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<< <   72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81   > >>
4. februari 2013, 06:33:42
its always been...if it works in Prague...who cares.
fyi...its been terribly slow for me too,these past three days..till this evening,things run better in spurts.

4. februari 2013, 02:02:49
Ämne: Re: Trace route for comparison
Bernice: What that means, is when I make a move, it is sent firstly to England, then to the West Coast USA before heading to the Czech Republic!

4. februari 2013, 00:59:43
Ämne: Re: Trace route for comparison
SL-Mark: and what does all that mean?

4. februari 2013, 00:05:22
Ämne: Re:
Ändrat av crosseyed_uk (4. februari 2013, 00:28:57)
Bernice: Yes it seems to be working faster at times now and the white page is not coming up so often. I hope it lasts.
At present the superbowl is on in the USA. At present only 100 players in this site?

4. februari 2013, 00:04:23
Ämne: Trace route for comparison

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 585 ms 1 ms 2 ms
2 27 ms 26 ms 26 ms [85.211.192.
3 37 ms 68 ms 37 ms
4 76 ms 37 ms 37 ms
5 37 ms 37 ms 38 ms []

6 40 ms 38 ms 39 ms
7 70 ms 42 ms 42 ms []
8 45 ms 41 ms 41 ms []
9 83 ms 54 ms 48 ms []
10 52 ms 52 ms 51 ms [184.105.
11 62 ms 68 ms 71 ms [184.105.
12 58 ms 59 ms 60 ms
13 61 ms 60 ms 59 ms []
14 58 ms 58 ms 72 ms
15 62 ms 60 ms 59 ms
16 75 ms 78 ms 64 ms []

Trace complete.

4. februari 2013, 00:02:12
well it is running Ok here at the long delays and no white pages.......I have never had the white page problem before and always wondered what people were talking about.....

3. februari 2013, 23:57:53
Ämne: Re: Running okay in Scotland

3. februari 2013, 23:53:47
Ämne: Running okay in Scotland

3. februari 2013, 23:47:02
Ämne: Re: Slow site/white page.
Bernice: I agree with you Bernice. The word denial comes to mind.

3. februari 2013, 23:42:33
Ämne: Re:
rabbitoid: You must be one of the few lucky ones who is not having a problem with this site. I am in the UK people from the USA, Australia and Canada to name a few other countries who are getting the same problems. It has to be the site at fault.

3. februari 2013, 23:40:53
there ARE problems, but you can't get those in charge to admit it :( sad really after all the money people have paid to be here, you would think there would be better connection/service :(

3. februari 2013, 23:38:26
having problems since late yesterday with making moves ...after 2-3 moves, usually board turns white until i click to get back on the site...

3. februari 2013, 23:37:13
Ämne: Re:
Roberto Silva: I'm not as often here as I used too, but nothing to signal for the past days, works as fast as usual for me (France). Both by regular computer or cell phone.

3. februari 2013, 23:34:54
Ämne: Re: White page/Slow site
Bernice: I can only see part of the board when I can get to make a move in game.

3. februari 2013, 22:25:03
Roberto Silva 
Ämne: Re:
Aganju: Weird.

3. februari 2013, 22:20:22
Ämne: Re:
Ändrat av Aganju (3. februari 2013, 22:21:21)
Roberto Silva: Just found it works perfect from my iPad. Delays only through my PC !?!
Both run through the same wireless router. PC uses Chrome browser, beta line. Maybe there is something fancy like the browser checking for certificates.
IPad uses Chrome too, but that is of course a different build for a different OS.

3. februari 2013, 22:15:18
Roberto Silva 
Ändrat av Roberto Silva (3. februari 2013, 22:15:40)
For what it's worth, it's working fine for me.

Seems to happen every once in a while that a certain area of the world has trouble connecting here while another area is fine, then another time it's the other way around. Not a network expert so can't pinpoint the reason.

3. februari 2013, 21:57:01
Ämne: Re:
Aganju: At a minimum I have to double click. Sometimes more and this is just in last 2 days.

3. februari 2013, 21:42:16
Ämne: Re:
Bernice: I see a long delay/dead behavior, but when I repeatedly click, after five to ten clicks the page comes quick. This is not the usual reaction, it started only yesterday.

3. februari 2013, 21:05:59
hmmmmmmmmmmm 7 mesages when I just came on - 1 for and 6 against....cant be BK must be the rest of the world (said sarcastically)

It is the same for me again this morning, taking forever to load and all white pages with the print all over the place...oh well thankfully there are other game sites.

3. februari 2013, 20:41:38
Ämne: Re: Slow site with white page.
beach: 2 days of white pages for me but I'm use to it...and deal with it. This has gone on for years for me with uploads from bk while all my other sites work fast.

3. februari 2013, 17:53:30
Ämne: Re: Slow site with white page.
beach:Same for me since yesterday.

3. februari 2013, 13:26:31
Ämne: Re: Slow site with white page.
crosseyed:  same for me works fine for a little bit then white screen says waiting for response from

3. februari 2013, 13:21:47
Ämne: Slow site with white page.
Ändrat av ann67 (3. februari 2013, 13:30:31)
For me, opens quickly, no problem.

3. februari 2013, 13:14:35
Ämne: Re: Slow site with white page.
crosseyed: Me too. Same problem.

3. februari 2013, 11:13:24
Ämne: Re: Slow site with white page.
Bernice: I agree with you Bernice that it has to be this site that has the problem. I am able to play in other site with no delay at all. This is my second attempt to post this message.

3. februari 2013, 08:22:25
Well, since I don't have any problems loading any BrainKing pages, there is no issue with the site itself, otherwise it would be slow for me too. It is probably a network problem, more like.

3. februari 2013, 03:58:57
Ämne: Re:
Ändrat av Bernice (3. februari 2013, 04:48:54)
Doris: thank you DOris and beach.....just goes to prove it isnt always on this side of the world.....

it has to be Bk because all other sites including game sites are accessible is only here that I am having any trouble....done the usual clean ups etc and still no better....

3. februari 2013, 02:53:28
I am also having the same problem. The site is usually very fast to load pages for me...but now I am having to sit and wait for them to it was when I had dial up many years ago...:}

3. februari 2013, 00:09:03
Ämne: Re:
Bernice:  I am having the same problem white screen

2. februari 2013, 22:34:30
Ämne: Re:
Fencer: Was 1 second. Now over a minute. Still not too bad.

2. februari 2013, 22:00:29
Ämne: Re:
Bernice: Actually, the average page loading time is about 1 second, based on long term measuring.

2. februari 2013, 21:46:58
what is wrong with this site? taking forever to load pages :( so bad I cant play games :(

30. januari 2013, 15:55:33
Ämne: Site Tournaments
Are there any plans to run site tournaments other then those run by members here?

22. januari 2013, 16:54:15
Ämne: Re: Ponds
Carpe Diem: sorry ... i forgot it was about ponds ... for the ponds link i went to the ponds section on the left side (below team tournaments and stairs) and on that ponds page i clicked on the link to the game rules (somewhere on the top) :)

*blush* from my side as well :)

22. januari 2013, 10:33:22
Carpe Diem 
Ämne: Re: Ponds
Ändrat av Carpe Diem (22. januari 2013, 10:33:45)
Hrqls: Oh for crying out loud, why didn't I think of that? I use that link on a regular basis with other games - must've had it in my head that Ponds were different in that regard and never looked.  

Thanks again!

22. januari 2013, 09:54:35
Ämne: Re: Ponds
Carpe Diem: when you play a game there is always a link to the game rules on that page (below the game board, directly after the name of the gametype) .. that link led me to the page i posted

22. januari 2013, 00:40:12
Ämne: Re:
Roberto Silva: No thats not it. This player has never been no more then a bishop. It happen last year also but have no idea if its fixed. In other words as a knight you can only play 1 tourny per game until it ends you can't play another. As a bishop however you can play more then 1. Only 5 bishops here and its easy to follow their membership status.

22. januari 2013, 00:19:44
Roberto Silva 
Ämne: Re:
Ändrat av Roberto Silva (22. januari 2013, 00:21:08)
Marshmud: Maybe they were rooks when they signed up?

Or maybe the games only blocks them if they're already on a running tournament? If it's the latter it's a bug...

21. januari 2013, 18:59:37
Why are bishops permitted to sign up for multiple same game tournys?

21. januari 2013, 10:57:46
Carpe Diem 
Ämne: Re: Ponds
Hrqls: Thanks! Checked the FAQ, but failed to follow the "Former FAQ Entries" link - that explains it all very well. 

And thanks for the Android link as well.

21. januari 2013, 09:44:12
Ämne: Re: Android app
Ändrat av Hrqls (21. januari 2013, 09:44:40)
Carpe Diem: it is still being developped, not all game types are supported yet

have a look at Brainking for Android

21. januari 2013, 09:42:56
Ämne: Re: Ponds
Carpe Diem: the game rules for ponds can be found here

21. januari 2013, 09:35:51
Carpe Diem 
Ämne: Android app
Also, is there anywhere for feedback on the Android app? Downloaded it yesterday now that I finally got a new phone, and it's awesome, except that a lot of games give me a blank screen. I understand that it's very much a work in progress, so I wasn't expecting it to be working right, but I'd be happy to give feedback if any was being sought. 

21. januari 2013, 09:35:32
Carpe Diem 
Ämne: Ponds
I feel like I must be missing some instructions or help somewhere on this site, because not only do I not have the foggiest idea what ponds are, I don't know how anyone else figures it out. If there's somewhere I'm missing, please point me in the right direction. If not, could someone explain them to me like I just landed on this planet and have no idea what a pond is? Aside from a place to get wet, that is.


21. januari 2013, 06:37:10
Ämne: Re: Who gets the third price?
Aganju: The third prize is split between third and fourth.

20. januari 2013, 22:14:10
Ämne: Who gets the third price?
If a tournament has prices for 1 - 3. Place, and it is for example single elimination, there is no third (only two equal thirds/fourths). Who gets the price for third??
There are other possibilities, like two groups in round-robin, which are even more difficult. What happens?

19. januari 2013, 17:20:42
Ämne: Continental Championship and World Championships BK
This year again there will be the World Cup championship BK and continents as follows:

a) Continental Championship

- Start:
sometime in May / June
- Format:
from this year will spider
- Check-in:
I will send invitations to all active players

b) World Championships BK

- Start:
sometime in the month of March / April
- Format:
remains the same
- Check-in:
again I will send out invitations active players

A bit of history:

So I made sure there is a table of the order for the state championship in 2007 (all games), 2008 (all games), 2011 (99,5 % games) and 2012 (44 % games).
Total Games completed 223 of 299

Rank Country Gold Silver Bronze Total medals
First Czech Republic 70 60 79 209
Second USA 26 30 32 88
Third Poland 19 13 16 48
4th Russia 15 6 4 25
5th Germany 14 14 15 43
6th Italy 12 10 9 31
7th England 9 5 4 18
8th Bavaria 7 1 0 8
9th France 5 0 3 8
10th Uganda 4 12 5 21
11th Netherlands 4 8 6 18
12th Sweden 4 5 4 13
13th Argentina 4 1 0 5
13th Trinidad and Tobago 4 1 0 5
15th Slovak Republic 3 8 14 25
16th Scotland 3 4 3 10
17th Jamaica 3 3 1 7
18th Belgium 3 2 5 10
19th Portugal 3 2 2 7
20th Turkey 3 0 0 3
21th Bulgaria 2 2 9 13
22th Serbia 2 2 2 6
23th Australia 2 1 4 7
24th New Zealand 2 1 1 4
25th Dominican Republic 2 0 1 3
26th United Kingdom 1 3 8 12
27th Luxenburg 1 3 4 8
28th Latvia 1 2 1 4
28th Estonia 1 2 1 4
30th Brunei Darussalam 1 1 10 12
31th Norway 1 1 6 8
32th South Africa 1 1 0 2
33th Spain 1 0 4 5
34th Tibet 1 0 3 4
35th Finland 1 0 2 3
35th Switzerland 1 0 2 3
37th South Korea 1 0 1 2
37th Wales 1 0 1 2
37th Nepal 1 0 1 2
40th Crimea 1 0 0 1
40th Israel 1 0 0 1
40th Iran 1 0 0 1
40th Ukraine 1 0 0 1
40th Costa Rica 1 0 0 1
40th Greece 1 0 0 1
40th North Korea 1 0 0 1
47th Solomon Islands 0 4 0 4
48th Northern Ireland 0 2 5 7
49th Canada 0 2 2 4
50th Guatemala 0 2 0 2
51th Antarctica 0 1 1 2
52th Vanatau 0 1 0 1
52th Slovenia 0 1 0 1
52th Japan 0 1 0 1
52th Cocos Islands 0 1 0 1
56th American Samoa 0 0 1 1
56th Haiti 0 0 1 1
56th Palestine 0 0 1 1
56th Singapore 0 0 1 1
56th India 0 0 1 1

Without nationality 10 10 10 30

Total 256 229 286 771

Total gold has gained 46 countries.

16. januari 2013, 11:13:34
Ämne: Re:
MadMonkey: Good job!

16. januari 2013, 00:50:30
Ändrat av MadMonkey (16. januari 2013, 00:51:03)
Just me playing ...... well, actually, i am trying to learn

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