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 Thoughts and Prayers

A sacred place for remembrance, prayer, support, love, affirming eachother, honor and praise.

For people from this site, but also for people in your life all around this globe; whom you would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
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29. juuli 2006, 13:06:02
Foxy Lady 
Teema: Re:
Groucho: It takes time to heal your probably still swollen inside.

29. juuli 2006, 11:36:41
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: Re:
Groucho: Awwwwwwwww, keeop ya chin up darling, and try not to fret. Jess was at drama school for 5 years, and had numerous disctinctions with the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, that has all gone now, as the poor lamb speaks as though she has a peg on her nose, another 2 years of this :o(

29. juuli 2006, 02:34:00
Papa Zoom 
Ok, I'm back to feeling miserable.  And now trouble sleeping.  What's up?  The first few days I'm doing well and I feel yuckky all over.  lol, now when I'm feeling a bi tmore energy, I'm totally stuffed and now can't sleep.  hehehe Doc gave me a few pills to help with that though. 

The mind is a strange thing.  Two different days, same problems, one day it's not a bother and the next day I can't sleep and am all anxious.

On a bright note, my music teacher friend told me that I'd probably be a better singer as my facial cavities will be totatlly clear and my resonation will improve.  heheheh  I'll record a song and post it and you all can vote.  ;)

27. juuli 2006, 02:16:12
Teema: Re:

Groucho: Does the packing dissolve?? Or do you go back in for them to remove??

I used to get lots of sinus infections also when I was younger.. found out also I only have one sinus cavity..

26. juuli 2006, 23:43:14
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re:
WatfordFC:  That must be rough.  I've fought the chronic stuff for over a year and it is frustrating.  But I didn't have it that bad.  My anitibiotics did help with the symptoms.  I feel for her!

26. juuli 2006, 23:19:14
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: Re:
Groucho: Yes she gets, on average 2-3 infections a month, none of the sprays or tablets help her anymore, so she just has to ride with it.

26. juuli 2006, 18:01:26
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re:
WatfordFC:   I've heard that a procedure like that is so helpful.  I've been reading about sinus surgery and didn't know until yesterday that most kids can't have the surgery because they are still growing etc.  That must be tough dealing with the constant infections.  That was my problem as the draining stopped for me due to other factors.  I have packing in my sinus's now so I can only breathe out the nose, but it will heal in about a week.  Depending on the serverity of the problem, full recovery can take up to sixty days.  Tell Jessica to hang in there! 

26. juuli 2006, 15:11:51
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: Re: Foxy Lady and Srinity
Foxy Lady:

26. juuli 2006, 12:39:56
Foxy Lady 
Teema: Re: Foxy Lady and Srinity
WatfordFC: I'll keep your Dad in my daily prayers.I'm sure your full of all kinds of emotions right now,but you know were all here for you.

26. juuli 2006, 09:25:56
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: Re:
Adaptable Ali toimetatud (26. juuli 2006, 09:26:22)
Groucho: Jessica has had secondary nasal infections since she was 5. She has had her adenoids removed, and the small inner tube burnt, but still nothing. Because of her age (13) they cant operate now until she is 15, because her facial bones and nose are still forming. At 15 they will be breaking the cartliage (sp) in both nostrils and also the bridge of her nose, to widen it. What happens, when she has a common cold, the mucous does not release itself , thus it collects and gets infected.

26. juuli 2006, 09:23:51
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: Foxy Lady and Srinity
Thank you very much. His small op that he had on Monday is clear. Those results will now go to his surgeon who will be operating on his aorta. We are just hoping that he gets a date pretty quick, we all want it over and done with now.

26. juuli 2006, 08:42:22
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re:
boop2004: ;) thanks.

26. juuli 2006, 07:41:21
Teema: Re:
Groucho: Sinus infections hurt, really badly. Good that you have completed the surgery. I think now that you will get progressively better. Good health to you.!

26. juuli 2006, 06:16:06
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re:
srnity:  Thanks.  I haven't felt well in over a year and it's all due to these constant sinus infections.  I've been researching the procedure and it's very promising.  It's not 100% but about 90% success at some level (most very good results).  Thanks for the words!

26. juuli 2006, 05:29:38
Teema: Re:
Groucho: Take it really easy, get better & stay that way - Thinking of you

26. juuli 2006, 05:26:30
Teema: Re:
WatfordFC: What a week you are having...Came to let you know that you and your mum are in my prayers today & now that I'm reading all this, your dad too...Only good thoughts & great times, past, present and future...Take Good Care of You too

26. juuli 2006, 00:43:16
Foxy Lady 
Teema: Re:
WatfordFC: I just read about your Dad he's in my prayers.

25. juuli 2006, 15:24:56
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: Re:

25. juuli 2006, 12:57:16
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re:
WatfordFC:  Will keep your dad in my prayers.  

25. juuli 2006, 08:28:20
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: Re:
Groucho: I am glad everything went well for you. The same with my dad too, his prostate is clear, which means they can now operate on his aorta.

25. juuli 2006, 06:40:01
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re:
Dolittle:  Thanks.  Drugs make me a bit dizzy (more than normal  ;)  and sick to my stomach now. Not sure why as I felt better earlier.  Not liking that.  But my right side is totally open.  I can breath!  Left side swollen shut.  The right may do that too but it's all temporary.  Medicine is amzazing, what they can do.  They go up the nose with a little camera and a light and a scraper.  yuck.  No pain, no gain I guess.  ;)

25. juuli 2006, 05:21:40
Teema: Re:
Groucho: Glad you feel like being up and around. Pray you heal fast and have many days, months, years of feeling chipper!!

25. juuli 2006, 03:20:41
Teema: Re: Having surgery on Monday
Groucho: that hydrocodone works wonders.. they recently had me on that for that cough I had when everything else had kicked in.

25. juuli 2006, 02:47:17
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re:
WatfordFC:  My thoughts and prayers are with you too.  

25. juuli 2006, 02:46:40
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re: Having surgery on Monday
volant:  Thanks.  Am home now.  Surgery went very well.  Was a bit rough coming out of the anesthesia but so far I'm doing well.  The pain drug works well so that's a God send.  This will help my overall health so much. I've been sick for well over a year.  I've heard nothing but good about this procedure.

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers.  My wife says I look like I got run over by a mac truck but I don't feel that way at all.  I suppose the Hydrocodone and APAP has something to do with that. 

Blessings to all.

24. juuli 2006, 19:53:33
Adaptable Ali 
Dad is now at home, and is fine, took no pain relief and his endoscopy was clear. So now waiting for the call to go back in to have his major op.

24. juuli 2006, 19:17:02
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: Re: Having surgery on Monday
volant: Thank you very much. My dad went in at 3pm today, still waiting to here from the hospital.

24. juuli 2006, 19:16:26
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: .I believe that kindness and patience are t
toddioprod: Absolutely, i couldnt agree with you more. It is such a shame that not all people think that way though.

24. juuli 2006, 17:40:13
Teema: Re: Having surgery on Monday
Chimera toimetatud (24. juuli 2006, 17:41:54)
Groucho: May you feel a thousand times better soon.
WatfordFC wishing all the best for your dad and keeping him and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

23. juuli 2006, 17:32:01
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: Re: Having surgery on Monday
Dolittle: Thank you

23. juuli 2006, 14:59:09
Teema: Re: Having surgery on Monday
Groucho:Take care Mr.Groucho and know that things will be better once you are healed!
You will be in my thoughts and prayers as will Watford's Dad! You guys get well and stay that way!!

23. juuli 2006, 13:04:31
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: Re: Having surgery on Monday
Groucho: My daughter has had 4 operations on her nose now, has she has a differential in width in each nostril

23. juuli 2006, 13:03:20
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: Re: Having surgery on Monday
Groucho: My dad goes into hospital tomorrow too, having an endoscopy before having major surgery on 2 anurisms that are in his aorta. Take care Groucho,. i am sure all will go well

23. juuli 2006, 06:47:44
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re: Having surgery on Monday
ScarletRose:  Thanks.  A bit nervious but have heard only good things from people who have had the surgery.  And my ENT (ear nose throat) specialist is one of the best around.  She knows her stuff.  ;)

23. juuli 2006, 05:22:15
Teema: Re: Having surgery on Monday
Groucho: Best of luck to ya Groucho on your surgery.. will be thinking of ya and hope you have a speedy recovery

23. juuli 2006, 02:58:19
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Having surgery on Monday
    Not major, just day surgery and about two hours of recovery then home.  Sinus problems for years and a huge battle with it for 18 months.  ;)  Full recovery takes about a week.  Mostly that's just cuz ya feel pretty yucky.  A speedy recovery would be nice  ;)

16. juuli 2006, 09:10:59
Beren the 32nd 
Teema: Peace in Israel and Lebanon
Let's pray for peace.

16. juuli 2006, 06:59:33
Teema: Re: My dear Mum

15. juuli 2006, 23:49:14
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: Re: My dear Mum

15. juuli 2006, 21:22:22
Teema: Re: My dear Mum
WatfordFC: Please know how much I feel for you, as my "mum" is also gone Have faith that one day your two souls will be together again, in heaven or wherever we go from here, as there is nothing stronger than love & love is for all eternity. I am sure that wherever your mum is, she is forever thinking of you too.....My thoughts and prayers are with you

15. juuli 2006, 15:31:10
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: Re: My dear Mum
Radiant Aunt: Your kind words mean alot, thank you

15. juuli 2006, 09:52:18
Radiant2008 :-) 
Teema: Re: My dear Mum
Awww(((WatfordFC))))): God bless you and keep you and let His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The LORD let His countenance upon you and give you peace.

Take care especcially today!!

15. juuli 2006, 08:06:15
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: My dear Mum
In memory of my dear mum who died 12 years ago today. We love you and miss you so much not a day goes past that your are not in our thoughts.

I love you mum

8. juuli 2006, 13:30:54
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: Re:
Foxy Lady: Yes it is, brought a tear to my eye when i read it.

8. juuli 2006, 11:09:53
Radiant2008 :-) 
Teema: Re:
Nirvana: Bless you for posting this Nirvana - my thoughts go out to the family members and loved ones of all the victims and wounded people.. Their lives will never be the same! May they rest in peace - amen

7. juuli 2006, 09:53:32
July 7th one year on

Remembering what happened a year ago today.

7. juuli 2006, 06:08:40
Foxy Lady 
Teema: Re:
WatfordFC: That is so awesume.

6. juuli 2006, 08:57:15
Adaptable Ali 

A man's daughter had asked the local minister

to come and pray with her father.
When the minister arrived,

he found the man lying in bed with his head

propped up on two pillows.

An empty chair sat beside his bed.
The minister assumed that the old fellow

had been informed of his visit.
"I guess you were expecting me, he said.

'No, who are you?" said the father.
The minister told him his name and then remarked,

"I saw the empty chair and I figured you knew

I was going to show up."

"Oh yeah, the chair," said the bedridden man.
"Would you mind closing the door?"
Puzzled, the minister shut the door.
"I have never told anyone this,

not even my daughter," said the man.

"But all of my life I have never

known how to pray.

At church I used to hear the pastor talk about prayer, but it went right over my head."

I abandoned any attempt at prayer,"

the old man continued, "

until one day four years ago, my best friend said to me, "Johnny, prayer is just a simple matter

of having a conversation with Jesus.

Here is what I suggest.

"Sit down in a chair;

place an empty chair in front of you,
and in faith see Jesus on the chair.

It's not spooky because he promised,

'I will be with you always'.
"Then just speak to him in the same way

you're doing with me right now."

"So, I tried it and I've liked it so much

that I do it a couple of hours every day.

I'm careful though. If my daughter saw me talking

to an empty chair, she'd either have a nervous breakdown or send me off to the funny farm."

The minister was deeply moved by the story and encouraged the old man to continue on the journey.
Then he prayed with him, anointed him with oil,

and returned to the church.

Two nights later the daughter called

to tell the minister that her daddy

had died that afternoon.
Did he die in peace?" he asked.

Yes, when I left the house about two o'clock,

he called me over to his bedside,

told me he loved me and kissed me on the cheek.
When I got back from the store an hour later,

I found him .

But there was something strange about his death. Apparently, just before Daddy died,

he leaned over and rested his head on the chair

beside the bed. What do you make of that?"

The minister wiped a tear from his eye and said,

"I wish we could all go like that."

Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive.

I asked God for water, He gave me an ocean.*
I asked God for a flower, He gave me a garden.*
I asked God for a friend, He gave me all of YOU...
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.

4. juuli 2006, 16:50:24
Teema: Re: Which board would I use
Fwiffo: now how would u upset other readers :) and hi barb :)
thanx to everyone else for answering :)

4. juuli 2006, 10:19:02
Teema: Re: Which board would I use
wolfie5: I could give you the answer in private, don't want to upset the other readers of this board :)

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