This is a static version of BrainKing Chat Box (see Settings / Chat box page). It should be used only when the standard Chat Box is not working for you, because this implementation does not include all functions of the JavaScript full featured version.
(15/03 2019 21:41:39) Now you can play Amstrad games to
(04/09 2017 21:38:29) petr384: čau
(17/07 2017 18:04:38) winterangels: hi
(20/03 2017 23:38:26) Go to
(14/01 2013 13:50:34) Texas Rose: yuk
(10/01 2013 12:32:05) XxKamiKaze67xX: h
(10/01 2013 12:29:00) Mama super Bia: Free Porn, Sex, Tube Videos, XXX Pics, Porno Movies - XNXX.COM - Traduire cette page XNXX delivers free sex movies and fast free porn videos (tube porn). Now 1 million+ sex vids available for free! Featuring hot pussy, sexy girls in xxx rated porn ... Best Sex videos - New Sex videos - Teen videos - Hottest sex videos
(10/01 2013 12:28:42) Mama super Bia: As I have already mentioned at BrainKing blog (or I will very soon ), the number of requests to create the Christmas Action this year is quite high (as usual), so it is here and this is it. Everybody has a chance to get up to 125% bonus to a Brain Rook membership level order, based on the popular system of color codes. Let me remind the rules of this action: When you see a small flashing light bulb on the Main Page or next to Paid Membership link at the left column, you know a bonus is active and can be used. But don't hesitate for a long time - some bonuses (especially the one which adds 125% to the subscribed period) can be active only for several minutes. The bonuses can be used only if a purchased membership is for Brain Rook level and 1 year or longer period and it is not a Brains payment. The action will be active to the end of this year, so there is enough time to use this opportunity for Christmas gifts as well. Furthermore, I would like to remind an opportunity to obtain a Black Rook lifetime membership for a fraction of its list price, if you succeed to get the Bonus conqueror achievement. Do not hesitate to take your chance. For Android users: You have a chance to get free Brains if you help us test our Android applications, including the one I am developing for BrainKing site. Please visit this page for details.
(10/01 2013 12:26:38) XxKamiKaze67xX: C pasla suicce boloss
(09/01 2013 07:44:49) Texas Rose: Hello?
(22/11 2012 12:37:12) PROSTITUER: hmmmmmmm le bon CHOCOLAT SUISE
(03/01 2011 12:37:17) legend killer: pymos :
(03/01 2011 12:34:59) pymos67: +33628156065
(15/11 2010 12:27:31) gh-archer: トルコ共和国、通称トルコは、西アジアのアナトリア半島(小アジア)と東ヨーロッパの東トラキア地方とを領有する、アジアとヨーロッパの2つの大陸にまたがる共和国。首都はアナトリア中央部のアンカラ。北は黒海、南は地中海に面し、西でブルガリア、ギリシアと、東でグルジア、アルメニア、イラン、イラク、シリアと接する。 トルコの国土の大半を占めるアジア側のアナトリア半島(小アジア)とトルコ最大の都市であるヨーロッパ側のイスタンブルは、古代からヒッタイト・フリュギア・リディア・ビザンツ帝国などさまざまな民族・文明が栄えた地である……
(28/05 2010 05:16:51) mujjka: hello
(23/08 2009 12:11:40) philips1: Helo
(24/05 2008 18:18:13) satinjade: Helo
(gem) Hvis du venter på din tur kan du klikke på "ændre" ved siden af "Opdater" på hovedsiden, sætte "Automatisk opdaterings-interval på hovedsiden og spilsiderne" til 30 sekunder. Så får du vist din tur hurtigere. (Servant) (vis alle tips)