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BBW's Tips on how to speed up page load the brainking site
Computers (BIG BAD WOLF, 2007-03-12 20:16:01)

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30. Января 2009, 14:21:55
Субъект: Re: wifi question
Czuch: it's not that I wanted a "cheap" laptop...I want a mid-line one...I don't need all the bells and whistles as I have my desktop,however I don't want something that the only thing I can do is send and recieve e-mails...just a nice inexpensive mid-line laptop :)

30. Января 2009, 01:24:02
Субъект: wifi question
ok,sorry this is going to make me sound totally ignorant,but when it comes to this,I am!! I am going to get getting a laptop in a few months...how does that whole wireless thing work?? like how can people be in parks and stuff and have internet? I know in the house you have a router..or something like that?? any help would be great..also,any recommendations on laptops that are not TO pricey,but dependable.I will be taking it to Germany with me,I want to be able to download the pics I am taking and send them over to my hubby.

30. Декабря 2008, 23:30:06
Субъект: Re:
Czuch: I have been using opera and sound works well for me in skype

16. Сентября 2008, 03:55:07
Субъект: mini dvd
My niece video taped (well,mini dvd) my trail with my dog for me...when we played the mini dvd back,it will freeze up on certain spots of the dvd..is there ANY way at all to fix this!!?? I wouldn't be overly concerned but this is a trial dvd of us!! We have tried it in all our dvd players and I just now tried it in the puter and the same thing happens,almost like dead spots..ANY help would be welcomed!!

27. Августа 2008, 16:02:12
Субъект: Re: website for videos
wetware: oh! brilliant! thank you!! now I have to read HOW to uplaod the videos,hehehe

27. Августа 2008, 15:27:33
Субъект: website for videos
not sure ift his is the right place to post this...but I was wondering if anyone knew of anysites,aside from youtube that you can post your own video clips...the thing I was looking for was something more along the lines of me having to invite you to look at it...on you tube anyone can look at it.Not that it is anything bad,lol

22. Июля 2008, 03:53:43
Субъект: never mind
I uninstalled EVERYTHING and reinstalled it,seemed to have worked

22. Июля 2008, 00:17:36
Субъект: ok,how bout this one!??
had to do complete system restore last night.today,when I tyre to install my yahoo toolbarmit says it is installed but when I log out and log back in,it's gone..any ideas? I have reinstalled it like 5 times now.Under "view" where you can adjust toolbar options,it isn't even there to adjust.

18. Июля 2008, 05:15:56
Субъект: can this be done?

can someone please look at the movie thing that is playing on this page,is there a way to link that clip back to say my e-mail or my photobucket?

5. Июля 2008, 05:35:29
Субъект: iPod after puter crash
no sure if this would be the right place to post this,but here goes..,my puter crashed and I lost everything..I did store my Itunes library to disks,9 of them to be exact.I usually use iDump but it glitched right as my iPod connected in and I lost 1500 songs in about 3 seconds...so,I started to transfer the data from the disks back to the library and after I take the disk outand try to play the sond a lil ! shows up and says it can;t find the data,or something to that effect...how the heck do I get it there..I clicked and dragged it,do I have to put it in a file in the puter itself? even the stuff I just got from net tonight it is saying it can't find!!

29. Ноября 2007, 04:15:52
anyone know where I can set up my own website for free?? is there such a thing?? Thanks!!

13. Сентября 2006, 14:48:22
Субъект: memory in my computer
I have NO IDEA the number associated with the memory of my computer..I do know that when we bought it 1 year ago,November it was the biggest memory storage that gateway had to offer.My question is a silly one I know but I need to ask.I have the game Black and White 2 and want to load in my Civilization game as well...the problem is that when my husband sees I put a game into the puter,he throws a fit that we will run out of memory! OMG! Please someone tell me that I can put 3 or 4 games in and not cause the world to stop spinning because of taking all the internal memory,lol!!??!!

17. Августа 2006, 13:43:44
Субъект: Re: retrieveing info
gambler104: I tried everything that I could think of and nothing...then I googled it,lol....I don't run internet explorer as my primary,but I do have it so I took a chance and brought up the internet explorer and looked at the history through that screen...yippee!! The website was there! I bookmarked it this time,and registared on the site!

16. Августа 2006, 13:09:32
Субъект: retrieveing info
I know that all websites that you visit are put into a temp file.I should have bookmarked the site I went to and now I can't find it! Can someone tell me how to retreive the site form my computer.Thanks!!

4. Июля 2006, 03:59:10
Субъект: Re: What do people think of
Groucho: LOVE McAfee!!!! We just installed it about a week ago because I kept getitng hit with viruses with our old crap from yahoo/sbc...AMAZING this mcafee..I would highly recomend it!

13. Июня 2006, 16:19:24
Субъект: Re: ARGH!!!! (part 2!!!)
anastasia: A HUGH thank you to Groucho...who was the only one after 5 gateway techs and 3 pinnacle techs could not help me was the ONLY one that could help me get done what I wanted to do...Hugs and Squishes to you!!!!

29. Мая 2006, 22:48:58
Субъект: ARGH!!!! (part 2!!!)
ok..so I checked and the fprmat IS mpeg,not jpeg,so I will call gateway AGIAN tomorrow.thatnks for all your help and input on this thing!!

28. Мая 2006, 15:33:04
Субъект: Re: ARGH!!!!!!
BIG BAD WOLF: I think the converting is the problem...the lady from gateway said that since the still photos are in jpeg fprmat,chances are that the movies are in jpeg format and dvd players cannot read a jpeg format.I am still waiting (probably take a while since this is a holiday weekend) to hear back from pinnacle about what they say.I try to burn through pinnalce and it says that it is burning but nothing actually happens.I am only trying to burn 60 seconds worth of video...surely it wouldn't take 45 minutes to do that,would it?

27. Мая 2006, 18:19:10
Субъект: Re: ARGH!!!!!!
BIG BAD WOLF: I just got off phone with gateway and they said that aolt of players can't read jpeg format..I have NO IDEA what format the movies are because they load as "quicktime" this is the only thing that she can come up with.HOWEVER....pinnacle sent me that program to chnage the format...HOWEVER....I cannot burn through the pinnacle for some reason and I am now waiting to here back from them.HONESTLY...maybe THIS will convince my husband to buy us a new dvd recorder instead of me recording movies from my reg digital camera.

27. Мая 2006, 17:06:43
Субъект: Re: ARGH!!!!!!
Andersp: lol...I have to admit,after spending $300.00 on this pinnacle and it not working...making me a WEEEEE bit upset!! even the nero isn't doing the trick though.

27. Мая 2006, 13:57:56
Субъект: Re: ARGH!!!!!!
Andersp: I do have a program that works great BUT still can't get the dvd to play in anything other then a puter

26. Мая 2006, 22:16:39
Субъект: Re: ARGH!!!!!!
Andersp: it is a kodak,YES!!! Pinnacle sent me a thing to change the format..still nothing.

26. Мая 2006, 15:36:07
Субъект: Re: ARGH!!!!!!
harley: sorry it took so long to get this post up...All I can tell you are the ones I am burning say...video clip bit rate 1536kp dimension 720x576 size 291. That is the one that I am burning to the dvd but then the dvd will not play in a regular dvd player...just the puter.The origanial files (before I edit them in my pinnacle) say quicktime movie size 17.6 mb.I have to convert them though to play through the pinnalce.does this help you at all to help ME figure out what is going on? I am going to get ahold of BOTH gateway and pinnalcle AGIAN today if I have some time before work.

21. Мая 2006, 16:46:09
Субъект: Re: ARGH!!!!!!
harley: it told me that there was no compatible file found...but it is also thinking that I want to burn a dvd file,and I don't I want to burn a saved video file.I was clicking on the option to make a data dvd,which has not been working at all for me.I then tried doing a bootable...again able to watch on puter but not dvd player.Then tried making a video cd that can be played in most players but it is saying that I need some kind of cable.Honestly...is it REALLY this difficult,lol!!??!! On tv they showed the guy just making movie after movie,well,NOT ME!

21. Мая 2006, 15:59:04
Субъект: Re: ARGH!!!!!!
harley: I'm gonna try that one RIGHT NOW and let you know what happens!!!

20. Мая 2006, 16:08:08
Субъект: Re: ARGH!!!!!!
Jason: I'm getting so upset with this thing..honestly!!! I just want to add the movies onto a DVD so I can watch them on a dvd player.HOW HARD IS THAT!!!??!! obviously to hard for me to figure out.Any ideas PLEASE!!!

20. Мая 2006, 00:36:18
Субъект: Re: ARGH!!!!!!
Jason: ok...gateway told me it was the burning speed of the disk,so I changed that...now it still won't play.Out of ideas!! I have dvd+ and dvd- Can I add to these disks,or once I burn one thing is that it? Like when I burn to a cd..I can add more to it,is the same true with the dvd's? I hate to blow through 20 dvd's trying to get this thing figured out!!

19. Мая 2006, 23:11:37
Субъект: ARGH!!!!!!
I am pulling my hair out and will soon be bald! I FINALLY got the pinnacle able to format the video from the video card over to something it can read...NOOOOWWWWW,I cannot burn the !@*! DVD! It won't let me do it at all so I went through Nero...it burned the dvd but now the dvd won't play on anything but the computer...will NOT play in the dvd player...WHY!!??!! OMG! I HATE THIS THING!!!!

6. Мая 2006, 03:36:06
Субъект: Re: burning a dvd
Rose: I have both CD and DVD 2 decks (I don't know if that is the right way to say it,lol) I have 2 Cd/DVD burners on my computer

5. Мая 2006, 02:34:41
Субъект: burning a dvd
I am going to try to explain this the best I can,lol..I have a digital camera that takes still pics but will also record video.I have been taking video of the pup and then transferring the video from the memory card in the camera into a file on my computer.From these files I have been burning CD's...I tried to burn form CD to DVD...that didn't work..then tried burning from the files in the puter itself to the dvd and it said I have to buy an upgrade from nero...is there a way NOT to use nero and just burn the dang dvd??!!??

18. Апреля 2006, 15:56:39
Субъект: Re: pinnacle
bitwisexor: not really that long...just wondering if anyone can tell me...I have video clips from my digital camera saved into my puter...for some reason I cannot seem to transfer them over to the pinaccle system to edit them.I have put an e-mail into them and still waiting for a reply..thought I would check here too.Word of advice..DO NOT GO SPEND THE $300.00 ON THE SYSTEM...IT SUCKS!!! All the thing does is crash all the time and give me headaches,lol...

17. Апреля 2006, 16:34:13
Субъект: pinnacle
does anyone here have the software? wanted to ask before I posted a question regarding it..thanks.

10. Апреля 2006, 15:29:41
Субъект: Re: IM
ali: my e-mail address is my full name @sbcglobal.net....THAT is what people that I IM see on the screen...I would like to change that so they see my screen name of anastasia INSTEAD of my actual full name.I have a choice of the 2 BUT when someone IM's me they see my full name..if I start the IM first THEN I can choose to let them see only my screen name.I want it to be ONLY screen name ALL THE TIME...hope this helped more,lol.

9. Апреля 2006, 19:05:49
Субъект: Re: IM
ali: I did that..but then it gives me the option of choosing one or the other...I wanted to have only my screen name...would I have to totally erase my IM list and start over? If I did do that then would that erase them all from my address book also?

9. Апреля 2006, 15:35:45
Субъект: IM
my IM shows my full name when I IM...how can I change this to show a screen name only? I e-mailed the yahoo support but what she said makes no sence to me..she told me to go to the IM menu..well,I cannot find that anywhere..I have looked under everything and see nothing that resembles what she wants me to go to..then she tells me to sign out of the messenger..HA,can't find how to do that eiteher..can someone help?

29. Марта 2006, 23:21:14
Субъект: Re:
Eriisa: I have an option to use hotmail or msn mail...would that help or not?

29. Марта 2006, 15:19:13
Субъект: Re:
Eriisa: I HAVE yahoo though...I have to pay them MORE then what I do now???

29. Марта 2006, 01:36:35
Субъект: Re: outlook express
Rose: by that do you mean the pop.yahoo.whatever in the heck else itsays,lol...yeah,that was done.

29. Марта 2006, 01:19:43
Субъект: outlook express
HELP!!!! I cannot for the life of me get this thing to work! I even went as far as to let it auto set up for me..I keep getting a message that says "The message could not be sent,you do not have any accounts configured for sending e-mail,please varify your account configuration"
I do have an account,the stupid thing set it up for me!!!

20. Марта 2006, 13:16:22
Субъект: Re: Watch TV
BIG BAD WOLF: ohhhh,Lefemme Nikita!!!!!! I LOVED that show!!!! I bookmarked the page,thank you for sharing!!

13. Марта 2006, 05:40:28
Субъект: Re: Or go here
Groucho: now,if I use this program...will it resize ALL the pics I have stored or just the ones that I want it to?

12. Марта 2006, 15:39:51
Субъект: Re: geocity webspace
WhiteTower: I go right to the link where I have some photos stored now...I have never had major problems with yahoo and enjoy the service

11. Марта 2006, 15:24:13
Субъект: Re: geocity webspace
BerniceC: goodness,lol..this is all greek to me..I just thought you went to a website and looked at a picture,lol...why would you have to download it? Rose knows about the size of my pics,lol,she fixed my dog's pic so I could have it as my icon

11. Марта 2006, 00:22:13
Субъект: Re: geocity webspace
Rose: Rose,if I put on pics the same size that I sent to you...how many could I put...they would not let me over,right? Just want a few pics of my dog and the doll dresses that I make :)

11. Марта 2006, 00:21:09
Субъект: Re: geocity webspace
WhiteTower: so how many people could look at it on average??

10. Марта 2006, 16:21:55
Субъект: geocity webspace
Hi..was looking at geocity about setting up a webpage,just to put a few pics on so people can see my crafts and doggy,lol...there is a free option but it says something about 3 GB per month,monitered hourly...NO CLUE what that is,lol...can someone help?? Will people be able to go look at the site and the pics with 3 GB? what does that mean?

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