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10. Maj 2003, 09:55:57
to those it applies to of course:) and expectant mothers are included LOL

10. Maj 2003, 06:29:15
Emne: on a lighter note :)

A girl asks her boyfriend to come over Friday night and have dinner with her parents. This being a big event, the girl tells her boyfriend that after dinner, she would like to go out and "do it" for the first time.

Well, the boy is ecstatic, but he has never done it before, so he takes a trip to the pharmacist to get some protection. The pharmacist helps
the boy for about an hour. He tells the boy everything there is to know about protection and doing it.

At the register, the pharmacist asks the boy how many he'd like to buy; a 3-pack, a 10-pack, or a family pack. The boy insists on the family
pack because he thinks he will be very busy, it being his first time and all.

That night, the boy shows up at the girl's parent's house and meets his girlfriend at the door. "Oh I'm so excited for you to meet my
parents, come on in." The boy goes inside and is taken to the dinner table where the girl's parents are seated. The boy quickly offers to say grace and bows his head. A minute passes, and the boy still deep in prayer with his head

Ten minutes pass and still no movement from the boy.

Finally, after 20 minutes with his head down, the girlfriend leans over and whispers to her boyfriend, "I had no idea you were so religious."

The boy turns and whispers back, "I had no idea your father was a pharmacist."


7. Maj 2003, 08:22:07
Emne: Re: Fencer:)
You are a sweetie :0) there is sumpin you prolly dint want to hear LOL.
Yes I do think you should post as much info as you can to the other site :)...not all would understand but those of us who do have a little bit of knowledge would understand.
You must get sick of the complaints :(
at least we can talk to you :)

7. Maj 2003, 08:09:09
Emne: on a lighter note :)
thought for the day.........

Birthdays are good for you,
the more you have the longer you live

7. Maj 2003, 08:02:47
Emne: Re: Im annoyed !!!
and this is going to sound like a cracked record LOL....I love the new features, but getting here to use them is more important in my book...
I have said this before....but....I know for some this would be important...
DO I REALLY NEED all the options on the left when most of it is on the right????
Doesnt someone think this could be duplicationg things or is it me.
Ill shut up now :)

7. Maj 2003, 07:50:37
Emne: Im annoyed !!!
you are all going to think I am a complete whinger, especially not being a paid up member.
Today It has taken me an hour to get the moment i have played the six games that were waiting, no tournament games were there for me, so I would assume others are having the same problems.
I checked out the INFO site and the last post to there was for mid april....Every time I have problems, I check there but there is never any news :(
I also noticed that one of my tourney partners timed out on his games with me...
This is becoming more than a bad joke, and more like a b loody nuisance (excuse language)

3. Maj 2003, 10:05:29
Emne: Re: hey MM :)
no dont go to general chat boards.....just here....and RUBBISH????....does the truth hurt?? LOL...coult it be that you are a male that doesnt submit to a female under any circumstances....HHHHMMMMMMM may be that is why i NEVER WIN..waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

3. Maj 2003, 09:58:41
Emne: patience????
i think i have posted this before, but it dont hurt to do it again LOL
Patience is a virtue,
possess it if you can,
always found in woman,
and never found in man
LOLOLOL..........and aint that the truth LOL

3. Maj 2003, 09:55:28
Emne: hey MM :)
good to see ya partaking of a lil bit of jovial repartee LOL....and also i forgot the daylight saving issue between you and I :)....i really dont think auto-refresh has a lot to do with it....I think that dear Fencer is trying to be too obliging to everybody and it is getting out of hand :) the site tho :)

3. Maj 2003, 09:46:17
Emne: better :)
well i must say that the site seems to be better today. But by my reckoning it is 8am in the UK, and after midnight in that may be why fresh...i was using it but found it was a nuisance so dont use it any more...

1. Maj 2003, 07:52:11
Emne: Re: Aaaaaaaargh!
today it is just as is 4pm here aussie time, english time would be about 6am, and american times vary but it would be about midnight on average...I can understand where you are coming from Angus...i would NOT be happy if i was paying for the games :(

30. April 2003, 08:01:00
Emne: Re: Help
try deleting it :) that has happened to me as well :)

28. April 2003, 08:11:15
Emne: in regards to slow site :(
I have just played 14 games and it has taken me 1hr 15mins to play them :(
I am not a paid member, and think Fencer does a good job...BUT...the times taken to get onto this site and play games is definately a deterent to being a paid member I think :(....I love this site and the people (on the whole) that I have met have been there anything on the horizon to speed this site up???

25. April 2003, 07:47:01
Emne: Re: Downtime every evening!
well it is mainly morning for me i just cant get dont bother. Now morning for me would be evening for most of america.It is annoying but i think we should wait and see if it continues....Fencer does a great job :)

7. April 2003, 07:47:12
Emne: Re: Can't Move
Patience is a Virtue,
Possess it if you can.
Always found in women,
Never found in man.


"what a dark,sour outlook"....again are right again LOL

6. April 2003, 09:53:39
Emne: Re: fencer..more game variation ideas...
CleverHunk :) too clever, too good looking, (LOL) and dead right in your post below :)
Where do you get these ideas....would love to play you a reversi person, anti or intelligence only goes that far ROFLMBO...(((HUGS)) tho and *win* *win*

6. April 2003, 08:16:09
Emne: Re: BrainKnot
I dont want to be rude MKATRIS...but the site does belong to Fencer and if he wants to tinkle with it that is his business.
He is so fair to everyone, and fixes things ASAP...I think we ALL can put up with a bit of inconvenience occasionally.
Big round of applause for FENCER *clap* *clap* *clap*

1. April 2003, 07:18:37
Emne: Re: Network problem/white screens
Yes I have the same problems and just click "refresh" and it comes up with the next game :)...OOPS for got to add most times not all the time :)

23. Marts 2003, 08:10:27
Emne: Dmitri and TTjazz
it is so good to see your marriage has been patched up....I hope you have paid the solicitors bill and we can get some peace finally on this board....sorry just had to have my wee say LOL

23. Marts 2003, 00:55:47
Emne: Fencer :) please
I joined and played in this tourney...lost of course, and that is nothing new LOL BUT...
Is there any chance of taking my name from this tourney to enable me to join another?? If so thanks...If not no problems...If I remember correctly this started at the beginning of Feb, and there are more rounds to go...and Im locked in to it :(....thanks

20. Marts 2003, 23:26:08
Emne: is it only me???
every link i click on comes up a white page, I then have to click refresh to get the page up...also I have noticed the site has suddenly become very slow...similar to what it did about a month ago :(

19. Marts 2003, 05:18:43
has this place gone mad??????.....I used to look forward to the 4-6 messages that were posted each day onthis board and now find im having to read all sorts of c rap that has nothing to do with anything as far as i can see....Fencer put a stop to the spamming and lets all get on with it:)

16. Marts 2003, 21:25:25
Emne: Re: Weapons Inspectors, - Women.!!!
AH.....what a wonderful thing to wake up to....a little levity on the board LOL...never has a truer word been spoken..

15. Marts 2003, 08:49:49
Emne: what a mess
I do not know what IYT has done, but there site is in a real cant even get to your games, and it take forever to load...bad luck....more better here :)

14. Marts 2003, 08:20:48
Emne: Re: brains...
HMMMMMM....dint realize my friend ANGUS was a drunk hehehehe...good way on plurds my friend :)

13. Marts 2003, 06:26:35
Emne: Re: Trivia
yep sure was....just plain ole HORSE

11. Marts 2003, 08:53:10
Emne: Re: A Friend's Mom Passes Away :_(
I have never played MadMonkey but my thoughts go out to him in a big way....I lost both my sister and Mother within 6 weekes of each other and being in a differnet country made it very haed...(((HUGS))) MM and keep the good times sacred my friend :)

28. Februar 2003, 23:50:25
Emne: Re: multi users !!
I mentioned this WAAAAAYYYYY down the board, about people signing on and never playing here. I also suggested that they be deleted if they haven't played in a certain time. I suggested this during the time when the site was down, up down.....

27. Februar 2003, 06:25:03
Emne: Re: backgammon jokes
HAHAHA.i write Limericks, but most of them are slightly on the "cant put on the board" side LOL, I also write poetry, and have been published and won prizes for same :) *showing off*

21. Februar 2003, 22:19:07
Emne: Re: Just got this LOL
Love it lOL...gotta pass that one along

21. Februar 2003, 08:29:33
Emne: halma 10x10 game 29862
because i dont really understand this game and my partner hasnt played in 30 years, it got too confusing....i offered a draw and told her...she couldnt see it and offered me a draw...I couldnt see it...I have since offered her another draw...
Q is...there isnt an accept button for a draw...can you help???

21. Februar 2003, 08:06:26
Emne: small query..not important
im currently playing in a tournament...LOSING lol...but the prize is 6mths membership...if there are more than one ending on equal footing....what haappens?

18. Februar 2003, 08:12:51
Emne: Re: hhmmnnn....
you wanna go where it is warm....come to ME....34degC every day with humidity at 98% ...aussie needs a good noodle LOL

13. Februar 2003, 23:41:08
here is a little something for ya LOL...takes a minute to load on dial up 56k modem, but I think it is worth it

8. Februar 2003, 22:21:03
Emne: Thanks Fencer
I thought as much :( :( oh well I guess you cant have it all....What I cant understand is, if it is that expensive how can playsite offer it for free? They do have some sites (not scrabble) that you can play for money but I discovered that the money sites are all only links and arent Playsite. thanks anyway :)

8. Februar 2003, 22:17:07
Emne: Re: scrabble
the best one i have found is they have about 10-15 rooms plus tourneys etc

8. Februar 2003, 00:26:04
Emne: scrabble
is it possible to get scrabble on here, or is there something to do with copyright or even programming problems that would prevent it. I adore scrabble and go to another game site to play but would much rather play it here if that is at all possible Fencer :)

6. Februar 2003, 21:36:34
Emne: still slow for me
but, at least i can get into the might improve as my server clears their cache, i will wait and see :) great job, welldone

2. Februar 2003, 08:13:39
Emne: Please dont pounce on me :(
I have been viewing the player list and have noticed that people have joined way back when and have never played...SUGGESTION ONLY...put a time limit on how long they have to play their first game..and if they havent played..delete their profiles...makes for more room for you Fencer.(well i think it would)also your histories in your message boards could be deleted...anything older than a month perhaps...just trying to help here :) you still do a great job FENCER

1. Februar 2003, 06:33:36
Emne: Appreciation
Fencer...thank you so much..what a job you must have keeping up with all the requests and also the problems you are currently having...KUDOS to you :)

29. Januar 2003, 10:33:48
Emne: Im sorry
to my opponents, but this is ridiculous...cant get into games, can read messages, can post messages.GGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

29. Januar 2003, 10:30:23
Emne: please ressurect
game number isnt my fault that because of the "worm" it has prevented me from entering this board for, now it is 7 hours......thanks

27. Januar 2003, 07:23:38
Emne: a funny thing happened
i typed a message to my the right box...asking about her family...we are playing checkers.
She replied with " oh yes that was a stupid move"..when I checked to see what she was answering to there was a "?" i didnt type that.
Is this site so clever it can query an opponents move??????

25. Januar 2003, 03:44:22
Emne: Re:
One way of fixing this "no explanation of a decline" is for Fencer to make the message part of the decline compulsory. That way you can be rude, if you wish to and decline by just putting an "X".
I have been declined a few times, with no explanation and assume it is because I'm such a lousy player LOL...Hey!!! who really gives a hoot :)

13. Januar 2003, 00:37:16
Emne: Re: big deal tho
Fencer...Im using IE. Im only a newbie here but must congratulate you on a great site :) I was at IYT and it is down all the time and it is very annoying...I have recommended you to all I know at IYT.......congrats and keep up the good work.

12. Januar 2003, 05:01:20
Emne: big deal tho
I have my refresh set at doesnt always refresh at that rate, does anybody else have any probs?

10. Januar 2003, 01:37:45
Emne: Re: difficulty viewing games rules and profiles
Thanks so is hard to turn down games you are invited to play when you cant view the rules :(

10. Januar 2003, 01:14:55
Emne: difficulty viewing games rules and profiles
is there something wrong at the moment...I cant view any of the above:(

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