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5. juuni 2024, 10:03:22
Teema: Re: Site down.
Smiler.: not in Australia it doesnt well where I am it doesnt.

4. juuni 2024, 00:28:45
Teema: Re: Site down.
Smiler.: i would say that Fencer is doing upgrade to the site, but if the sight goes down he usually lets everyone know

30. märts 2024, 23:07:22
Happy Easter to all

22. veebruar 2024, 21:49:58
Teema: Re: Chess Variant tournaments
Bernice toimetatud (22. veebruar 2024, 21:53:17)
Smiler.: OK back in the earlier years there were thousands playing each day and only a minimal of these are now playing...Fencer used to be on here every day talking to us and making us all feel welcome...Now there isnt a hidenor heair of him to be seen. you have only been here for a couple of years, Ive been here for about 25 years so you have no idea what it was like back in the day...It might still be the best but it isnt a smidgeon of what it used to be. and as one of the old timers on here said in another group...it used to take just about all day to read everything and play the games now it only takes about an hour.

19. veebruar 2024, 23:20:55
Teema: Re: Chess Variant tournaments
Bluefin: this place has been deteriorating since Fencer said that he wanted to sell of something and want going to do any more on this site....something or similar to anyway

17. veebruar 2024, 07:30:23
Teema: Re:
rod03801: thanks for that....someting else I learnt today :)

16. veebruar 2024, 22:08:32
Teema: Re:
Aganju: thanks for that.

16. veebruar 2024, 22:07:57
Teema: Re:
Mélusine: (((HUGS)))

16. veebruar 2024, 07:45:47
Teema: Re:
Mélusine: I wasnt complaining about the french....but what language was that Russian??? I couldnt even look it up as I didnt know what language

14. veebruar 2024, 23:28:38
what is wrong with speaking english??? there are other boards that you can ask or talk on arent there???

28. jaanuar 2024, 22:45:34
Teema: Re:
Carpe Diem: You would not believe but we are now in the middle of a heat wave... it is so humid - 87% humidity....but I guess that is what ya get living in the tropics hahahaha...Have a nice day.

27. jaanuar 2024, 21:15:32
Teema: Re:
Carpe Diem: Thank you ...lots of fallen trees but no damage to my home and we lost power for 2 days, but some wont get it back for over a week....

25. jaanuar 2024, 00:58:13
If I suddenly do NOT play a game, it could be because there is a CYCLONE coming directly towards where I live and we could lose power....Sorry

1. jaanuar 2024, 09:11:27
Happy New Year>>>

26. detsember 2023, 01:30:54
and the very bestest Christmas to you ;)

23. november 2023, 23:46:56
Teema: Re: games
Mélusine: OK here...Australia

1. november 2023, 21:52:48
Teema: Re:
Marshmud: thanks Hun.

1. november 2023, 00:25:32
what does a red dot beside a game mean please.....

26. august 2023, 00:29:02
why am I explaining all this again?

26. august 2023, 00:28:01
Teema: Re:
cd power: no, no, no. it was the 15th my time...the very day it was due in Australia, and the bank told me it was attempted to be taken on AUSTRALIA 14th

26. august 2023, 00:25:23
Teema: Re:
Bernice toimetatud (26. august 2023, 00:26:07)
Aganju: the reason I posted on here was not to be abused for doing it. NObody deserves to be abused when something has nothing to do with them

25. august 2023, 07:34:46
Teema: Re:
Bernice toimetatud (25. august 2023, 07:38:20)
Clandestine 1: and just who are you to stick your nose into this, Did I mention your name...NO....now just shut your face up....BLOCKED

22. august 2023, 01:48:34
Teema: Re:
Fencer: Look lets drop it....But I will say this...the attempts were tHE DAY BEFORE I tried to renew my membership....Now with FRACHUNEK on each one 12 times, how would PayPal know it was my time to renew.

21. august 2023, 09:27:31
I have NO active auto matic payment with paypal and never have

21. august 2023, 09:25:32
Teema: Re:
Fencer: I have never recreated a recurring payment to any gamesite in my life, and have been here since 2000? How would my bank get your name on 12 proposed purchases...that DID come thru PayPal...Perhaps you could check YOUR paypal and see who woulda/coulda have done this. This would be appreciated by myself

21. august 2023, 01:57:19
Teema: Re:
Carpe Diem: NO because the 12 attempts at getting money from my account were ONE DAY before I was trying to renew my membership

17. august 2023, 01:07:48
well isnt this amazing...NOTHING to be said?

15. august 2023, 01:37:40
Bernice toimetatud (16. august 2023, 00:25:13)
OK>>>>FILIP....I want to know WHO it was yesterday that tried to access my BANK account 12 times.....The persons name was FRACHUNEK??? that was why I couldnt get into my account this morning to pay my membership...Let me tell you right now, part of my account has NO MONEY TO BE TAKEN FOR GAMBLING on it...that is why whomever it was had to try 12 times and each time my bank had a hold on my account...I have to take off that directive..I am going to the police this morning for them to look into this further.

15. august 2023, 00:42:05
renewing membership...I am unable to renew my membership by one month for some reason...it is due today and I cant get hold my bank to enquire why I cant get it done....is there any reason at that end why I cant pay it?

4. august 2023, 07:53:20
Just checked and he is no where near me on any board LOL

3. august 2023, 09:47:26
Teema: Re: someone is being a pest
Mélusine: now that is a great idea.....it still has 3 games to go in a 5 point match so I dont mind...I might get rid of him.....Thank Melusine

2. august 2023, 09:49:04
Teema: Re:
rod03801: Thanks so much I had forgotten about the block thingy....Only ever in all the years I have been on here Blocked ONE other person....He was really obnoxious

1. august 2023, 23:39:00
Bernice toimetatud (1. august 2023, 23:41:13)
how can I turn on NO ""talkies"" in the middle of a game?
somone is being a pest... an if I give him a blast he will wonder what the hell has hit him...I think he is only about 15 or 16 years old judging by the way he is talking.

23. juuli 2023, 03:34:41
Teema: Re: Games
Smiler.: probably people like me.....losing to you and trying to hide it hahahahah

12. juuli 2023, 22:27:38
Teema: Re: Turniro
Algis9: English please

12. juuli 2023, 22:26:58
Teema: Re: Fencer.
furbster: thanks

12. juuli 2023, 05:12:28
Teema: Re: Fencer.
Bernice toimetatud (12. juuli 2023, 05:13:00)
Smiler.: I know what I paid for and it was a braib bishop but it hasnt been updated on my membership.//The reason I only paid for one month is times are getting tougher and it can only afford one month at a time

12. juuli 2023, 00:30:29
Teema: Fencer.
I paid for one months game and it hasnt been added to my acc..It says last was 16 july 2022 to 15 july 2023.....Please adjust..Thanks in avance

6. jaanuar 2023, 06:34:41
Teema: Re: Perhaps I should move to France
Mélusine: well I wont be learning french at 77 yrs old, and with the Covid as it is everywhere I wont be leaving home. LOL

4. jaanuar 2023, 23:56:14
Teema: Re: Perhaps I should move to France
Mélusine: Really? I know a lot of people that have been to Paris, but it was on their way to somewhere else. and they loved it except they didnt speak French and couldnt make themselves understood LOL

4. jaanuar 2023, 01:58:49
Teema: Re:
Aganju: hahahahaha I love good food , perhaps I should move to France....ROFL

3. jaanuar 2023, 21:29:15
Teema: Re:
Mélusine: WOW thanks for that...How a lot of countries differ...

3. jaanuar 2023, 12:14:15
Teema: Re:
Mélusine: and the same to you but then it is nearly into the 4th day LOL...never to be seen again

25. detsember 2022, 21:11:18
Teema: Re:
furbster: and the same to you :)

25. detsember 2022, 03:22:45
Teema: Re:
rod03801: and the same to you ROd....Have real good one ;) xxx

24. detsember 2022, 21:49:29
Teema: Re: Merry Christmas and happy New year
Good Luck :)FLR: amd the same to you, but ours in the tropics is going to be very wet....

20. detsember 2022, 21:30:16
Wishing all players a Very Merry Christmas and happy New Year...xxxx

22. august 2022, 03:29:49
Teema: Re: What the bleep...
Bernice toimetatud (22. august 2022, 03:33:45)
ketchuplover: if you are referring to the ORIGINAL FLAME pit....as far as I can remember it was put up so people can have a damned you arguement...It was ferocious...No holds barred....the name was changed for some reason long forgotten and the person that was in charge left or didnt want to be boss so the name was changed to the above.....but it was a long time ago...more than 25 years i think.....Maybe boss man Butch can answer your q....But the ORIGINALS was made for old timers , all friends (NOW) and people who had een here since way way back....I have been here since 1998

21. juuni 2022, 22:25:48
Teema: Re:
Bugaevsky_S: possibly because Fencer the owner said that nothing will be done to the site unless it is a bad error and that was about a million years ago hahahaha, try and read the notes history....someone else will be able to tell you i dont bother with all that crap

24. mai 2022, 02:45:27
Teema: Re: Achievement
Mélusine: not really but no worries...I just play and win lose or draw I am happy hahaha

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