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Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE


Team Tournaments

September 2024 - Dice Chess 10x10 3 - Starts 27th Sept

October 2024 - Battleboats Plus 5 - Starts 11th Oct

October 2024 - Dice Poker 6 - Starts 25th Oct

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25. november 2007, 17:23:37
Like Frog Finder?

Find the frogs

Starts Dec 1 or before.

19. november 2007, 22:08:56
Teema: Re: Last Call for Rook Prize Tourney
WellyWales: LOL I thought it was an issue on my end. I even closed up my browser and reopened it thinking I had a glitch! LOL

19. juuli 2007, 20:35:15
Tigger very good idea to bring up to Fencer. No prize tourney should show up in the listing UNTIL payment is made. That is a really good idea.

Eriisa I recall that incident from way back when also. I think Tiggers idea would help in that area too!

19. juuli 2007, 19:58:44
Teema: Re: Prize Tournament
Tigger Its not been paid for yet and is slated to start soon isn't it? Mute point if the money doesn't get to fencer anyway, it wont start!

19. juuli 2007, 19:45:08
Teema: Re: Prize Tournament
Tigger: I just read the tourney. It states 1 year rook to anyone who joins.... Or am I misreading?

16. juuni 2007, 19:25:51
Teema: Re: Congratulations
MadMonkey: thanks.. Unreal.. I dont even like that game

5. aprill 2007, 14:26:16
Teema: Re: congrats !
Jopie: Congratulations Mizz Venus!!!

2. aprill 2007, 16:02:24
Teema: Re:
Dolittle: They were all paid members after the tourney started

25. oktoober 2006, 16:36:09
Teema: Re:
"Have Fun": My suggestion is to take this to private conversation please. This doesnt belong on the public boards. imsoaddicted was saying to delete her post here as she is aware this type of discussion doesnt belong in public


6. oktoober 2006, 13:36:38
Teema: Re:
lukec: What is the prize for that tourney?

30. august 2006, 21:47:09
Teema: Re:
crosseyed: Public boards are not for speaking negatively about people, which you did more than once. Please feel free to say anything you want in your own FS. When you start talking negatively, calling people control freaks then you are asked to take it else where and your post will be deleted. Stick to the topic of have your post removed. I have explained that well enough I think so that any more will result in removal or having your post hidden or banned.
Yes to your question. I can moderate all boards.

30. august 2006, 20:20:06
Crosseyed your post was removed. Please play nice or don't post. You have been asked to keep it nice. No more warnings.

9. august 2006, 18:16:14
Teema: Re:
Walter Montego: I took the liberty of fixing the long line of text. Should fit on all screens now.

2. august 2006, 02:23:32
Teema: Re:
Pedro Martínez: With any luck at all the tournament creator will take a look at his own tournament and figure it out? We can hope!

24. juuli 2006, 14:03:33
Teema: Re:
Evásek: HAHA! Thank you!

22. juuli 2006, 13:46:21
Teema: Re:
Evásek: Your tourney is all in Czech. Does that mean you rather only Czech players? Don't want to sign up without asking first!

29. juuni 2006, 21:51:21
Teema: Re:
grenv: Fencer always get 30%

25. juuni 2006, 19:27:46
Teema: Re: Just don't know ?
Rose toimetatud (25. juuni 2006, 19:28:09)
Uninvited: I'd say you can either ask the person who created the tourney if they mind you joining, Or Join up and if they don't want you in they may remove you or send you anote. I've joined many tournies that I couldn't understand the tourney guidelines. I assumed if I wasn't wanted in I would be removed but that has never happened.</i>

4. juuni 2006, 15:54:15
Teema: Re: tournaments and the tournament tip

4. juuni 2006, 15:04:14
Teema: Re: tournaments and the tournament tip
tiv noi: I removed the tourament tips because all that was ever coming up were her tournies as well. I hope they are all deleted. Are there still over a years worth that she set up?

10. mai 2006, 17:40:11
Teema: Re: Question on tourney fees
SafariGal: I think if the tourney organizer got the remaining brains you would see such an influx of brain prize tournies that there would be too many and not many folks would join up to them. As it is now there are many tournies 20 or 30 days over do from starting because not enough folks have signed up, some brain prize tournies as well.

26. märts 2006, 23:15:39
Teema: Re: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!
Marfitalu: Ooops! Pardon Moi!

26. märts 2006, 22:52:08
Teema: Re: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!
Eriisa: Ya! it would be something like the one in France - La Bigmac! Weighed in grams not ounces!

26. märts 2006, 22:11:25
Teema: Re: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!
Rose toimetatud (26. märts 2006, 22:13:45)
baddessi: Well....
considering it was YOUR bday tourney an all that I spose second place fiddle gets a prize.. sighhhhhh

So I'm seinding you Big Mac in da mail. Expect it to arrive April 6th... Hope it isnt too soggy!

26. märts 2006, 22:04:54
Teema: Re: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!
baddessi: Aww now youre trying to make me feel bad for winning your bday tourney!

hmmm. Nope! not working!
I won, I won!!!

26. märts 2006, 21:59:30
Teema: Re: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!
baddessi: The WHOLE day???

26. märts 2006, 21:43:53
Teema: Re: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!
baddessi: Thanks you magoo! so...

What do I win? LOL huh huh huh?

13. märts 2006, 01:24:14

5. märts 2006, 15:43:28
One more hour to join my birthday brain prize (dark boat) Tourney!!

4. märts 2006, 17:01:33
Teema: One more day..
Just one more day to sign up for the
Brain boat tourney!

3. märts 2006, 20:43:55
Teema: Only two more days!

50 Brains to join and hundreds to win!!
Come one, come all!

2. märts 2006, 23:54:06
Only a few days left to join Roses Battle boat brain tourney
50 brains to join and tons to win. Come on chances of winning are good cuz there arent many in!

5. veebruar 2006, 17:49:28
Teema: Brain Prize Dark Boat Tourney
Entry fee is only 50 brains so join up here!
First prize is 50% of the take!

22. oktoober 2005, 16:44:49
Teema: Pahtum
Purple World is currently seeking Pahtum players for the upcoming team tourney. You don't have to be good at it but just want to have fun and enjoy the new game! Come on!! Join us!

22. september 2005, 02:34:53
Teema: Re:
Pedro Martínez: oopsy.. sorry Pedro, Maybe I should say there has only been on to my knowledge! ooopsy

22. september 2005, 00:11:21
Teema: Re:
GEMINI J: There has only been ONE cash prize offered up since the site began ( ppl donated 5 bucks to enter that tourney as well) there are however lots of tournies that give 6 month or year memberships.. check out the tourney section to see for your self! there is always one going on.

27. august 2005, 14:49:14
Teema: Re:
ClayNashvilleTn: What I have done is ask all players in the team either in a message or in the FS who really wants to play and are there some who dont mind stepping down to higher rated players. It is only fair to ask them all. Most folks want to play for the fun of it not the high ratings and they should be allowed to stay in if they want to be in it. I have had my feelings hurt by being 'dumped' off a tourney for a higher rated player only because no one approached me about it first. If someone has said hey do you mind stepping aside to let so an so who is 400 pts higher than you then I would have gladly said sure if it gives the team a better chance.

24. august 2005, 00:27:22
Teema: Re: September 26th, 2002 - 20:50:55
BIG BAD WOLF: So sorry to hear you have gas dude. Hope that clears up soon!

23. august 2005, 16:59:42
Teema: Re:
ClayNashvilleTn: its a team tourney.. for each team.. the members of your FS are the ones you pick to play in the tourney.. Ask folks to join the gammon team, then once you have 8 u can sign up for the tourney match..

23. august 2005, 14:24:40
Teema: Re:
Fencer: hahaha Shows how S-L-O-W I am! Way To go Mary Jo!!

23. august 2005, 14:13:01
WOw it is finally over! I was watching the progress on it for a while after Linda left but have to admit I forgot about it a while ago. Looks like Mary Jo is the all round winner!!!!

12. august 2005, 18:20:59
Teema: For boat lovers
One week left to sign up for more battleboats, dark and plus!!

30. mai 2005, 23:23:39
Teema: Re:
Bry: I dont think asking for a tournament to be explained as being off topic. The tournament runner is refusing to clarify the terms of his tourney.. Not fair.

11. mai 2005, 19:29:38
Way to go Paupau!!!

11. aprill 2005, 21:04:21
Teema: Re: Days per move
Origami: When you click on the tourney details it does tell you how many days per move in each tourney. That way you know if it's going to be 3 days per move of more and you can decide if you want a slower tourney or faster one!

11. aprill 2005, 13:49:38
Go to the tournaments page, check the name of the tourney you signed up for an check the date it is supposed to start.

21. märts 2005, 18:04:55
Teema: Ladiez Only!
Ladies only Ponds to start March 28th


30. detsember 2004, 23:06:54
Woohooo!!! Thanks B. I made it in! I was too late earlier today! You are a doll for giving up your seat!
If I win how about you send me an Aussie T and I will send you a Canadian one!

30. detsember 2004, 14:37:51
Teema: Re: Re:
OldDear: At least we have the proof before you delete your post that you are finally admitting you are LJ...

Niki- Sticks an stones. If people like that need to put down everyone to try to make themselves feel that much better then let him call me what he wants.

*OFF topic wont reply anymore!

30. detsember 2004, 14:34:29
Teema: Re:
Jason: Make one himself then delete it Jason? no thanks.. and keep it to himself? impossible, he doesnt know how

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