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Moderator: Pbarb2 , Vikings 
 Thoughts and Prayers

A sacred place for remembrance, prayer, support, love, affirming eachother, honor and praise.

For people from this site, but also for people in your life all around this globe; whom you would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
*Please, no cutting and pasting. Providing links is ok.
*Avoid long posts. Most people don't read them anyway.
*No religious debate please! (avoid trying to state a particular religious point of view and avoid sermonizing)

*© Copyrighted Material is fine as long as the original author is given credit.

"Moderators are here for a reason. If a moderator (or Global Moderator or Fencer) requests that a discussion on a certain subject to cease, or be moved elsewhere - for whatever reason - please respect these wishes. Failure to do so may result in being hidden, or banned."

*God bless you! Shalom! Salaam aleikum!

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19. December 2015, 17:42:13

For those who can help financially thank you for your support. At the very least please keep in prayer and share the link. Thank you and God Bless.

29. December 2015, 09:27:25
Emne: R.I.P...
Meadowlark Lemon

18. Marts 2016, 13:32:03

Things have changed since the December posting. Please read and help if you can.

22. April 2016, 17:56:41

23. April 2016, 13:35:51

24. April 2016, 15:26:17

25. April 2016, 16:49:24

26. April 2016, 13:04:32

27. April 2016, 13:39:56

28. April 2016, 13:38:50

29. April 2016, 13:18:43

30. April 2016, 13:41:50

1. Maj 2016, 13:44:51

2. Maj 2016, 13:19:15

3. Maj 2016, 17:44:58

4. Maj 2016, 13:17:54

5. Maj 2016, 00:45:11
Emne: OTT.
If you keep this up Brain1971 you might as well have this discussion board to yourself.

5. Maj 2016, 01:11:05
Emne: Re: OTT.
crosseyed: People welcome comment or share or post something of theirs.

5. Maj 2016, 01:33:40
Emne: Re: OTT.
Brian1971: Figure you would not spend so much time here since the owner wont listen to you but yet I see you use his site for your benefit. If I was you Id send fencer a donation or a percentage of any money you raise with his site.

5. Maj 2016, 01:46:49
Emne: Re: OTT.
universe: Well I am not raising money currently, just sharing the Word. And I do not spend as much time here either. However I do my best to move my games along so they don't drag on for months at a time like some seem to do with their games.

5. Maj 2016, 02:18:34
Emne: Re: OTT.
Brian1971: Reminds me of days in my sandbox. Always somebody wanting to ruin all the fun. But here you can control the time allowed by your opponents. You just need to find the time to figure it out.

5. Maj 2016, 12:58:25
Emne: Re: OTT.
universe: Well put universe.

5. Maj 2016, 12:59:22
Emne: Re: OTT.
Brian1971: Sharing the word by hogging the discussion board.

5. Maj 2016, 13:04:05

5. Maj 2016, 13:05:18
Emne: Re: OTT.
crosseyed: Who is hogging? Everyone has a chance to share on this board. If they do not, that is there choice. This is mine.

5. Maj 2016, 13:12:05
Emne: Re: OTT.
Brian1971: Yes being selfish. You really had the nerve to complain to Fencer about this site.

5. Maj 2016, 15:35:24
Emne: Re: OTT.
crosseyed: Again how am I being selfish? This board is for the purpose of prayer and sharing of faith. I am not trying to censor anyone else's view. My postings are in an attached link. IF you wish to read it click on it, if you don't then just ignore it. Everyone here has the same opportunity to do as I am doing. Fencer and this site has nothing to do with what we are discussing here. My only complaint for Fencer was he was not committed to working on this site and making it better for its consumers. I always said I would continue to play here as a pawn and direct my extra time that I spent here doing other things. The most positive is growing my faith and sharing it as commanded in Scripture. If someone else of different faith wishes to post here, I would have no issue with that. I would welcome it. I do not mean my postings to be a subject to start a fight or dissension. Again it is a choice if one wants to read them or not. Thanks for taking interest. Not angry, just voicing my point of view. God Bless.

5. Maj 2016, 17:52:07
Emne: Re:
crosseyed: Then you don't share my faith. That doesn't mean I do not have a right share it. There are millions that do. As far as copyright, why do I have to consider copyrights for my own devotions. Does everyone who shares anything online get copyright permission before they share? Is everything that is share copyrighted? The answer is no. If the moderators of this discussion board didn't feel it was appropriate for me to post this they would take action. Now I have not forced anyone to read it as it is a link to my personal facebook. So it is not in your face as you say. Do you look at everything that appears on the discussion board main page? I do not. As far as my time being better spent, that is your opinion. My faith and following the tenants of my faith is an appropriate use of my time for me. I am not saying that everyone has to share it. I am not condemning anyone who does not. I am not attacking anyone personally who differs from me and trying to change their minds. I am being respectful. I would appreciate the same courtesy in return. As far as this discussion goes, I am done with it. Until the powers that be take action to stop the postings, I will continue to do so for those who wish to read them. God Bless.

6. Maj 2016, 02:43:42
Please, let's stop this.
This board is definitely not meant for arguing.

I ask that we all be reasonable.

1. Brian, I do not think what you are doing is at all the original intention of this discussion board.

2. However, I also don't think it is so "off base" that a moderator needs to step in, either.

3. They are just links. It is very easy to just ignore the link. No one has to click on them.

So how about some compromise on this? Maybe one link per week with all the "devotionals"?
It then isn't daily making those who check all boards come see it and be annoyed. I probably wouldn't ask for this, except I remember when the board was created, and I REALLY don't think it's the intention of the board.

So please, let's all be reasonable.
However, definitely no further arguing on this board. Thank you very much.

6. Maj 2016, 16:51:53
Emne: Re:
Brian1971: I'm sorry Brian, but this board was originally set up for offering prayers to each other. You are really approaching the area of "sermonizing". I thought the once a week idea was very reasonable. If you can't abide by that, I'm going to have to ask you to stop completely. Thanks.

Please no further debate about this here. If anyone feels the need to discuss this matter further, please do so by private message. Future posts will be deleted. Thanks for understanding.

8. Maj 2016, 13:46:47
Emne: Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. I will be calling my mom today as she is computer illiterate and can't see me here. Moms are truly a blessing from the Lord. They teach us so much and love their children unconditionally regardless of what they do. Moms give up so much of themselves and go without in many cases so their kids do not have to go without. So whether your mom is alive or has passed on take the time today to thank her for all she has provided for you. God Bless.

Special Mother’s Day prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the amazing gift of mothers. Help us truly appreciate all that mothers do as they care and nurture their children and families in ways that model your unconditional love. Thank you especially for the loving care and nurture that I received from my own mother that I often take for granted. Be with mothers everywhere as they carry out your loving purpose, and carry their burdens when they feel stressed and overwhelmed. Continue to strengthen them physically and spiritually as they care for their children who you love so very much. Amen.

8. Maj 2016, 14:36:52
Emne: Re: Happy Mother's Day
Brian1971: That was a very nice post Brian.

12. Maj 2016, 13:32:53
Please pray for my wife as she has been sick the last couple of days and still working through it. She does a good job in taking care of the both of us. Hoping she gets well quickly.

12. Maj 2016, 17:16:30
Emne: Re:
Brian1971: Hope you both get to feeling better real soon.

13. Maj 2016, 00:26:45
Emne: Re:

I second that emotion

30. Maj 2016, 12:52:37
Almighty God, it appears that our world never tires of wars and rumors of wars, where violence and terrorism seem to be the rule rather than the exception. Place your protecting hand over the men and women serving in the armed forces as they find themselves in places of danger and unrest. Steady their hearts and minds, and use their service to bring moments of peace and stability to our world so that the gospel may be shared to every tribe, people, and nation. Amen.

30. Maj 2016, 12:53:01
Emne: Re:
Brian1971: A prayer for memorial day.

19. Juni 2016, 03:14:10
Went to the hospital today. My wife has a broken bone in the top of her foot and is off work for the immediate future. So pray for her healing and that we find a way to cover her lost income during this time.

19. Juni 2016, 12:10:25
Brian I hope your wife makes a speedy recovery.

24. Juni 2016, 22:49:09
Emne: Re:

I agree

15. Juli 2016, 19:56:35
Let's all think about the people killed and injured in Nice, in France and send out positive thoughts that those injured make a good and speedy recovery.

20. Juli 2016, 22:06:53
Emne: Re:


13. Oktober 2016, 23:08:09
Emne: The king of Thailand....
has passed after 70 years reign. May he rest in peace eternally. May God bless him,Thailand,and the new king forever.

25. November 2016, 14:43:49
Emne: R.I.P....
Florence Henderson/TV mom Carol truly were a lovely lady

30. November 2016, 00:40:38
Emne: Condolences to Brazil...
for your recent plane crash

30. November 2016, 01:17:35
Emne: Re: Condolences to Brazil...
ketchuplover: Yes very sad.

24. December 2016, 15:58:43
Merry Christmas to all my Christian friends and non-believers alike. Also keep my youngest step-daughter and her newly born baby boy in prayer as he came into the world last night after a scare earlier in the day. God bless.

24. December 2016, 16:52:42
Emne: Re:
Brian1971: Merry Christmas to you and your family.  Wishing you all the best!

4. Januar 2017, 00:15:23
Emne: Texas Toest
It is with a heavy heart that I pass on this sad news... I learned today that my friend Randi (Mary Ann) Richards passed away this morning.  Randi suffered from Alzheimer's.  God has blessed her by releasing her from this world with her broken body and mind and promoting her into the Glory of His Kingdom.  We will miss you Randi!

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