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23. mai 2015, 01:26:22
Teema: Re:
Walter Montego: In that section, all 3 of us, Pedro, Hrqls and I should have had 11 S-B points.

23. mai 2015, 01:06:52
Walter Montego 
Player 1 lost to player 5
Player 5 lost to player 3
Player 3 lost to player 1
These three players won all their other games.
I do not know how the S-B is figured, but it is my understanding of it when the conditions I just stated happen, it is a tie in S-B no matter how many players are in a section. A perfect example of it is section 2 right under it on the page you linked Pedro.

23. mai 2015, 00:15:00
Teema: Re: Hmm...
Pedro Martínez: i saw this earlier and found it strange!

22. mai 2015, 23:12:03
Teema: Re: Hmm...
Pedro Martínez: I noticed the same thing

22. mai 2015, 22:05:00
Teema: Re: Hmm...
Pedro Martínez: It looks to me like you, and rod and hrqls should all have advanced to the next round based on what S-B would be if it had been calculated correctly.

22. mai 2015, 21:31:35
Pedro Martínez 
Teema: Hmm...
První turnaj se zdvojovací kostkou

Why is my S-B score 0? Have I been disqualified from proceeding into next rounds where the deciding factor is the S-B?

12. mai 2015, 20:29:29
Teema: Re: Query!
happyjuggler0: Ah i see, i thought it may be something i was missing. Thanks for the quick reply!

12. mai 2015, 20:26:54
Teema: Re: Query!
furbster: It is called en passant in chess.


12. mai 2015, 20:21:40
Teema: Query!
I just moved my pawn in this game to C5 (i know you can't see it) Dark Chess (AndreiAM vs. furbster) but somehow he has moved his which was on D5 to C6 and and has somehow captured my pawn which was on C5!

I'm not very chess orientated but am i missing something here?

2. aprill 2015, 10:18:24
Teema: Re: Move Activity
JerNYC: to make that accurate you have to do it per game type

personally i play my gammon types several times per day, but i sometimes postpone my moves to the next day in tougher games which require more tought like chess or froglet or pente

also the day of the week might be important as i sometimes dont make a move at all on fri-sun (my weekend/family time)

1. aprill 2015, 23:35:29
Teema: Re: Move Activity
JerNYC: Seeing as this has been proposed several times over the 1 and something year I am here, it seems that the answer is no.

1. aprill 2015, 23:18:20
Teema: Move Activity
Would it ever be possible to include an "average activity" of moves in each player's profile? The thought hit me since there's one for the day and the top overall. A daily average, I think, would be nice to know when considering someone for a game invite.

4. märts 2015, 22:21:43
Teema: Re: User settings reset?
Aganju: mine didn't change

4. märts 2015, 19:46:53
Teema: Re: User settings reset?
Aganju: mine didn't change

4. märts 2015, 19:27:11
Teema: User settings reset?
Aganju toimetatud (4. märts 2015, 19:28:21)
All my settings are suddenly gone, and BK reverted to the defaults. Was there a general reset or data loss?

31. jaanuar 2015, 03:30:59
Teema: Re:
Aganju: thanks....I just wondered if it was at all uncommon but you have pointed out it isnt :)

31. jaanuar 2015, 03:13:25
Teema: Re:
Bernice: at me it happened a lot of times, but in relation to the amount of games i played it happened rarely... it can happen sometimes i just guess... in real life i rolled 5 times in a row double-1 and i through the dices in different ways, very funny but only one time...

31. jaanuar 2015, 02:46:46
Teema: Re:
Bernice: Math: Chances for a triple sequence of x-y, x-y, x-y is (1:18)^2 = 1:384 = 0.3% [first roll is anything, second roll has a chance of 1 in 18 to match (as you wouldn't see a difference between 1-5 and 5-1), third roll another 1 in 18].
That means that you should see that about every 384 sequences of three rolls. If you play only 10 games in parallel and make four moves in each per day, you should see that every 9.5 days.
It doesn't matter if the identical rolls are in the same game or different ones, as the assumption is that they are random anyway.

On the other hand, there were many discussions about the bad randomness on BrainKing (and no, we do not want to hear it all over again, please). But your experience is hardly uncommon.

Even *four* times the same roll in sequence should happen twice a year. And *five* times the same roll in sequence about once every 9 years.

31. jaanuar 2015, 02:26:15
Teema: Re:
ThunderGr: yes this is the first time it has happened to me - 3 times....I have had many 2 times but this is first time for 3 times :)

30. jaanuar 2015, 08:09:02
Teema: Re:
Bernice: Is this the first time in the 13 years you are a member that this happens? As I have quite a few dice games running, I have noticed it happen on occasions and if you couple that with the selective memory we humans have, it makes quite an impression when it does.

30. jaanuar 2015, 03:50:52
I just played 3 games and each die read a 5 and a 1...on all 3 games...strange>/?

29. jaanuar 2015, 12:39:29
Teema: Re:
Bernice: I never thought I'd get to use this useless tidbit of info, but if you are referring to the TDP game (triple yahtzee,/boatzee by other names), I've gotten 7 5K in one game on three occasions on another site. However, I've played over 10,000 games of it there. I saw an opponent do it at least once (7x5K).

29. jaanuar 2015, 12:08:55
Teema: Re:
ThunderGr toimetatud (29. jaanuar 2015, 12:26:03)
Bernice: If I am not mistaken, filling all 3 slots of 5 of a Kind in Triple Dice Poker is an achievement, but it does not have to be in one game.

29. jaanuar 2015, 10:00:09
Ive gotten 3 lots of 5 numbers in one game - is that an Achievement??? and if not what is the most 5 of a kind in one game by one person??

19. jaanuar 2015, 13:28:03
Teema: Re: Something funny is going on...
Aganju: Looks like the game was reset to the move before the illegal system move. I'll assume Fencer fixed it, so thanks!

18. jaanuar 2015, 19:36:09
Dice Cheater 
Teema: Re: Something funny is going on...
Aganju: Contact Fencer and he'll probably bring the game back to just before that move. Same sort of thing happened to me before.

18. jaanuar 2015, 18:39:43
Teema: Re: Something funny is going on...
Walter Montego: It has happened and reported before by others. I do not know if there is a "ghost in the machine" but I doubt the ghostbusters could do anything about this kind of ghost. I would speculate that a lady bug must be making rounds somewhere and only "bug exterminator" Fencer could do something about it.

18. jaanuar 2015, 18:02:13
Walter Montego 
Teema: Re: Something funny is going on...
Aganju: Why would it make you make this move? Why did it move for you and as you say what happened to the six? You obviously would have made completely different move. I have never seen the game do something like that. Perhaps there's a ghost in the machine?

18. jaanuar 2015, 17:42:00
Teema: Something funny is going on...
The system just made a ridiculous and illegal move for me:
Backgammon (Aganju vs. TerryS)
I never even got to play, my last move was Backgammon (Aganju vs. TerryS) where I close the homoe board completely, and that should be an easy win. Then the system plays a 'pass' for TerryS (or he did), and then it played a roll of 1 and 6 for me, not using the 6, and opening up the blocked 6. That is illegal, I had to move the 6 too somewhere.
What is going on?

29. detsember 2014, 17:30:00
Teema: Re: Strange tournament bug
rod03801: I looked at the running tournament list, and it is indeed on there twice. (I only purposefully created one of them). I have NO idea how I'd be on it twice though, because the only link I used was on the Tournaments discussion board.

Wait. I take that back. I MIGHT have used a link from a message I got when the tournament started, and maybe one of the times, it was the one for the mystery 2nd one.
No big deal I guess. Other than I did not create 2. Maybe it had something to do with using the template I had saved?

29. detsember 2014, 16:42:23
Teema: Re: Strange tournament bug
beach: I don't know. I know I only signed up on one link, and I personally seem to be in 2 tournaments on some of the games. (Definitely not all of them!).

EDIT : I just checked my own list, and for me, it's only 3 of the games that seemed to "Double up". Dice Chess, Dice Chess 10x10 and Frog Finder.
I don't know how many others had this happen. (Obviously at least in these 3 listed).


29. detsember 2014, 15:03:07
Teema: Re: Strange tournament bug
rod03801:   I thought you had created 2 tournaments it was like that in the list of tournaments from when you first posted the tournament

29. detsember 2014, 14:48:33
Teema: Strange tournament bug
I created a single elimination tournament that was set to begin Dec 26. It allowed for 2 extra days before being deleted. For some reason, it seems to have created "double" tournaments in some of the games. For example, Frog Finder. There is one version that has 4 people. Then there seems to be another version that has 5 people. When you go to it's main tournament page, where it lists all of the games of the tournament, it is only listed once of course, and if you click on it, you see the version with 4 people. (Not the "extra" one with 5 people)
BAH HUMBUG!! #3 is the 4 person one
BAH HUMBUG!! #3 is the 5 person one.

EDIT : Oh, it seems to have created at least 2 tournaments with the same name, but different tournament #'s of course
BAH HUMBUG!! #3 (#46532)
BAH HUMBUG!! #3 (#46491)

25. detsember 2014, 21:11:30
Merry Christmas 

25. detsember 2014, 18:28:20
Teema: Re:
Bernice: Thank you and Happy Christmas to you and all.

25. detsember 2014, 05:12:40
Teema: Re:
Bernice: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

24. detsember 2014, 22:31:09
M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S :)

24. detsember 2014, 13:27:17
Teema: Re:
El Cid: as we cannot set vacation days anymore, i mean to assign them to specific dates and are dependent on the automatic use i am strongly against your suggestion .. i might be on vacation or a working trip without spare time to play for more than 1 month ... that is what my vacation days are for

you can see i didnt use all of them this year, so i dont delay games on purpose

if you want games which cannot be delayed, then use any of the appropriate time controls

24. detsember 2014, 05:05:13
Teema: Re:
El Cid: I understand what you mean, but it has the same effect - who cares how many vacation days he has left after all his games timed out.
My point is that if you think that people have to much vacation, the total vacation time should be reduced, not its usability.

The whole discussion comes back to the old point of 'some people drag the games out too long by using up all the time they have'. That has been discussed often here, and looking at vacation days is just another flavor of it. There is no solution, except not playing with people who do that, or not playing in tournaments that allow it. So take your pick.

24. detsember 2014, 02:59:38
El Cid 
No, what I mean is that if a user doesn't login for a month, then their autovacation would be set to off. That is, they would keep all of their remaining vacation days, but the autovacation feature (that automatically reduces the vacation time you still have left, when you timeout in a game) would be suspended. Therefore, instead of delaying a game for two months (until the 30 vacation days are used), the game would end when it times out and if the user logs in again in July, he(she) would have all of the vacation days left.

I'll give an example Gamão (Royal__Flush vs. ennukene00) Under my suggestion, ennukene00 would still use the autovacation days for january 1st, but after that the game would timeout (when the time limit was reached) and he would keep the 29 remaining days for when he logs in again. As it is now, the game will probably only end in late february, the site will be considering a time-out for every hour during two months and an hour of vacation days left will be reduced.

I hope I was clearer this time

24. detsember 2014, 00:28:48
Teema: Re: New Games
El Cid: do you mean you want the vacation they have invalidated? Either they have it,or they don't. What you asked is basically to cut all vacation down to 30 days.
I could agree with that, but it would be a clearer statement that way.

23. detsember 2014, 23:55:08
El Cid 
Teema: Re: New Games
coan.net: Given the "kick off" ... how about the feature I ask every year, at this time, that people that do not login for a month have their autovacation suspended?
The checking is already being made (they appear with a grey background in some pages) and it would reduce the two month delay that happens with the vacation days renewal...

21. detsember 2014, 21:32:11
Teema: New Games
Hey Fencer - since you are playing around with the code, you could always throw out a couple of quick new games. Here are a couple of variants that I wouldn't think would take much work, but should be just as popular as the current games.

#1: Logik-6: Logik-6 is the same game as the popular Logik game, but with 6 spaces instead of 5.

#2: Ludo Express: Ludo Express is the same as regular Ludo, with the following changes: (1) Get out of the start with either 1 or 6, (2) Roll 2 dice each turn... double mean nothing special, (3) Each dice is separate - like Backgammon, you first make your move with one of your dice, and then the other - with the same or different piece.

Ludo is already a popular game, and quicker games are always popular - so making Ludo an ever quicker game would work very well.

(Can't blame me for always trying for a new game here and there! Merry Christmas!)

21. detsember 2014, 20:43:02
Teema: Re: Disappearing games.
Fencer: Sorry I was away from the computer for most of the day. I have checked now and everything is okay. Thanks for sorting that problem out. Happy Christmas to you.

21. detsember 2014, 13:19:05
fine again now

21. detsember 2014, 13:18:43
Teema: Re:
Fencer: its working now can see completed games thanks so much fencer merry christmas

21. detsember 2014, 13:17:18
Can you check it now?

21. detsember 2014, 13:13:34
Teema: Re: Disappearing games.
crosseyed: Oops! Due to a misclick in the latest update, some games were incorrectly moved to a database that is reserved for year 2015.
A fix in progress.

21. detsember 2014, 11:53:51
Teema: Re: Disappearing games.
crosseyed_uk toimetatud (21. detsember 2014, 11:54:19)
SL-Mark: I am glad it is not only me. Hopefully it will get back to normal soon.

21. detsember 2014, 11:21:29
Teema: Re: Disappearing games.
SL-Mark:  now I see it that is strange maybe fencer will take a look

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