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An outlet for players whose creativity extends beyond the board. Post your original works here!

The posting of song lyrics is not the purpose of this board and as such please refrain from doing so. Exceptions can be made to this rule if you are the copyrighted owner of the lyrics and the lyrics are not found offensive by the majority of the population.
This board is a place to post your original works of poetry and prose and also a place for discussion of poetry and related areas.

We have received word from Fencer that other's poetry can be posted to this board. These are the two conditions:
1) When someone posts a known copyrighted poem, he must add the author's name as well
2) If the author is not known, the poem can be posted without problems

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25. Августа 2003, 22:52:56
Субъект: Re:
Harley,you ROCK!!! Thank you so much...that put a well needed smile on my face!! Damn,that was good! I'm going to read it again!! :-)
And what do you make of that,Wanda? We're famous!!! LOL

25. Августа 2003, 18:40:29
Субъект: Re: BEAUTY
Very nice Granny! So uplifting! :-)

25. Августа 2003, 17:41:45
Субъект: Acceptance
The guilded pen,the fragrant bow
Can sometimes yield to passion's row
What once was pure is now beset
with doubt and pain and some regret

For of each half there is desire
that sometimes Love cannot mire
Although it's real and full of want
Perhaps it's not best to flaunt

The Love was real but was it blind
to touch of flesh and not the mind
Within each soul there lies a need
to be One with the lost seed

The time will come for this I'm sure
when flesh and mind and soul are pure
Until that day,we sit and wait
And hope the pain is not too great

25. Августа 2003, 15:22:32
Субъект: Re: Question.................
Indeed! Wonderful piece,Aragon,thank you!

25. Августа 2003, 14:30:00
Субъект: Re: A Favorite
Very nice Greg,Thanks for sharing!

25. Августа 2003, 06:34:04
Thank you all...you are really too kind. I'm sure a kindergarten student would do better,but in the absence of the Greats of this site I thought I'd give it a go to fill up some space ... lol

25. Августа 2003, 04:00:57
Субъект: Twin Flames
Okay,now you've done it...you've asked for more! LOL Please,to all you true poets and poetry lovers,forgive this Novice attempt. :-)

I am lost
I am alone
without my Love
so far from home

We once were part
of a greater scheme
Entwined together
Without a seam

Then destiny came
and ripped apart
that which was real
that which was wrought

I searched in vain
through time's expanse
Watched empires fall
and lovers dance

Throughout it all
I have remained
steadfast and true
to Love's regain

Until at last
with pen in hand
I find my Love
amoung the sand

We will embrace
True Lovers found
Ne'er more to part
Forever bound

24. Августа 2003, 23:20:41
Субъект: Innocence
Once there was a little girl
Oh so very cute
She wandered through the playing fields
oh so resolute.

Once there was a little boy
with patches on his knees
He loved to wander through the field
and climb the knobby trees.

Once there was a time so sweet
as to make your fun so light
When all you had to do was play
the future seemed so bright.

But time can be relentless
and age be so forelorn
to take away the fun we had
and fill our lives with scorn.

For if this little girl and boy
should meet upoun the knoll
who knows what good times they will have
before time takes it's toll

by yours truly
inspired by life

24. Августа 2003, 01:11:07
Субъект: Re:
Thank you,thank you...no autographs please (as advised by my agent) ROFL

24. Августа 2003, 01:04:18
Субъект: Ode to a moron
There once was a guy named Ed
Who made other people see red
He was so egotistical
It was thought he was mythical
but it turned out he was sick in the head

22. Августа 2003, 18:54:07
Субъект: Re: BK Poetry Contest
Personally,I think it's a capital idea!! I too will do anything I can to help (just don't expect an entry from me lol)
From the onset of this DB,the support and interest in it has been exceptional (and with good reason) There,apparently,is an ocean of talent here on BK and it would be nice to see more of it!
I look forward to an exciting Poetry Challenge!

21. Августа 2003, 14:08:10
Субъект: Re: Welcome Budding Poets
Pathetic? Nah...better than any attempt I would make (which I won't so as to spare everyone)
For anyone familiar with Usurper's talent you know the best is yet to come! :-)

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