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19. oktoober 2009, 05:07:01
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re: Irony
rabbitoid:  Oh yeah.  I forgot about that! 

18. oktoober 2009, 23:02:33
Teema: Re: Irony
Artful Dodger: Al Gore invented global warming, not the internet.

18. oktoober 2009, 21:54:33
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re: Irony
MadMonkey:  I wonder if he worked with Al Gore when Al invented the internet? 

18. oktoober 2009, 21:18:43
Teema: Irony
An interesting article i though i would share, and seeing as it relates to the web and therefore brainking i will put it here.

Remember back when Fencer said that no longer did we have to type www.brainking.com, and we could leave the www. off.

Well, Fencer started a trend, and even the man (Tim Berners-Lee) who is credited with inventing the WWW (World Wide Web) last week at a symposium on the future of technology, was asked if he had any regrets, or would he do anything differently?

Answer: He would get rid of the double slash “//” after the “http:” in Web addresses

So, there you go, even something that we all now take for granted, could have been improved
(Today’s browsers, of course, automatically fill in the “http://” preamble when a user types a Web address.)

17. oktoober 2009, 22:11:49
Teema: Re: Byes
Fencer: I also thought i'd get more varied opposition in these games. Nothing against Sir Toby but i really would have liked to play against someone else also :)

I really think that if tourney is not sorted by BKR it should be random.. Not sorted by something unknown.

And as a followup, if it was sorted by BKR, would the hightest rated play the lowest in the first round? And if there is byes the highest ranked players get them?

17. oktoober 2009, 19:35:01
Teema: Re: Byes
pauloaguia toimetatud (17. oktoober 2009, 19:41:10)
Fencer: That's weird. I choose not sorted by BKR precisely because I wanted to give everybody a chance to get some byes in a few tournaments.
It doesn't seem at all that obvious to me that by unchecking an option to sort the players, I get precisely the opposite effect... at least, sorting by BKR would have made it a little more varied than it is now...

I think this should either be changed or a better explanation be placed by that option...

Also, since no game has been finished yet, and no BKR changes have yet occurred, would it be to much to ask if the games were all deleted and the tournament reseeded (or restarted with a sorte by BKR option, at least)?

17. oktoober 2009, 18:15:59
Teema: Re: Byes
furbster: I would rather play, and am surprised this has not cropped up before

17. oktoober 2009, 18:08:29
Teema: Re: Byes
MadMonkey: lucky you, i have 130 games against the same player :-/

17. oktoober 2009, 17:50:36
Teema: Re: Byes
pauloaguia: hmmmm i got Mr Bye lol

17. oktoober 2009, 17:33:28
joshi tm 
Teema: Re: Byes
rabbitoid: This tournament is not sorted by the BKR, that wouldnt be fair with the unbalanced games. I think for the whole tournament just 1 seeding is done. That shouldn't be.

17. oktoober 2009, 16:56:16
Teema: Re: Byes
rabbitoid toimetatud (17. oktoober 2009, 16:56:54)
Fencer: BKR should be right for the soup, you don't expect the same BKR order for different games. Just add a touch of random to add salt.

17. oktoober 2009, 16:38:14
Teema: Re: Byes
pauloaguia: Hmmm, alphabetical sorting? Or sorted by user ID instead of BKR.

17. oktoober 2009, 15:55:40
Teema: Byes
In Single elimination tournaments using byes, what's the criteria to select who get's a bye? In Aventura IX the same people aren't playing a single game and all the pairings are the same (I play every game against the same palyer - over 100 games between the 2 of us)


15. oktoober 2009, 02:46:30
Teema: Re: Elimination tournament for Brains
R.A.D.Y.: This really isn't the board for tournament announcements. Please keep those to the Tournaments Discussion board. Thanks!

15. oktoober 2009, 02:13:31
Teema: Elimination tournament for Brains
Elimination tournament for Brains!

* Hrajeme o velký balík v pavoukovi #2

Only these games:
- Backgammon
- Hyper backgammon
- Ludo

Play all!

15. oktoober 2009, 02:01:20
Teema: Tournament for Brains
Tournament for Brains!

* Hrajeme o velký balík #2

Only these games:
- Backgammon
- Hyper backgammon
- Ludo

Play all!

14. oktoober 2009, 16:25:05
Teema: Re: Most active users
Doris: i think it all changed when achievements where added
i guess Fencer hasnt updated that page

14. oktoober 2009, 16:22:16
Roberto Silva 
Teema: Re: Most active users
Doris: Maybe they were not pawns at the time, so their records appeared there and remained

14. oktoober 2009, 15:55:12
Teema: Most active users
Why are pawns listed in the most active users?
"The most active users
This list displays the players who made the most moves yesterday (13. October 2009). Only the users with Brain Knight or higher membership level can appear here. "

11. oktoober 2009, 20:38:19
Teema: Re:
Snoopy: At least the BKR is keeping it's sanity.

11. oktoober 2009, 20:28:45
Teema: Re:
rabbitoid: i sat and watched him log in to one account resign then log into the other to create them
must be one really bored person

11. oktoober 2009, 20:17:08
Teema: Re:
rabbitoid toimetatud (11. oktoober 2009, 20:17:31)
Snoopy: Fencer: add an achievement point for the most pointless cheat?

11. oktoober 2009, 20:02:16
Teema: Re:
Snoopy toimetatud (11. oktoober 2009, 20:03:15)
Hrqls: i think he referring to the chess on this page


11. oktoober 2009, 19:49:52
Teema: Re:
Fra Martino: where ?

11. oktoober 2009, 19:12:31
Fra Martino 
I unearth cheating in the statistics…

10. oktoober 2009, 14:33:34

10. oktoober 2009, 07:46:01
Teema: Re:
Snoopy: Looks like it doesn't hurt to reboot the machines at least once a year.

10. oktoober 2009, 04:43:04
Teema: Re:
Fencer: yeah< I agree with Snoopy..working better than ever! Well done!

10. oktoober 2009, 00:30:08
Teema: Re:
Fencer: well im really impressed havnt seen it this fast for couple of years
hope it stays this way

9. oktoober 2009, 18:28:15
Pedro Martínez 
Teema: Re:
1926: Remove this whiner.

9. oktoober 2009, 18:26:45
Teema: Re:
Snoopy: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! my opponent takes all of nine days to make a move, but timed out this time, and was saved by the bell! aaaaaaarghhhhhh!

9. oktoober 2009, 15:57:51
Teema: Re:
rabbitoid: I think I can activate it tomorrow, after everyone has a chance to play their games.

9. oktoober 2009, 15:41:32
The speed seems fine, today. How long will the no-timeout period last?

8. oktoober 2009, 21:37:33
same here :(

8. oktoober 2009, 20:18:13
This site is really messed up today Oh well hope you get it going soon Fencer:))

8. oktoober 2009, 20:06:18
Teema: Re: Huge slow issues
Fencer: poker tables are screwed up too.

8. oktoober 2009, 19:18:02
Teema: Re:
1926: they normally off for 24 hours

8. oktoober 2009, 19:14:44
please, please, please, restart timeouts

8. oktoober 2009, 18:48:30
Teema: Re: Huge slow issues
Bwild toimetatud (8. oktoober 2009, 18:49:06)
Fencer: especially those black rooks
but hey...take your time.

8. oktoober 2009, 16:17:57
Teema: Re: Huge slow issues
furbster: Anyway, I've just stopped timeouts, just in case. I know how people can be sensitive to such issues.

8. oktoober 2009, 16:16:01
Teema: Re: Huge slow issues
Fencer: Cool, not to much of a problem, i'm up to date with my games :o)

8. oktoober 2009, 16:13:38
Teema: Re: Huge slow issues
furbster: Looks like the servers need a little tuning or whatever. We'll look at it soon.

8. oktoober 2009, 16:08:17
Teema: Re: Huge slow issues
Czuch: Yes ultimate slowness here, have only just been able to get on, the pages were taking so long to load, i was getting website not responding for ages.

8. oktoober 2009, 16:05:50
Teema: Huge slow issues
Anyone else observing slowness with this website right now? The rest of my browsing seems fine, just here the pages are slow to load,...is Fencer up to something today????

8. oktoober 2009, 14:20:08
Teema: HTTP ERROR :500
I'mgetting this when I click on my Message Box also when I tried to report it as a Bug : Any suggestions please?



Caused by:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/brainking/server/beans/CategoryBean
at com.brainking.server.dao.mysql.MySQLMessageDAO.getFolderList(MySQLMessageDAO.java:1852)
at com.brainking.server.dao.mysql.MySQLWrapperDAO.messageBoxWrapper(MySQLWrapperDAO.java:1886)
at com.brainking.server.actions.html.MessageBoxAction.execute(MessageBoxAction.java:62)
at ControllerServlet.processRequest(ControllerServlet.java:746)
at ControllerServlet.doGet(ControllerServlet.java:791)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:707)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820)
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(ServletHolder.java:487)
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle(ServletHandler.java:362)
at org.mortbay.jetty.security.SecurityHandler.handle(SecurityHandler.java:216)
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.SessionHandler.handle(SessionHandler.java:181)
at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandler.handle(ContextHandler.java:726)
at org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.handle(WebAppContext.java:405)
at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.ContextHandlerCollection.handle(ContextHandlerCollection.java:196)
at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerCollection.handle(HandlerCollection.java:114)
at org.mortbay.jetty.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(HandlerWrapper.java:152)
at org.mortbay.jetty.Server.handle(Server.java:324)
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handleRequest(HttpConnection.java:505)
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection$RequestHandler.headerComplete(HttpConnection.java:828)
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseNext(HttpParser.java:514)
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpParser.parseAvailable(HttpParser.java:211)
at org.mortbay.jetty.HttpConnection.handle(HttpConnection.java:380)
at org.mortbay.io.nio.SelectChannelEndPoint.run(SelectChannelEndPoint.java:395)
at org.mortbay.thread.QueuedThreadPool$PoolThread.run(QueuedThreadPool.java:488)
Powered by Jetty://

4. oktoober 2009, 19:45:37
Teema: Re: rude behavior
1926: That just means they have put you on ignore so that you can never converse with them again. Lucky you!!

4. oktoober 2009, 19:25:48
Teema: Re: rude behavior
Hrqls: Interestingly all the old messages in that game have been deleted (including my "good luck") and the message box is now gone.

4. oktoober 2009, 16:07:43
Teema: Re: i have a question

4. oktoober 2009, 11:17:39
Teema: Re: i have a question
Snoopy: They even try to rejoin the Fellowship they have been kicked out of. Only thing to do is ban them from the Fellowship or just leave them hanging arround and ignore them. I agree with ScarletRose. The iyt ignore feature is the only good thing about iyt

4. oktoober 2009, 11:04:32
Teema: Re: i have a question
Mousetrap: the other annoying thing ive found is these ppl know they blocked but join stairs your on and start games with you knowing you delete the game and they move up a rung
ive had to leave nearly all the main stairs i was on because of it

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