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 Thoughts and Prayers

A sacred place for remembrance, prayer, support, love, affirming eachother, honor and praise.

For people from this site, but also for people in your life all around this globe; whom you would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
*Please, no cutting and pasting. Providing links is ok.
*Avoid long posts. Most people don't read them anyway.
*No religious debate please! (avoid trying to state a particular religious point of view and avoid sermonizing)

*© Copyrighted Material is fine as long as the original author is given credit.

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*God bless you! Shalom! Salaam aleikum!

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7. August 2006, 19:47:22
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: Having surgery on Monday
Groucho: You are very welcome!! I have had no idea of you being in hospital... :-( Since its about a week later: how are you doing now and what is 'packing'?

God bless you real good and may He heal you completely!!! amen

31. Juli 2006, 22:03:48
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: Having surgery on Monday
Groucho: Have been away for a while. How are you doing? How did the surgery go?

15. Juli 2006, 09:52:18
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: My dear Mum
Awww(((WatfordFC))))): God bless you and keep you and let His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The LORD let His countenance upon you and give you peace.

Take care especcially today!!

8. Juli 2006, 11:09:53
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re:
Nirvana: Bless you for posting this Nirvana - my thoughts go out to the family members and loved ones of all the victims and wounded people.. Their lives will never be the same! May they rest in peace - amen

1. Juli 2006, 11:15:43
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: To the Jew first!
Tilpasset af Radiant2008 :-) (1. Juli 2006, 11:20:04)
Shalom beloved,

Trumpet of Salvation to Israel invites you to discover a mighty work of God in Israel. Come and see... the God of Israel is inviting you!


This website will give you the revelation of this vital time in the history of Israel and the Church. We pray that you might realize the will of God and respond to the Lord's call on your life to "provoke Israel to jealousy."

Deuteronomy 32:21: They have provoked Me to jealousy by what is not God; They have moved Me to anger by their foolish idols. But I will provoke them to jealousy by those who are not a nation; I will move them to anger by a foolish nation.

Romans 11:11-15: I say them, have they stumbled that they should fall? Certainly not! But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles. Now if their fall is riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more their fullness! For I speak to you Gentiles;inasmuch as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry, if by any means I may provoke to jealousy those who are my flesh and save some of them. For if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the death?

Paul here speaks about the Resurrection of Christ Jesus... Yeshua Masshiach - amen

Ruth 1:16: Your People shall me my people, and your God, my God.

Adonai echad ---> The LORD is ONE!!! Hallelu et Adonai

Please join us in prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem and their neighbour and join The Trumpet of Salvation on one or more of their campaigns.

Be blessed in His Holy Presence,
Radiant Aunt

**typos cleared*

15. Juni 2006, 09:06:14
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re:
ClayNashvilleTN: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww ((((((((((Clay)))))))))))))) Yes, of course you are in my thoughts and prayers dear Brother!! Psalm 91 for you..

22. Maj 2006, 07:27:36
Radiant2008 :-) 
I didn't knew Ron, but my prayers go out to his wife and family and loved ones and friends.

May the Lord bless you and keep you
And make His face to shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
May the Lord grant you His peace...

In Jesus Name - Halleluyah - AMEN

19. Maj 2006, 21:58:36
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: prayer request
Horseman: We will lift her up in prayers, Horse.

The JOY of the LORD is her Strength - Nehemiah 8:10

17. Maj 2006, 22:45:34
Radiant2008 :-) 
Our Powerful Living God is capable of doing anything!!! Praise be unto His Name - AMEN

Much prayers for this child of God and her family and loved ones.

16. Maj 2006, 23:43:46
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: prayers please
snowhugs: Awwww snowhugs, how awful! I will keep your friend and her children and other loved ones in my prayers. amen

16. Maj 2006, 09:41:12
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: Prayers Needed
whatdidyousay: Thank you Father for your Healing Power and Your Spirit of PEACE - AMEN

Foxy Lady: Psalm 91 for you and your loved ones

12. Maj 2006, 18:08:21
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: My Testimony from Missionary Trip Nigeria 2006
From the beginning I knew the Lord wanted to sent me on this trip, I asked myself: How could HE use ME in Nigeria?
My Faith came under attacked since I knew the LORD sent me on this trip.
This became clear during the Alpha course and we discussed why did Jesus die.... Agony and much sorrow came over me when thinking of Jesus being cut off from His Father; while He carried all the sins from us. I tried to imagine how He must have felt at that moment just before He died. There were many emotions and I started questioning my own Faith.

During that particular time, I was preparing myself to go to Nigeria and I had asked myself how the LORD could use me there. I even doubted and got discouraged.

After watching session 2 the Alpha Course: I saw WHY He died for us: so that we don't have to be cut off from the Father!! So, that we always will have a relationship with Him!
That was so hopeful for me and I gradually grew in Faith in His Goodness. Knowing that He wanted me to go to Nigeria, to encourage and strengthen these brothers and sisters to His Glory.

And yes, He used me for His Glory!!

He worked through me... by giving me back a part of my Art Ministry. Art: a medium to share the Gospel.
Little did I realise that through all that we share: we also will be encouraged!
The first experience of His Love for His children He showed me when He worked through me helping the children to create Art in the Kings School in Gana Ropp. I found myself sharing the Gospel by teaching them how to create a cross, a tomb and His Ressurrection by the use of simple materials. Their eagerness; enthousiastme to learn; their shining faces; their gratefulness shown to us; and by Gods Guiding helping us to create even more: crowns for them: for they are Princes and Princesses of the King! And: fishes for them. These children filled by His Spirit, being set a fire and filled with Joy, they gave me so many blessings! I thank the Lord for this chance to share the Gospel through Art and to encourage many! I thank the Lord for this medium that they themselves can use to share the Gospel with those unreached in their lives. I know, He will use them for His mighty work.

He worked through me...
By praying with brothers and sisters and the Lords fast answers.
Also little did I knew when praying with a sister, how her request instantly was answered! After returning home I received an email from her. One of her requests was to receive a husband. She wrote me that that very night that I prayed with her, the man whom God put on her heart to be her husband asked her to marry her!! I would like to underline, that many prayers the team prayed with brothers and sisters were answered instantly! Praise the Lord! He has been so good to all of us!

He worked through me... On our various travels:
Very little did I realise how the Lord gradually put a burden in my heart for Nigeria during our travels. Although it would have been interesting for us to spend the night in some of the villages we visited; I realise this was the reason for us to travel every day forth and back to the hotel in Kaduna.
We saw its beauty. And the Joy and courage of the people being a Missionary. We also saw its poverty, the drought, the traffic situation, the circumstances in which people are living. And we felt the heat: I enjoyed the sun every day. Me, being a white woman, I thought I couldn't handle the heat, but I felt His Hand on me every day to be useful, watchful & prayerful. I also enjoyed the food; especcially that prepared for us at homes and during our fieldtrips.

He worked through me... and laid a burden on my heart to return to Nigeria as a Missionary:
Little could I know that the Lord gradually would put a burden in my heart to return to Nigeria as a Missionary! He will work out the details: to mold and refine me.

I could hear Him talking to me when interviewing Ruth who teaches women sewing at the Women development Center in Angwankanawa. A perfect way to share with them the Gospel!
I could feel His Holy Spirit touching me when I saw yet unreached and illiterate Muslim children curiously looking at our cars, in the area north of Zaria on our way back. During that same drive I was touched by a lost child, about age 3, who was crossing the road in front of our cars and appearently had nobody that looked after her!! They need Jesus and I pray for them every day!

I have seen there is so much still to do by our Heavenly Father, that it took me efforts to listen to Him and to come home with the team. I would have loved to stay and start doing His work. This trip has made a lasting impression on me! He has used me every day. And I know that He will use me again in His time in Nigeria. And I am convinced that He can us each one of you too in Nigeria! Pray about it and let Him talk to you. You will be blessed! Very little do I know what He has in store for me with regards to the burdens He laid on my heart; but by Faith and Prayer I know that He will show me in His Time, what His Purpose is for me in Nigeria. In Jesus Name - AMEN

Radiant Aunt - The Hague - April 2006

5. Maj 2006, 18:10:49
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: St Patrick's Breastplate
Horseman: Praise the Lord! Halleluyah - AMEN

3. Maj 2006, 22:27:20
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re:
ScarletRose: I try to.. just too much to do and so far I have no fever yet.. so I can just go to work.. and i can just go on with all these silllion activities.. As long as I walk in my pattern of activities I m fine.. as soon as I can rest, Iam so tired..... :-(

3. Maj 2006, 21:52:57
Radiant2008 :-) 
Hello everyone!

I am so very tired. I could use some prayers. When I went to Nigeria, I had to take anti-Malaria tablets. The side affects are now that I am this tired. I didn't knew nor realised that it would be like this. I do go to work and all my activities at night in church as well. Today was a very diffecult day, for some reason. I think im not getting enough sleep. Please keep me in your prayers. Many thanks and much love in Christ Jesus,


3. Maj 2006, 19:59:40
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re:
Horseman: were there any casualties?

3. Maj 2006, 17:53:26
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re:
Horseman: Thank God! amen

3. Maj 2006, 01:21:05
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: PLEASE!!!
Horseman: Is that happening right now?

29. April 2006, 01:27:21
Radiant2008 :-) 
Psalm 27:1-2

The LORD is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?
When evil men advance against me
to devour my flesh,
when my enemies and my foes attack me,
they will stumble and fall.

28. April 2006, 22:05:16
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: A prayer of worship..
Tilpasset af Radiant2008 :-) (28. April 2006, 22:09:43)
More Love (more Love)
More Power (more Power)
More of You in my life
More Love (more Love)
More Power (more Power)
More of You in my life

And I will worship You
with all of my heart
And I will worship You
with all my mind
And I will worship You
with all my strength
You are my LORD!
You are my LORD!

More Love (more Love)
More Power (more Power)
More of You in my life
More Love (more Love)
More Power (more Power)
More of You in my life

And I will worship You
with all of my heart
And I will worship You
with all my mind
And I will worship You
with all my strength
You are my LORD!
You are my LORD!

Jude del Hierro
1987 Mercy Publishing

28. April 2006, 19:43:27
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re:
Horseman: Thank you :-)

28. April 2006, 19:33:46
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re:
Tilpasset af Radiant2008 :-) (28. April 2006, 19:37:35)
Tuesday & Horseman: Thank you, I will pray and He will direct my steps!

Proverbs 3:5&6 - Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Thank you for a peaceful time of sharing and fellowship. May the Lord bless you both abundantly. In His Son's precious Name - AMEN


28. April 2006, 19:28:57
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re:
Tuesday: I usually do that

28. April 2006, 19:23:14
Radiant2008 :-) 
Tilpasset af Radiant2008 :-) (28. April 2006, 19:24:24)
What we have been sharing about here in the past hour can be described as a Bible Study. It would be neat if we could add to this board a place for Bible Study. But I first have to discuss this with whatdidyousay

28. April 2006, 19:22:09
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: Things that keeps you from worshipping
Horseman: The only other board where we can discuss religion is in the Debate Club, which is a FS.

28. April 2006, 19:20:54
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: Things that keeps you from worshipping
Tuesday: LOL - thats a second interesting discussion.. I was still thinking and reading about the beast, written about in revelation 13.

28. April 2006, 19:15:40
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: Things that keeps you from worshipping
Tuesday: I am thinking of a way to post it somewhere, where Horseman can read it too, since he is a pawn.

28. April 2006, 19:12:08
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: Things that keeps you from worshipping
Horseman: I actually like the discussion, Horseman :-) No need to be sorry! :-)

28. April 2006, 19:07:11
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: Things that keeps you from worshipping
Tuesday: Indeed, indeed, you are so right! In my Bible I have alot of study material about this subject. I just wonder, if you want to hear all that? I can sent it to you in a PM (don't think this board is a place to discuss further on it though..)

28. April 2006, 19:04:09
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re:
Horseman: Yes, I remember Ezekiel writing about the wheel, with its eyes everywhere.. A student in my class made a painting of that, when I was teaching in the Art Ministry back in the US in 2004... I was very impressed with her Biblical knowledge, for a girl of 6 years old! :-)

28. April 2006, 19:01:21
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re:
Tuesday: Revelation 13 writes about the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth. And the explanations around it telling me, that its not someone very subtle and non-threatening.

666 refers to the beast of the Earth, which refered to as the False Prophet and that He serves as the Antichrist's mouthpiece.

In Rev. 13:16 we are advised, to not adopt the word's way of thinking or its standards of behaviour.

28. April 2006, 18:41:52
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re:
Horseman: Where in Revelations is the beast mentioned? or 666?

28. April 2006, 18:38:28
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: A Prayer for the Middle East
Tuesday: You ask: "who do you think the two witnesses to die are the street are?"

What is your question here? :-)

28. April 2006, 18:28:11
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: A Prayer for the Middle East
Tuesday: There are indeed lots of signs and wonders that tells us we live in the endtimes... Is that where you are referring too?

28. April 2006, 18:26:49
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: A Prayer for the Middle East
Tuesday & Horseman: Peace means, that there will be Peace in Jerusalem. We ought to all pray for the Peace in Jerusalem, daily.

28. April 2006, 18:21:00
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re:
BananaD: Gods Blessings and Abundance for you and your future husband always and a wonderful weddingday!

25. April 2006, 10:54:08
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: A special request
Groucho: I remember you told me about Adam about 4 years ago, when I first got to know you at IYT. And I went to his website and read all about his extra ordinairy young life in where the Lord used him already. My thoughts go out to his parents and his wife and to you of course. Thank you for sharing. Yes, for the parents its the most diffecult.

Just a few weeks ago I happen to meet the parents of Kim Jones, a 23 year old seminary student who passionately loved God, and who was killed in a tragic shooting at Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas. Her parents travel the world to share about her zeal for the Lord and share the Gospel at the same time to people who need to hear about Gods Love for the World.

For eternal Divine encouragement please check out:

I will go to Adams site and encourage your family.

Proverbs 3:5&6
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."

Much Love, Radiant

21. April 2006, 15:24:12
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: Kickbut
((((Nirvana)))) What an awful news! Just prayed for his family and for you. Keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I pray you feel the LORD's comfort and strenght around you these days, especcially when you yourself encourage his parents! Bless your heart!

14. April 2006, 10:03:17
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: ALIVE!!
You will enjoy reading this. The entire Easter story in single-word sentences. Max Lucado is brilliant and inspired by God. If you know the story at all, this will move you as your mind fills in the rest of the story from just a single word reminder. Feel free to read the last 3 words out loud!In God I trust,


The UpWords Weekly Email Devotional
Easter 2006
Download free Easter MP3 sermons from Max:

by Max Lucado

ROAD. DARK. STARS. SHADOWS. FOUR. SANDALS. Robes. Quiet. Suspense. Grove. Trees. Alone. Questions. Anguish. “Father!” Sweat. God. Man. God-Man. Prostrate. Blood. “NO!” “Yes.” Angels. Comfort.

Footsteps. Torches. Voices. Romans. Surprise. Swords. Kiss. Confusion. Betrayal. Fearful. Run! Bound. Wrists. Marching.

Courtyard. Priests. Lamps. Sanhedrin. Caiaphas. Sneer. Silk. Arrogance. Beard. Plotting. Barefoot. Rope. Calm. Shove. Kick. Annas. Indignant. Messiah? Trial. Nazarene. Confident. Question. Answer. Punch!

Peter. “Me?” Rooster. Thrice. Guilt.

Proceedings. Court. Rejection. Prosecute. Weary. Pale. Witnesses. Liars. Inconsistent. Silence. Stares. “Blasphemer!” Anger. Waiting. Bruised. Dirty. Fatigued. Guards. Spit. Blindfold. Mocking. Blows. Fire. Twilight.

Sunrise. Golden. Jerusalem. Temple. Passover. Lambs. Lamb. Worshipers. Priests. Messiah. Hearing. Fraud. Prisoner. Waiting. Standing. Shifting. Strategy. “Pilate!” Trap. Murmurs. Exit.

Stirring. Parade. Crowd. Swell. Romans. Pilate. Toga. Annoyed. Nervous. Officers. Tunics. Spears. Silence. “Charge?” “Blasphemy.” Indifference. Ignore. (Wife. Dream.) Worry. Interview. Lips. Pain. Determined. “King?” “Heaven.” “Truth.” “Truth?” Sarcasm. (Fear.) “Innocent!” Roar. Voices. “Galilean!” “Galilee?” “Herod!”

9:00 A.M. Marchers. Palace. Herod. Fox. Schemer. Paunchy. Crown. Cape. Scepter. Hall. Elegance. Silence. Manipulate. Useless. Vexed. Revile. Taunt. “King?” Robe. Theatrical. Cynical. Hateful. “Pilate!”

Marching. Uproar. Prisoner. Hushed. Pilate. “Innocent!” Bedlam. “Barabbas!” Riot. Despair. Christ. Bare. Rings. Wall. Back. Whip. Slash. Scourge. Tear. Bone. Moan. Flesh. Rhythm. Silence. Whip! Silence. Whip! Silence. Whip! Thorns. Stinging. Blind. Laughter. Jeering. Scepter. Slap. Governor. Distraught. (Almost.) Eyes. Jesus. Decision. Power. Freedom? Threats. Looks. Yelling. Weak. Basin. Water. Swayed. Compromise. Blood. Guilt.

Soldiers. Thieves. Crosspiece. Shoulder. Heavy. Beam. Heavy. Sun. Stagger. Incline. Houses. Shops. Faces. Mourners. Murmurs. Pilgrims. Women. Tumble. Cobblestone. Exhaustion. Gasping. Simon. Pathetic. Golgotha.

Skull. Calvary. Crosses. Execution. Death. Noon. Tears. Observers. Wails. Wine. Nude. Bruised. Swollen. Crossbeam. Sign. Ground. Nails. Pound. Pound. Pound. Pierced. Contorted. Thirst. Terrible. Grace. Writhing. Raised. Mounted. Hung. Suspended. Spasms. Heaving. Sarcasm. Sponge. Tears. Taunts. Forgiveness. Dice. Gambling. Darkness.


Death. Life.

Pain. Peace.

Condemn. Promise.

Nowhere. Somewhere.

Him. Us.

“Father!” Robbers. Paradise. Wailing. Weeping. Stunned. “Mother.” Compassion. Darkness. “My God!” Afraid. Scapegoat. Wilderness. Vinegar. “Father.” Silence. Sigh. Death. Relief.

Earthquake. Cemetery. Tombs. Bodies. Mystery. Curtain. Spear. Blood. Water. Spices. Linen. Tomb. Fear. Waiting. Despair. Stone. Mary. Running. Maybe? Peter. John. Belief. Enlightenment. Truth. Mankind. Alive. Alive. Alive!

From No Wonder They Call Him the Savior
Copyright 1986, Max Lucado

14. April 2006, 09:57:40
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Blessed Good Friday!!
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

May Our Heavenly Father strengthen & heal you by His shedded Blood. There is Power in the Blood!! In the Name of Jesus I pray! AMEN

5. Marts 2006, 21:27:22
Radiant2008 :-) 
Tilpasset af Radiant2008 :-) (5. Marts 2006, 21:48:01)

A call to Worship
A call to Prayer
A call to Mission

Calling the youth of the world and the young at heart to a day of worship and prayer.

Global Gathering
July 15th - 2006
Olympic Stadium BERLIN - GERMANY

26. Februar 2006, 01:07:11
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: A little prayer please
Beren the 32nd: What will be the next step? She's got to present her thesis and then when everything goes well, she has gotten her Ph.D?

26. Februar 2006, 00:40:26
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: A little prayer please
Beren the 32nd: Sure Beren the 32nd, Blessings for your wife and you too!! What is her thesis about?

17. Februar 2006, 18:53:25
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: COMFORT for those who mourn

17. Februar 2006, 18:47:38
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Words of comfort and strength for Bumble's Beloved Family
It's so hard to find the right words to say to someone who's lost a loved one. No words will comfort one enough to make the pain and sorrow go away.

I always remember that God knows what we feel, and he understands our loneliness due to death. Remember Jesus' words as he hung on the cross "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?" He was there alone, and God felt that loneliness just as much as Jesus did.

It's comforting knowing that God has experienced something so profound and something that we as humans feel that only we could experience. God's there with us, and he's carrying us through, and he's holding the box of tissues as we pull each one out to wipe away our tears. How good is the God we adore and serve.

I'll remember you all in my daily prayers and hope that each one of you will lean and rely on the Lord each day for strength.

Peace and Comfort and everlasting Love

29. Januar 2006, 20:21:32
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re:
ScarletRose: Really glad to hear that, sis!! Halleluya :-)

28. Januar 2006, 22:03:35
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re:
ScarletRose: You have my heart and prayers my sister!! Many blessings for your loved ones!

28. Januar 2006, 22:02:54
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re:
Tuesday: Praise the Lord!!

22. December 2005, 15:37:05
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Christmas Devotional
Holiday Wars
by John Fischer

This Christmas, Christians have been caught in the throes of a war on semantics. We are seeing and hearing more “Happy Holidays” and less “Merry Christmases.” The beloved “Christmas tree” has turned into being a “Holiday tree." One television ad plays regularly with carolers singing: “We Wish You A Happy Holiday” to the tune of “We Wish You A Merry Christmas.”

One can surely see why a general mood of fighting back could prevail. I have seen numerous emails floating around with pictures of Christmas trees lamenting the secularization of Christmas. The underlying tone of these messages so far has been one of anger and partisanship, as if to say: “They can't take our Christmas away from us!”

It's an interesting question and one we need to consider seriously. If this a battle, on what level do we fight it? If someone wishes us “Happy Holidays,” do we respond with a hearty “Merry Christmas,” thus striking a blow for the kingdom of God?

I'm not so sure it's as important as all this. After all, it's Christ that is the issue, not Christmas. I don't even think Jesus cares very much about what we or anyone else call an evergreen with lights on it in December. Jesus never cared much about labels anyway; He always cared more about what was in the heart.

Here's how you put Christ back into Christmas: you celebrate Him as Lord of your life and ruler of your heart, and you love even those who want to take Christmas out of the Holiday equation. Jesus didn't come to condemn the world, but to save it (John 3:17). He came to forgive sins -- mine… yours… everybody's. Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. Let's not let religious pride get in the way of the core message of the gospel. It's never been us against them; it's us for them. We mustn't forget that Jesus came to die for the very people who are trying to secularize our country.

In our zeal to keep Christ in Christmas, lets be careful not to alienate the very people who need Him the most -- those who don't know Him. People are more likely to be set on the road to salvation by loving, caring believers who are secure in the hope of the real Christ living in their lives, and whose faith is brighter than any Christmas tree.

It's what's in your heart that really counts this Christmas. Let's not get so taken up with fighting to save a name that we forget to live out the reality of the hope of Christ to the world. If people end up encountering the real Christ of Christmas, it will matter little what we end up calling the holiday itself.

John Fischer is the Senior Writer for Purpose Driven Life Daily Devotionals. He resides in Southern California with his wife, Marti and son, Chandler. They also have two adult children, Christopher and Anne. John is a published author and popular speaker.

12. December 2005, 21:39:39
Radiant2008 :-) 
Emne: Re: A prayer for guidance
whatdidyousay: Thank you Jeff, for reminding us, that each day each one of us needs the Blood of the Lamb! amen

1Peter 2:24 ...By His Stripes we are healed..
Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chatisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His Stripes we are healed.

Keys to Gods Relationships
A major emphasis of Jesus' teaching is how to build and maintain right relationships with God and others. He views these relationships as neither unimportant nor extraneous, but as vital components of our Christian lives. Knowing God is our highest priority, but this pursuit should not replace or diminish our interpersonal relationships with others. Rather, our personal interaction with God should produce within us the qualities of character that build and sustain all our relationships.

Scriptural references:

Matthew 5:24,25; Luke 12:57,58: Practice instance reconciliation. Understand that conflicts cause much greater damage to relationships when left unresolved.
Matthew 5:43-48; Luke 6:27, 28, 32-36: Love by choice, not by circumstance. Remember to overcome evil through love.
Matthew 6:14; Mark 11:25: Understand that God forgives us our sins as we forgive others who have sinned against us. Adopt the forgiveness of others into your prayerlife as a daily discipline.
Matthew 7:1-5; Luke 6:37, 38, 41, 42: Refrain from judging others. Be diligent to ask the Lord to examine your own heart, and be faithful to respond to His conviction.
Luke 14:7-11: Avoid striving for public recognition. Seek to walk in humility in every situation.

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