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5. juuni 2014, 14:47:49
Teema: Re: re complaining
Justaminute:   it would be nice to have different people creating different tournaments not everyone likes the same games.  As for having one auto generated tournament (similar to IYT)  the tournament set up here is the one I like the best I like the option of being able to create a tournament when I want to.  The situation on the current board was discussed several months ago with fencer on here.  I thought he was going to make some changes.  There are less and less people playing on this site which I think is part of the problem with the tournament section.  I used to post tournaments with different variations and games (although always 3 day limit) but found I couldn't get 8 people to sign up so the tournaments could run.  A problem with the current board is tournaments staying on after scheduled start date.  My personal opinion is that when a tournament is supposed to start it either starts or should get deleted, it shouldn't be able to sit on the board for another 30 days waiting for people to sign up. 

5. juuni 2014, 14:14:48
Teema: re complaining
For my 2 cents worth here, I too play against paying and non paying members.  I pay for a membership and I play a lot of games that is the purpose of my membership.  I play usually only 3 or 4 day time limit games I rarely take 7 days tournaments because for my liking they are too slow and I always play those games last.  Time limits are a personal choice.   To those that only play a few games and want moves made several times a day I suggest you post games in the waiting room or choose game from there with a 1 day limit.  The beauty of this site is there is a time limit that suits everyone.  This is one of my favourite sites, I play several times a day, but sometimes real life effects how many moves I make a day.  There are several of us that play lots of games and again that is our right with a membership.  There are less and less fellowships now that post tournaments not like in the old days.  I used to post new tournaments in the tournament section where everyone could join, and found there are fewer and fewer people here that wish to play, as a result when someone else posts a tournament I join.     I have never had a problem with anyone who plays within the time limits.  So to those that complain, I suggest buy a membership if you can, if that is not possible post really quick games in the waiting room.

30. mai 2014, 15:01:28
Teema: Re: How can.........
ketchuplover:  they were probably a knight or a rook and their membership expired so now they are a pawn

3. aprill 2014, 20:23:51
Teema: Re: is Brain Pawn better as Brain Rook
beach toimetatud (3. aprill 2014, 20:24:58)

Fencer: thanks very much fencer
if you could also delete all the tournaments they have created and have not started yet that would be fair too

3. aprill 2014, 18:34:26
Teema: Re: is Brain Pawn better as Brain Rook
speachless: there is a problem with single elimination,  and in the tournament you mentioned there are 2 pawns there that have taken advantage of the system, they both created tons of tournaments  and seem to join any single elimination tournaments, like I said I thought fencer was going to delete them from the tournament board,

3. aprill 2014, 14:54:56
Teema: Re: is Brain Pawn better as Brain Rook
beach toimetatud (3. aprill 2014, 14:56:36)

speachless:  fencer said about a month ago he was going to fix the problem,  I know it still isn't fixed because several pawns are still taking advantage of being able to create lots of tournaments before they become a pawn play unlimited amounts of games.

Fencer said he would fix the problem as it wasn't fair to us paying members, but so far nothing has been changed  I agree its not fair


Hmmm, it's really sad (but not too surprising) to see that some people will always try to exploit the system. Very well, it can be fixed this way:

1) A user cannot have more than, say, 100 tournaments in the "open" section of the Tournaments page. Do you want to create more? OK but wait until some of your tournaments start.

2) If a user membership expires, tournaments created by them (in the "open" status) will be automatically deleted, except the prize ones with prizes already provided.

3) Regarding the single eliminations tourneys, that might be a bug because pawns should not be allowed to sign up for another tournament if they are already playing (or signed up) another one. But the code is really old (8 years?) so I am not sure about that. I'll look at it.

Anything else? Sorry, I am totally consumed by other projects so I could easily miss other issues mentioned in this conversation.
re is what fencer posted

5. märts 2014, 14:38:37
Teema: Re:
Fencer:  thanks fencer  that would be really nice if you could do that fix regarding tournaments

4. märts 2014, 23:49:50
Teema: Re: Privileges pawn!!!!!!!
coan.net:  lol I spoke to fencer months ago when I noticed the problem, and ask if he could fix it,  He told me he would try but that he was very busy with other things.  Nothing ever got done so I gave up asking

4. märts 2014, 23:28:40
Teema: Re: Privileges pawn!!!!!!!


that's the same thing that AlterMann did before he became a pawn he created 365 tournaments !! Now the tourney section is a joke,  you cannot find any tournaments and they stay on the list for 30 days after they start.  This way they never have to buy a membership don't really think its fair to those that do

20. veebruar 2014, 14:01:06
Teema: Re: Friends of Barb Peterson

Bernice:  I hope she gets well soon she is a great lady

2. veebruar 2014, 13:57:54
Teema: Re: Fevga Rule
Marshmud: me either I had to go and read the rules

29. jaanuar 2014, 18:13:51
Teema: Re: stairs
rod03801:  usually I believe you have to have 4 slots available in order to play in a tournament if you are a pawn

7. detsember 2013, 09:49:37
Teema: Re:
♥♫βaβyĢіґŁŁє♫♥: yes

19. november 2013, 14:08:37
Teema: Re: Rook Membership Deals
Fencer:  would be nice do it in December

19. november 2013, 13:11:15
Teema: Re: Rook Membership Deals

♥♫βaβyĢіґŁŁє♫♥:  Hopefully we have the Christmas special this year

23. oktoober 2013, 13:48:31
Teema: Re: Old and disabled
John Rivenburg: take care hope you get better soon

21. oktoober 2013, 18:25:09
Teema: Re: Three words of advice
Justaminute: well said,  I play a lot of games because I want there to always be games when I log on, that's why I have a membership and that's why I like this site the best

22. september 2013, 12:06:50
Teema: Re: Bonus Codes
Carpe Diem: probably won't see one here until maybe Christmas time, they usually only happen twice a year

23. juuli 2013, 13:24:23
Teema: Re: Subject: Re: This site's current estimated worth is...

Walter Montego:  I agree I enjoy the site, and play often

27. aprill 2013, 01:05:12
Teema: Re:
Bernice: Bernice its been crap for me for 2 days,   today it took me 2 hours to make 20 moves nothing but white pages, and page cannot be displayed, I can tell a lot of people are having the same problem all the people who I regularly play and they move fast haven't move either, we are all over the world and all of us have different providers

26. aprill 2013, 18:29:19
Teema: site speed
not working for me either mostly white pages or page cannot be displayed has been like that since last night super slow, took me 30 minutes to just log in

28. veebruar 2013, 23:59:00
Teema: Re:
bert515: I agree  its awful

28. veebruar 2013, 12:53:05
Teema: Re: Slow site and white page.
crosseyed:  its the same for me this morning, I gave up on it last night I couldn't make any moves just white pages again

3. veebruar 2013, 13:26:31
Teema: Re: Slow site with white page.
crosseyed:  same for me works fine for a little bit then white screen says waiting for response from brainking.com

3. veebruar 2013, 00:09:03
Teema: Re:
Bernice:  I am having the same problem white screen

27. detsember 2012, 14:19:31
Teema: Re: question
Aganju:  all games on my page have 1 extra day added i only play mostly 3 day games looks like the site is considering new years day as a holiday since it only started changing them from 4 days 23 hrs to 5 days 23 hrs today so looks like tuesday is consider a holiday which is kind of strange since I thought this site decided not to consider holidays at all 

27. detsember 2012, 13:45:13
Teema: question
why are 3 days games going to 5 days 23 hours to cover weekend time instead of the usual 4 days 23 hours

10. veebruar 2012, 14:04:14
Teema: Re: Slow games
Aganju:  very well said

9. veebruar 2012, 20:29:21
Teema: Re: Slow games
rabbitoid: I know I was being polite, I have a ludo game that is now going on 6 years at the speed its going it will be 2016 before it ends

9. veebruar 2012, 19:12:07
Teema: Re: Slow games
norrsken:   you have to be careful with those 21p move games,  I play alot of games and find there are lots of people that take along time (and within the time limit) to make there moves which they are entitled, only benefit is that by mid march they start to time out in the games..  You are better off sticking max to the 5 game matches and if you like to play fast stick to games that are 3 days or less,   There are many people here who play large quantities of games and they play fast and they do not time out.  Many of us with the higher paid memberships are here because we like the unlimited amount of games and  we play all our games daily

6. november 2011, 20:47:11
Teema: re number of games
I am a person who plays many games on this site, I prefer this site to other sites because as a rook I can play as many games as I choose with the time limits I choose, I pay for that prevlidge.  I prefer faster time limits so I now do not enter any tournaments over 3 day limits.  I think as a rook, we are entitled to play as many games as we choose.  There a few people who get carried away, but from experience I find they tend to disappear fairly quickly.  Personally I could careless if they time out,  as for tournaments taking forever. I have one ludo tourament that is still going on and its 7 year old,  should I tell the other player to hurry up and move faster, I think not.  I think it would be nice if people could just remember its only a game site.  If tournaments taking too long are the only problem you have in life you a lucky.  I come to play and have fun, and frankly I think its quite rude of anyone to complain about how slow or fast anyone plays if they play within the time limit.  I don't usually post much on any board, but I think you people complaining about other people's method of play  should just give it a rest. Sorry if I offended anyone.

16. mai 2011, 14:29:49
brainking.com is not working for me this morning, but can get in on brainking.cz

18. aprill 2011, 22:40:44
Teema: Re: new settings
happyjuggler0: thanks for the suggestion it helps me to get to those games thanks alot

18. aprill 2011, 13:29:34
Teema: new settings
beach toimetatud (18. aprill 2011, 14:47:16)
thanks fencer for making the main page work again, but I still cannot get to the 5 and 7 day games without having to call up different pages, I tried the game filter that option doesn't work to get me to see those games either any suggestions? Only way I see I could get to them easily is if the main page was able to be to set to a great number then 100 perhaps 500 would solve the problem just a thought

17. aprill 2011, 18:20:12
Teema: Re: Moving on games?
beach toimetatud (17. aprill 2011, 18:30:02)
alexlee: I would like to the see the move to main page working again, I like to be able to see the list not just automatically go to the next game, hopefully that function comes back when fencer is finished now I keep getting the same game on top and I play games with different time limits so I don't want to automatically go to the time with the least amount of time and never get to play the 7 day games until they reach the top

24. jaanuar 2011, 20:23:24
Teema: Re: 33 consecutive passes in Ludo. Needs an achievement :)
Artful Dodger: I just had the same thing on another game, with another opponent,

10. detsember 2010, 21:43:13
Teema: Re: Vacation Days
Fencer: great idea regarding the new vacation days, I think it will help to solve the abuse of the system

24. märts 2010, 23:40:40
has anyone noticed that 3 days games which should now be going to 4 day 23 hrs are now only going to 3 days 23 hr

10. jaanuar 2010, 22:12:04
Teema: Re:
Bernice: slow on my end too Bernice I gave up earlier

25. november 2009, 01:08:39
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey: thanks maybe its just over here

25. november 2009, 01:02:12
anyone having trouble with the site tonight besides me cannot get my games to load

16. august 2009, 12:01:32
Teema: Re:
still extremely slow here too I gave up on Saturday but see it is no different on Sunday,

2. juuli 2009, 23:38:00
Teema: Re:
Fencer: thanks for the explanation

2. juuli 2009, 14:28:15
2 days are now being added as of this morning last night all my 3 day games were over 4 days 23 which is what they should have been this morning I log on and all those games are 2 days 23 hrs so I lost time not gained time, talked to a couple of other people and they have the same thing, and all games should not have had the same amount of time this morning, they are all played at different times

2. juuli 2009, 13:50:55
I have over 100 games that do not show on either my turn or my oppontents turn

2. juuli 2009, 13:19:07
beach toimetatud (2. juuli 2009, 13:24:38)
anyone else notice the times for games moves changed on the games today, 3 day games that should read 4 days 23 hrs changed back to 2 days 23 hrs also when I make a move in these games it goes to 2 days 23 hrs, my weekend days are Sat and Sun so they should go to 4 days 23 hrs, something has to be wrong with the clocks, when I logged in this morning all my games were at the same time 2 days 23 hrs

16. juuni 2009, 23:36:34
Teema: Re:
DeaD man WalkiN: my deepest sympathies to you and your family

25. veebruar 2009, 22:13:09
Teema: Re: Vacation days
Carl:did they renew a membership today if so they get additional vacation days

19. jaanuar 2009, 18:48:15
Teema: Re:
Artful Dodger: well it might be for you but there are alot of us who cannot get the smilies to even load

11. november 2008, 23:43:01
Teema: Re: Membership
rod03801: I think it works different from each country I got the red dot this morning, and paid, and it went through immediately for me and showed up on my acct within 5 minutes

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