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21. oktoober 2012, 21:39:17
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re: That's not to say it can't happen.
(V): [ At the moment you and Art are saying you want access to their children, under a law you want. Are you a liberal? ]

Okay (V), ya got me... I am really a liberal posing as a conservative and saying what I think a conservative would say. I managed to fool everyone else, but not you. What tipped you off?

21. oktoober 2012, 20:16:01
Teema: Re:
Artful Dodger: If the life of the female carrying the baby is ruined through your law...

I don't see you or lemon really answering that. The baby seems to have more rights than the mother to be in your scenario.

If it was a incest rape, the baby was (via scans) shown to be massively deformed... you'd still insist she carries it to term?

This is real life.. not some fairy tale, where everyone lives happily ever after.

" There are thousands of loving homes waiting for a child should the woman not want to raise the child herself."

Guaranteed? No prospects of divorce?? ... some Hollywood star gonna decide they'll adopt yet another baby like AJ likes to do because she can pay off the parents to have what she wants!!

21. oktoober 2012, 19:56:48
Papa Zoom 
Well the sad alternative is that the unborn baby must die. The seems unjust to me. We have a responsibility to the most vulnerable among us.

21. oktoober 2012, 17:08:33
Mrs Moon 
Why don't all you men just put us Women in a factory.

Men would love that. I feel sick.

21. oktoober 2012, 17:05:48
Mrs Moon 
Teema: Re:That fact is weighed against a woman carrying to term a child she does not want
Artful Dodger: 9 long months of being reminded that the woman was raped, What about the women? hmm

Women can Not be forced to have a baby if they were raped, that is messed up and It would mess up the woman's head. My God!! Each day being reminded that the woman was brutally RAPED.

What about the women?

Oh we are just baby makers to you men??


21. oktoober 2012, 14:42:31
Teema: Re:Well you know I like Bill. I've seen that clip many times and it doesn't shock or even surprise me he acted this way.
Artful Dodger: Nor me... We have programs full of bloopers, and even on news programs early in the morning things.. slip out. One American doing an early morning slot with his mate to advertise their play said a word that he did not know was a swear word in the UK... ... "It's a swear word?"

21. oktoober 2012, 14:39:34
Teema: Re: That's not to say it can't happen.
Iamon lyme: Exactly.

"In our country it has not been conservatives who work to run end plays around parents and attempt to gain access to their children. The people who are doing this is the same group of people who attempt to gain access to other peoples money.
In our country, we call them liberals."

At the moment you and Art are saying you want access to their children, under a law you want.

Are you a liberal?

21. oktoober 2012, 02:12:26
Papa Zoom 
Teema: CBS? Well it's about time.

21. oktoober 2012, 01:57:32
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re: innocent of any wrong doing, is killed.
(V): The crime happened in the real world. There was no rape. No rape, no baby. No baby, no abortion. And no one will be able to run an end play around the mother to make the girl do anything, one way or the other.

That's not to say it can't happen. In some places adults not related to a child are legally able to influence and make decisions for that child without a parents knowledge or permission. This means an adult outside the family (not related to the child) could legally have a right traditionally reserved only for the parents, and at the same time not be held responsible for the child or anything the child does. At the same time, and in spite of parental rights slowly eroding away, a parent nevertheless continues to be held fully responsible for their child.

In our country it has not been conservatives who work to run end plays around parents and attempt to gain access to their children. The people who are doing this is the same group of people who attempt to gain access to other peoples money.
In our country, we call them liberals.

21. oktoober 2012, 01:37:23
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re:
Papa Zoom toimetatud (21. oktoober 2012, 01:38:10)
(V): Well you know I like Bill. I've seen that clip many times and it doesn't shock or even surprise me he acted this way. Live shows are a tense business and taping a show with retakes etc cnd wear as well. But this clip, with the added back and forth dialogue is hysterical. I think even Bill himself would love this one.

21. oktoober 2012, 01:33:03
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re: innocent of any wrong doing, is killed.
Papa Zoom toimetatud (21. oktoober 2012, 01:35:20)
(V): Of course she's a human being. That's what makes scenarios like this one so difficult. But so are situations difficult that involve separating parents from children, which happens in societies. Even children in difficult home situations have a strong bond toward the parents. The larger question has to do with what is right vrs what is clearly wrong. It's clearly wrong to kill an innocent human being. The most vulnerable deserve our protection. That fact is weighed against a woman carrying to term a child she does not want. The greater good is served by allowing the innocent unborn child to live to birth and beyond. There are thousands of loving homes waiting for a child should the woman not want to raise the child herself. We can't escape the fact that we have obligations and responsibilities to each other that sometimes require sacrifice of self interests (parents do this all the time!) for the good of the other.

21. oktoober 2012, 01:26:44
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re: Cow Ard
Iamon lyme: Yes I've seen that in action in the current administration.

21. oktoober 2012, 00:50:41
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re: innocent of any wrong doing, is killed.
(V): Don't you mean to her parent's face? She is 12 years old.

20. oktoober 2012, 22:32:24
Teema: Re:
Artful Dodger: A classic from his pre factor days!!

20. oktoober 2012, 22:29:27
Teema: Re: innocent of any wrong doing, is killed.
Artful Dodger: ... And the girl is not innocent or a human being?

Sometimes there is no 'good' answer.

Would you sign the order to make the girl have the baby against her will?

.. not from an office, but to her face.

20. oktoober 2012, 22:02:58
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re: BTW
Artful Dodger: I don't know about that, but Cow Ard is a term that aptly describes one of our political parties... the party that fears Islamic terrorism but is fearless in the face of critics who cluster bomb them with words... ouch, that really hurts us Mr Republican, why can't you be nice to us?

20. oktoober 2012, 21:25:15
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re: BTW
Iamon lyme: If Obama loses, America wins. If Obama wins, conservatives just wait it out and in a few years, when America has been ruined, we can say, "We told you so."

But the ONE can't lose in their eyes I think. They are blinded by MR COOL. Even as he turns the country into a cow turd.

Cow Turd is a political term I think.

20. oktoober 2012, 21:12:41
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re: BTW
Artful Dodger: [ Obama is done. He will lose big in Monday night's debate. ]

Whoa, not so fast... let's not get ahead of ourselves! Obama still has time to pull an October surprise.

For example, he could demand to see Romney's birth certificate. Romney should be ready to show that if he has any hope of holding the highest office in this land... and by "this land" I'm refering only to the US. (Sorry UK and Canada, this is our election, not yours) The presidency is a position of enormous power and responsibility, and can't be taken lightly by any Republican hoping to occupy that position. We can't allow some egghead to simply shmooze his way past the people in charge of making sure this election is on the up and up... we can't just let any smooth talking joker talk his way into power without anything to back up his story... can we?

20. oktoober 2012, 17:55:11
Papa Zoom 
And on a lighter note and for a HUGE laugh, there's this:

There is foul language toward the end. So listener beware.

20. oktoober 2012, 17:44:51
Papa Zoom 
Teema: and
He's going to lose the election BIG.

20. oktoober 2012, 17:44:29
Papa Zoom 
Teema: BTW
Obama is done. He will lose big in Monday night's debate.

20. oktoober 2012, 17:43:58
Papa Zoom 
Teema: How is this justified?
Obamanesia – Obama Live Birth Abortion Induced Labor Abortions 2008
by Dgraphics2009

It is well known by Pro-Lifers but not by the general public. The MSM has done everything to keep it that way. We must help get the fact out that Barack Obama strenuously defended the indefensible at least three times.

The procedure is frequently called “Live birth abortion” but it is not really an abortion at all: The goal is simply to prematurely deliver a baby who dies during the birth process or soon afterward.”


20. oktoober 2012, 17:21:07
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re:No one, including myself wants a 12 year old girl to be forced to have a baby of their rapist. That's not the pro-life position.
(V): And the consequence of abortion is a human being, innocent of any wrong doing, is killed.

20. oktoober 2012, 12:28:48
Teema: Re:No one, including myself wants a 12 year old girl to be forced to have a baby of their rapist. That's not the pro-life position.
Artful Dodger: No it isn't the pro life position, but it is a consequence of the pro life position being law. Just like when you state that God created everything.. you have to include those nasty bugs such as Ebola.

"Well she can't exactly turn around and kill the real badguy: the rapist."

Actually I think with the clarification now done in the UK.. ok, our laws on defending yourself... she could, at the time of the crime being committed. I think our UK laws would even allow for her to kill him after, later on in life if she saw him.. she might face manslaughter, but more likely to be given care via a section under the mental health act.

" But the innocent unborn child can be killed. We just think there's something wrong with that picture."

I think we all think that, but it's not a black and white position. Bit like the decision I was taught at school was behind the use of the Atomic bombs on Japan.

.. "Millions will die defending Japan if we 'land'.. 10's of 1000's of American troops will die taking Japan.

.... we have a bomb that just might break them, but it'll kill 10's of 1000's in the process and slowly kill many 1000's more"

>>>>> What's nice about either option?

20. oktoober 2012, 06:00:13
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re:
Iamon lyme: True.

20. oktoober 2012, 03:50:20
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re:
Artful Dodger: [ ...the pro abortion lobby would still find excuses to kill the unborn. ]

The pro abortion lobby originally insisted it would only be used in cases of rape and incest. Some people didn't believe that and said it would open the door to abortion on demand. Those people were branded by the left as being right wing extremists.

This is how liberals get what they want and continue to get what they want. They lie to get what they want, and then open the door to something worse when they get it. They are doing it now. Just ask yourself, what are the Obama care critics saying, and what are liberals saying about the critics? History is repeating itself.

20. oktoober 2012, 01:27:31
Papa Zoom 
If the pro life position were to change and allowed for rape and incest (some do) the pro abortion lobby would still find excuses to kill the unborn.

20. oktoober 2012, 01:24:47
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re: A death row inmate gets the chance to appeal.
(V): much more than the unborn will get

20. oktoober 2012, 01:23:45
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re:
(V): Well she can't exactly turn around and kill the real badguy: the rapist. That would be a crime. But the innocent unborn child can be killed. We just think there's something wrong with that picture.

20. oktoober 2012, 01:22:00
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re:
Iamon lyme: It's such a cheap shot comment. No one, including myself wants a 12 year old girl to be forced to have a baby of their rapist. That's not the pro-life position. The Pro Life position is all about the unborn and protecting their right to life. That is a noble position.

20. oktoober 2012, 01:13:26
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re: Thank God for guns
The Col: Not funny.

19. oktoober 2012, 23:38:57
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re: It's not my place to be throwing cold water on anyone's rape fantasies
The Col: [ As Obama said to Romney "continue" ]

Oh no, does this mean my poll numbers will drop like Romney's? LoL

oh no, I'm doomed!

19. oktoober 2012, 22:40:21
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re:
(V): "Show me in the rules where I'm not allowed to include a reply from anyone else on the same topic."

I shouldn't have to quote myself and say that again. But I will, and I did... and you will avoid it again.

19. oktoober 2012, 22:37:50
The Col 
Teema: Re: It's not my place to be throwing cold water on anyone's rape fantasies
Iamon lyme: As Obama said to Romney "continue"

19. oktoober 2012, 22:32:20
Iamon lyme 
In your world you feel sorry for the poor struggling abortionist who can barely make ends meet because fewer women are being raped.

19. oktoober 2012, 22:23:37
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re: It's not my place to be throwing cold water on anyone's rape fantasies
The Col: You clearly read into the story something that wasn't there.

19. oktoober 2012, 22:20:24
Teema: Re: It's not my place to be throwing cold water on anyone's rape fantasies,
Iamon lyme: Are you now saying someone here fantasies about rape, as a even greater avoidance strategy.

.. mmmmm ..

19. oktoober 2012, 22:20:11
The Col 
Teema: Re: It's not my place to be throwing cold water on anyone's rape fantasies
Iamon lyme: You think you're funny don't you.You clearly have a higher opinion of this intruders intentions than I do.

19. oktoober 2012, 22:17:19
Iamon lyme 
It's not my place to be throwing cold water on anyone's rape fantasies, but the topic had to do with someone defending herself. There was no rape or mention of rape, so speculating over what the straw men of my world would do is meaningless.

19. oktoober 2012, 22:08:50
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re:
Iamon lyme: I meant to say "Your world", not "You're world". At the last second I decided to moderate myself and edited the post before sending, or it would have (not might have) been moderated for me.

19. oktoober 2012, 22:07:18
Teema: Re:You're world is inhabited by straw men
Mort toimetatud (19. oktoober 2012, 22:07:50)
Iamon lyme: uh uh.. your world. N' I know Your playing avoidance games.

Best we can expect from you, leading by example is no longer a great Christian tradition I guess!!

19. oktoober 2012, 22:03:23
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re:
(V): [ .. in your world you'd make her have it. ]

You're world is inhabited by straw men who say whatever you want them to say.

19. oktoober 2012, 22:01:45
Teema: Re:" you must keep his baby"
The Col: A death row inmate gets the chance to appeal.

19. oktoober 2012, 22:00:30
Teema: Re:
Iamon lyme: For once it'd be nice if you lived to what you expect and give an honest answer to a question.

I'll take it as "It's a catch 22 question for my ideology" .. I'm damned by women if I say I'd force the girl to have a baby.. I'm damned if I say I'd let her abort.

.. that's why the decision is not in your hands, or should be in the states hand, or in the churches' hand.

19. oktoober 2012, 21:52:50
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re:
(V): [ Dude.. your reply was for the Col... ]

No Dude, it wasn't.. I replied to AD. The reply included The Co's obvious concern over whether a 12 year old girl might have been raped or not. He chose to reply in his usual respectful manner and is simply demonstrating his profound respect for all women... of all ages. Show me in the rules where I'm not allowed to include a reply from anyone else on the same topic.

But since the girl was NOT raped, and there was no mention of that possibility in the story, then there really is no reason to speculate about it or to be throwing cold water on anyones speculation about an abortion that could have happened later. We must respect The Co as well, because he is entitled to his opinion whether anyone agrees with it or not.

19. oktoober 2012, 21:48:19
The Col 
Teema: Re:
The Col toimetatud (19. oktoober 2012, 21:50:16)
(V): Yes, they would fight tooth and nail for her to keep the rapists baby, it kinda blows your mind actually. Literally it goes from "shoot that SOB " to
" you must keep his baby"

19. oktoober 2012, 21:25:24
Teema: Re:
Iamon lyme: Dude.. your reply was for the Col...

Hypothetically, if the girl was raped and became pregnant.. stated she did not want it, her parents backed her in her decision...

.. in your world you'd make her have it.

19. oktoober 2012, 21:15:16
Iamon lyme 
Teema: Re:
Artful Dodger: No one died that day, and no one else will die later because no one was raped. But maybe the guy who broke into her home respects women, and made it a point to bring a condom just in case the opportunity presented itself. Oh well, I guess we will never know what could have happended...

19. oktoober 2012, 21:10:26
Andrew Mitchell has quit as government chief whip after weeks of pressure over an argument with police officers in Downing Street. The Tory MP has admitted swearing at officers in the incident but again denied calling police "plebs".

He told David Cameron - who has stood by him - that "damaging publicity" meant he could no longer do his job. Commons leader Sir George Young will be the new chief whip, Downing Street said.

Mr Mitchell's resignation is a victory for the Police Federation and Labour who have led calls for him to go. But it spells the end of a 25 year political career for the Sutton Coldfield MP, who was promoted from international development secretary to chief whip in September's cabinet reshuffle.

BBC Political Editor Nick Robinson said Mr Mitchell told the prime minister about his decision in person, at Mr Cameron's country residence Chequers.

The prime minister has accepted his resignation.

19. oktoober 2012, 20:58:10
The Col 
Teema: Re: Thank God for guns
Artful Dodger: Yeah, it's lucky that 12 year old had a gun, cuz if that guy got in and raped her, many would want her to keep the rapists baby

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