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23. Gennaio 2009, 19:50:27 
Argomento: Closing Gitmo
This is one of the examples of a bad situation that has happened (Gitmo has held without trial - some people for over 5 years.. some as long as 7 or 8 years)

The extreme answer is to close gitmo.

The CORRECT answer would be process the captured in a TIMELY MANOR and deal with them.

Some of the men held at Gitmo was just in the wrong place at the wrong time - they are not a threat (well were not - maybe now since they have been held in the same areas as extremist for the past many years.. enough to probable get a little brainwashed and pissed at the US for such a long detainment).

Anyway, for some even, the US wants to release them and send them back home, but their home country will not accept them. And who would want to accept someone who 5-8 years ago was not a threat, but again - has been held in close contact with extremist who may have altered their view?

Anyway, this situation is something that should have been solved MANY years ago. It is a shame that Bush let it go this long and made it a problem that Obama will have to sort out. I think "Closing" was too harsh of a direction to go - where as "dealing & processing ALL people held within 6 months" would have been a MUCH better way to go.

... and then if there are extremist which are too "bad" to do anything with, they can stay at Gitmo - but others who are not will hopefully be finally released.

But what do I know - I've only said for the past 4 years they needed to do something with the people being held and not just hold them indefinitely.

23. Gennaio 2009, 22:00:58
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: Re: Closing Gitmo   You may well be right.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out now that Obama is in charge.  I have confidence that he will take into consideration the ongoing threat against the US.  I don't expect Obama to cave in to radical pressures but to do what is both right and in the best interest of the security of the US.  I know that Obama favors closing Gitmo in large part because of the negative view the world has on the US for what they percieve as injustices at Gitmo.  Even if none of what's percieved were true, perception is a large part of their reality and Obama is dedicated to changing the world's opinion on the US.  That is a good thing if properly balanced with the realities of the kind of enemy we have detained.


23. Gennaio 2009, 22:26:15
The Col 
Argomento: Re: Closing Gitmo
Artful Dodger: I second that emotion

23. Gennaio 2009, 22:27:15
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: Re: Closing Gitmo
Jim Dandy: See, I'm not totally unreasonable. 

23. Gennaio 2009, 22:35:12
The Col 
Argomento: Re: Closing Gitmo
Artful Dodger: It will give you more credability when you pounce on his policies later

23. Gennaio 2009, 22:39:48
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: Re: Closing Gitmo
Jim Dandy:   I'm sure I will have plenty of opportunity to do just that.   I'll just pretend he is Bush making the decisions and ask myself what the liberal left would say, and then I go from there. 

23. Gennaio 2009, 23:45:45
Argomento: Re: Closing Gitmo Well, the Bush administration has already released many of the gitmo prisoners, the ones who were the least threats, and many of them have gone back to their old ways already...

also, why would they release some, and then still keep others who were "just in the wrong place at the wrong time"????

Anyway, I dont buy that either, really, just in the wrong place at the wrong time??? You mean like accidentally going into Iraq during a war????

23. Gennaio 2009, 23:51:45
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: You mean like accidentally going into Iraq during a war????

Czuch:   Good point.  I don't know that I've ever gotten a good explanation on this one.   I think the entire situation is far more complex than most of us realize.  

Not sure where I heard this but the question was asked, is Obama more concerned with the reputation of the US (closing Gitmo will go a long way in improving our image) or about keeping our country safe?  

I do know of former terriorists that are no longer committing acts of terror but are in fact, exposing Islam as a religion of hate and intolerance.  But these terrorists weren't changed because of some government program.  They found a greater reason to abondon Islam and embrace a belief that makes far more sense to them.  ;)

24. Gennaio 2009, 00:07:12
Argomento: Re: You mean like accidentally going into Iraq during a war????
Artful Dodger:

is Obama more concerned with the reputation of the US (closing Gitmo will go a long way in improving our image) or about keeping our country safe?

I think it is both....I think he announced the closing to make everyone feel good about the US, but he left himself some wiggle room by stating that it would be done in accordance with national security and other concerns....

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