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 Feature requests

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6. april 2011, 20:20:11
Ämne: Re: It is relative
For one person 200 games is too much, for another 2000 is not enough ...

6. april 2011, 19:23:19 
How about something like:

Rooks - if you have NOT had a game time out in the past 6 months: 2,000 game limit
Rooks - if you have had a game time out in the past 6 months: 1,000 game limit

Black rooks - 5,000 game limit. (another black rook perk.)

6. april 2011, 16:44:51
Ämne: Re: timeouts
grenv: funnily enough I agree with the thousanders: I prefer a game monger who replies, to someone who has less than 100 games... and waits until the last possible moment to reply in each one.

6. april 2011, 15:56:34
Ämne: Re: timeouts
happyjuggler0: What difference does it really make... 1000 games is enough to guarantee a move every second you are logged in... what's the benefit of more? Only that you will be slower in each game, which frustrates others.

6. april 2011, 13:04:56
Ämne: Re: timeouts
Fencer: I agree with the others here; I don't think that there needs to be an upper limit on games played at the same time for everyone.

More sensible would be to find a way to clip the wings of those who fly too high and get into too many time forfeits as a result.

I like pedestrian's basic idea of somehow forcing people to prove they can handle lots of games before allowing them the ability to play a huge amount of games.

I also still like my notion that if you time out too many times then your tournament privileges are revoked until you have more vacation time available. With any luck the threat of the penalty would be enough to stop the problem before it even starts.

6. april 2011, 11:13:37
Ämne: Re: timeouts

6. april 2011, 10:44:34
Ämne: Re: timeouts
aaru: As long as you can handle them, there is no problem with it.

6. april 2011, 10:43:17
Ämne: Re: timeouts
pedestrian & Fencer: I like my 2000+ games

6. april 2011, 08:43:18
Ämne: Re: timeouts
Fencer: I didn't know it had already been a rule. I'm still a newcomer, I guess!

There are some people here who can actually play thousands of games without any problems. Would you consider using something like the formula I suggested? I know it may sound complicated, but it basically means that you have to prove you can play a lot of games without timing out in all of them. Only then can you go beyond the basic limit (which could be 1000 games).

6. april 2011, 08:27:08
Ämne: Re: timeouts
pedestrian: Actually, there used to be a 1000 games limit when the site had been launched. However, some active player had complained that "it says that Brain Rook can play unlimited number of games, so I want to have 10000 of them!" and I had been too naive to try to address every single request, no matter how absurd it was. Now I really regret it.

In other words, I am seriously thinking of reapplying the 1000 games limit again. At least for players who have serious problems to play more games than they can handle.

6. april 2011, 08:18:16
Ämne: Re: timeouts
grenv: Thanks for the kind words... I've never played more than about 400 simultaneous games myself. Would that make me 40% genius?

I just wanted to suggest something that wasn't too restraining, to meet possible objections up front. I've seen people start 5000-6000 games and eventually losing most of them on time. At least, with a 1000 games limit, the damage would be reduced a lot.

6. april 2011, 07:40:15
Ämne: Re: Good idea. I was looking for a compromise and that could be it.

6. april 2011, 03:25:18
Ämne: Re: timeouts
pedestrian:1000 games at once? Good grief, that sounds absurd. I can barely keep context when playing 30... you must be a genius of the highest order.

6. april 2011, 03:08:08 
Ämne: Re:
happyjuggler0: Yea, so for the "Time per move:", you would have the following options:

  • standard vacation
  • fixed weekend only
  • no days off
  • limited vacation - 3 days
  • limited vacation - 5 days
  • limited vacation - 7 days

    Options for tournament AND private games would be good (along with site & team matches). And of course, the limited vacation is if they have vacation days to use. And for tournaments, I would say per round - so if you make it to round 2, you get those days reset for the "limited". Maybe make those with a "black dot" to show the difference between the green & red dot games.

  • 6. april 2011, 01:19:55
    Ämne: Re:
    Ändrat av happyjuggler0 (6. april 2011, 01:20:58) I was about to object to that because that seriously limits anyone who want to go on vacation longer than a week without worrying about BK, but then I realized you weren't asking for a requirement of all tournaments. All you are doing is creating an option. Options are good, and potential tournament players can pick and choose which options they prefer.

    Edit* This would be a good option for private games as well, not just tournaments.

    6. april 2011, 01:10:58 
    I would like to see something else.

    I would like to see tournament be able to be setup where it only allowed up to X number of vacation days/hours per round.

    So instead of making a tournament with NO VACATION - we could make, for example a tournament where a player can use a MAX of 5 days vacation (120 hours) per round. [maybe with presets of 3 days / 5 days / 10 days -- maybe with different color circle for each type to go along with red circle games.)

    ... that way vacations are still available in case of emergencies, but hopefully keep out those who drag the tournament out. (Then again, now that the vacation "exploit" is fixed, hopefully once someone's vacation is out for the year - they will not get any more until Jan 1 so it won't be as big of an issue as it has in the past.)

    6. april 2011, 00:59:33
    Ämne: Re: timeouts
    happyjuggler0: I second that. Another possible formula would be something like:

    Total number of games you can sign up for = (number of games you have completed in a normal fashion) minus (number of games you have lost on time) - of course with a reasonable minimum number that you could always sign up for in any event (this could be 1000, for example).

    This way, you won't be able to sign up for thousands of games until you know what it's actually like to play all those games. And if you consistenty lose more than half of your games on time, you will never move above the minimum limit.

    The (intended) beauty of this formula is that all membership types except rooks already have a maximum number of games they can play. This should make implementation reasonably simple.

    (I apologize in advance for all the parentheses in this post. I hope it is still readable.)

    6. april 2011, 00:32:31
    Ämne: timeouts
    I apologize in advance if this has been brought up before.

    Regarding timeouts, I'd love to have a feature that makes it impossible to sign up for new tournaments if both of the following apply:

    1) You have no vacation time left.
    2) You have forfeited ___ number of games since the above condition happened.

    You could then sign up for new tournaments once you have more vacation time again.

    I believe that this would act as a way to encourage people to play only the number of games that they think they can reasonably expect to play. As things stand right now, some people simply don't care, and it delays round two of tournaments from starting, amongst other things.

    Thanks for your consideration,

    4. april 2011, 14:57:01
    Ämne: Re: integration
    carlscott33: Yes, in the future.

    4. april 2011, 12:04:32
    Ämne: integration
    is it possible to integrate other games like abstract strategy games into your network such as Perigon?

    4. april 2011, 07:59:22
    Ämne: Re: Message Box/Events
    nodnarbo: Hmm. Mine takes me to the precise Event.

    The one difference I DO notice though is that it doesn't preview the subject of the event when I hover my mouse over the number. (Which it DOES do on the message box)

    4. april 2011, 06:02:52
    Ämne: Message Box/Events
    It would be really nice if the red numbers next to the 'Events' link did the same thing as the red numbers next to the 'Message Box'. If you click on the number for Message Box it takes you to the oldest unread message, but if you click on the red number for Events it takes you to the Events folder. Does this have an easy fix?

    3. april 2011, 17:59:38
    Ämne: Re: Started games layout
    Ändrat av Fencer (3. april 2011, 17:59:57)
    El Cid: It was a joke. The 100 max limit solution will be implemented.

    3. april 2011, 17:54:37
    El Cid 
    Ämne: Re: Started games layout
    Fencer: By the way I forgot to say this is on other players (I have my main page limited to 5 games).

    Considering that the only other browser I have installed is IE (even if it is version 8), I think I rather use Opera...

    3. april 2011, 17:50:23
    Ämne: Re: Started games layout
    El Cid: I want to limit the number of games shown anyway (100 max would be good). That should solve it.
    "Don't use Opera!" would be another workaround.

    3. april 2011, 16:00:05
    El Cid 
    Ämne: Started games layout
    I know this should probably be in the Bug Tracker, but I think here is more rapidly seen (and it's kind of a "patch request"). When a user has many started games (I've noticed it on cases with 2000 or more started games), and when using Opera, there is a layout bug, that creates a blank top of the page, and the Bainking site (the top of the towers and the list of started games), start only at the middle of the scroll bar on the right. This happens in the Castle and Simple styles, but not in the no fonts. Also in internet explorer the castle style works correctly (I haven't tested the other two, but I believe they will work correctly also).

    So the feature request is... could this be corrected?

    2. april 2011, 17:36:47
    Ämne: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
    That's awesome if this is fixed!

    However, let's please move conversation about this over to the Backgammon discussion board, from here forward.


    2. april 2011, 17:04:53
    Ämne: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
    tonyh: We should see some identical rolls--but not nearly as many as before.

    2. april 2011, 14:55:51
    Ämne: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
    wetware: le size was 152 games; I wrote 'seem to' but honestly, just haven't seen any identicals in the last 25 games or so.
    What is your different problem?

    2. april 2011, 14:31:52
    Ämne: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
    tonyh:  How large was your sample size?  And if they have completely "disappeared"...well, we have a different problem!    :-)

    2. april 2011, 09:48:23
    Ämne: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
    Fencer: Well done, fencer; the identicals seem to have disappeared.

    1. april 2011, 23:04:49
    Ämne: Re: Where's the...
    Thad: I;d still like to "like" the autopass issue!

    1. april 2011, 22:02:13
    Ämne: Where's the...
    Where's the 'like' button? I want to like the post three posts down. ;-)

    1. april 2011, 19:08:35
    Ämne: Re:
    Fencer: Thanks Fencer

    That will be great help to lots of us i think

    1. april 2011, 18:44:28
    Ämne: Re:
    MadMonkey: OK, you can preview board description changes now.

    1. april 2011, 18:44:05
    Ämne: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
    I've just uploaded a patch that could (hopefully) solve the dice issue. We'll see soon. I don't promise anything, it needs to be tested.

    30. mars 2011, 18:17:35
    Ämne: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
    grenv: Maybe you are right. Here are some game numbers from my sample I had downloaded, where the first two rolls are equal:


    30. mars 2011, 17:42:17
    Ämne: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
    Thom27: But if there were, say, 4-6 games where the rolls were identical, you would have to assume that 3-5 of them were affected by whatever the problem is... so it would help.

    30. mars 2011, 16:01:14
    Ämne: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
    Fencer: Maybe we are talking about different things. The bug I mean is: the first rolls of the two players are too often equal. E.g. white starts by moving 5 and 3, and black, in the directly following move, rolls 3 and 5.

    I and others have tested this with a high number (hundreds) of games, and it happens about 4 to 6 times as often as it should.

    It is a statistical thing, and one cannot give a single game that was affected. It are all games where the opening rolls are equal, so to say.

    30. mars 2011, 15:58:01
    Ämne: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
    Pedro Martínez: Hmmm, maybe I have found a possible source of the problem. Maybe. I'll try to upload a patch soon and we'll see.

    30. mars 2011, 15:46:59
    Ämne: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
    Pedro Martínez: Is there a game without autopass that would suffer of the same problem?

    30. mars 2011, 15:44:03
    Ämne: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
    tonyh: Actually I don't take it seriously as much as 10 years ago. Since some people are never satisfied, it's not worth the effort. Don't take it personally.
    I mean that I have many other interests and BrainKing is just one of them. Not the only one.

    30. mars 2011, 15:43:26
    Pedro Martínez 
    Ämne: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass

    30. mars 2011, 15:38:48
    Ämne: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
    Thom27: I don't know. I won't pretend that backgammon is my favorite game (because it is not).
    Instead of a thread full of theories, can you give me some IDs of games that were affected by it?

    30. mars 2011, 13:36:25
    Ämne: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
    I agree that BK is a great site, though not perfect. Nothing in this world is or can be perfect, but this is no reason not to try to improve things.

    A good way to improve BK further would be to fix the opening-moves-bug in the backgammon variants. here is a collection of links on the topic. Fencer, are you going to fix this also before BK 3.0?

    30. mars 2011, 12:35:00
    Ämne: Re: Rolling Dice and Auto-pass
    Fencer: There is nothing I (or you) can do about Libya or Japan! I cannot fix the universe or the debt induced crash. So, let us attend to the things we can fix, like making coffee or playing backgammon. Don't you take this great site of yours seriously?

    30. mars 2011, 12:18:42
    Ämne: Re:
    Fencer: Thanks, that will so much better than having to submit to see what it looks like, then going back in etc..etc..

    30. mars 2011, 09:52:30
    Ämne: Re:
    MadMonkey: All right, it is ready and when I finish some other minor things, it will be uploaded and activated.
    Regarding changes to this version of BrainKing, I think I will actually do some of them, in order to make the upgrade process (to 3.0) more convenient. The only thing that cannot be easily modified is the game model, it is safer to rewrite it from the scratch.

    30. mars 2011, 09:14:09
    Ämne: Re:
    MadMonkey: Yes mate. I think I can have a look at it.

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