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12. juuni 2013, 00:38:03
Teema: Re:It's not dependent on it, it just uses it for statistics.
crosseyed: hahaha @ lamonLyme....I wouldnt worry about that hahahaha

11. juuni 2013, 05:14:16
Teema: Re:
Bernice toimetatud (11. juuni 2013, 05:14:37)
rabbitoid: ....love your curiosity LOL - you and (V)

19. aprill 2013, 22:38:28
Teema: Re: long tournament
Pedro Martínez: hi there :)....you have been terribly quiet for a long while....how are you?
Still waiting for you to visit LOL

11. märts 2013, 23:14:24
Teema: Re: New game option AWOL?
skipinnz: I couldn't say that, my post would have been deleted AHAHAHAHA

11. märts 2013, 23:07:55
Teema: Re: New game option AWOL?
Thad: it cant have been too much "worthwhile" if you haven't noticed it gone and it has been, for over a year LOL

7. märts 2013, 23:09:14
Teema: Re: Slow site/white page.
crosseyed: mine is good now :) makes for a change LOL

7. märts 2013, 07:05:59
is anybody else having problems? I couldnt get in this morning at all....now it is as slow as anything...bad news - sick of it :(

3. märts 2013, 00:11:36
Teema: Re: White Pages
Aganju: sorry I never use the www and I get blank pages all the time........

1. märts 2013, 20:47:57
**silence is golden**

1. märts 2013, 05:52:46
that just timed out and when I clicked refresh it came straight to this page again....???

1. märts 2013, 05:51:32
Teema: Re:
bert515: I guess we just have to wear it....looks as tho nothing will be done :(

28. veebruar 2013, 06:40:12
Teema: Re:
Bernice toimetatud (28. veebruar 2013, 07:26:24)
bert515: exactly.....I am having the same probs again also....but of course it isn't BK, it is us..........

4. veebruar 2013, 00:59:43
Teema: Re: Trace route for comparison
SL-Mark: and what does all that mean?

4. veebruar 2013, 00:02:12
well it is running Ok here at the moment....no long delays and no white pages.......I have never had the white page problem before and always wondered what people were talking about.....

3. veebruar 2013, 23:40:53
there ARE problems, but you can't get those in charge to admit it :( sad really after all the money people have paid to be here, you would think there would be better connection/service :(

3. veebruar 2013, 21:05:59
hmmmmmmmmmmm 7 mesages when I just came on - 1 for and 6 against....cant be BK must be the rest of the world (said sarcastically)

It is the same for me again this morning, taking forever to load and all white pages with the print all over the place...oh well thankfully there are other game sites.

3. veebruar 2013, 03:58:57
Teema: Re:
Bernice toimetatud (3. veebruar 2013, 04:48:54)
Doris: thank you DOris and beach.....just goes to prove it isnt always on this side of the world.....

it has to be Bk because all other sites including game sites are accessible easily...it is only here that I am having any trouble....done the usual clean ups etc and still no better....

2. veebruar 2013, 21:46:58
what is wrong with this site? taking forever to load pages :( so bad I cant play games :(

7. jaanuar 2013, 21:17:38
Teema: Re: Hacked or some sort of gamebot?
earldrake: that is strange......when I click on your link "RatingDestroyer" I get my OWN profile....

6. detsember 2012, 22:48:05
Doris: wouldn't be so bad if she could spell ROFLMBO.......

4. detsember 2012, 05:37:59
Teema: Re: Easter Eggs
Aganju: someone deleted my post....sorry. Of course you are right and Im sorry for the misleading post.....my bad.

4. detsember 2012, 01:32:15
Teema: Re: Easter Eggs
Anjil: when you pay for a 12 mth membership WHEN THE EGG IS FLASHING you actually get 15 months membership.

20. oktoober 2012, 02:48:56
Teema: Re: to start trny
Gammonator: my goodness, some of these people havent been online on BK for years....it will never finish ROFLMBO

28. juuli 2012, 03:02:47
Teema: Re:
Artful Dodger: yep....those do make ya go GGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

15. juuli 2012, 22:44:42
Bernice toimetatud (15. juuli 2012, 22:45:19)

25. aprill 2012, 01:52:33
ANZAC day,,,,lest we forget

17. aprill 2012, 23:13:22
Teema: Re: human beings have an innate tendency to feel more sleepy when it's dark and to have trouble sleeping when there's too much light.
Roberto Silva: I haven't played any games on here in over 12 months hahahaha....I am thinking of buying a membership :)

3. aprill 2012, 10:31:01
Teema: Re:
Thad: oh well.....perhaps when version 10 comes out we will see some improvements :)

3. aprill 2012, 09:11:06
Bernice toimetatud (3. aprill 2012, 09:11:25)
how come my REAL time is 17.10pm and the site is telling me that it is 18.10pm.....Brisbane does NOT have daylight saving......Ive tried changing it to no avail...

27. märts 2012, 04:37:39
Teema: Re:
coan.net: thnks Hun.

27. märts 2012, 00:10:24
who is Londo and how can a pawn be a GLOB?....just asking, seems a bit strange to me.

9. märts 2012, 21:31:10
Teema: Re:
Bwild: you are so right LOL....I haven't seen that before.....thanks so much :)

9. märts 2012, 09:20:42
Teema: Re:
balvan99: thank you....maybe Coan.net can help me....if he is still around :)

9. märts 2012, 06:48:52
thanks balvan but that isnt what I was meaning.......

9. märts 2012, 06:39:57
could someone please tell me as Little Boss - how do I throw someone out of a fellowship?

thanks :)

6. märts 2012, 21:14:25
Teema: abusing the system by starting several thousand games and then letting your membership expire
I would say that is more like "beating the system" or "getting his monies worth"

2. märts 2012, 21:12:33
Pedro has been very sick and isn't interested in playing games :(

24. veebruar 2012, 05:28:08
Teema: Re:
Vikings: yes Vikings...thanks...different page....my bad...sorry.........thanks anyway....

24. veebruar 2012, 01:49:31
Teema: Re:
rod03801: well I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHAT oops.....Ive put up many and today is the first time Ive had to have it approved....most of mine are cakes and personal stuff....now which MOD has it in for me this time I wonder

24. veebruar 2012, 00:59:36
Teema: Re:
happyjuggler0: it has never happened to me before, and I have uploaded heaps and heaps of them....oh well...suck it up buttercup i guess

23. veebruar 2012, 22:58:03
Teema: Re:
happyjuggler0: it isnt a hate message it is a piece of humour.....but then WHO's humour I guess

It says....WARNING, my sense of humour may hurt your feelings.I suggest you get over it.

I can't see anything wrong with that, but then the australian sense of humour and the yankie sense is way, way different.

23. veebruar 2012, 22:50:40
can someone tell me why pics posted to my photo album have to be approved?

that is the message I get anyway.

10. veebruar 2012, 22:24:12
Teema: Re: Slow games
pedestrian: now that is the height of ridiculousness (SP)....Fencer should step in and not allow that sort of nonsense.

5. jaanuar 2012, 03:07:41
Teema: Re: Paypal
rod03801: I agree with ROD...if you do the right thing by them they will definately look after you...Ive been using them for much more than 10 years and no problems :)

20. detsember 2011, 06:26:44
Teema: what does this mean???
This webpage is not available
The connection to brainking.com was interrupted.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.
Check your Internet connection. Restart any router, modem, or other network devices you may be using.
Add Google Chrome as a permitted program in your firewall's or antivirus software's settings. If it is already a permitted program, try deleting it from the list of permitted programs and adding it again.
If you use a proxy server, check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a proxy server, adjust your proxy settings: Go to the wrench menu > Options > Under the Hood > Change proxy settings... > LAN Settings and deselect the "Use a proxy server for your LAN" checkbox.
Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): The connection was reset.

1. september 2011, 06:06:46
Teema: Re: A Comment on Paid Membership
Skeeky: well said.

17. august 2011, 08:18:37
Teema: Re:
rabbitoid: ROFL

11. august 2011, 22:51:35
Teema: Re: Ask permission to add a link to your site from my own site
erwan1976: On the left of your page, under information you will find banners that are used for just that purpose.

24. mai 2011, 00:46:07
Teema: Re:
Mélusine: I dont think so, but ask him.

24. mai 2011, 00:39:00
Teema: Re:
Mélusine: for that you will have to ask Fencer...he is the only one to allow/do that.

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