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4. Settembre 2009, 15:15:22
Argomento: Re: MONEY DECIDES!
Übergeek 바둑이: Sorry I was not around to help clean up what I started earlier....

My point was not that the US has all the good chemists, it was about the companies, and even you admitted that it was a US company that develops a majority of drugs
You claim they make billions in profits, maybe so... but explain why then, if a government like Canada can make socialized medicine a part of their way, why doesnt the same government spend the money and time to develope their own drugs?????

Also, the question about health care being a right, my point was also missed..... we can have rights like the right to free speach, or the right to unlawful search or seasure etc, but how can we have rights to a service like health care?

Lets just say for instance that we are given health care as a right, like the right to free speach.... but now assume that nobody wants to go to school to pursue the medical field anymore so now you have a right to medical care, but nobody to give you that care.... does the government force people to study to become a doctor? What about an MRI, do I also have a right to an MRI? What if the MRI isnt invented yet?

Point is, its not possible to bestow any rights to services or material objects, because there is no way for any government to guarantee those services will be available

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