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24. Ekim 2007, 23:10:23
Ok Im testing out to see if I have clickable links for a chnge, keeping my fingers crossed to post this one!


This is the only gig I have been to where I wept....amazing woman!!!

25. Ekim 2007, 03:31:18
Konu: Re:
Ewe: Awwww, it didn't work. Are you using a rich text or plain text editor? I'll teach you how to do it, but it depends on how you enter text.

Tracy Chapman really is worth it. And, that is one of my favorites of her songs, that and Fast Car. But, this should make you smile, not weep

25. Ekim 2007, 04:22:07
Konu: Re: Tracy Chapman
TexasToest: Someone I reconised at last! Yes she is good!

25. Ekim 2007, 04:28:28
Konu: Re:
TexasToest: What a lovely soothing voice she has.

25. Ekim 2007, 04:58:25
Konu: Re:
Mousetrap & Dolittle:  Actually, I didn't bring her in, Ewe did.  I have always enjoyed her, though, and was so glad to hear her again.

I've forgotten more music than some people ever know, but this is band I loved, and never bought anything of theirs.  I think that's going to change.  Our Public Radio station used to play all music, and they played Weather Report a lot.  I listened every waking hour to that station, so I didn't really have to buy anything.  Anyway, I'd kind of buried them, but I ran into a little concert of theirs on Wolfgang's Concert Vault tonight, and decided to listen.  I brought some to share.

Anyway, Boogie Woogie Waltz.  It's jazz, but even if you don't like jazz, you might like this.

25. Ekim 2007, 15:59:23
Konu: Re:
TexasToest: Ummm no, I prefer to listen to Tracy Chapman. Don't think I could waltz to that!

25. Ekim 2007, 21:13:34
Konu: Re:
Dolittle:  Sometimes musical works are named with a tongue in cheek.  I haven't checked, but if the time is 3/4, then it COULD be a waltz.  Let me just check.....pause....yeah, it could be a waltz.  Waltzes come in all genres, tuough.  Think about Waltz Across Texas.  A lot of country songs are waltzes.  Not everything can be the Blue Danjube Waltz.

26. Ekim 2007, 01:48:23
Konu: Re:
TexasToest: Blue Danjube Waltz???

25. Ekim 2007, 19:08:24
Konu: Re:
TexasToest: Hey thanks for Tracy with the muppets!!
Yes, thank you, I need some computer training for sure! BUT! I think I may have the link situation sorted now??? Im going to see this lady tomorrow night.....(right keeping my fingers & toes crossed this works lol)


My friend is the tour rep so Im getting in free (which is always a bonus lol) Im looking forward to it because I havent been out on a night for a while with having my two little ones & I havent been to a gig for ages!!! Not my usual type of music but still looking forward to it!

Really enjoyed the Boogie Woogie Waltz too, great stuff!!

25. Ekim 2007, 21:24:34
Konu: Re:
Ewe:  Let us know how you liked the concert, Ewe.  She has a lot of passion, although like you, it's not my usual preferred style of music.  Some might ask, "What IS your usual preferred style of music, Ms. Toest?"  I wouldn't have an answer, other than, "I don't know much about art, but I know what I like." But, who can fight with the song itself?  And, she did a great job with it.  I'll be looking forward to your review of the concert.

25. Ekim 2007, 22:58:06
Konu: Re:
TexasToest: Yes I will definately let you know how it was. Shes on stage from 9.15 to 10.45 so I hope its an enjoyable hour & a half!! I wont see the support band because I wont be able to get there on time by the time I get my kids to bed etc. Not even sure who the support is?
Yes Im the same as you, my music taste is somewhat ecclectic, I like allsorts, its very varied, but there are certain sounds I dont like. Its how the mood takes you I suppose....

Hey did my link work for you to click on by the way???

26. Ekim 2007, 02:10:23
Konu: Re:
Ewe:  Yes!  Your link worked perfectly.  The only thing now is to learn how to put the target page in a new window so we don't leave Brainking to listen to the music.  You do seem to have eclectic taste in music.  That's one thing I like about you.  and have I got a great one for you.....

Pat Metheny is about a 26 year heart throb for me.  In this video, he plays a Pikasso guitar.  It has 3 necks, and 42 strings.  It's a weird looking animal.  It looks kind of like a Siamese Triplet guitar.  The songs are  "Into the Dream" and "Have You Heard".  Give a listen.

Dolittle:  The Blue Danube Waltz was the most sedate waltz I could think of.  Hahahaha!  I thought you might be able to waltz to it.

26. Ekim 2007, 02:15:22
Konu: Re:
TexasToest: Blue Danube Waltz I agree with!!

Couldn't resist heckling you about spelling it Blue Danjube before!! :)

26. Ekim 2007, 03:44:14
Konu: Re:
Dolittle:  What's your problem, Goat Girl?  It's correct in Spanish.  Hahaha!  No, I spilled water on my ex keyboard, and I had to press another one into service. The old one was a Microsoft Ergonomic, and this one is a Logitech plain Jane.  I'm making a lot of typos.  Sorry about that.

26. Ekim 2007, 02:27:23
Konu: Re:
TexasToest: WOW what an absolutely amazing instrument!! and so fantastically played, I enjoyed that very much, thanks!!

So glad Ive got the knack of links at long last! Yes now to learn the target thingymagigy!! lol

26. Ekim 2007, 03:41:35
Konu: Re:
TexasToest (26. Ekim 2007, 03:48:50) tarafından düzenlendi
Ewe:  Are you using the link tool on this chat box?

I'm glad you liked the Pat Metheny.  That guitar is, indeed, pretty incredible, and I liked the part where the rest of the band came in with wind chimes.  Evidently, from what I read in Wikipedia, Pat Metheny is about the only musician in the world playing that guitar.  But he didn't invent it, a woman in Canada did.  I'm going to run out to YouTube, and pick up one from the album I have.  I like it too, but it's just straight Pat Metheny on guitar.  Oh, and it is an album, vinyl, and everything.

27. Ekim 2007, 00:36:07
Konu: Re:
TexasToest: Hi just ot home from the Beverley Knight concert! She was great! Loads of energy, passion, stage presence, and an amazing voice! Could really see & hear all the soul deva influences! I thought she was a cross between Whitney Houston & Tina Turner

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