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2. september 2010, 13:05:51
Teema: Re:

Just looking again, notice in both Tournament Ponds that Pedro pointed out, the FIRST play (which he neglected to mention) were nothing like each other

Again shows me they (like myself, and probably 90% of others) wait to the next round and work there next play out from the average of the previous round

2. september 2010, 12:52:28
Teema: Re:
Also, I believe I remember at some point that Fencer may have said that "team play" in Ponds was not necessarily cheating?
Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm sure I remember it at least being part of a conversation. LOL

2. september 2010, 12:06:31
Teema: Re:
rabbitoid: lol Ed Trice...now there is a name from the past

No i am not thank God..... the one i used is just pure maths as long as you get through the first round.....

2. september 2010, 11:48:50
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey: Hey, I hope you're not a reincarnation of Ed Trice, he was going on about a magic formula a couple of years ago. when challenged to prove it he didn't do so good.

And by the way, the rating system in ponds is rubbish.

2. september 2010, 10:52:37
Teema: Re:

Like i said i was told A formula by someone in the top 10 about 3 years ago and look how my Rating shot up ( GRAPH ).

OK, it has dipped mainly through time-outs and i do not play them these days very often, but if i wanted i could climb easily again.

I would say that nearly all the good players work to some sort of formula in the head when they look at the numbers......

formulas can be simple, or hard depending who devised it. I know the one i use is simple as anything

2. september 2010, 10:44:43
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey:  It does look very suspicious, but I think MadMonkey has a point. It is possible that nauars has a formula, and that tenuki simply guessed his formula and played 1 higher every time.

2. september 2010, 10:37:13
I just looked at Ratings and i know 2 people in the top 10 who use this formula (could be more of course, just ones i know) BUT neither are ones you mention. They may use a different formula

2. september 2010, 10:28:54
Teema: Re:
Pedro Martínez: All i can say on this matter, is they may well use the same formula to get through to the next round

I used to fall in Ponds (normal ones) all the time (ok, now i never play them as i do not like them) BUT i know there is a simple formula to help you do well in Ponds.

When i was told this method and i used it, i used to get through to the next round much easier, not a guaranteed win, but when i used it i was getting to the last few all the time.

2. september 2010, 09:43:44
Teema: Re:
Pedro Martínez: it has happened before in ponds (i think by some players from scandinavia ?)

i dont know if its cheating to form teams in ponds .. does it say anything about it in the pond rules ?

2. september 2010, 05:16:40
Teema: Re:
Pedro Martínez: well..thats not right,and I agree that something should be done. same thing happened on the texas hold'em tables...but nothing happened on top managements part.
they over look this little thing...then the next..it just snowballs.
frustrating when your trying hard to win fairly.

2. september 2010, 05:00:11
Teema: Re:
Pedro Martínez: of course there should be, but will there be???

2. september 2010, 04:18:37
Pedro Martínez 
Teema: Re:
Bernice: Well, of course it is possible. But whether they are or not, the evidence shows that they collude… and there should be consequences…

2. september 2010, 04:08:59
Teema: Re:
Pedro Martínez: is it possible that it is one and the same person?

2. september 2010, 03:40:25
Teema: Re:
paully: LOL!

2. september 2010, 03:32:42
Teema: Re:
Pedro Martínez: I think the chance of that happening by accident would be akin to the chance of Arthur Ashe winning this years US Open

2. september 2010, 03:12:52
Pedro Martínez 
Pedro Martínez toimetatud (2. september 2010, 03:13:42)
I would like to draw attention to two cheats, namely tenuki and nauars.

If they happen to be in the same pond, tenuki's bet is almost always higher by 1 than the one of nauars. See this:
12. 12. ve 12 na 12 dnů a 12 hod
Round 21: tenuki 1152, nauars 1151
Round 20: tenuki 1000, nauars 1000 (Igra4ka: *999)
Round 19: tenuki 939, nauars 938
Round 18: tenuki 828, nauars 827
Round 17: tenuki 728, nauars 727
Round 16: tenuki 635, nauars 634
Round 15: tenuki 526, nauars 525
Round 14: tenuki 492, nauars 491
Round 13: tenuki 428, nauars 427
Round 12: tenuki 334, nauars 334 (fishbrain: *333)
Round 11: tenuki 315, nauars 314
Round 9: tenuki 227, nauars 226
Round 8: tenuki 153, nauars 153 (purplehawke: *152)
Round 7: tenuki 153, nauars 153 (purplehawke: *152)
Round 6: tenuki 121, nauars 121 (James T. Kirk: *120)
Round 5: tenuki 122, nauars 121
Round 3: tenuki 103, nauars 102
Round 2: tenuki 97, nauars 96

5. 5. v 5 na 5 dnů a 5 hod
Round 22: tenuki 866, nauars 865
Round 21: tenuki 866, nauars 865
Round 20: tenuki 9, nauars 9 (last person had 8 pts)
Round 19: tenuki 2032, nauars 2031
Round 18: tenuki 1619, nauars 1618
Round 17: tenuki 1439, nauars 1438
Round 16: tenuki 1248, nauars 1247
Round 15: tenuki 1103, nauars 1102
Round 14: tenuki 953, nauars 952
Round 13: tenuki 793, nauars 792
Round 12: tenuki 733, nauars 732
Round 11: tenuki 628, nauars 627
Round 9: tenuki 464, nauars 463
Round 8: tenuki 397, nauars 396
Round 7: tenuki 338, nauars 337
Round 6: tenuki 265, nauars 264
Round 4: tenuki 176, nauars 175
Round 2: tenuki 106, nauars 105

etc. etc.

I want them to be banned from the site, banned from ponds or stripped of their BKRs and removed from rankings!

1. september 2010, 21:18:55
Teema: Re: Fencer
rod03801: thanks Rod ive just done that

1. september 2010, 21:03:43
Teema: Re:
rod03801: Thanks rod Fencer will have to look into it

1. september 2010, 21:01:41
Come on. This is not a chat board.

1. september 2010, 21:00:53
Teema: Re: Fencer
Snoopy: BOOT me then

1. september 2010, 20:59:58
Teema: Re: Fencer
Snoopy: Now i sighed back in we are both there again

1. september 2010, 20:58:45
Teema: Re: Fencer
Snoopy: But is back now you sighed back in

1. september 2010, 20:57:19
Teema: Re: Fencer
Snoopy: you removed your self & it was still there then i removed my self & now it is gone

1. september 2010, 20:53:23
Teema: Re: Fencer
Fencer: I justed looked & i can't now

1. september 2010, 20:51:09
Teema: Re: Fencer
Fencer: or better still at least have a delete button so i can just erase it

i always thought that ppl on ppl's blocked list could not see tournaments created by that person

1. september 2010, 20:50:33
Teema: Re: Fencer
Fencer: I can Fencer

1. september 2010, 20:40:51
Teema: Re: Fencer
Snoopy toimetatud (1. september 2010, 20:49:46)
Fencer: its not a problem i shall just delete the tournament
but it might be worth adding that button saves alot of time

1. september 2010, 20:40:30
Teema: Re: Fencer
rod03801 toimetatud (1. september 2010, 20:41:00)
Snoopy: I think one POTENTIAL problem with that might be that the brains are deducted from your account when you sign up. Then if you are kicked out, they have to be added back in. Maybe that option isn't there because this sort of situation isn't "set up".

I suppose one solution, until something like that IS an option, would be to set it up as invitation only, and have a note in the description to send you a PM if someone wants to participate?

Of course I haven't set up a brain tourney in a long time. Maybe there isn't the option to make it private?

Just some thoughts.

1. september 2010, 20:38:16
Teema: Re: Fencer
Snoopy: Yes.
But it can be improved.
Nobody ever complained about it, though.

1. september 2010, 20:31:41
Teema: Fencer
when creating a tournament with a brain entry fee
there isnt a button to remove unwanted players
is this how it is suppose to be?

1. september 2010, 14:40:45
Thanks alot Fencer for your great offer you have givin us this morning from me because i don't drink & from those that do Thanks again Filip

31. august 2010, 15:50:34
Teema: Re: Keryo TT
Snoopy: Big thanks for Brf & tenuki.

31. august 2010, 15:42:35
Teema: Re: Keryo TT
aaru: good to see you got it sorted and your team is included

31. august 2010, 15:41:48

31. august 2010, 02:07:34
Teema: Re:
rod03801: I can see now i can delete it Thank's again & Fencer

31. august 2010, 02:05:09
Teema: Re:
rod03801: Ok rod thank's fo INFO I'll check it out more to save that tournament

31. august 2010, 01:05:54
Teema: Re:
"GERRY": When you delete someone from your tournament, you also can "ban" them, so that they cannot join it again after you throw them out.

30. august 2010, 23:21:29
"GERRY" toimetatud (30. august 2010, 23:22:10)

30. august 2010, 23:17:23
There seems to be a problem in our tournament games system My Bishop Prize seems to be ok now. but my Hyper Backgammon Rook Prize tournament isn't I have removed unwanted players & they are coming back in. I have been removed from there tournament & i can not get back in to theres
I also can not cancel or delete that tournament.

So Fencer can your return the prize & delete that tournament for me please & thankyou

30. august 2010, 21:24:40
Roberto Silva 
I remember reading that knights/bishops could play one single-player tournament per game type at once, and only one team tournament at once, but I can no longer find it either.

30. august 2010, 15:56:13
"A player can join 1 tournament of each game type and until the particular tournament is finished, he cannot sign up for another one of the same game type." - its all that is written about tournaments (not even mentioned team tournaments) for bishops and knights.

i believe that pente and keryo pente are not the same game type. i used to have knight membership and as i remember i played in both pente and keryo pente tournaments then.

30. august 2010, 15:52:46
Teema: Re: Keryo TT
Fencer: Yes i remember when i bought starzone her Bishop Membership she told me she could not play in 2 at once

30. august 2010, 15:48:09
from what i remember (and i belive it can checked via my profile) i played both in team tournament (which involved multiple matches) and team match set asside of tournament, all in Pente. something changed?

30. august 2010, 15:46:11
yes, Fencer, that is true, there is nothing said about limit in playing team tournaments for bishops and knights, so we assumed, that buying a bishop will be enough for Chaosu to play in the forecoming keryo tourney.

30. august 2010, 15:38:18
Teema: Re: Keryo TT
Fencer: I cannot find information about this -> http://brainking.com/pl/PaidMembership?p=1

30. august 2010, 08:14:08
Teema: Re: Keryo TT
aaru: Chaosu is playing another team tournament and as Brain Bishop member he cannot play 2 at once.

30. august 2010, 08:09:30
Teema: Re: Keryo TT
aaru:Is a member already signed up in another side?

30. august 2010, 08:00:44
Teema: Keryo TT
I cannot sign my team ( Polish Pente Power ) for the Keryo TT. Why?

29. august 2010, 15:56:35
Teema: Re: Most active movers list
Snoopy: you answered right Snoopy, Hrqls misunderstood the question
Thanks Snoopy

29. august 2010, 15:49:39
Teema: Re: Most active movers list
Snoopy toimetatud (29. august 2010, 15:49:57)
Hrqls: depending on what side of the page he was talking about both our answers are correct..lol

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