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27. September 2012, 09:47:57
Emne: Re: quote of the day
Artful Dodger: That's Southerners... or Southern democrats... The same families who lost the civil war.

26. September 2012, 18:15:29
Emne: Re:
mckinley: The old phrase.. put your money where your mouth (or in this case country) is.... comes to mind.

25. September 2012, 22:05:23
A new law approved by all governments in the UN is to come into place today, in which your home country will be the one where most of your money is based.

In order to pass as an American Mitt is transferring his off shore funds (over $100 million) back to the USA.

23. September 2012, 11:14:08
Emne: Re: Because we are responding according to your own method of debate. Duh!
Iamon lyme: Nope. That's just an excuse.

22. September 2012, 09:52:32
Emne: Re: There are fakers out there ready to take advantage of anyone, no matter who they are or what they believe. I don't assume everyone who calls himself "Christian" is who they say they are.
Iamon lyme: Then why are you arguing about what I am saying, is it just for the sake of arguing??

"True Christians are the first to regulate themselves, and to call fakers what they are."

Isn't that what I'm doing? ....ahhhhhh You've decided your able to say who is and who isn't a Christian!!!

"I'm not above using cliches. They have their purpose, but all the time and for every occasion? Are you kidding me?"

Then why do you and Art keep on using the same tired ones on liberals, etc all the time?

21. September 2012, 22:55:21
Emne: Re: That claim is completely baseless, and represents nothing other than what you want to believe.
Tilpasset af Mort (21. September 2012, 22:56:57)
Iamon lyme: It's based on past events. It's also based on knowledge of certain charities in the past caught paying themselves a high wage.

"Compared to what?"

Charities. They are just begging after all.

I think the Buddhist approach to priesthood is more transparent.

21. September 2012, 19:26:11
Emne: Re: I understand the 'feeling' of being presurred into sending money to Christian TV evangelists. I used to get the same feeling... but let's face it, it's just a feeling
Iamon lyme: I don't feel pressured. I just see the way they are doing it and understand that a good percentage of the money will never reach any 'causes'.. but will be spent on 'admin' costs.

It's not a feeling, they are in it for the money.

21. September 2012, 18:39:05
Emne: Re: we left when their salesmen started passing out the contracts
Iamon lyme: I left watching the Christian Channels in the UK for the same reason Iamon. It's all they want your money. They are even starting to use Glenn Beck style educating.. just a few pens and a white board though.

With lovely scenes of Flames/Jerusalem/the cross all to show they are genuine.

Their jewellery is.

21. September 2012, 18:25:00
Emne: Re: Gospel of Thomas
mckinley: Google the gospel of Thomas. The text is all there.

21. September 2012, 09:39:28
Emne: Syria???
The sense that Putin came out the meeting with more than Obama was enhanced by a comment from a Russian diplomat. Asked if the meeting was important for the Russians, the Russian diplomat said: "Yes, but even more for the Americans."

Putin has just come out of an election but Obama is facing one, making the US president the more vulnerable of the two. Syria is not yet an election issue but if television keeps showing footage of widespread killing in the country, it could easily become one.

John McCain, the Republican senator who was a presidential candidate in 2008, was dismissive of the joint statement by Obama and Putin. "I think it was the kind of statement you usually hear when there is no concrete agreement."

McCain called on Monday for US intervention by creating a safe haven for the rebels and to supply them with arms. He said on CNN it was an "unfair fight", noting reports of alleged supplies from Russia and Iran to the Syrian government.

The White House so far has shown an unwillingness for military intervention comparable to Libya last year and it had been hoping Putin might have helped in peacefully easing Assad from power.

Instead, Obama's failure to win over Putin leaves Syria facing the prospect of increasing violence.

>>>>>>>> Putin doesn't think much of Romney, some of the talks to try and save lives in that civil war can't happen now.

... Obama could do a Blair, and work afterwards on the problem... as a known face.

21. September 2012, 09:30:56
Emne: Re: wait until after the election, then we can do such n such. (I don't recall the details off the top of my head)
Vikings: Cheers, I might be able to find out what all the fuss is about now.

21. September 2012, 02:19:09
Why does God.tv need four million? True believers would do the lottery and give.

Especially the nice rolex the presenter is wearing from Jerusalem.

21. September 2012, 02:15:30
Emne: Re: wait until after the election, then we can do such n such. (I don't recall the details off the top of my head)
Iamon lyme: So you can't be bothered to see, ok. I know it won't support your case so that's fine.

21. September 2012, 02:14:12
Emne: Re: even when he's the king of ambiquity.
Iamon lyme: Yes... it's goofy!!

20. September 2012, 21:16:12
Emne: Re: even when he's the king of ambiquity.
Artful Dodger: .. I'm a prince and I am Funky.. never a king.. I am prince the one and only.

20. September 2012, 21:14:44
Emne: Re: Like adding 6 trillion to the national debt isn't bad enough now it matters how he spent it
Artful Dodger: Yes it does matter how the US government (no big 6 trillion dollar wedding for Obama then! ) spends it's money.

If you don't... btw millions is not trillions

20. September 2012, 20:59:15
Emne: Re: wait until after the election, then we can do such n such. (I don't recall the details off the top of my head)
rod03801: I do when you CAN'T REMEMBER THE DETAILS.

It leads it very much open to debate.. or even an opinion!!

20. September 2012, 20:53:35
Emne: Re: Tell me a NICE bed time story, one that won't get my knickers all in twist.
Iamon lyme: So that's where the 'knickers in twist' troll got to!!

Sorry.. someone tried to eradicate the Hogs Father... caused chaos

20. September 2012, 20:51:17
Emne: Re: 16 trillion in debt and it's climbing and Obama created the bulk of it.
Artful Dodger: 6 trillion... *sigh* what's the breakdown? Did he spend it on a wedding or something??

20. September 2012, 19:46:23
Emne: Re: 16 trillion in debt and it's climbing and Obama created the bulk of it.
Artful Dodger: Any spending already earmarked for DoD? Bank handouts?? Did the rules for accounting suddenly change or the previous years balance sheet predict nothing carried forward??

No. Nor does it work that way in any business or economy.

Stop trying to use lame economics and selective history!!

20. September 2012, 17:35:15
Emne: Re: wait until after the election, then we can do such n such. (I don't recall the details off the top of my head)
rod03801: Rod, politicians make deals with leaders of other countries all the time. Before politicians it was the royals, or port owners who collected a royalty.

20. September 2012, 17:29:43
Emne: Gospel of Thomas
22. Jesus saw some babies nursing. He said to his disciples, "These nursing babies are like those who enter the (Father's) kingdom."

They said to him, "Then shall we enter the (Father's) kingdom as babies?"

Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom]."

20. September 2012, 16:43:21
Emne: Re: But back to.....

20. September 2012, 16:39:07
Emne: Re: Yet none of them prove conclusively that any of the main people in the Old Testament existed. Scholars can't agree on the interpretation of that data because the data is weak and in many cases not concrete enough." What about the scrolls?
mckinley: I think it would be fair to say that most if not all the major events when 'earthquakes' and 'floods' happened, happened. Even, to some extent the Garden of Eden, thanks to new evidence that the Sahara desert is not a desert, but a cyclic environment that fluctuates between a lush and desert state.

The stories in the OT were more about carrying on wisdom and knowledge then the actual person. The aborigines use a similar system to tell their children how to survive in the bush, as did many early civilisations.

eg... the Greek and their Gods, The Norse with Odin and Loki.

Truth is hidden behind the story, just the story makes it easier to absorb.

20. September 2012, 15:39:12
Emne: 16 trillion in debt and it's climbing and Obama created the bulk of it.
No. The policies that created the trend to not balance the books started decades ago. Increased military spending, tax cuts which has seen the top rates tumble.

If the tax levels were as they were back before Raygun.. the loopholes wouldn't really matter. But the taxation levels have dropped and the 1% still use loopholes.

19. September 2012, 22:30:46
Emne: Re: It's ridiculous that anyone can say the "rich" don't pay their fair share, when half the country pays NO federal income taxes
rod03801: Ok.. It would be (using my accountant head) a fair statement if only one tax existed. You yourself have told me this is not the case.

It would be fair if the the fed gov is the only giver of 'gifts' and the setting thereof. I've heard this is not the case. It would be fair if most 'rich' people just paid fed income tax. this is not the case.

Therefore the statement is in itself misleading.

19. September 2012, 21:29:57
Emne: Re: It's ridiculous that anyone can say the "rich" don't pay their fair share, when half the country pays NO federal income taxes
rod03801: But that is only one tax, and the rich have many many ways of skipping paying tax that our bent accountant firms drool over. This is what is generally meant when not paying their fair share.

N' when some American companies are being given money to stay in business.

By the looks of it, you all pay taxes in some form, to someone.

19. September 2012, 20:44:16
Emne: Re: It's bout 49% that don't pay Federal taxes.
Artful Dodger: *** sigh *** "the governments"

I asked a point of reference. Us UK people can get confused by the myriad of tax systems in the USA.

... How many different taxes at any level may a person of working age pay in the USA .. as an average?

You have Federal Income tax, state payroll tax?? Now.. this is want to know. straight info on HOW MANY fingers are there in the pie.

19. September 2012, 20:22:19
I was watching some scholars on the Bible from a UK university.. on the meaning of John 3:16

Common usage is not as originally written. ... Translation problems.

19. September 2012, 20:18:25
Emne: Re: I asked Uber not to insult my intelligence by asking me where evidence can be found, because he has the same access to information as I do. He asked anyway, and so have you.
Tilpasset af Mort (19. September 2012, 20:23:53)
Iamon lyme: These guys I like to watch on youtube.. They are funny.


No-one has been able to call them up and prove to their level of 'proof' that God, as written in the Bible .. just with Jesus, does/did exist.As written.

So much stuff was destroyed.. The Vatican has so much hidden...

19. September 2012, 20:07:48
Emne: Re: It's bout 49% that don't pay Federal taxes.
Artful Dodger: Not the same as paying no tax.. just one specific tax out of how many? Sorry but we have a straight forward system, one income tax system. Not one from the gov and another going to the local 'state'/county. Local level taxes are collected through 'council tax' (ie property rates) and any such system used to generate extra revenue.. car parking fines as an example.

19. September 2012, 09:17:36
Emne: Re: Someone really did a bang up job of getting the funding (tax dollars?) for building radio dishes and installing monitoring equipment
Iamon lyme: Not one tax dollar.. a myth it's paid for by government money.

Just like that 47% of Americans pay no income tax, as Mitt Romney did state a few days back when stating he has no intent of appealing to them.

... but they do pay.."61% of those who pay no federal income tax do pay payroll tax at 15.3%.

Another 22% of the non-income tax-payers are elderly, according to the Ezra Klein article. If that is correct, 83% of those who do not pay income tax don't really fit Mr Romney's characterisation, except in so far as his argument is that people who don't pay income tax aren't impressed by promises of income tax cuts."

18. September 2012, 22:54:10
Emne: Note to uninformed, the Bible does clearly note the differences between being a child, childlike and childish.
Tilpasset af Mort (18. September 2012, 22:55:40)

Ephesians 5

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said:

“Wake up, O sleeper,

rise from the dead,

and Christ will shine on you.”

....... But I do like this version.. David, I love you man!!

Twin Peaks rulz

18. September 2012, 21:27:42
You know you two, when you act like this it is a sign you have no further argument without conceding a point.

18. September 2012, 21:20:56
Emne: Re:I have a deliciously delightful idea... let's both start talking like (V)
Iamon lyme: ?? What? .... straight?? Nahhhhhh

18. September 2012, 20:46:09
Emne: Re:not the righteous... because the righteous don't need saving.
Iamon lyme: Beacuse the saving then was in their hands... the dual state of concious and unconscious, the sleeper must awaken!!

18. September 2012, 15:01:02
Emne: Re: which to my knowledge (or in my ignorance) was never characterized as Judiasm or Christianity or Islamic... because none of those religions yet existed.
Iamon lyme: It's a term that was created after.

Abrahamic religions (also Abrahamism) are the monotheistic faiths emphasizing and tracing their common origin to Abraham[1] or recognizing a spiritual tradition identified with him.[2][3][4] They are one of the major divisions in comparative religion, along with Indian religions (Dharmic), East Asian religions (Taoic) and Neopaganism. As of the early twenty-first century, it was estimated that 54% of the world's population (3.8 billion people) considered themselves adherents of the Abrahamic religions, about 30% of other religions, and 16% of no religion.[5][6] The Abrahamic religions originated in the Middle East.[7]

The largest Abrahamic religions are, in chronological order of founding, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Baha'i Faith.

>>>>> Didn't realise the Baha'i was considered an Abrahamic rooted faith. Yet I admit I've not really read up on it.

18. September 2012, 09:12:18
Emne: Re: Spoken like a true atheist.
Iamon lyme: Wow... you've decided that an atheist speaks a certain way, that critique of history of the use of the Bible is illegal and against God!!!

"On other occasions you've spoken of God as an invention of man, to control people or simply make them behave themselves."

Be specific. As at certain times God has been used in various ways throughout history... as did the Gods that came before and after

"but that you just want to keep your undefined deity a secret."

If you really mean that, there is no point.. You should give up Christianity and go and worship.... http://kevinsmith.propworx.com/files/2010/10/pr016.jpg ....

18. September 2012, 08:59:18
Emne: Re: Awww crap, now I'm starting to sound like (V)!
Iamon lyme: More like Glenn Beck in his rewriting of American history lessons.

17. September 2012, 23:12:14
Emne: Re: It describes a principle of reciprocity. The punnishment ought to fit the crime.
Artful Dodger: That is an almost Heinlein style statement. But in that.. it was done to the letter. If someone did a hit and run and through not stopping, the victim incurred injury beyond the accident itself.. they were inflicted on the same injury and any subsequent delay in treatment..... In one universe that is.. no lawyers as well. Lawyers were wiped out some time in the past.

But back to.....

What is forbidden in all 3 Abraham based religions?

17. September 2012, 21:26:26
Emne: Re: Either way, you've strayed off the topic of Islam again.
Tilpasset af Mort (17. September 2012, 21:40:40)
Artful Dodger: No.. I'm just doing it in sections, doing it all in one leads to confusion and/or lots of presumptions on this board.

So, basically you are saying the phrase set limits on behaviour, and before that people were going to far, so much that compensation became revenge?

Like with the Jewish price taggers?

17. September 2012, 17:41:53
Emne: Re: Published: April 7, 2011
Artful Dodger: Right, they were not. It is not consistent with Christ's teachings.

.. yet an eye for an eye is there in the Bible.

Yes, I know it could be said that it is a phrase in the OT, and Christ is of the NT. Yet the OT is part and is relied on to 'authorise' certain NT matters.. such as the coming of a Messiah, much regarding being 'gay' and the big argument over evolution.

All gone with no OT. Which contains the oral history of the Jewish people, written down. Including their wars, some notable geographic events and massacres done by the Jews.

.. The same God that Christ is of ordered, or did these massacres according to the OT.

That cannot be denied as written.. debatable if it was actually 'God'. It might just have been their justification for it all.

17. September 2012, 09:09:23
.. The terrorists that were Catholic and Protestant during the Northern Ireland troubles..

Were they Christian Art? Trying to be basic here!

17. September 2012, 09:06:24
Emne: Re: Published: April 7, 2011
Artful Dodger: Are they Christian in the acts they committed, or just calling themselves Christian?

16. September 2012, 23:42:57
Emne: Re: I think in V's mind it's either utopia or nothing. Either he doesn't understand that God is not a tyrant, and therefore will not interfer with our decisions,
Iamon lyme: No.

16. September 2012, 23:41:10
Emne: Re: Published: April 7, 2011
Artful Dodger: No.

16. September 2012, 15:49:47
Emne: Published: April 7, 2011
FAIRVIEW — A young girl told authorities a Fairview pastor used sexual abuse as punishment.

Tommy Joe Pitts, 51, was charged Wednesday in Major County District Court with nine felony counts in connection with the sexual assault of three girls ages 8, 9, and 12.

The complaints include two counts of first-degree rape, four counts of lewd molestation and three counts of rape by instrumentation.

Pitts appeared briefly in court Wednesday afternoon with his attorney, Fritz McGee. His bail is set at $1 million.

His wife was in the courtroom. She called the sheriff’s department March 31 to report Pitts molested three girls and was threatening to kill himself. Pitts was arrested after he deliberately drove into the path of a tractor-trailer rig, authorities said. The vehicles did not strike each other and Pitts was not injured, authorities said.

Pitts’ wife said she became suspicious of Pitts when he insisted on spending more time alone with the girls and confronted him about the alleged abuse on March 31.

The 12-year-old girl told authorities when the girls broke a rule Pitts would give them a choice of punishment. He offered the option of getting a spanking or touching his genitals.

Investigators claim they’ve documented more than 70 instances of sexual assault against the three girls. Pitts, an ordained minster with the Assemblies of God since 2007, was pastor at the Midway Assembly of God in Fairview.

16. September 2012, 15:36:26
Emne: Re: but I have to wonder if self disicpline as taught by the Bible is something the Islamic religion teaches.... that's not what meek means. It means exercising the kind of self disicpline most good parents want to see their children develop.
Iamon lyme: Like the Christians and churches discipline regarding child abuse by church members?

15. September 2012, 21:24:14
Emne: Re: don't need an excuse to make war. That's part of their religion.
Artful Dodger: Judaism recorded their wars as well.... including the massacres they did. Christianity was formalised into a religion based on a pogrom.

And when our religion split....

"Interesting that the uprisings started on 911. But then there is no connection."

911 is just when Americans as a nation woke up to what had happened on their behalf.

15. September 2012, 21:11:23
Emne: Re: We're talking about whole populations that are hell bent on putting the world under the control of Islam.
Artful Dodger: I could say about the same with the US, regarding the CIA and foreign policy a few decades ago. We are talking about policies that have ended up in thousands upon thousands dying.

But it wasn't the whole of the US population who wanted this... just the 1%.

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