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4. juuni 2006, 04:51:01
Teema: Re: OK, I'm confused
volant: hm.. Nope don't see that.


4. juuni 2006, 01:57:04
Teema: OK, I'm confused
Where is this rich text editor?? Is it part of brainking? or is it something on your computers? (I ask because I'm on WebTV)
I assumed the way to get the colors and size changes and stuff was typing in the HTML manually. Is there a way on the site to do it easier?

LOL.. I'm confused. Probably just a computer thing though.

28. aprill 2006, 12:17:01
Teema: Re: Brain King Ratings
rednaz23: Here is a link Fencer has provided in the past:


There has been much discussion about the formula in here. Typing "formula" into the search box on this page will show you much of the conversation

23. aprill 2006, 19:34:36
Teema: Re:
mook53lhd: Just so that people don't get the wrong impression from the other answer you got, the poster was shut off within 15 minutes. The boards were pretty much cleaned up within another 15/20 minutes. It is pretty doubtful that the youth of the world were all converging upon these particular boards at that particular time.
There really is no need for getting rid of the discussion boards. Don't worry.

9. aprill 2006, 16:17:39
OH, I don't know if that is true if you are in "cloak mode"

9. aprill 2006, 16:16:32
Of course if you then add that person to your "Friends" list, you will see their last action there.

7. aprill 2006, 20:35:45
Teema: Re: WebTV users.
mook53lhd: Well, if all your pages are loading at the speed you are used to, you are fine. Paying WebTV members then were the only ones affected by the changes Fencer implemented a couple days ago. All the javascript stuff was making most pages load extremely slowly, so I was letting people know that if that was the case, they should go shut that new stuff off.
If the javascript doesn't affect pawns, then you should be fine.

7. aprill 2006, 01:19:18
Teema: Re: WebTV users.
mook53lhd: No, I'm talking about the Settings link here on Brainking. Click on "Settings", then the "javascript" tab that is in the row of different settings you can adjust. NOT WebTV settings..

6. aprill 2006, 04:02:07
Alanback, it doesn't work for me anyways, so I can't tell you much. But you might get a better idea if you go to Settings, and then to Javascript.

6. aprill 2006, 02:41:06
Teema: WebTV users.
WebTV / MsnTV users, I highly recommend you go to your Settings, and go to the Javascript page and disable everything you see there. It's not compatible with us, and is causing pages to load way slower than they were.

(Actually, I'm not sure if EVERYthing needs to be unchecked.. I haven't had time to test each one..)

I came here today and was very surprised at how slowly almost every page was loading.
I unchecked all that new stuff, and now things are loading "normally".

5. märts 2006, 03:24:24
Thanks :-)

4. märts 2006, 17:30:52
Teema: Re:
Babygirlle: I think specifics of this arguement should be kept to PM or fellowships. It has been more of a general conversation here.

2. märts 2006, 01:47:26
Teema: Februrary "action"
rod03801 toimetatud (2. märts 2006, 01:49:01)
I am curious what the stats are for the membership "action" for February. It would be interesting to know how many memberships were bought (information I know I can find by going to the "Paid Membersip" page) and how many of those got the random 50% added to what they bought.

16. veebruar 2006, 02:35:46
Teema: Re:
rod03801 toimetatud (16. veebruar 2006, 02:38:13)
Walter Montego: Click the Brains link on the Main Menu to see who has brains and how many they have.

Modified: OOPS.. this list is only the TOP brain holders... not all of them..

9. veebruar 2006, 01:56:27
Teema: Re: Multi-game matches
rod03801 toimetatud (9. veebruar 2006, 01:57:59)
rabbitoid: One thing you can do, if you want to know for sure how many points you will lose, is to click on resign, and it will tell you right there how many points you will lose, if you don't like it, you can change your mind and not resign..(Brainking makes you confirm that you really want to resign)

21. jaanuar 2006, 20:22:45
I still agree with plaintiger that a tiny hint about this new system would entice more people to take advantage of this offer! (It might work on me! :-D

21. jaanuar 2006, 19:24:39
Teema: Re: logistical problem
Fencer: Hmmm.. that's not how I read it. The way I interpret it is, that if you buy membership in the month of January, you get these 200 brains. Maybe you meant to say "and make it to January 2007"?
So are you saying any memberships bought in 2006 get 200 brains??? I'm confused! LOL (possibly not all that unusual for me!) :-D

21. jaanuar 2006, 19:21:33
Teema: Re: Using brains for others
RoastedParsnip: If you click on someone else's profile, it will also have an area saying "Use brains for membership for this person" (or something like that), with a drop down menu with what you have enough brains for.

21. jaanuar 2006, 19:18:56
Teema: Re: logistical problem
Fencer: I think his point is, that if there was more of a hint (not a full description, necessarily), more people would add to their membership to take advantage of this offer. :-D

6. jaanuar 2006, 01:49:08
I still wish this downtime issue with Fischer clock games would be addressed. I am most likely going to time out in a couple Fisher stair games in the next day or 2. I depend on weekends to build my time up in these games, because if they get below 14 hours,( I am away for work 12 hours every week day) I will most likely time out on them (if my opponent moves at just the "right time")
One is down to 10 hours, and if that opponent makes a move tomorrow morning after I go to work, I will definitely time out. I had this game built up to over 3 days, before the downtime. So, I will lose, through no fault of my own.

It isn't a big deal when it is just a couple hours that the site is down, but I think for a 30 hour downtime, some special consideration needs to be given to this type of game.

4. jaanuar 2006, 03:41:58
I believe it will be two 13 point matches with each of your opponents, playBunny.

4. jaanuar 2006, 03:18:45
Looking more closely at his ponds he fell in, it does appear the time "stopped" while down. He must have been confused about it being a problem.

However, back to the Fischer clock games; while they may not "time out" and go into negative time, which is fine for "normal" games, it looks like time still "ran down" on them. Or am I confused on that, too? (very possible, lol)

I am almost positive that on some of my Very Fast Fischer stairs, I had built them up to 3 days or more (as of a few hours before BK went down) However now, they are down to a little over 1 day. .. Again, yes, while game time is suspended, they won't time out, however I seem to have lost all the "bonus" hours I had built up!

Feel free to straighten me out if I'm missing something! :-D

4. jaanuar 2006, 02:44:44
I agree for normal "short" downtimes, Stevie. But 30 hours isn't pushing their luck. I didn't mean suspend the time NOW, I meant they should be given 24 hours from the time the site comes back up, though.

I'm confused anyways. I wish the ponds had a time stamp saying exactly when you made yer bid.. LOL...

In MY ponds, it does look as though time DID stop. I have a 2 day per move pond that started at 8pm on whatever day it started, however, it NOW comes up at 5pm the next time, instead of 8pm, when of course each round should be starting at that same time of day.

But looking at this other's person's ponds, it is confusing me for some reason! LOL

4. jaanuar 2006, 01:50:07
Teema: Ponds
Should ponds have continued in the downtime????? I know someone who fell in 3 ponds this morning, when the site wasn't even up. Can't time on those be stopped for a short time when the site goes down???? (Or at least stopped DURING the downtime???)

Did the time stop in the Fischer clock games??? I understand when it wouldn't for a brief downtime, but 30 hours is a lot of time! (I haven't checked mine yet..)

1. jaanuar 2006, 20:42:47
Hmmmm... now the links to the games still running are gone.. lol... (The "dashes" that take you to the game)

1. jaanuar 2006, 20:22:44
Teema: Games "gone" in tournament
Fencer, I noticed in tournament charts, games already completed, have disappeared from the charts.
Here is an example:
I'm sure it must have something to do with the archiving done today.

31. detsember 2005, 07:22:59
Hey Fencer, I think you should post your telephone number for us to call you in the middle of the night when Brainking goes down! LOL

10. detsember 2005, 20:27:56
Teema: Site down message
The www.brainking.info site could contain the site down message, for people who might think to check that site. I often go there when the site is down to check. (Though nothing has been put there in eons!) :-)

5. detsember 2005, 22:31:50
Is it true!???????

Thank you so much Fencer!!!

3. detsember 2005, 16:50:42
Teema: Re: Why do I time out on a weekend?
Bry: It's a "fixed weekend" tourney, so changing weekend days will not help.

4. november 2005, 03:44:23
Teema: Re: Stairs down
Or, a warning message sent when there is one week left of knight membership saying, "In one week you will be limited to one stair. Please resign from the ladders of your choice. If you haven't done that in the week, the system will choose to keep you on the stairs where you are on the highest step".. or something like that..

23. oktoober 2005, 06:31:12
I have seen that on people who have signed up to the site, but not yet done anything.

18. oktoober 2005, 02:47:18
The "show oldest messages first" used to always be there. Then, it disappeared for a while. I noticed it missing, but never thought to comment on it. (It is good to use when you join a new fellowship, or go to a DB you haven't been to before, and you want to read what has happened since the beginning. Much easier at that point to read from top to bottome, instead of bottom to top..) It did just return recently.
I think the "add to favorite boards" has been back a little longer than that, but it could have come back at the same time.
But yes, both used to be there, vanished, and are now back.. :-D

16. oktoober 2005, 22:04:21
Just askin'!

16. oktoober 2005, 21:33:46
Teema: Multi-game matches in all tournies?
rod03801 toimetatud (16. oktoober 2005, 21:35:08)
Not sure if this is a bug, or intended, so I am posting here, instead of bug tracker..

We can have multi-game matches in non backgammon tournies too??? In the tournament set up, it states clearly that the doubling cube isn't there (of course) if you choose the multi game matches.. it says the multi game matches will be there though.

I was setting up a halma tourney in Brave Eagles Halma fellowship, and tried it out, and was able to create a halma tourney with 5 win matches.. Seems like this would be a VERRRRRYYYYYY long tourney!!!! LOL...(I deleted it)

Guess we will have to read the tourney details very closely! If not, you could find yourself in a 5 year tournament.. lol..

15. oktoober 2005, 20:56:46
Teema: Tournament creation question
When you create a tourament, the title and description fields are there for each of the languages supported by Brainking. If you only fill one of them in (English, for example), what do people viewing the site in the other languages see? Nothing? or the English description?

11. oktoober 2005, 02:37:30
And it should be added that there are more paying members than ever, NOT less.

10. oktoober 2005, 01:42:32
I remember Commodore 64 when I was real little!

8. oktoober 2005, 22:35:00
Right, as moderator, you really HAVE to be able to see all the posts..

27. september 2005, 03:38:32
Teema: Something new?
When I click "My Profile", I now see a link for "Order list" next to edit and change password.. What is it?
When I click it, it says no orders listed..

8. september 2005, 21:03:59
Go out and wave!

8. september 2005, 19:51:00
Can I ask what it was?

Whatever it was, thanks for fixing it. I can think of another site where it would have taken months to take care of it! :-D

Just more proof that:

8. september 2005, 19:37:25
Teema: Yay
Things just now went back to normal

8. september 2005, 19:33:09
Teema: WebTV viewer
Here is a link to where you can use the WebTV viewer.


I am starting to hear back from other webtv users, and they are noticing the same thing.. So, I'm not hallucinating.. lol

8. september 2005, 19:27:39
That's line break, correct? Yes it does recognize that tag. Recognizes all html tags as far as I know..

lol.. dunno.. everything looked fine before I fell asleep 12 hours ago, or so.. Maybe I'm dreaming right now.. lol

8. september 2005, 19:17:42
Teema: Wow
I don't know... Everything is crunched together under my game boards too. Nothing is spaced correctly.

Something must have been changed in the last 12 hours.. Must be something only noticable by WebTV-ers..

Oh well... I guess I can get used to the jumbled mess.. lol...

If you still have that webtv viewer program/site Fencer, you should check it out and see what I mean.

The columns in the menu at the top are messed up, the columns at the bottom, also. The list of games on my main page looks fine, however. And on the game pages, the game itself looks fine, but all the game info under it (including the "move and goto" areas are messed up.

I am pretty confident it is nothing changed by webtv, as I am involved with those changes when they happen..

8. september 2005, 18:48:52
Huh? I probably wasn't very clear. But I'm not sure what I can change in settings to put it back to normal. (As I didn't change anything to begin with)
It seems like something was added/changed in a column, and changed the spacing of everything. It may only be on WebTV screens..

8. september 2005, 18:46:39
Columns at the bottom of my pages are messed up too..

Not a big deal, it just doesn't look very nice :-)

8. september 2005, 18:39:36
Teema: Menu messed up?
Does anyone who has the menu at the top (as opposed to the side), see it all messed up now???
What happened?

31. august 2005, 03:12:57
FEW nice people??? sheesh.. there are lots of nice people on this site. wow..

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