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3. september 2010, 19:03:29
Gabriel Almeida 
Teema: Re: ponds & team play

rod03801: However, Rod, Bwild said something interesting, about "loosing on purpose...". It's another way to see the question...

I agree with snoopy too. We should listen to both sides of the story. Although, I think Martinez was not incorrect, and his observation has legitimacy.

3. september 2010, 18:24:25
Teema: Re: ponds & team play
alexlee I already said it.

Read the rules of Ponds. Where does it say it's cheating. It was even brought up at the beginning of Ponds that it would NOT be considered cheating.

Unfair? Possibly, to many people. Again, I would NOT want to play in a pond where I knew people played like that.

3. september 2010, 18:23:14
Teema: Re: ponds & team play
Gabriel Almeida: "However, BK stays much poorer without Pedro Martinez."
I agree, and feel sorry for those who have purchased lifetime memberships. it has to be discouraging,to say the least, to find out the sites owner could care less if cheating goes on,or if long time members leave because of the lack of interest provided by the owner.
when the KM members were finally exposed for being cheaters and thieves...it took a lot to get any action from the owner, and they are right back in our midst.
IF...and I say IF...bk3 ever evolves,its my understanding there will be no more fellowships.
well..imo...if theres no fellowships, and cheating is allowed...why pay to play?

3. september 2010, 18:21:24
Teema: Re: ponds & team play
User agreement >>Game Guidelines:

NO CHEATING. This includes using outside programs to help play and losing on purpose for the goal of boosting ratings. Your account may be banned, and ratings will be removed.

Why wouldn't ponds be like any other game at BK? It says "losing on purpose for the goal of boosting ratings."

3. september 2010, 18:20:04
Teema: Re: ponds & team play
Gabriel Almeida: Yes, I DO agree completely. I wouldn't personally play that way.

I guess my point is that it isn't fair to publicly crucify someone for something that isn't TECHNICALLY cheating.

3. september 2010, 18:17:28
Teema: Re: ponds & team play
Gabriel Almeida: there are always 2 sides to every story and
im waiting on hearing what the accused says on the subject

3. september 2010, 18:02:33
Gabriel Almeida 
Teema: Re: ponds & team play

rod03801: Yes, I understand... I didn't explained myself properly. I mean that it can be acceptable according to the rules, but it's morally (in my opinion) unfair and unnacceptable, because players don't play with the same chances. Is like a "horde chess game" or "Mancala game" if 1 player always play with white. A fair game, in my opinion, should give to both players the same possibilities, and the winner should be the player who have more inteligence, strategy, luck, whatever... not the one who have more "relations" Unless it is a game of "relations", as we have some in internet. That's my point.

In other words... it can be legal, but it's still unfair!

3. september 2010, 17:54:02
Teema: Re: ponds & team play
Gabriel Almeida: But it's NOT the rules. Where in the rules do you read that? And it has been stated in the past that there was not going to be restrictions on "team play".

3. september 2010, 17:18:42
Gabriel Almeida 
Teema: Re: ponds & team play
Hrqls: Rules are rules, but... this is OBVIOUSLY cheating (latu sensu), as some players as MORE CHANCES to win than others, not because of their inteligence/strategy/luck, but because of their "connections". As a game, it's absolutelly unnacceptable!

3. september 2010, 14:36:34
Gabriel Almeida 
Teema: Cheating stuffs
Gabriel Almeida toimetatud (3. september 2010, 16:47:14)
Brainking never cared about it. It's a "political business".  As brainking's owner, Fencer is free to do whatever he wants. However, BK stays much poorer without Pedro Martinez. Couldn't this be solved more peacefully, Fencer? That "Fine,..." it's a "I want you to leave", and it's not honourable for you and the site.

3. september 2010, 10:54:02
Teema: ponds & team play
the whole issue about ponds is :

is team play allowed ?

this topic has been discussed before (i think on the ponds board)
if i remember correctly the outcome was that team play was allowed, although many players didnt like it

this means that its not cheating to have someone tell you your bid for the next round .. so that he can bid 1 higher

3. september 2010, 06:15:56
Hey, the Phillies won tonight! just saying

3. september 2010, 05:50:17
Teema: Re: I will ask again???
Bernice: Once wasn't enough? If there is an answer, it will come. It has been brought up.

3. september 2010, 05:47:54
Teema: I will ask again???
How come Redfrog can be a global mod when he isnt even a paying member..

can't anybody do anything about this?

3. september 2010, 04:50:17
Teema: Re: How come Redfrog can be a global mod when he isnt even a paying member?
alilsassy: In a fellowship? Sure why not? It was theirs. There have been plenty of times though when Fencer has made adjustments for people in fellowships when this was the case. If someone bothered to ask, I'll bet something would be done.

Lets be realistic, there really are times, when things really aren't pressing or an emergency. They only get brought up when someone has a reason for doing it.

If you really want me to spend time going through all the boards that haven't had posts in months, deleting those mods, I'll be happy to do it. Didn't seem that important at the time. If it is a concern, it can certainly be done though. I suppose perhaps you are interested in helping to moderate those boards with pawn moderators? It can certainly be brought up, if so. We are always looking for "fresh ones" who want to help out.

3. september 2010, 04:48:31
Teema: Re: How come Redfrog can be a global mod when he isnt even a paying member?
alilsassy: yes as long as it is the same account

3. september 2010, 04:46:06
Teema: Re: How come Redfrog can be a global mod when he isnt even a paying member?
rod03801:Thanks for updating your board Rod, but I was only using that as an example....this is an issue over many boards, as well as a few fellowships. Just curious how long a fellowship (with no LB) stays active after the BB becomes a pawn? Can this account return to BK a year later and resume the position as if they were never gone?

3. september 2010, 04:36:05
Teema: Re: How come Redfrog can be a global mod when he isnt even a paying member?
alilsassy: Well yes, at the time, I thought she would come back as a paid member. But do you notice when the last posts were before tonight? It hasn't exactly been a pressing issue. I have removed her now, I hope that is satisfactory.

3. september 2010, 04:33:28
Teema: Re: How come Redfrog can be a global mod when he isnt even a paying member?
Bernice: I would think positions such as Moderator's would be held for paying members. If Fencer felt redfrog was suitable for the position then maybe he should donate a membership to him. lol
I see there's a lot of that going on here with pawns holding moderator positions, for example:  Members only board. Kind of ironic to see a non-member holding the power. "This discussion board is available for paying members only - anybody with the membership level Brain Bishop or higher." (no offense against this individual...I just think it's time for an update)

3. september 2010, 04:15:07
Teema: Re:
rod03801: I agree with Rod, I will also be deleting further post (without warning or notice to anyone that has been warned in the past) on any board that is inappropriate.

3. september 2010, 04:13:03
And any further silly BICKERING will be deleted as well, and will result in bans if necessary. If there is intelligent conversation that can be had on the topic, without fighting, then that is fine. This IS NOT going to be a free for all.

3. september 2010, 04:11:11
Teema: Re:
Bernice: No, enough is enough. I WILL be deleting further posts containing items that have always been considered against the rules, regardless of what Fencer posted. PERIOD.

3. september 2010, 04:09:47
Teema: Re:
Bernice toimetatud (3. september 2010, 04:11:28)
rod03801: calm down little fella...you will have a heart attack....if what you say is correct then Fencer is an idiot.....**** we can all take his example and post whatever......calm down now, take it gently wee one.

3. september 2010, 03:46:21
Teema: Re:
Bernice: Too frightened? You are commenting on something you know nothing about. Globals/Mods have ZERO ability to edit or delete Fencer's posts. I would hope you have seen me enough on this site to know that I take it all VERY seriously, and have privately stated my opinion to Fencer on how I feel about his post. I can do NO more than that, whether YOU choose to believe it or not.

3. september 2010, 01:56:57
How come Redfrog can be a global mod when he isnt even a paying member?

2. september 2010, 23:55:57
Teema: Re:KM
MadMonkey: Gone but not forgotten.

2. september 2010, 23:45:45
Teema: Re:
Marshmud toimetatud (3. september 2010, 01:07:20)
MadMonkey: Some of us spend alot of money here, unlike you begging and it does bother me....but its ok my days are done as well.

2. september 2010, 23:42:36
Teema: Re:
Marshmud: Well that is sort of what you told me, i was working it slightly different, BUT there are thousands of different methods players could use as you say. For them to be 1 point off i do not know, let them explain NOT that they should have to. Fencer did make a striking point early (jokingly or not) with his "Yes, I am a loser and I cannot stand anyone else being successful" point of view. It does seem there is a lot of that going on here lately. Maybe i should do that every Spider Line4 game i lose

Exactly as you say, there is no need for a player as good as him to cheat. So why would he ??? He is a life member anyway, not as if he needs membership.

Have all these people accusing him bothered to ask him ? of course not, its much more fun, and stirs up more crap, and upset more people to plaster it on the Discussion boards. That is what i call stooping low !!

Guilty without and trial or any proof.

Fencer is not interested, and the only reason i am is i hate players ganging up on others from my own experience, and times like when we had the KM here etc... It seems something has to happen every few years here, as i said, VERY sad

2. september 2010, 23:26:57
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey: That formula you speak of, or the 150% increase per move....150 bid after a bid of 100 has many variables. It depends on the size of the group, the bkr of the players involved...etc... and only works on the 16/16 ponds. Actually as the players now bid higher its obsolete and doesn't work. Many have asked me (or I asked them) to help them in ponds as I was trying to get more players involved ....and many currently play..

C'mon mate. we have known each other for over 5 years and we both have great respect for tenuki. He has won all my prize ponds and over 50% of all my prizes. My point is, that a player with his unbelievable gaming skills doesn't have to stoop this low....there is no formula for two players to be 1 point off an entire game. Can you at least agree to that point even if its not a game you like?

2. september 2010, 22:54:54
Teema: Re:
Marshmud: eh I never had a problem with Pedro......

I give up....it was YOU that told me the formula to use to improve my Pond play..... if 2 people used that method in the same game, there scores would be the same all the way through. Not this game in question, TRUE, but who knows what method was used.

There seems to be a tight little group of players here now trying to get players off BrainKng, hopefully Fencer will see through it and sort them out first !!

2. september 2010, 22:44:39
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey: What kind of proof you need? A whole game with a one point difference needs no formula. If not for tenuki being your friend, and pedro not I think you would see it different.

It may not be a game to some, but I have always enjoyed the ponds. Even ran prizes with the ponds, and guess who won them?

Like tenuki needs to cheat....and he has always gained my respect....but he is history now.

2. september 2010, 22:27:46
I would hate to think how many times people have been *ostracised* for swearing on public boards, but it appears to me to be OK seeing the top dog can say shit whenever he feels like, or is it a case of the GLOBS/MODS are too frightened to pull him up on his language for fear of a backlash in the future???.

2. september 2010, 19:32:11
I have to say that this 865 bet seems a bit odd - nauars played 865 in the previous round too, but there's no * next to the number like there usually is to indicate that a player was offline and his/her last bet was automatically repeated. I don't see how somebody would guess that it was safe to bet 866 in this case.

But Pedro, how come you present your strongest argument only after you have announced your resignation from the site? I would at least give Fencer a chance to change his mind and look into it.

2. september 2010, 19:12:14
Pedro..... i stated that i know of at least one formula that can easily improve a players standing in Ponds (as i proved), i never said the players you mentioned were using it, and also Hrqls has given you a rough idea of one that works.

Is all you have done is slated 2 members and given no proof, just how you see it and that is definitely the wrong way to do it as you well know

2. september 2010, 19:00:41
Pedro Martínez 
One last post from my part.

MadMonkey, Hrqls, cd power: In this case in question, there is no way to speak about using a formula. Take a look at Rounds 22 and 21 in this pond. What kind of formula would you have to have to find out that nauars was going to bet 865? Those two simply cheat. Nauars tells tenuki what she is going to bet and tenuki gains an unfair advantage. It's as clear as anything can be.

I am not going to spend one more bit of my time on a site where cheating is not only allowed, but also supported and promoted, where the User Agreement is not enforced, and where the management seems not to give an excrement about the proper working of all kinds of games on this site.

2. september 2010, 18:26:22
Teema: Re:
pedestrian: This is a private joke between Pedro and me. Don't take me too seriously.

2. september 2010, 17:56:00
Teema: Re:
Fencer: "Fine.  The problem is solved."

That's a somewhat disturbing attitude imo.

Fencer, Pedro may have been wrong in this particular case, and while I don't think it was right of him to go public and name names, I don't think he can be blamed for his concern that it is possible to cheat in some games. When you decide if you want to fix a problem or not, the decisive factor should be if there really is a problem, not whether or not you take that particular game seriously. I take my games seriously too, like Pedro. Would you prefer if I leave too?

2. september 2010, 17:26:09
cd power 
Teema: Ponds
cd power toimetatud (2. september 2010, 17:26:42)
Personally, formulas for ponds maybe slightly help, so I don't really care if someone uses a formula or is in collusion with others. I have only began playing ponds this year, without any formula, and have won 17 of them in a very short time, and even achieved a # 1 ranking for a little bit. So, this shows me I can beat others no matter what they do.

2. september 2010, 17:21:08
Teema: Re:
Pedro Martínez: Fine. The problem is solved.

2. september 2010, 17:04:02
Pedro Martínez 
Teema: Re:
Fencer: You don't give a shit. OK. I'm out of here.

2. september 2010, 15:22:03
Teema: Re:
pedestrian: i dont know if you can call it a formula .. but personally i look back to the last 3 rounds .. i look at how much the average increases between those rounds and continue from that .. or i simple do 1.5 times the last difference

its quite easy to copy that and add 1 ...
i think the 'formula' used by other players is a bit more complicated .. but as said .. the goal of this game is to guess the formula used by your fellow players and use it to your advantage

2. september 2010, 14:44:49
Teema: Re:
pedestrian: That is what i said....only your explanation is much clearer

2. september 2010, 14:42:25
Teema: Re:
Bwild: @ "it seems highly unlikely that these 2(?) players can be 1 apart for so many turns."

If people don't pay attention to each other's actions and pick a number more or less at random, then yes, that is extremely unlikely. But if one person uses a formula that is based, for instance, on the average number from the last round, and sticks rigidly to this formula, and somebody else figures out what he does and takes advantage - then this is not unlikely at all. In fact, what we see in these two ponds is exactly what you would expect to see.

2. september 2010, 14:08:53
Teema: Re:
Bwild: Sounds like "Yes, I am a loser and I cannot stand anyone else being successful" sort of whining to me. Well, if it makes you happy, carry on.

Everybody else: I don't take ponds as serious games and, honestly, I really don't care if people make some agreements while playing. Actually, I was thinking of making some improvements of the pond system and even started to work on it. However, I don't give it a shit now. You can thank Bwild and his ability to be such a nice person.

2. september 2010, 13:39:39
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey: seems the posting of the ponds in question is ample proof to me. not like Pedro just pulled these names out of a hat.

2. september 2010, 13:37:24
Teema: Re:
Vikings: "I'm just stating what Fencers stand has been"
and that,unfortunately, is nothing.
too busy spending eternity with this supposed bk3, and trolling for black rook money,imo.
it seems highly unlikely that these 2(?) players can be 1 apart for so many turns.
whats to stop the multi-nic abusers from over running us with boosting and cheating in prize tournies and other games if this stuff is just continually over looked?

2. september 2010, 13:36:13
Teema: Re:
Vikings: I know anything is hard to prove, BUT for someone to announce on the brainking main board:


I would like to draw attention to two cheats
I want them to be banned from the site, banned from ponds or stripped of their BKRs and removed from rankings !

is totally out of order. Get the proof first .....

2. september 2010, 13:27:48
Rod is correct, Fencer has said in the past that because it is a multi-player game, that collusion is not necessarily cheating, he also has said that is would be almost impossible to prove, for example, there are people defending the possibility that these examples are not cheating, I find it ironic that out of the many claims in the past of cheating, the person that tends to stand up for the accused the most is Pedro,
Mad Monkey, if a formula is being used here, there is not enough information to figure it out,

Don't get me wrong Pedro, I agree with you, I'm just stating what Fencers stand has been

2. september 2010, 13:11:48
Teema: Re:
"GERRY" toimetatud (2. september 2010, 13:24:41)
MadMonkey: This is why i do not play in ponds & also poker to

& i enjoy playing poker to until this page loading stuff because i still can' t get into.
I still have 1000 chips & can't find a game to use them in

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