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24. Juni 2005, 07:57:05
Emne: Re: big pic
Fencer: But I think some players' big pictures are different from the smaller ones of theirs. This way they'll have to choose one I suppose, right?

23. Juni 2005, 13:58:49
Hey all,

Due to teh current bug in Dark Chess games players can see what moves their opponents have made.

redsales named it 'grey chess' which I think is a good addition to the site!!!

What's more, based on that, I have a new game type in my mind named red chess.

When a piece is captured, its blood will split on some squares of the board randomly and both players for a few moves will not be able to see those squares and therefore, they'll have a good chnace to move their pieces in REDNESS.

I'll have to work on details more of course!

19. Juni 2005, 18:44:46
Emne: Re:
rod03801: Or probably a board for what we don't want!

Reading what we could have asked for but have decided no to should be comforting!

19. Juni 2005, 16:51:25
Emne: Re: counter counting our number of moves per day for
chessmec: Oh then, I guess I take my request back!

19. Juni 2005, 16:48:45
Emne: Re: I think it would be kewl to have the sense of touch here..
ScarletRose: Sense of touch, huh?

How about being able to invite your opponnet to a cup of tea, or offer him/her a handful of seeds, etc. ?

19. Juni 2005, 16:39:32
I think it would be very nice to have a counter counting our number of moves per day for ourselves.

I know it shows it on a page but that is once per day. I think it's nice to know at any time of the day how many moves we have made so far.

Besides, I don't think it is that difficult for Fencer to do it, is it Fencer?

19. Juni 2005, 10:03:45
Emne: Re: Tournament Page
BIG BAD WOLF: I think he means something like searching for a dark chess game between reza and Walter Montego. Or maybe one played in June 2003 or something.

14. Juni 2005, 14:39:07
Emne: Re:
Tilpasset af Expired (14. Juni 2005, 14:40:45)
lukulus: Why do you think with this rule you won't have a BKR in crazy screen chess?

If I with a BKR of 2275 in chess play a game of Crazy screen chess with Mely whose BKR in chess is 2700, I won't have the slightest chance of winning even if my position at the start is a lot better than his.

I think the main point in playing Crazy screen chess and Screen chess is the position not your chess skill. If you want to test your chess skills, you can simply play chess or one of the variants that doesn't depend on the start position that much.

Besides, that was just an idea. may not be a god one of course.

I'd like to see what others think as well. Thanks for your reply and letting me know about what you think about my oppinion.

14. Juni 2005, 14:09:12
As I was playing one of my games of crazy screen chess, I came to this idea that my opponent has no chance against me despite the fact that his start position is a lot better than mine.

The reason is that I am much better than he is, in chess itself. I can simply turn the advantage to me.

I think when defining a game of crazy screen chess or screen chess, players should have the ability of defining a BKR range of chess too.

I mean the interesting and should-be-important part of games like crazy screen chess and screen chess is the start position and the players' ability of setting a good position up and this shouldn't be that much affected by their ability of playing chess.

So I think here's how we should be able to define these sorts of games:

Players of a BKR range of 1500 till 2000 in Crazy screen chess itself and for example 1500 up to 1900 in chess, depending on how well we can play chess.

12. Juni 2005, 04:54:46
Emne: Re: Match option
reza: I think even better is not to start five different games in five different windows. I think something like this will do better:

after you mak eyour move and decide to finish it, you are taken to a second game in which you play your turn if it is yours and if not, to another one in which it's your turn and if in non of the other games of the match it is your turn, you simply choose to do whatever else you want to do.

12. Juni 2005, 04:50:32
Emne: Re: Match option
grenv: I agree. It's a very good idea.

9. Juni 2005, 05:07:00
Emne: Re:
rod03801: Sorry1 I must have been typing when you posted that.

9. Juni 2005, 05:05:55
What right now came to my mind is that we are not answering ANY of the questions Pedro mentioned!

The question being answered is : What is the players last action?

And now, it is absolutely correct to say "logging out" since it can be used as a noun to mean "to log out."

9. Juni 2005, 04:59:56
Emne: Re: Getting tense again. ;-)
Tilpasset af Expired (9. Juni 2005, 05:09:36)
playBunny: Interesting case! I really want to learn something about your grammar so if I say anything wrong, please mention it to me.

According to you yourself, it is wrong to say logging out because it is an instantaneous thing so continuous tenses don't apply.

But in your own message you say : "Logging out is an instantaneous thing so continuous tenses don't apply."

So how come you use a continuous tense?

And secondly, I think it's just like you're reporting something, a fact, to for example, to the police.

If they ask you " what were you doing?" you say "looking out through the window."

You are no longer doing that but you say it because at that time you were!

I think it's quite the same here. Even if the last action of a player has been done ten years ago, I think it is right to say "logging out" since at that time, he/she has actually been logging out!

9. Juni 2005, 04:23:37
Emne: Re:
Tilpasset af Expired (9. Juni 2005, 04:24:40)
playBunny: Thanks for the reply. So here you have your problem with the part "no" that is written after the sentence.

I thought you were saying the sentence itself, no BKR will be affected by this tournament, had some sort of a problem with it.

Now I see your point. Yes, my knowledge of English grammar says that's not a nice combination!

9. Juni 2005, 04:06:42
Emne: Re: Lolol
Tilpasset af Expired (9. Juni 2005, 04:07:49)
playBunny: Now that is all about grammar, perhaps you could explain to me what's wrong with "no BKR will be affected."

If that's wrong then all I have learned about these thing is wrong!

Then possibly 'No application forms needed' , 'No man is allowed in.' and many other sentences alike are wrong too, huh?

31. Maj 2005, 22:38:42
Emne: Re: another option
fungame: Fencer, do you see how much we care about you?

We want you not to have even a moment without a puzzle to think on.

Yes fungame, it'll be nice too. That didn't come to my mind.

31. Maj 2005, 22:26:04
Emne: Re:
harley: No problem!
Summertop: Thanks for the support!

31. Maj 2005, 22:16:21
Emne: Re:
harley: Summertop is right. Suppose I am weak at chess and want my invitations to be chosen by players of a BKR range of 1300 to 1500.

This allows those with provisional BKRs within that range too to choose them while many of them may be a lot stronger than their BKR shows. It's just that their BKR is still rising while right now it is within the range I have defined.

So I think it is a lot promissing if I can hav eopponents with established BKRs only, don't you think?

31. Maj 2005, 21:29:23
Once upon a time, there was a small boy in a city in a country named Iran!

His name was Reza and he liked playing board games very much. He joined a site named BrainKing and started playing games and in so doing he enjoyed himself alot.

Then one day, he asked the owner of the site to do him a favor.


Now after three hundred years, the bones of that small boy are still wondering if such thing could be offered!

Written by Reza Kassaei. Copy-right 2005 to 2010 all rights reserved.

13. Maj 2005, 17:16:59
Emne: Re: Battelboat "Ducks" !?
grenv: Oh I see. If you find any such site, I'll be very glad to join if possible. I love dark chess though am no expert in it.

13. Maj 2005, 17:01:50
Emne: Re: Battelboat "Ducks" !?
grenv: Sometimes when I'm online, I'll be gald to play you a couple of games till completion.

9. April 2005, 12:36:02
Emne: Re: Re:
Chessmaster1000: Interesting! I never knew by 'George' he was referring to you.

6. April 2005, 12:32:33
Emne: Re: Multi-game tournaments.
AbigailII: Excellent idea. I vote for that too.

29. Marts 2005, 19:01:14
Emne: Re: Cylinder Games
Hrqls: I bring up CYLINDER DARK CHESS ......

29. Marts 2005, 16:30:29
Emne: Re: timed out/resigned games
grenv: Thanks grenv. Thansk very much.

29. Marts 2005, 16:15:48
Emne: Re: timed out/resigned games
rhiannon: I don't want to argue and I know, I know, .... this is no grammar class, but you say :

" I suggest that Fencer (she/he) be at the party " and not " .... IS at the party."

" I suggest that he not visit the doctor " and not " ......... doesn't visit the doctor."

Am I right? If yes, then is there any difference?

And I pre-appreciate your reply. may be you'd rather send me a pm, huh?

29. Marts 2005, 16:09:25
Emne: Re: timed out/resigned games
Hrqls: Ehhh, Errrr, and I kindly request that Fencer not accept your request! (I think based on what I have learned on English grammar, I have used the correct phrases, is that right? Especially about the part 'fencer not accept.' )

3. Marts 2005, 23:58:14
Emne: Re:
grenv: Actually neither have I. Though I really don't read all posts on all discussion boards. I read a few of the posts here but didn't find a clue on WHY you're asking a board for kids. has anything special come up?

Well, the only kid I know here is winnie who I think is totally MENTORED by her mother since the first time whe played me a game it was with her mother's permission and I'm sure Harly takes good care of her daughter which I like very much. I would vote for a board for teens on here but I really don't know how many they are!

Are they as many as would be enough for a group to start a discussion on their own board?

3. Marts 2005, 00:12:20
Emne: Re:

22. Februar 2005, 11:12:42
Emne: Re: Request: (Crazy) Dark Screen Chess
BIG BAD WOLF: Dark crazy screen chess is a lot unfair and quite to white's advantage. I bring up my idea of DARK CYLINDER CHESS :-)

20. Februar 2005, 06:00:06
Emne: Re:
rod03801: Which board do you exactly mean Rod? tell me and I'll post my answer to Sumerian there :-)

19. Februar 2005, 16:33:09
I swear your post was before I posted my post1 I didn't see that. sorry!

19. Februar 2005, 16:32:22
Emne: Re: but remember this from user agreement
grenv: I totally think that he shouldn't have been allowed to take part in this tournament and as you can simplly check, he has at least won the $50 prize for winning all participants in his group. Even in chess it is hard to see 7 moves ahead let alone in Gothic with those two extra pieces and the extra pawns. So as a matter of fact that man has had a big advantage over others. Yes I hereby admit that I have never played someone as strong as Mr. Trice neither here in my home nor on the internet but that doesn't mean because he can defeat computers. others can too. In any case, right now I see a moderator comig to me saying . So I leave this right now right here!

19. Februar 2005, 16:23:06
Emne: Re: but remember this from user agreement
redsales: When I first noticed that in his profile, I sent a personal message to EdTrice and told him what I had noticed and he said because the program he is using is able to foresee moves only 7 moves ahead, it doesn't matter! Well, I don't totally agree but that's what the prize giver thinks.

17. Januar 2005, 00:32:44
Emne: Re: Re:
Thad: I totally agree. when a whole tournament is waiting for a single game to get finished while the game is not playing any special part in the tourny, it i sbothe anoying and time consuming. Especially if the game remaining is like one Mr. Trice showed us!

15. Januar 2005, 01:28:43
I vote for Abalone too. it looks fun.

7. Januar 2005, 20:56:19
HAHA! I see Fencer. Thanks

7. Januar 2005, 20:37:28
As I was creating new game invitations for cylinder chess, I suddenly thought it would be quite good if I could also define whether or not I want players with provisional BKR see my invitations.

What do you all think?

Fencer is it easy for you to add such a thing?

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