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 Feature requests

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6. Сентября 2004, 02:12:57
I think you have missed the point

6. Сентября 2004, 01:51:19
One other point I would like to make on the subject and that is I have two prize tourneys running at the moment with three years of rook membership up for grabs. I feel that does give me the right to state my opinion.

5. Сентября 2004, 17:13:53

5. Сентября 2004, 16:09:03
Its not funny

4. Сентября 2004, 23:30:53
How about the checker pieces then??

4. Сентября 2004, 12:27:07
Yes, but others have worked on checker pieces as far as I am aware and sent them to fencer, yet nothing was done to my knowledge. It is common sense to rectify this minor problem to tempt more checker players into BK.

4. Сентября 2004, 11:30:47
Субъект: Checker pieces again!!!!!
Graphics seem to be being made for all these new games, some look pretty tricky yet checkers is always left behind and people are still being put off becoming members of BK because of the pawns.

11. Июля 2004, 01:25:46
That was my point. LOL

11. Июля 2004, 00:38:24
How far are you Fencer from a new Database server??

29. Июня 2004, 13:50:56
Thanks Fencer. :o)

29. Июня 2004, 13:46:22
Are proper checker pieces on your to do list Fencer?

19. Июня 2004, 09:14:48
Субъект: Re: Prize tournements
Are the rules changing for prize tourneys then? I have one starting next week.

24. Января 2004, 12:15:58
Thanks Fencer

23. Января 2004, 22:21:58
Субъект: Re: Checkers
I was wondering if you had any plans Fencer

23. Января 2004, 00:02:37
I know it wont make much of a difference but I believe it might help beginners a bit

22. Января 2004, 21:28:19
I am sure this has been asked for before but will we ever get actual checker pieces and proper notations for people that dont understand them.

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