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Team Tournaments

September 2024 - Dice Chess 10x10 3 - Starts 27th Sept

October 2024 - Battleboats Plus 5 - Starts 11th Oct

October 2024 - Dice Poker 6 - Starts 25th Oct

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18. detsember 2004, 21:01:53
Teema: Re: People who sign up and don't play
The principle of it is in some tourey games that are say slated for 2 days per move and some should have started 2 weeks ago but there are games still not started yet. Or the tourneys that started in the summer that are held up and cant go on to the next round cuz one person is still on auto vac with 650 games to play. It litterally ceases tourneys from continuing on to the next round.

16. november 2004, 21:00:25
Teema: Re: quick players
The concept and idea were good but there are people in there who are by no means quick players!

16. november 2004, 18:30:51
Teema: Re: arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhh
Not the same guy from Quick players club? No way cant be the same one or he wouldnt be in quick players club ;-)

22. oktoober 2004, 20:11:16
Quick players club is a joke now. When super slow players are in, knowing full well it is for fast players only and when confronted on it keep playing more games meant for fast players yet take a week or more to move!

20. september 2004, 13:54:32
Teema: 2 players needed
Polygonal Alien killers are looking for 2 strong 8x8 reversi players to join the team for the upcoming 8x8 team tourney.. Any one interested please contact Ripley at PAK

16. september 2004, 23:55:42
Teema: Re: Prize Backgammon Tourney
pssssssssst knock knock... Lemme in!!!

16. september 2004, 23:06:38
Rose toimetatud (16. september 2004, 23:07:36)
Any one not already on a froggy team interested in joining a team? Mercenaries needs a 6th player for the upcoming team tourney! contact Goonerg directly OR go to the Mercenaries team and ask to join up!!!

3. september 2004, 02:41:01
Teema: froglet
Is it too soon to ask for a froglet team tourney? :-)

30. august 2004, 22:45:02
Kind of confusing if it is a stand a lone gammon tourney why put all other games in with it?

30. august 2004, 21:01:58
Quick question about that tourney listed there Universal. You folks are giving a 6 month prize to EVERY SINGLE winner of every game u have listed? You have 51 game types listed. so you are giving 51, 6 month Knight memberships away? That is $809 Canadian dollars. Did you mean to include every single game in that tourney u have listed?

18. juuli 2004, 18:46:33
No added bonus to have your friends join up to the site if that is what you were meaning Derek. No discounts either on signing up more then one person. If that isnt what you mean rephrase it an we will try to help explain anything you want to know about that site.

19. aprill 2004, 20:32:54
Teema: Two days left
Only two days left to sign up for The beginner tourney Under 1600 rating on all games

8. aprill 2004, 00:01:05
Teema: Beginners tourney
Beginners Tourney All games
To start April 21
No one over 1600 can enter!

18. märts 2004, 22:19:40
You are not the only one Walter who is not happy about what he has done. It causes concern for many of us. The newest version of BK which Fencer is working on will prevent these types of things from happening ever again as he is implementing code in to the new version so that tourneys set cannot be changed with out an administrators ok first. The members and pawns who are now suffering from this guys deception must be quite upset. I would be too had I entered in to his contest. I had suspicions about it before it started and they were confirmed. His excuse that too many people were whining about how legitamate it was caused him to delete it. If he wanted to prove he was legitamate he would have kept it up. Going through this board I see every post he made has been removed by him I would suspect.
Suffice it to say any tourney he is to set up again will be moderated fully and all players made aware to ensure this doesnt happen again

16. märts 2004, 18:12:54
bwild you should change your name to "The last dig"

16. märts 2004, 17:59:11
Teema: Re:
LJ NO IDEA why you refer to someone as my HUBBY as My husband does not play here AND FYI To anyone I never DID JOIN YOUR TOURNEY AND NEVER WANTED TO. it isnt ME you are deleting its other innocents.
If you even understood the question put to you, you wouldnt have said I was trying to cause trouble. PUT in your tourneys that it is for certain ppl only. DONT let people think it is an open tourney when it clearly isnt. IT is a tourney put on by you for a select group only. Perhaps your reasoning is you dont want certain ppl to win and get the membership. Be more specific on your tourneys but by removing innocent ppl you are only making your self look worse then you already do the a vast majority of the site now.

16. märts 2004, 16:05:40
Longjohn It has been asked many times. Why are you taking certain players out of the tourney? Do you have your favs or dont want high rated players or what? You've taken out lots of ppl with no explanation as to why you are doing this.

16. märts 2004, 00:03:26
Hmmmm Must be a pick an chose tourney. Only wants a certain select few. If that IS the case he shoulda just sent out special invites to the ones he wants in it!

15. märts 2004, 21:27:25
Hi Jason, I think his point is he keeps entering himself an his dad in to it but LJ keeps removing him from it. He just wants to know why

14. märts 2004, 21:06:53
Teema: Re: $1000 1st Prize, $500 2nd prize, Gothic Chess
The problem with this is if people use the donation page and send fencer $5 (US or Euro wasnt specified?) Fencer only gets two of it. Was this discussed first with Fencer Gothic? Kind of a waste of folks money if fencer only gets 2 outta the 5. This is why Harley an Linda are taking money directly for Lindas tourney then forwarding it all to fencer so then he only loses a few bucks outta all of it! not for every donation

10. märts 2004, 03:05:46
Problem being with the paypal link is people are sending in money an if they dont tell Linda or harley their email address no one has two clues who sent in money so ppl have to say ok im joe@home.ca that sent you 5 bucks..
if you send your money by snail mail dont forget to include your BK name so ppl will know who it is from.

9. märts 2004, 15:24:31
They could also let you guys know what their BK name is in the comments box while paying to make sure you know just who it is who has paid, can't they Linda?

7. märts 2004, 21:34:44
We cant all afford it LJ that why there are other ways for those who cant afford such large prizes to donate to the site.. BTW "duh" was a pretty rude reply when a valid question was asked

7. märts 2004, 21:25:40

LJ what I dont get is you have March 30 as your last day to sign up, You wont start with out 200 folks yet you know Linda has been trying to get only 100 to sign up for over a month and shes not quite there. How do you propose you will get 200 to sign up with in just 3 weeks? Or was that part of the plan to make it look great when it's not really going to happen? Why not take the 200 part off?

5. jaanuar 2004, 22:28:52
Here's a Q... Just say a player has 1800 an joins your tourney which it will accept cuz your rating is over 1700. Then u start to lose horribly and go below 1700 just before the start of the tourney. Does the programming know to not allow you to play once it starts setting up the games? If someone has already asked this Im sorry I musta missed it!

11. detsember 2003, 16:29:03
You're right. Message fencer on that one, seems a glitch to not have the button to activate the next round.

11. detsember 2003, 16:23:23
When you click the link with in the message that tells you all sections are completed, see if there is a second round to start. there will be a button to click if there is.. if there isnt then the tourney is over. Depends on how many entered the tourney,,, Want me to take a look at it for you to verify?

4. detsember 2003, 13:45:58
Whispers since I do not know anything about you did not even mention your name why you would YOU single yourself out like that? Guilty conscience?

3. detsember 2003, 22:33:56
How about we keep all our negative thoughts about a certain someone to ourselves?Not trying to dictate or anything but its been nice an peaceful here the past week or two and I know most of us wanna keep it that way, not saying we dont all have negative thoughts about a certain someone but let us all rise to the adults we are and keep the negativity to ourselves.

25. november 2003, 19:51:45
Teema: Re:
IF not more right harl? lol

25. november 2003, 19:48:13
Teema: Re:
Zug i dont play the game much, dont care about the dice and I gotta tell you if you honestly believe paying members get better dice well then you are , er , ah... sadly mistaken for a nicer way of putting it

25. november 2003, 16:33:04
Teema: Re:
Of course members pay to have the dice roll in their favour! just one added bonus to being a member! (Where do people come up with this stuff???) LMAO!

23. november 2003, 22:36:27
Teema: Re: Are you Ready???
Eriisa did you just create this tourney today? Last day for sign ups is.. um today...

18. juuli 2003, 21:10:31
In order for Fencer to get a new server which will enable us to play uninterrupted we are holding a money drive.

We arent asking for alot but if everyone on this site donated just one dollar we could help Fencer get the new server which is needed.

Read more about it on the Brainking board.


8. mai 2003, 14:15:08
Teema: Tourney For Patty
Good luck to everyone who joined Pattymelts Tourney!

3. mai 2003, 23:10:11
Teema: Keep Your Spirits Up PepperMintPatty
Big thanks to all who have signed up to play in Patty's tourney!
Just need a few more sign ups for some games in order to get the minimum of 4 per to start...

Thanks again all. Patty will be pleased!!!

30. aprill 2003, 21:26:23
Teema: Re:
I am now running Patty club Dmitri.. let me look into it

30. aprill 2003, 17:23:43
Teema: New Tourney
The game site has a very sick friend. Patty(PattyMelt, PepperMintPatty) who a lot of you have played many games with is serioiusly ill and may not be back to the site to play with us anymore. So a lot of her friends wanted to have a Tournament set up in her name! So come on every one! Let's all Play For PATTY!

10. aprill 2003, 14:15:03
Teema: Re: Congrats Poor Me!
so you won a brain membership? Lol giving it away?

12. veebruar 2003, 00:59:51
Teema: Re:
you are right Dream an OPEN tourney is just that. Non paying players can enter provided they are not already in a tourney of that type and must wait until that tourney is completely finished before entering another of that type

11. veebruar 2003, 22:40:31
Teema: Re: Results
on your game sheet where it says game with so an so of tourney so an so.. just click on the tourney name.. it takes u to the standings

4. veebruar 2003, 17:14:20
Teema: Re:
Fencer do you want me to get Eddie who is on a PC to do a traceroute for brainking? would it help if he did that?

4. veebruar 2003, 17:08:45
Teema: Re:
I will ask Molly if she wants you to start it. Likely she does

4. veebruar 2003, 14:53:29
Teema: Re: Start-ups
Manicotti would love to have started that tourney FEB1 however she hasnt been able to access this site at all since Jan 28!! Neither has her co partner in the tourney Eddie Spaghetti.
They are more frusterated then we are.. One is on a PC other is on WebTv Wish I knew how to get them access back in here!!!
They arent the only paying members who cant gain access back in to the site either....

30. jaanuar 2003, 18:31:09
Teema: Re:
Imacarrot either you have too many games going and dont hve the room for the tourney or you are already in a tourney of the same game type. Upgrade and join in all the tournies you want with no limits!!

22. jaanuar 2003, 02:20:33
Teema: Re: THREE times
lmao! so I named it a good name then eddie? seeing as it took me three tries!!! hahahaha

22. jaanuar 2003, 02:14:58
Teema: THREE times
I apologize to anyone who tried to enter my first tourney for 10X10 reversi.. i mucked it up.. But I think I have it right now... please if you tried to sign up.. could you sign up again !! Thank you!!!!

20. jaanuar 2003, 23:19:50
Teema: Stingeroni Classic Backgammon Tournament
Just wanted to send a high-five and congrats to Stingeroni for starting the First offical tourney here at BK!! man this sites rocks!

19. jaanuar 2003, 22:42:56
Teema: I'm confused
Fencer or anyone else who knows this.. Is it correct to say that you can never join any new tournaments until the ones you are in are completed? I tried to enter eddies... it said:
You cannot join this tournament because you are already playing First official BrainKing.com tournament (Reversi 6x6). Your Brain Knight membership level allows you to play only one tournament per game type. You can sign up for another tournament after the previous one is finished.

will it always be set up like this?

7. jaanuar 2003, 21:26:03
Teema: Good luck every one
Good luck to all in the tournies.. Fencer I just had a look at the page for standings and to keep track of games. I love the lay out!!! Well done for your first tourney!!!

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