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28. detsember 2012, 01:54:32
Teema: Re: Vacation
Carpe Diem: Without looking, I'm not even sure the help area has the correct answer. Fencer changed the vacation system, um, a year ago maybe? Or maybe longer. Time flies. Vacation time is now used hourly. So when your games get to the "time out" time, you aren't using a whole day. You could come online an hour after one of your games would have timed out, and see you have 34 days 23 hours of vacation left.

Now, as far the more technical aspects, I'm not positive of the smaller details of it. But yes, right now you actually have more than enough vacation time, because on Jan 1st, everyone's vacation time refills to whatever their membership entitles them to.

12. detsember 2012, 01:17:45
Teema: Re: Bonus conquerer
Carpe Diem: Yes

11. detsember 2012, 02:11:41
Teema: Re:
Chimera: I sent you a message. Your code wasn't quite right. Try pasting the code from my message into your profile.

3. november 2012, 01:49:43
Teema: Re: Settings help?
likewowman2cool: That's the one I was kind of thinking might help him a little, too.

I'm STILL hanging on to hope that someday one more option will be added.
Move and Go to next flagged game

Where you can flag certain games. Prize tournament games might be something one might like to flag, for that option. Or if you have a lot of games, and you know of people who would like you to move fast with them, you could flag that game.

I can think of a few other good applications for that feature!

2. november 2012, 20:35:10
Teema: Re: Settings help?
rod03801 toimetatud (2. november 2012, 20:36:23)
Carpe Diem: Have you checked out the options on the first page of your settings? I mean the part where you can choose which options are in the menu when you "Submit move and .... "

I swore there was an option in that list that might be appropriate for what you are asking. Maybe I'm wrong.

EDIT : Eh, I looked, I guess not. But there are some good options there if you haven't seen them.

24. august 2012, 20:31:23
Teema: Re:
Iamon lyme:
From the FAQ's :
3.1.2) I play a game with no time control and my opponent stopped moving, so it seems that the game will never finish. What can I do now?

If it is really clear that your opponent will not play the game anymore (for instance, he stopped logging in BrainKing 2 months ago), please send a message to the administrators and the game will be deleted. However, it is recommended to think twice before accepting a game invitation with no time limit and that's why a warning in bold red letters is displayed at the game invitation page, so you always play such a game at your own risk.

16. juuli 2012, 00:54:18
Teema: Re: Email
Rabbits2: CHeck now. Admin checks all changes. I just accepted your change.

8. juuni 2012, 21:03:32
Teema: Re: plakoto
speachless: As someone else said, I think this is something new. As though the image recently disappeared. I haven't noticed it up until now. But I know I'll be looking more carefully on my few current plakato games.

It is being discussed further on the Backgammon discussion board.

2. juuni 2012, 01:17:16
Teema: Re: 10,000 move achievement
Papounet: These are of course 2 completely different things. And numbers.

Yes, the 10,000 one is indeed in one day. (Server time - which is of course important)

The other is 100,000 - and that is in general, over time.

I think there was some confusion, earlier in the thread between these 2.
You pointed it out nicely.

4. mai 2012, 02:47:15
Teema: Ban from tournaments
I see a new choice on profiles. "Ban from my tournaments"....

It IS new, correct? Or am I just very unobservant?

1. aprill 2012, 05:15:24
Teema: Re: Posting video to profile
happyjuggler0: You're quite welcome. Sorry it wasn't more productive help.

1. aprill 2012, 04:57:00
Teema: Re: Posting video to profile
Still no luck, I see. Maybe it's only Rooks. I forget the benefits of each level. Or does someone know that knights/bishops can have videos in profiles?

1. aprill 2012, 04:05:29
Teema: Re: Posting video to profile
happyjuggler0: You're a brain bishop now. Let's see.

1. aprill 2012, 04:00:48
Teema: Re: Posting video to profile
happyjuggler0: I'm not positive. I tried your new code myself, and it still doesn't work. I wish I knew how to send you a message with some code that I KNOW works.. However, it "disappears" because the message tries to "use" the code, if that makes sense. I'm not html expert lol

1. aprill 2012, 03:41:58
Teema: Re: Posting video to profile
happyjuggler0: I'm sending you a PM with the code that worked for me.

1. aprill 2012, 03:37:39
Teema: Re: Posting video to profile
happyjuggler0: Hmm.. I tried your code.. it left me with "/embed". So I thought you had an extra "/embed" in there. So, I took it out. Then I get a big empty space.

1. aprill 2012, 01:22:48
Teema: Re: Posting video to profile
happyjuggler0: Actually, I just tried the code you used, and it didn't work on my profile either.
Go back to youtube, and be sure to check the box for "Use old embed code". That might work

1. aprill 2012, 01:19:17
Teema: Re: Posting video to profile
happyjuggler0: I could be wrong, but perhaps brain pawns cannot do that.

31. märts 2012, 01:22:03
Teema: Re: Easter-Egg Question!
Aganju: I'm not sure if there is an "automated" way to do it. (I doubt it, but could be wrong). However, if you make the purchase, with a note to Fencer about it, I have NO doubt he will make it work for you.

12. märts 2012, 16:19:18
Teema: Re: I have a fan!
I have shut off that account from sending private messages. It probably won't be back anyway though. I hope no one is broken hearted.

24. veebruar 2012, 01:38:14
Teema: Re:
Bernice: All Brain Pawns need photos approved. The occasional times when a paid member needs theirs approved happens when they have put inappropriate items in their albums.

5. jaanuar 2012, 03:05:53
Teema: Re: Paypal
firedragon764: Personally, I've been using PayPal for at least 10 years, for many many things, and have never had an issue.

17. detsember 2011, 03:40:44
Teema: Re: Users Stats
pedestrian: Oh, I'm not one of the real "paranoids". There are a few people here that think every new person is someone else.

Of course those are the ones who probably have the most accounts. LOL

17. detsember 2011, 03:10:21
Teema: Re: Users Stats
Aganju: In my experience, a significant number of multi nics on this site, are here for other reasons than cheating. Many have mind games going on, rather than board games.

15. detsember 2011, 14:50:16
Teema: Curious about numbers
On the log in page, it says 99,997 registered players.
So, I thought that was neat, someone pretty soon, is going to be registered user # 100,000

However, when looking at the player list, as of right now, when I'm typing this, the most recent new user is user #100,103

I assumed it would match up. Just curious why it doesn't?

3. detsember 2011, 18:38:51
Teema: Re:
rod03801 toimetatud (3. detsember 2011, 18:39:54)
Fencer: Personally, I think going to the Main Page would be more appropriate. That lets you know that the particular "filter" you chose, contains no more games in that "category".

I know it works that way with Move and go to Next Fischer clock game. When there are no more, it goes to the main page. I like that!

And if that means that particular choice is "broken" , PLEASE don't fix it!

1. detsember 2011, 03:03:29
Teema: Re:
thisbeme: People should be responsible for themselves. Read things before you sign up. The site itself shouldn't have to babysit anyone and decide for them what they do. The site can only (and should only) stop you from doing what you can't do that would be against the terms of your membership level.

30. november 2011, 23:04:03
Teema: Re: tournament removal
thisbeme: Well, unless you plan on renewing, I think you can pretty much assume all of those tournaments on your "open" list, will all be tournies you will be removed from.

26. november 2011, 01:06:16
Teema: Re: Just noticed
MadMonkey: I did a test tonight, and went through and only had 10 pawn games to move on, and they all came up, one right after other, using "move and go to next game with non paying member". Then, when they were done, it went to main page, as expected.

HOWEVER, I noticed that once I started then moving on my games, every time I submitted a move, it went to the next game with a rook (or whatever), instead of going to the Main Page. (I hadn't changed the default action).

So, I wonder if there's any connection.

So, what I found with "Move and go to next game with non paying member"
1. If it is from pawn game, and there is another pawn game it goes to another pawn game
2. If it is from a pawn game, and there is NOT another pawn game, it goes to Main page
3. If it is from a Rook game, and there is not a pawn game, it continues to just go to next rook games (or whatever level), without going back to Main Page.

I didn't get to test it, but I think #4 would be If it is from a Rook game, and there IS a pawn game, it would go to a pawn game, fine.

To me, all are as expected, except #3. To me it should go to the Main Page in that case, to be consistent.

25. november 2011, 19:05:33
Teema: Re: Just noticed
MadMonkey: Could it be that happens when you are out of "non paying members " to move with?
I haven't run into that problem yet, but I also haven't used that option as much as I usually do, lately. I've been pretty busy, so have been moving in order of time out most of the time.

24. november 2011, 01:05:04
Teema: Re: Photo Albums
Bluefin: Well, if you don't have an album yet, you can click on Photo Albums in the left hand menu.

You will see a link to "Create a new album". Click that.

You will have the opportunity to name an album and set up the viewing settings

Submit that.

Then you have the opportunity to upload pictures. (Either from your computer, or by using a URL of a picture online)

18. november 2011, 06:26:45
Teema: Re: Bonuses
Skeeky: Well, if you purchased a membership, while you had the red code, you would get double what you bought.

15. november 2011, 03:32:22
Teema: Re:
Marshmud: I would guess it's a case of someone asking Fencer to transfer some of their own brains to someone else, so that they can use them for the brain tourneys.

15. november 2011, 01:02:07
Teema: Re: Brains
ChaseWinstead: How's this? Brain Prize Tourney for Chase

I made a random Brain Tourney of the games I see on your profile that you play.

It really belongs on the Tourney board, so I'll put it there too.

7. november 2011, 06:41:38
Teema: Re: re number of games
Artful Dodger: Fischer clock games

5. november 2011, 05:30:57
Teema: Re: can't win
Gabriel Almeida: Interesting. Doesn't sound like you disagree. I said "didn't break any rule" and "doesn't deserve rudeness" I said nothing about courtesy.

4. november 2011, 04:29:55
Teema: Re: can't win
rod03801 toimetatud (4. november 2011, 04:35:50)
Marshmud: No clue what you are talking about. All I am saying, he has broken NO rule, and doesn't deserve someone sending him rude messages. And my point is, How productive are rude messages to him anyway? I personally react negative to rude messages, and would move even slower to someone being a jerk.

I didn't say anyone specific was being rude to him, nor do I know WHO was being rude to him, NOR do I care who. It was a general comment.

Worms? Road signs?

4. november 2011, 01:51:33
Teema: Re: can't win
Marshmud: I never said you or anyone was rude. I was simply responding to him saying he got rude messages.

4. november 2011, 00:54:31
Teema: Re: can't win
Marshmud: But there is still no need for anyone to be rude to him about it. He has done nothing wrong, and has broken no rules.

I've been the "slow one" a few times over the years, so I can relate a bit. When I have a lot of games, I play in order of time out. So of course the games with the longer time limits can last SO long, because yes, there will be times I approach the time limits pretty closely.
This is why I tend to avoid games with longer than 3 day limits. And when someone sends me an invitation to a private, friendly game with a long limit, I write back and warn them that which such a long limit, unfortunately, I may use much of it.

Anyone who asks POLITELY however, as others have said, to move more quickly for them? I'm MORE than happy to do it, as I'm not going "slow" on purpose.

This is one reason I have requested the ability to "flag" certain games, (for whatever reason), and have an additional command of "Move and go to Next Flagged Game".
(Which I STILL think is a great request, FENCER!! )

People need to realize they may get better results by being nice. I know if I got a rude message about my speed of moving, I'd probably tend to leave games with that person longer than normal!.

14. oktoober 2011, 20:28:41
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey: That's been gone quite a while, I believe.

14. oktoober 2011, 19:34:44
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey: Yes, the pawn one is very useful. I often use that one, when I feel I'm caught up enough, in order to be helpful to the pawns who only have a few games anyway, so at least the ones I play can have something to do. lol.

Unfortunately, lately I'm not often caught up.

8. oktoober 2011, 02:36:25
Teema: Re:
xarmanhs: Your best bet would be to find someone who would agree to play a game to completion with you.

There is also the Fischer Clock timer, but that still isn't quite what you are looking for, I think.

Being a turn based site, it is really the "norm" to play hours/days per move, though.

25. september 2011, 05:02:37
Teema: Re: Calendar
Aganju: I BELIEVE I used to be able to look at the old calendar, and see that a vacation day had been used. Of course that is a bit more complicated now that we have vacation hours. (Which I think is an awesome change, and very clever!)

25. september 2011, 04:35:02
Teema: Re: Calendar
Aganju: Like I said, I don't "keep track" of what it was before.

25. september 2011, 01:59:24
Teema: Calendar
I understand the calendar was taken away, since all vacation is automatic now. However, is there any way to see when some vacation has been used? (I don't really keep track of my "vacation time balance")

Not a big deal.. But I had a game down to 1 hour, so I was curious if I had ended up using vacation time at all today. Just curious if there's any other way now for me to know. (besides keeping track of my time balance)

22. september 2011, 00:55:34
Teema: Re: Move and go to
MadMonkey: I used to use that one once in a while (go to game with most moves). It was nice for playing games that were LIKELY to be near the end. (To help lower number of games I had going)
I haven't used it in a long time though. I had actually forgotten about it.

21. september 2011, 20:08:06
Teema: Re: Move and go to
Fencer: Next Fischer Clock works great too. I use it all the time.

16. september 2011, 02:04:40
Teema: Re: What's on your mind?
Fwiffo: Sounds like some sort of adware? No? Maybe time for a scan? The computer discussion board has some recommendations at the top of the board.

Regardless, no, it doesn't sound like something you should purposefully be seeing.

14. september 2011, 15:03:28
There will be no further arguing on this board. No debate about this decision either. Further posts will be deleted, and people banned. Thanks!

26. august 2011, 18:15:40
Teema: Re: removing myself from a fellowship
moistfinger: Or, if you don't want to wait until the games are finished, you can ask the Big Boss to remove you themselves. (The games will continue)

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