31
Teema: Re:
rabbitoid: lol Ed Trice...now there is a name from the past

No i am not thank God..... the one i used is just pure maths as long as you get through the first round.....

2. september 2010, 10:52:37
Teema: Re:

Like i said i was told A formula by someone in the top 10 about 3 years ago and look how my Rating shot up ( GRAPH ).

OK, it has dipped mainly through time-outs and i do not play them these days very often, but if i wanted i could climb easily again.

I would say that nearly all the good players work to some sort of formula in the head when they look at the numbers......

formulas can be simple, or hard depending who devised it. I know the one i use is simple as anything

2. september 2010, 10:37:13
I just looked at Ratings and i know 2 people in the top 10 who use this formula (could be more of course, just ones i know) BUT neither are ones you mention. They may use a different formula

2. september 2010, 10:28:54
Teema: Re:
Pedro Martínez: All i can say on this matter, is they may well use the same formula to get through to the next round

I used to fall in Ponds (normal ones) all the time (ok, now i never play them as i do not like them) BUT i know there is a simple formula to help you do well in Ponds.

When i was told this method and i used it, i used to get through to the next round much easier, not a guaranteed win, but when i used it i was getting to the last few all the time.

30. juuli 2010, 11:26:20
Teema: Re: down for everyone or just me ?
Hrqls: Very useful

17. juuni 2010, 13:11:41
Teema: Re: brainking is slow !!!
MadMonkey toimetatud (17. juuni 2010, 13:12:46)
rod03801 & Artful Dodger : If you used Mozilla's PRISM you wont get faster, as it runs websites as applications rather than inside a browser

You can get it as a Firefox Add-on or a stand alone application

26. märts 2010, 00:45:47
Teema: Re:
(V): I guess scary is the wrong word, BUT there are some very weird and puzzling things happening......

26. märts 2010, 00:07:07
Teema: Re:
(V): I know you do not like it, BUT there is some scary stuff going on in that 'Old Town Hall' in Prague.

They are at different location in Prague for the next 4 nights...

The Most Haunted Live team will start their investigation of Prague at the historic and beautiful Old Town Hall. Sanctioned by King John of Luxembourg in the early 14th Century, the Old Town Hall, in Old Town Square became the epicentre of Prague and Bohemia.

It certainly looks a lovely and interesting place to visit....but don't think i will go out after dark there after watching this

I am watching the live web-cams on the site

25. märts 2010, 21:48:51
Teema: Re:
(V): They just said they are going to use a Chess Board tonight, not a OUIJA board lol

25. märts 2010, 21:39:10
Teema: Re:
(V): I bet they contact Fencer

25. märts 2010, 21:26:20
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey: Here you are Most Haunted LIVE

25. märts 2010, 21:02:30
I know this is not really about BrainKing, BUT it is to do with Fencer

Fencer, have you heard anything about one of our TV shows coming live from Prague tonight ?

Most Haunted is in Prague tonight going to all your haunted places apparently to try and contact the dead

Surely it will be on your TV as well as ours live.....

25. märts 2010, 01:35:10
Teema: Re:
beach: hmmm that is a worry

12. veebruar 2010, 17:34:50
Teema: Re:
Artful Dodger: I have given 2 Boards the name . now (as in 'dot') lol and set the read & write access level to Kings only.
So Fencer & Liquid can go have fun if they wish, but i will need to approve there posts

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