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30. Juni 2004, 05:27:30
that is in the past and behind us.
I have already proposed paying for the prize prior to starting the tourney. I ask that you do the same.
I have also made my tourney a 1 day time limit to assist people to finish.
All I ask is that you pay for the prize prior to starting the tourney, or else dont start it.
Is that too much? If you intend paying for the prize, why not now?

Oh, and another point, you yourself intentionally move as slow as possible to delay games. I think that is a generally accepted fact about you now.

BBW there is no point bringing up the past, what are you trying to prove? Fact is, it is plainly obvious that Bill's tournament will cause much delay for pawns as I am sure you must agree with. That is not fair and I am simply offering another alternative with the promise of money on the table first.

30. Juni 2004, 04:17:09
there is no point lying about it. People join a prize tourney for a chance at winning a prize.

If you get a pawn to join a tourney that lasts 4 years, that means they cannot join any other tourneys for 4 years. That is not fun. Anyone with half a brain can see that you are simply tying everyone up with no intention of playing


We know you wont because you have no intention of ever paying up. Prove me wrong. Pay now and have it verified and I will eat my words, otherwise, stop wastig the poor pawns time.

Also, if it is only for fun, then why did you offer a prize to start with. I think we all know why dont we !!!

30. Juni 2004, 02:54:06
Tilpasset af LongJohn (30. Juni 2004, 02:55:30)
All you pawns, dont waste your time on a 2 year long tourney, this will run much much faster. Leave the long one and sign up for a tourney that offers results in a shorter period of time

Link Edited to work. (damn feature shows up errors LOL)

30. Juni 2004, 02:47:26
Tilpasset af LongJohn (30. Juni 2004, 03:20:05)
Correction on Move Length

I feel sorry for the pawns that have to wait 10 DAYS (I originally thought it was 5 and just checked and it was 10 which is 2 weeks per single move. that is only 26 moves for a whole year so a single longish 52 move game may take as long as 4 years if both players play the max length) per move simply to try and win a rook membership.

Here is the deal all you pawns.

Leave that long drawn out tourney, join mine which will only be 1 day per move and I will donate a rook membership to the winner and also a rook membership to the runner up.

Both will be paid for to Fencer prior to the tourney starting. I will create and post the link shortly

30. Juni 2004, 02:38:38
ok if you insist
I'll bring the shrimp

30. Juni 2004, 02:19:02
sounds like a grass growing night may not be as boring as you may think.
we can all sit around grinning and eating

30. Juni 2004, 02:16:23
either way, its a damn waste of time for 18 bucks LOL
we should be spending our time on something more worthwhile.
1. I have a paint drying night coming up soon, everyone is invited to watch.
2. Replays of Geoffrey Boycott in his prime

30. Juni 2004, 02:07:45
I think the tournament is 5 days per move right?
Considering many who joined are very very slow players, a tourney that size may take upwards of a year.
I suggest to all pawns not to join such a long tourney as you will not be able to join any other tournaments and there will be no result for well over 1 year guaranteed

29. Juni 2004, 06:01:37
Emne: New BK2
Havent had a lot of time the past day to really look into it but already I am starting to really like the new changes.
Very nice job guys, this new version kicks butt. Thanks for your hard work.

Is it my imagination or do players profiles also now load a lot quicker? Everything seems quicker for me tonight.

10. Juni 2004, 16:41:35
Fencer could answer this I assume

5. Juni 2004, 08:28:00
thanks, looking forward to it.
good luck Fencer.

5. Juni 2004, 08:25:21
how long to go now before the changeover Fencer?

17. Maj 2004, 16:51:46
I disagree, because then a bifg boss could allow pawns in and therefore enjoy paid membership priveledges for free.
That is not fair on anyone now is it?

17. Maj 2004, 16:45:40
of course they should be removed.
That is a benefit that should be paid for and how Fencer keeps his money flowing in enabling him toi maintain/improve the site allowing for a better excperience for all users.
I viscious circle but in a twisted waty it really means "kick out the pawns and make the place better for everyone, including them"

17. Maj 2004, 16:27:54
I would think a pawn should automatically be ejected from the fellowship (not a right as a non paying member to be in any fellowships) and then the next in line rook should take over.
The rank should be set automatically by join date of the fellowship (ie longest serving rook is the next in line) however, this rank structure should be able to be changed by the Big Boss so that he.she can control who gets the reins when they get omitted

16. Maj 2004, 23:41:05
it is a great game but can often take a very very long time on a turn based site, especially when both opponents are too scared to use the cube.
It is really the only way to play BG OTB though

16. Maj 2004, 23:36:58
thanks Fencer

16. Maj 2004, 23:22:03
Emne: stevie
stevie no moderator in their right mind would have let that post stand

16. Maj 2004, 15:55:45
this situation will not apply to double though as the 2 numbers are both the same and therefore you just have to keep moving until you have no more moves available.
The bug has to do with a roll of different numbers where moving a particular pieve with one number stops the movement of the 2nd.

16. Maj 2004, 05:37:22
Maybe Fencer can look at this when he is working on the autopass :)
Bottom line with this backgammon flaw is, although it is not the real rules of Backgammon, if Fencer has programmed it that way, it must be "his" rules.

16. Maj 2004, 03:14:48
yes, an agreement would be good.
We could add that to the list directly under the one that states that using a program to win games is cheating.
Good suggestion CM1000

13. Maj 2004, 16:22:41
Emne: autopass poll
if you really want a poll on autopass SOD, why not set one up on the web outside of BK and just post the link publicly.
I for one would like to vote on that issue. I would not divulge at all what my vote would be but I would cast my vote in the most time efficient manner that I could as that is how I like everything to be if possible LOL

12. Maj 2004, 02:20:28
I agree, I dont mind playing lower BKR's to myself, but some do.
I was simply pointing out a fact. Some higher BKR's do in fact avoid playing lower BKR's for this reason.

12. Maj 2004, 02:06:10
one thing I have definately noticed with the ratings system is that it definately discourages the high BKR's to NOT play against the lower ratings as they have little or nothing to gain and much to lose. Consequently, when they set up a game in the waiting room, they will set the required rating so high that the lower ratings wont even see the waiting games and cannot join.
Although this is fine, these people come unstuck when they play in tourneys and have no control who they play.

I do however find it interesting why someone who is a known (by admission) program user would start questioning ratings systems etc. Maybe it would be fairer to have Fencer reset your BKR Chessmaster so that you can start out playing fairly all the time.
Do you still use programs?

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