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Tsensor: Hrqls , coan.net , rod03801 

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23. mai 2022, 02:28:23
hahahahahaha another achievement...100000 moves ROFLMBO
I feel sorry for the little man that is counting all our moves....Jk.

23. mai 2022, 02:27:25
Teema: Re: Achievement
Mélusine: I dont understand...noworries...I dont try for achievements

22. mai 2022, 08:48:02
whoeeeeeeee....6 lucky dice new achievement....that is about the third or fourth i have gotten that and just gotten the achievement

10. mai 2022, 00:18:45
Teema: Re:
moistfinger: OK...should I have said...lets just carry on, but I chose "lets leave it" and yes I love baking cakes.

9. mai 2022, 07:38:29
Teema: Re:
Clandestine 1: that is your opinion but not youy saying....lets leave it....sorry to have answered you

9. mai 2022, 05:29:05
Teema: Re:
Clandestine 1: you may be right but all people in here will not make a scrap of difference...You need a much , much larger platform for what you are saying... Get yourself a larger audience....not many people in here bother to read the boards any longer

8. mai 2022, 00:22:42
Teema: Re: It is obvious that you have never experienced war.
Mélusine: Thank you for that...I had never heard of that before, and it is wonderful that the wreckage s left as a shrine to those that died...Thanks for the link also...

7. mai 2022, 06:26:28
Teema: Re: Got it !
Aganju: Thank you for your commonsense ....some people do not understand that every man woman and child in ANY country that is at war is not entitled to live life as normal as possible....As you said get back under your rock

7. mai 2022, 06:24:42
Teema: Re: Got it !
seldom: you really are talking rubbish now. SHould we ban all Americans for fighting in afghanistan and killing them.....go back to sleep

7. mai 2022, 00:48:48
Teema: Re:
Mélusine: exactly

8. aprill 2022, 07:44:52
Teema: Re:
Bernice: sorry I figured it out

8. aprill 2022, 07:43:22
how can I change my weekend days?

4. aprill 2022, 06:08:15
Teema: Re:
Clandestine 1: That if we all survive the power driven idiot......

20. märts 2022, 21:36:44
Teema: Re:
MelissaMarie: hahaha you got your from winning them LOL, I got mine at birth ROFLMBO

10. veebruar 2022, 20:41:01
Teema: Re: Fencer on Spotify
Bernice toimetatud (10. veebruar 2022, 20:41:15)
Mélusine: me simple also. hahahahaha but it doesnt matter as Fencer said years ago that this place was over...but he still takes membership money

10. veebruar 2022, 03:31:37
Teema: Re: Fencer on Spotify
Tuesday: I did and the inks arent current

1. veebruar 2022, 22:01:54
I asked Rod about some SPAm a few weeks ago and he fixed...I think if you send him a personal message he would fix it .....he appears to be quite amenable these days.

1. veebruar 2022, 06:16:55
Teema: Re: the newblogsandarticles
Mousetrap: Rod is still here.....

2. jaanuar 2022, 22:45:49
Teema: Re:
Aganju: appreciated...., very much....

2. jaanuar 2022, 06:27:06
what does it mean when there is a red dot against a game....been a long tme since I have seen one and have now forgotten

24. oktoober 2021, 03:20:04
Teema: Re: Brain Rook, forever months (9600 Brains) approval process.
Tutagil: what is that in English please?

13. oktoober 2021, 10:15:57
Teema: Re:
rod03801: I would have one hellova lot more than you i reckon

13. oktoober 2021, 05:18:53
thanks both of you but I have figured it out....must be old age hahahaha....and no smart remarks....Jk

9. oktoober 2021, 10:53:16
rod03801,,,I want to play anti gammon I have tried 3 times to get it working after wasking people to ask me to play and they cant....Please can you help me

16. juuli 2021, 11:30:55
Teema: Re:
Aganju: seems like it now....bit late for a couple of tourneys I wanted to join but h well.... another time maybe

15. juuli 2021, 23:33:41
Bernice toimetatud (15. juuli 2021, 23:34:12)
OK...now it is the 16th for me and I see my payment has not been put against my name....it still says 15th July 2021...im unable to sign up for tournaments....This site is quick enough to tell you the money is due...Please fix this or give me a refund.

25. mai 2021, 21:27:39
Teema: Re: Your record setting accomplishment
seldom: hahahahahaha....well said

22. mai 2021, 08:06:09
Teema: Re:
Mort: great :)

19. mai 2021, 23:21:22
Teema: Re:
Mort:Oh that is great and as long as something fill your life and you are happy that is all that matters:)

19. mai 2021, 07:39:43
Teema: Re:
Mort: ah ha...I must admit to googling your reply ref games....2nd Childhood??? hahahahaha

29. aprill 2021, 22:42:03
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey: yes it is a very hard sight to find your way around, so I dont play many games.....

16. aprill 2021, 23:40:06
Teema: Re: I withdraw last q.
IDamian: we all do that new or old hahahahaha

16. aprill 2021, 00:26:05
Teema: Re:
CleverHunk: Hi there, thanks for that and I have been a member there for years but find it very hard to get around....Thanks for your input

10. aprill 2021, 22:32:10
Teema: Re:
Carnie: ah so.....LOL

10. aprill 2021, 13:03:35
Teema: Re:
moistfinger: gold token....it is a game site.

9. aprill 2021, 03:13:53
OMG...I was just wondering how many are paying customers from all the real oldies that started and registered up till end of 2002....I looked at the first 30 pages and there wouldnt be a dozen that are stil paid up members.....

29. märts 2021, 01:42:42
CONGRATS on attaining your age to retire from games...you will be missed by all

10. märts 2021, 10:59:51
Teema: Re: PGN to video converter
MadMonkey: I was fascinated by that kid....he was absolutely unbelievable

10. märts 2021, 08:11:42
Teema: Re: PGN to video converter
Fencer: Fencer....seeing as you love chess....I loved movie on NETFLIX called QUEENS GAMBIT....I used to play chess very badly hahaha years ago but I loved this movie.

YOu may also be able to get it on You Tube...I dont know

4. märts 2021, 22:02:03
Teema: Re:
ughaibu: it sure is

1. jaanuar 2021, 08:46:55
Teema: Re:
Clandestine 1: not necessarily.....I have antivirus installed and lets drop it as it has nothing to do with you.

31. detsember 2020, 22:42:04
Teema: Re:
Bernice toimetatud (1. jaanuar 2021, 01:38:17)
rod03801: because this is the only overseas spend I have on a particular card...for them to take money off that card they must play in here....and I think the gamesite is called gamez.com

31. detsember 2020, 12:07:22
Teema: Re:
Clandestine 1havent you heard of people stealing from credit cards....well that is a bank account in my world.....and they play games on a gamesite that i cant remember the name of but it came up on my bank statement....they will know who they are and so do the police....

30. detsember 2020, 23:11:09
Bernice toimetatud (30. detsember 2020, 23:11:49)
To the person that thought they could getaway with swiping money from my account...youve been CAUGHT....it is now in the hands of the police...Happy New Year and i hope you go to jail

22. detsember 2020, 21:40:12
Merry christmas and Happy NEw Year tto each and everyone known or unknown to me...May you get all that you deserve/want this Christmas and stay safe.

27. oktoober 2020, 22:01:10
Teema: query
cam anyone tell me why I didnt get a point for this win please?
Hyper Backgammon (bert515 vs. Bernice)

14. detsember 2019, 23:21:46
Teema: Re: brainking is now ...
ketchuplover: we are lucky really that it is still up and sort of running up to standard :)

17. september 2019, 22:30:29
Teema: Re:
Nice works: that wasnt a nice answer to Hrqls...read up on brains and what they are all about and then ignore what you have read as they arent worth a tin of fish any longer....

14. september 2019, 23:46:07
Teema: Re: A bug in game
Vinkel: it must be nearly 2 years since he has said he isnt going to do any upkeep on this site...He is too busy with his music, i think....Maybe Rod can give you more information

14. september 2019, 22:09:45
Teema: Re: A bug in game
Vinkel: Fencer will look into it and if he thinks it is important enough to fix, he will...otherwise it wont get fixed....thats as I think it i happening these days....such a pity as this is a great site :)

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