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31. Ekim 2007, 15:47:05
Konu: Re: two witches came in here with their cauldron
Eriisa:They wouldn't do that to sweet Missy Riisy.  That cauldron had dead mice and newts, ano'possum tails, and bat's feet, and rotted pumpkin, and skunk spray in it, and it stunk to HIGH HEAVEN!!

Amateur rendition of Louden Wainwright's famous in (Texas and Arkansas) song.  These guys are low-key, but pretty funny.  This is a really scary thought!!

31. Ekim 2007, 05:31:33
Konu: Re: Bubble bubble
Mousetrap:Wowee!  Real witches.

31. Ekim 2007, 05:03:00
Konu: Re: Goblin
Mousetrap:  That's the only thing I could think of too.  While I was asleep last night, two witches came in here with their cauldron, and stood around chanting, "Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble." And I had trouble by morning.

A promise of things to come

31. Ekim 2007, 04:30:11
Konu: Re: Theme Night Postponed and computer problems
Mousetrap:  That's exactly what happened.  Some goblin came in and fried my monitor and my router, and ate them for a snack.  I got here tonight, but late.  I guess I've impressed myself with my technical knowledge.  I always think I'm lacking, but when the chips are down, I seem to rise to the occasion.  It surely caused me a lot of grief.  I'm back up, not whole yet, but at least I can operate out here. Hard to find a job with no computer.  

28. Ekim 2007, 20:23:57
Konu: Re: As a drummer,this song was my personal nightmere,I could never master the constant changes
Jim Dandy:  Yes, but it's one of the more interesting songs.  I love it too. 

Hey, I heard this morning that Robert Plant, and Sheryl Crow have a new CDtogether that was produced by T-Bone Burnett.  That should be interesting.  I heard some snips.  It might be kind of serene for some, but I'd still like to hear it.  NPR doesn't have anything on it's website about it yet, but I'll keep looking.

28. Ekim 2007, 20:13:43
Konu: Re: Teenage Head
Jim Dandy:  Yeah, that is great driving music.  But, Doosie doesn't need it, she's a natural speed-demon.  The roads between Oklahoma, and the Hill Country aren't safe when she's en routel  They issue warnings when she leaves her house.

27. Ekim 2007, 21:25:22
Konu: Re: Teenage Head
awesome:  Uuuummmmmm, is it....oh wait...I know...*snaps fingers, scrunches eyes, looks skyward* don't tell me, is it Chris Isaak?....no wait wait, don't tell me.....it's um Elvis Costello...no, that's not it...it's Elvis PRESLEY.  Is it?  Am I right?  Do I win anything?

27. Ekim 2007, 17:34:27
Konu: Re: Teenage Head
Dolittle:  You think he sounds like Buddy Holly?  I dunno, maybe the inflection,  the modulation of his voice in the performance (some call it a hiccup), but not really the sound.  Of course, Holly has that velvet smooth sound of the south.  But, listen again to Teenage HJead, then listen to Buddy Holly singing

27. Ekim 2007, 05:32:20
Konu: Re: Teenage Head
Jim Dandy:  That band rocks.

27. Ekim 2007, 05:11:45
Konu: Gallows Pole
I like this version.  It has a longer intro, and less hard angles than the album version.

27. Ekim 2007, 04:50:20
Konu: More recent Robert Plant
This is interesting.  It's almost a visual depiction of his opinion on the origin of rock n roll - like way back - ancestral.  This is a solo performance.

27. Ekim 2007, 04:28:33
Konu: Re:Zevon
Jim Dandy:  Great song!  I've always loved it.  That's some fine animation to have been done with Paint.  I'm impressed.  Thanks.

27. Ekim 2007, 04:22:05
Konu: Robert Plant
This is different.  He's morphing.  Watch this, and I'll show you one of his more recent videos as soon as I got find it again.  Hahahaha!

27. Ekim 2007, 03:45:28
Konu: Re:
Jim Dandy:  Wpw!  Really?  I wish I'd caught that show.  What year did Zevon die?

27. Ekim 2007, 00:44:49
Thank you, Dandy-Pie.  He was great, as in stupendous, just too short-lived.  It's sad, isn't it?  That so many of the most talented die early in life.  

26. Ekim 2007, 03:51:24

26. Ekim 2007, 03:44:14
Konu: Re:
Dolittle:  What's your problem, Goat Girl?  It's correct in Spanish.  Hahaha!  No, I spilled water on my ex keyboard, and I had to press another one into service. The old one was a Microsoft Ergonomic, and this one is a Logitech plain Jane.  I'm making a lot of typos.  Sorry about that.

26. Ekim 2007, 03:41:35
Konu: Re:
TexasToest (26. Ekim 2007, 03:48:50) tarafından düzenlendi
Ewe:  Are you using the link tool on this chat box?

I'm glad you liked the Pat Metheny.  That guitar is, indeed, pretty incredible, and I liked the part where the rest of the band came in with wind chimes.  Evidently, from what I read in Wikipedia, Pat Metheny is about the only musician in the world playing that guitar.  But he didn't invent it, a woman in Canada did.  I'm going to run out to YouTube, and pick up one from the album I have.  I like it too, but it's just straight Pat Metheny on guitar.  Oh, and it is an album, vinyl, and everything.

26. Ekim 2007, 02:10:23
Konu: Re:
Ewe:  Yes!  Your link worked perfectly.  The only thing now is to learn how to put the target page in a new window so we don't leave Brainking to listen to the music.  You do seem to have eclectic taste in music.  That's one thing I like about you.  and have I got a great one for you.....

Pat Metheny is about a 26 year heart throb for me.  In this video, he plays a Pikasso guitar.  It has 3 necks, and 42 strings.  It's a weird looking animal.  It looks kind of like a Siamese Triplet guitar.  The songs are  "Into the Dream" and "Have You Heard".  Give a listen.

Dolittle:  The Blue Danube Waltz was the most sedate waltz I could think of.  Hahahaha!  I thought you might be able to waltz to it.

25. Ekim 2007, 21:24:34
Konu: Re:
Ewe:  Let us know how you liked the concert, Ewe.  She has a lot of passion, although like you, it's not my usual preferred style of music.  Some might ask, "What IS your usual preferred style of music, Ms. Toest?"  I wouldn't have an answer, other than, "I don't know much about art, but I know what I like." But, who can fight with the song itself?  And, she did a great job with it.  I'll be looking forward to your review of the concert.

25. Ekim 2007, 21:13:34
Konu: Re:
Dolittle:  Sometimes musical works are named with a tongue in cheek.  I haven't checked, but if the time is 3/4, then it COULD be a waltz.  Let me just check.....pause....yeah, it could be a waltz.  Waltzes come in all genres, tuough.  Think about Waltz Across Texas.  A lot of country songs are waltzes.  Not everything can be the Blue Danjube Waltz.

25. Ekim 2007, 04:58:25
Konu: Re:
Mousetrap & Dolittle:  Actually, I didn't bring her in, Ewe did.  I have always enjoyed her, though, and was so glad to hear her again.

I've forgotten more music than some people ever know, but this is band I loved, and never bought anything of theirs.  I think that's going to change.  Our Public Radio station used to play all music, and they played Weather Report a lot.  I listened every waking hour to that station, so I didn't really have to buy anything.  Anyway, I'd kind of buried them, but I ran into a little concert of theirs on Wolfgang's Concert Vault tonight, and decided to listen.  I brought some to share.

Anyway, Boogie Woogie Waltz.  It's jazz, but even if you don't like jazz, you might like this.

25. Ekim 2007, 03:31:18
Konu: Re:
Ewe: Awwww, it didn't work. Are you using a rich text or plain text editor? I'll teach you how to do it, but it depends on how you enter text.

Tracy Chapman really is worth it. And, that is one of my favorites of her songs, that and Fast Car. But, this should make you smile, not weep

24. Ekim 2007, 05:31:40
Konu: Re: A special band and a special song
Jim Dandy:  Interesting band.  I seemed to hear some Floydian/Gilmore guitar rifts.  Am I the only one?  Thank you, Dandy-Pie.

24. Ekim 2007, 04:54:34
Konu: Re:The significance of the vignette that followed
Jim Dandy:  Hahaha!  You're a Dandy alright.

23. Ekim 2007, 21:23:35
Konu: Re:
Jim Dandy:  I remember that Muffin Man song, but not the group doing it.  Somehow, I had to dig waaaaaaay back there to find the song itself.    Interesting vignette that followed it.  May I ask the significance, or is there a significance?

23. Ekim 2007, 05:16:29
Konu: Re:
awesome:  Right you are.  He was 38 when he died, truly a loss.

23. Ekim 2007, 00:19:41
Konu: Re:
Ewe:  Interesting site, thanks for the link.  I'm happy you have come to your own conclusion about the story.  "Publicity stunt" used to be the buzz word for stories like that.

22. Ekim 2007, 21:08:08
Konu: Re:
Ewe:  Obviously, from Jim Dandy's post, it started in 1966.  I didn't really pay much attention to it until somewhere in the 70s, when a radio station did a comprehensive 1 hour show on the story.  But, I looked at early pictures of Paul (which could, of course, been contrived), and pictures of him later, listened closely to early recordings, and Sargeant Peppers and decided it was just a rumor.  I haven't given it anymore thought.  Maybe it's the world's longest case of denial, I don't know.  I guess we all vote our conscience on it.

22. Ekim 2007, 01:32:37
Konu: Re: re-Elvis
 Jim Dandy  Whew.  Thank you.  I'm glad I didn't commit a tremendous  faux pas.

22. Ekim 2007, 00:59:24
Konu: Re: setup or not,special ELVIS
Jim Dandy:   I'm talking about the intro where he stops it mid measure, and says there's no need to do that "here".  Once when he was 18 (or how ever old he was in the first video), and again when he was however old he was in the second one.  That's what I'm talking about.  It's surely entertainment, and it's surely used to get the attention of the audience.  Hence shtick.  I'm not faulting him.  At least he's consistent. 

You'll have o pardon me, I'm not totally with it today.   If I've misunderstood something, tell me.

22. Ekim 2007, 00:44:05
Konu: Re: setup or not,special
Jim Dandy:  They've been doing that same shtick for a long time.  But, I love Elvis, have since the first time I heard him.  Greag song, thanks.

21. Ekim 2007, 23:01:46
Konu: Re: ex April Wine member,great tune
Jim Dandy:  Pretty great lead guitar too.

21. Ekim 2007, 22:37:09
Really?  Do you have it?  Is it still out there?

I wrote somebody a note about the Pixies, I guess I'll try again.  Hahaha!  There is probably some really confused person out there in BKland. 

Anyway, the Pixies were pretty far ahead of their time for the U.S. to really "get" them.  They disbanned in 1993, and reconvened in 2004.  Are they still around?

21. Ekim 2007, 22:11:27
Konu: Re:
TexasToest (21. Ekim 2007, 22:12:48) tarafından düzenlendi
Jim Dandy:  That theory/rumor about Paul McCatney dying in a car wreck has been going around for a long, long time.  I have dismissed it.  Anyone else have an opinion?  Wanna have a vote?

21. Ekim 2007, 21:57:09
Konu: Re:
awesome:  Yes, I knew Mason Williams played nylon strings, but on the Howe piece, those really didn't have that sound that gut strings have.  After listening a second time, I can catch phrases where they sound nylon, but during most of the performance, they sound like steel.  The difference must be in the guitar.  Thanks for that information.  I'll be more on the lookout for that.  I thought my ear would hear the difference.  Evidently, not always.

21. Ekim 2007, 07:08:33
Konu: Re:
awesome:  I agree he's one heck of a guitar player.  Why, though, did you mention Segovia in your notes?

This guy is older than me.  Whew!  I was beginning to wonder if I was the oldest person on earth!  Well, you already know I think he's the rockingest, sexiest old man on earth.  This song was on his first album (this was before CDs kiddies).  His first album was acoustic, and had no drums on it.  This song has gone on to be his biggest hit ever.

21. Ekim 2007, 06:17:40
Konu: Re: baddessi - this is some high energy strumming for you.
baddessi:  Yeah, but that video of John Lee Hooker shows you exactly how to pick like him.  Maybe we'll change our style, or add one.

21. Ekim 2007, 05:17:17
Konu: Re: baddessi - this is some high energy strumming for you.
baddessi:  You're always saying you're a strummer, and Havens is a strummer par excellance.  I thought you would enjoy it, that's why I put your name on it.

Yeah, I loved the Travelling Wilburys documentary too.  I thought it was a littl close on the heels of the Incredible String Orchestra one, but it was too good not to post.  Not to mention it was totally different.  Wouldn't it have been a blast to be in that room with a guitar with those guys?????

21. Ekim 2007, 03:51:47
Konu: Lest we forget
This guy, along with Mississippi John Hurrt, were my initiation to the blues.  I chose this video, because it shows so much of his technique.

21. Ekim 2007, 02:31:56
Konu: Blues Stylings
TexasToest (21. Ekim 2007, 02:35:08) tarafından düzenlendi
Papa:  Yes, me too.  Wish I could do it.  But, my strumming is more like Richie Havens, just not quite so frenetic.  Hahaha!

Ii don't think Jimmie got a haircut, I think he grew it out.  That was a pretty old video, look how young Guy Clark is. 

:  Thank you for the Bill Bourne.and company.  Very nice stuff.  He has a gentle soul, I think.  He said he was influenced by this man.  Papa, you'll like this too.

21. Ekim 2007, 00:09:43
Konu: Guy Clark - Texas Cookin'
This is Guy Clark backed up by Jimmie Dale Gilmore.  Jimmie Dale Gilmore is a Texas boy, and is sure to become a legend.  He's backing up Guy Clark cold here, but he gets it after a couple choruses.

Texas Cookin'

Guess I'd better get outta here and get some stuff to cook up Texas style.  Y'all play nice!

20. Ekim 2007, 16:13:21
Konu: Carpenters
Jim Dandy: Thanks!  I can't believe I bumped into 2 in one week.  I don't want to be too repetitive, so I'll just save them up for special occasions.  Then.....who can resist the Travelling Wilburys?

The Carpenters - haven't thought about them in eons!  She had such grace and presence, and a lovely voice.  They were definitely of another time.

20. Ekim 2007, 04:55:18
Konu: Please start this 3 windows down.

20. Ekim 2007, 04:13:33
Konu: BUT!!!
TexasToest (20. Ekim 2007, 04:59:46) tarafından düzenlendi
Who is missing?  Awwww, you know.....ok, let me give you a hint:
This one

April 23, 1936 - December 6, 1988

20. Ekim 2007, 03:55:51
Konu: A little game
Can you name the big boys in this video?  This will be like Where's Waldo, or those games where you have to find the picture of a walnut in a city scape.....

20. Ekim 2007, 03:03:23
Konu: baddessi - this is some high energy strumming for you.
The year, 1969, the event, Woodstock.  I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.  He was one of my very favorites of the time.  There are two songs on this video.

20. Ekim 2007, 03:00:09
Konu: Re: New Song Cafe - Learn a new song :-)
Radiant2007 :-): The New Song Cafe

20. Ekim 2007, 01:01:58
Konu: Re: Death of Boris
Jim Dandy:  For so long, Pavarotti dominated the scene, but there are some great singers out there, ready to step in.

20. Ekim 2007, 00:07:05
Konu: I just got home, and had treats awaiting me....
Dandy-Pie:  re Death of Boris - quite a departure for you.  Very passionate, and tragic.  He had me almost in tears.  When I See You Smile - I missed that one.  That one went in my favorites.  Thanks.

aNiMaL:  That was really cute.  Buddy Rich - wild man!!  Identity crises must be in the air, huh?

Snoopy:  I saved that one too.  That was the theme song of my Business Policy and Strategy course my senior year at the University.  It was a propos then, and it tacks today.

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