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Tsensor: Hrqls , coan.net , rod03801 

Board for everybody who is interested in BrainKing itself, its structure, features and future.

If you experience connection or speed problems with BrainKing, please visit Host Tracker and check "BrainKing.com" accessibility from various sites around the world. It may answer whether an issue is caused by BrainKing itself or your local network (or ISP provider).

World Of Chess And Variants (videos from BrainKing): YouTube
Chess blog: LookIntoChess.com

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18. juuni 2008, 01:22:02
Teema: Re:
Snoopy: Ya i don't get why its so fast.. maybe its the lack of add ons. FF has sooo many scripts, add ons etc.. Maybe thats why its sooo darn laggy lately.
All I know is safari is simple, basic, not pretty but WOW she's fast!

17. juuni 2008, 23:00:24
Teema: Re:
Rose: I know that Mad Monkey is a firefox fan, and I wonder what he would think of Safari....my god it is unbelievably fast...I cant get over it....Firefox is certainly dead here for good...tried it and dint like it and went back to IE, but it is Safari now for me..........

17. juuni 2008, 22:54:41
Teema: Re:
Bernice: Unreal how fast the site is using safari. Pretty weird since being told that this is a firefox preferred site. I don't get it. Using any version of firefox just took ages to get through one single turn.. Ive been down to 40 games for months due to not being able to play many games .... unreal

17. juuni 2008, 22:44:37
my god..........what a difference Safari...thanks Rose......have just whizzed thru everything..........WOW...I recommend that

17. juuni 2008, 21:16:37
Teema: Re:
Bernice: Ya it was to the point that I was ready to stop playing due to the slow speed. Today is the first day in weeks that i can literally zip thru my turns. Unbelievable. I think the last firefox update was when everything started to lag for me.. I even got the latest beta 5 and still slow as molasses in January. This safari has actually made a huge improvement in playing.

17. juuni 2008, 20:07:15
Teema: Re:
Rose: thanks Rose....might have to do that....it is beyond a joke isn't it.

17. juuni 2008, 14:12:52
Bernice try safari.. I installed it today after getting the latest firefox beta 5 which was slower than my old firefox. I can actually play my games in a reasonable time now. Can't hurt to try it. Go to apple.com and download it.

17. juuni 2008, 13:05:47
Teema: Re:
Bernice: what if there is no solution to speed up your connection ?

17. juuni 2008, 12:20:34
speed lasted about 10 minutes....back to the "all day wait" bit....I wish someone would admit to problems and stop trying to fob people off with fancy talk of "yew bewt" servers etc....that are going to improve the USA connection....crap...there is a problem and it is all over.......admit to it, and lets get on with it.................
I'm ( along with a lot of others) are sick of the excuses and blame.

FGS fix it and lets all play on.

17. juuni 2008, 00:52:17
but will admit to about 5 secs at the moment

17. juuni 2008, 00:25:40
dare I say it.............4 minutes 22 secs to load......with the message
"waiting for "http://brainking.com/en/Board?bc=1"

16. juuni 2008, 17:07:32
Teema: Re:
Nope.. I noticed the speed issue on this site right after Fencer admitted to downloading Firefox a week or more ago..

amazing how much faster my pages load once I updated to the trial
version. Others noticed a change in speed at the same time. Not
sure if Firefox is the one really at fault. It may not be compatible
with other browsers.. Would that be the first time a program didn't
want to run with another similar one.. No.. Aim (AOL Messenger) had
issues with both Yahoo and MSN. Even virus programs don't mix with
other virus programs. And I am sure if I dug around I could find more

16. juuni 2008, 16:55:06
Teema: Re:
ScarletRose:  If your machine gets faster every time you install a new browser, could the degradation in speed be an issue with your cache settings?

16. juuni 2008, 16:46:14
I upgraded to the trial version of the new firefox last night.. and it got very fast again.. So it seems that there is Some Biasness towards IE and perhaps other browsers when using Firefox.. I will also warn since it happened to me. Make sure you restart your puter afterwards. If you still prefer using IE for other sites make sure to keep IE as your default browser.. Firefox tries to be number one there.. last night I couldn't use IE to play on Pogo. This morning it has been corrected but, that is due to my puter restarting.

16. juuni 2008, 11:44:00
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: Re:
Snoopy:Firefox Trial programme, that is what it says here

16. juuni 2008, 11:31:57
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: Re:
Doris:It was happening alot to me too, but thn i added the firefox trial and havent had a problem since, the only problem i have now, is Dice poker, where in some cases, it is only allowing me to roll once and not tiwce.

16. juuni 2008, 11:21:03
Teema: Re:
Adaptable Ali: Yes Ali, It happens too often.

15. juuni 2008, 23:23:52
Adaptable Ali 
Super Dooper fast for me since i added the firefox trial programme

15. juuni 2008, 22:03:04
Teema: Re: Hqrls
alanback: you are right i should not have replied to it .. i am a weak human sometimes as well :)

i wont go into this subject any further on this board .. if anyone wants to discuss/chat/..anything.. about it .. please tell me where and i will be there

lets have fun and enjoy our time on here

15. juuni 2008, 02:40:22
Teema: Re:
"GERRY":  Can't speak for anyone else, but I'm just playin' around!

15. juuni 2008, 00:26:12
Ah KIDS lets have peace not WAR::)))

14. juuni 2008, 23:23:34
Teema: Re: Hqrls
alanback: another case of "do as I say, not as I do" LOL
happens a lot on this site :)

14. juuni 2008, 23:20:32
Teema: Re: Hqrls
Hrqls: Hm ... if her answer was not suitable for this board, why was yours? ;-)

14. juuni 2008, 23:19:21
Teema: Re: Hqrls
Hrqls: i have broadband...this site is slow.

With regards the post below......surely you could have seen I was being facetious.

either delete the posts or leave them, I dont care, but dont fill my PM with rubbish.

14. juuni 2008, 23:14:21
Teema: Re: Hqrls
Bernice: why answer me on here and not in a pm ?
i asked you in a pm because i was waondering why you asked your question : was it because you wanted to let the people know you were having troubles with your connection ? (thats not what you wrote) or was it because you thought (or hoped) that the message about the slow speed would be deleted (which it wasnt and wont) ..

i asked it to you in a pm because that wasnt a subject for this board (as it was about you and not about brainking)

do you have a slow connection yourself ?

i rarely do .. but most of the times dont .. dont know what is causing me to have a fast connection though

maybe a poll should be held asking people wether their connection is fast or slow ?

but please post your comments on the subject you want them to be about and aimed on something else

when you want to answer on that part .. you know how you can send me a pm

14. juuni 2008, 20:27:06
Roberto Silva 
Teema: Re: just thought i would post a positive comment
ScarletRose: I was being sarcastic

14. juuni 2008, 19:09:21
Teema: Re: just thought i would post a positive comment
Roberto Silva: Ummm maybe not BK's fault.. but, one could guess the upgrades could have some hidden bugs..

I upgraded to Mozilla several months ago since that is Fencers preferred.. and obvious outcome has been recorded.. I can still go back to IE and it is sluggish.. but, as of last week it is no fun to play my turns.. the pages slug to load and if I am lucky I won't be taken to a time out page.. That was almost right after Fencers admittance to upgrades of Mozilla.. and if he didn't upgrade Moz.. maybe he altered some nips for the recent frills of his site..

14. juuni 2008, 15:58:57
Teema: Re: just thought i would post a positive comment
Roberto Silva: well like i said works fine for me

14. juuni 2008, 15:56:03
Roberto Silva 
Teema: Re: just thought i would post a positive comment
Jason: Well that settles it then. If it works fine for one person, then it's definitely not Brainking's fault...

14. juuni 2008, 15:24:38
Teema: just thought i would post a positive comment
works fine for me at home and at work , ;)

14. juuni 2008, 15:03:26
Teema: Hqrls
Please stop PM me and asking stupid questions as to why I post my questions or comments....

I would have thought it was obvious....Im one of the dissatisfied customers who cant get the GREAT service that the Dutch, Czech etc get.....wake up to yourself and listen to the birds chirping.....us birdies arent happy....our money is running dry....who is going to lose....not the minions...we can play 20 games without fear...who needs to pay for a site that cant deliver on its promises....not the majority it seems :)

Have a nice day :)

14. juuni 2008, 14:58:26
Teema: Re:
Adaptable Ali: regularly

14. juuni 2008, 10:07:11
Adaptable Ali 
I have quite a few Triple Dice Poker games, going at the moment, and the last couple of turns i have taken it has only allowed me to take one roll. Has this happened to anybody else?

13. juuni 2008, 14:17:32
Teema: Re:
ScarletRose: There are no bugs, there is nothing to fix, if it is slow it is our fault not the site or where the site is. Havent you been reading any of the messages? Its all in our minds that it is soo slow and laggy for us and that we cant get pages to load. Has nothing what so ever to do with the website or that every other site we go to works fine. NOOO it's our fault and our fault alone. Please read the past messages to learn that.  

13. juuni 2008, 10:13:02
Teema: Re:
ScarletRose: OOPS....are you allowed to say that?

I wish I could but I'm afraid to be asked to leave again before my membership runs out HAHAHAHAHA

13. juuni 2008, 05:51:10
When are the bugs or whatever going to be worked out again?? This is ridiculous.. I even have gotten used to Firefox.. but, anymore it is so sluggish here.. 

12. juuni 2008, 00:08:58
Teema: Re: Blank Pages
Interesting, I decided to "View Source" on the "DoBoardPost" page...here is what I got:
[body bgcolor="#ffffff"]

Note...I formated it to make it more readable and I replaced "<>" with "[]"" with "[]"

12. juuni 2008, 00:05:06
Teema: Re: Blank Pages
coan.net: Yes, there is another computer I can use (at work). It gives the same problem...

Other pages that redirect work fine. I'm at a loss. I would say it's the firewall at work, but the other brainking pages load fine.

11. juuni 2008, 17:02:32
Teema: Re: Blank Pages
coan.net: I find nothing better fun than

"giving the browner the re-direct"

11. juuni 2008, 16:42:19
Teema: Re: Blank Pages
Summertop: If there is another computer at your work, can you try that?

Why I say that is that it will narrow down if the problem is with your network (problem with all computers at work), or just your computer (if it works with other computers at work)

Other then that - I'm not sure. Sounds like it does what you want (like a post), but when the page then gives the browner the re-direct to another page - it stops there. My obvious question would be if there was any thing new loaded on the PC.

11. juuni 2008, 16:37:19
Teema: Blank Pages
Well, more on the Blank Pages (DoLogin, DoMove, DoBoardPost)....
When I tried this at home, there was no issue. At work there still is...

I don't think the firewall is the culprit because all the other pages work fine. Even the Doxxxx pages work mostly, just don't redirect.

Host-tracker.com showed no problems.

I haven't seen this issue with any other web site.

Any other suggestions?

10. juuni 2008, 22:29:20
After the Speed & Site access problems a while back, i joined host-tracker.com , which was the site Fencer mentioned in his blog HERE

The last few days i have been having problem now, so when i can not access BrainKing, but can everywhere else, i ho there and run the test

I done these about 30 minutes ago:

Site Working

Site NOT Working

The site just came back when the 'Site NOT Working' one was running as you can see
Glad we are not imagining it

10. juuni 2008, 19:18:41
Teema: Re:
Summertop:  That seems to imply a problem with the server side scripting.

10. juuni 2008, 19:00:30
Well, sure enough...the DoBoardPost page died...but the post made it.

10. juuni 2008, 18:59:38
Well...WHEN a page loads, it loads fairly quick. But I've noticed LOTS of times when it just seems to stop with a blank (white) page.
Every page that starts with "Do" stops on me...

I've tried FireFox, IE, Safari, Opera...it seems to not be a browser problem. If I refresh, nothing. If I manually go to the Main page, my action completed (made a move, logged in, etc).

I sure hope this posts gets saved, as I bet it uses a DoSomething page.

FYI...This started yesterday for me. Later I will try this from a different network. Currently I am at work and my firewall might be blocking it (who knows why).

8. juuni 2008, 23:16:41
Teema: Re:
nodnarbo: I had the same problems earlier but now it is literally flying. Considering how much info loads on each page, the speed is rather impressive.

8. juuni 2008, 23:00:56
Teema: Re:
Bernice: USA too, I've had too many times in the last 24 hours or so where I just get a white screen for too long, so I've been giving up.

The site's been flying lately, this is pretty disappointing

8. juuni 2008, 22:49:43
well we have Canada, England, Australia, and where Alanback is....so it is our fault....LOL...there arent any czech ones complaining, so it cant be world wide ROFLMBO

8. juuni 2008, 22:18:56
Well at least it's not just ME experiencing this.. It is so laggy and slow to load anything for a few days, well since the latest update  I would think.
But you all know we will be told to stop griping about it, that is it our fault not the sites.

8. juuni 2008, 21:41:41
Teema: Re:
Snoopy:  As a paid subscriber I'm not going to hide my complaints

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