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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site : http://brainking.info/archives/20-About-feature-requests.html

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8. Апреля 2007, 10:32:41
Субъект: SPYWARE - seriously
Hi I'm a user from Sweden and I like brainking but one thing irritates me quite a bit, when I log in I get instantly redirected about three or four times to some spyware commerical which says "major errors in your system etc. etc." I then have to close the IE window, open a new one and login again, about 3 or 4 times! This happens on ALL computers/networks I use, work, internet café, home, university etc. etc.

It's starting to get a bit irritating...

Also the banner with the 3D smileys that make sounds is a bit annoying too.

Otherwise I like the site.

7. Апреля 2007, 11:53:59
Субъект: Re: 3 feature requests I have
mctrivia: Hey, thats great news, just to know he is ok, been worried about the guy, he is always so helpful. We could post a Feature Request here and by the end of the day he would have written it into his script.
Hope he comes back soon

7. Апреля 2007, 11:41:49
Субъект: Re: 3 feature requests I have
MadMonkey: I called hexkid today. he is ok. not sure when he will be back did not have much money to call portugal

7. Апреля 2007, 11:32:55
Субъект: Re: 3 feature requests I have
BIG BAD WOLF: hexkids greasemonkey script does 90% of your number 1 and does number 3, and i agree with both them. Sadly he seems to have vanished, would be nice if someone could carry on his great work.
Just hope he is ok

7. Апреля 2007, 09:05:23
Субъект: Re: 3 feature requests I have
BIG BAD WOLF: Yes, that would be better to use the BrainKing design board for it.

7. Апреля 2007, 02:27:13
Субъект: Re: 3 feature requests I have
BIG BAD WOLF: css allows you to not show things. However you still download them even though they are not shown. So modifying your css file to not show them will not speed anything up at all.

I to want to see a quick play mode something with absolutely minimum output so even on really slow connections it will be fast. Preferably some output that needs to be interpreted by a client side application.

7. Апреля 2007, 00:31:13
Субъект: Re: 3 feature requests I have
Fencer: That is why I placed my request to have a quick-play game page option since I know it would be hard to have something similar with just .css alone.

Would you like a very useful request like that to also go to the BrainKing design board, or just the .css file related stuff?

7. Апреля 2007, 00:15:29
Субъект: Re: 3 feature requests I have
AbigailII: Server side calculations have nothing to do with BrainKing design (they are already optimized anyway) and I ask everyone to move this discussion to the BrainKing design board.
By the way, the purpose of the new CSS system is not to allow people to customize everything.

6. Апреля 2007, 23:50:34
Субъект: Re: 3 feature requests I have
BIG BAD WOLF: We're talking about text here - page size isn't significant here. You won't note the difference between a few letters more. Rendering the page however may show a difference - and that's what you can surpress with display: none.

As for the size of the the CSS file, two things. First, having ids and/or classes for all elements doesn't mean the CSS file should have an entry for each id or class. Second, a CSS file is rather static - the CSS file typically doesn't change between page requests. Which means the browser only has to check the CSS file hasn't changed, and doesn't have to download it.

As for the server side calculations needed to generate a page, I have no idea how much is calculated on the fly, and how much is pre-calculated.

6. Апреля 2007, 23:20:36
Субъект: Re: 3 feature requests I have
AbigailII: Maybe this part of the discussion should go over to the design board, but I'm looking for speed - speed of the page loading. Right now the system has to calculate ratings change on each game page before displaying it. It has to create / figure out the time left for the move on each game page. The system has to look at all past matches between the 2 players, and display the results on each game page. Things that I would think slows the page load time down a little. And I'm new to .css files, so maybe I don't understand it - but if every element has it's own label, and you have a very long .css file saying "don't show this", and "hide this", and "show this here" - wouldn't having to read that .css file and create a custom webpage every time also slow the page load speed down? That is more then lets say having the system create the page without all those things in the first place, taking away the time it takes for the system to create the page in the first place.

6. Апреля 2007, 22:59:16
Субъект: Re: 3 feature requests I have
BIG BAD WOLF: Yes, I'd like to have smaller pages as well. I started my CSS file with the one posted here offering the classic look, and most of what I have added since is { display: none }. Unfortunally, most classes are very generic and labelled for the visual effect (like 'to-right') instead of what it is ('user icon', 'user last move', etc). And many things are quite hard to select (due to their encapsulating element either not having a class or an id, or having a class or id that is used elsewhere as well).

6. Апреля 2007, 22:35:28
Субъект: 3 feature requests I have
Here are 3 feature requests that I have:

1. Quick-play game pages. (This is where all unnecessary information is removed from the game page.) So all the is left is:

Game name
Submit move right under game name to submit without scrolling.
Opponent name
IMPORTANT Game info (like captured pieces, Cube points, etc..)
Game Board
Message for opponent box
notes for self box
2nd submit button
draw/resign/delete links
Link back to main page
Link to switch back to "more info" game page

What is not needed to take loading time:
User Icons
User flags
User ratings
User graph link
User "what are they doing"
user last moved
Rules link
Brainrook.com links
no smileys link
no autosave is disable link
no switch to rich text editor link
no change message area size link
Discussion board links
Tournament info & link
Game ID
Time per move info
public game info
rated game info
layout info
board size info
Weekend day into
Automatic vacation info
User agreement, Brainking staff, etc... links

Having just what is really needed to play games would speed things up.

2. Move number is needed to be displayed on Ice Age Chess. It is stupid to have to show the game notation just for these games so i can see what move a game is on, then have to hide it again when I play something else. MOVE NUMBER IS IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THIS GAME - IT AFFECT GAME PLAY so it needs to be put near the board (like point total for cubed gammon games)

3. For Dice Poker, I still find it hard to always make sure the very little box is clicked. Is there ANY way that if you click on the dice, it checks the box for the dice? I can't tell you how often I have thought I had a box checked, to only find out opps - I did not.

6. Апреля 2007, 10:48:32
Just a small little Easter request
When reading messages would it be possible to have 2 more buttons please Fencer.

Mark Unread & Next:
Archive & Next:

Would be very handy, rather than going back to the list every time we do either.

Happy Easter
(sorry no easter egg smiley lol)

6. Апреля 2007, 02:35:39
Субъект: Re: larger dice
Сделано для gogul (6. Апреля 2007, 03:07:18)
Poker1964: Your friend should use the browser itself to display the site and letters bigger. With Firefox it is ctrl/scroll. The site still looks fine, but doesn't make the dice bigger so I agree to the request to have optional bigger dices.

As long as there aren't any this iZoom might help.

The programm mentioned on gc, Zoom 1.1 Freeware is very fine after some tuning, and easy to handle, and does not use to much recources. After you start the programm it might ask you to switch the color depth from 32 bit to 16 bit for a better performance, you can ignore this, at least for BK. A windows opens with several tabs. The Magnifer-Tab allows you to dis- or enable the Zoom, the size of the zoom, and here you choose how or where this zoom should appear. What I like most is the Docked Lens, at the top right of the screen a windows shows the place you have your mouse in big. Or you can choose "line" for reading texts or split the screen half normal size and half big, or even "full screen". These options slow down the performance a little. On the further Tabs you can tune more. Colors is ok by default, but you can try changes to make it more comfortable and save these settings and restore default. Cursorcolor can be changed, and there is a Reader too you can dis- or enable. The last tab "other" you choose if you like to have iZoom started at startup. Only thing I dislike is that with the programm running you can't change the size of the windows, its just a detail though, you can still move them.

When you start the programm for the first time, it opens with the Full Screen option. First thing is then to find the button "Disable Zoom", after that you can customize it, hope that helps.

4. Апреля 2007, 22:00:29
Субъект: larger dice
hi all I have a friend that has realy bad eye sieght and I type in caps to chat...she says its a bit hard to play dice games ...I know you can change the pieces size but is there or can there be a way to make the dice larger to help all people that have her type of problem?
had this in genral db was recomended to post here...

3. Апреля 2007, 11:20:28
Субъект: Re:
grenv: Probably your browser was caching the page. Check your cache settings (I don't know them in IE)

2. Апреля 2007, 20:54:14
joshi tm 
Субъект: Re:
grenv: I don't know. I do not use Vista unless I have to in future. I don't like to pay Microsoft $500,- by now or something.

2. Апреля 2007, 20:46:29
Never mind, i installed Firefox and it works fine. Seems Brainking is not yet compatible with IE on vista?

2. Апреля 2007, 20:39:01
Сделано для grenv (2. Апреля 2007, 20:40:17)
well, this link:
brainking . com/en/DoMove?g=2392153&rd=1

takes me to this:
brainking . com/en/ShowGame?g=2392153

which shows the board with the "roll dice" link. It looks to me as though the browser has picked up the correct link and tried to go there, what problems are you referring to?

2. Апреля 2007, 20:34:41
joshi tm 
Субъект: Re:
grenv: I think it's a problem with your browser/pc. I had the same problems here some time ago, but they disappeared.

2. Апреля 2007, 20:32:48
Is there something wrong with the site? I can't roll the dice in some games and in others i've made the same move twice.

2. Апреля 2007, 07:21:41
Субъект: Re:
mctrivia: I agree. Mctrivia, I'd like to say, after one and a half bottles of cheap Italian wine and a Fellini film, that your attitude has always impressed me. You are a good person.

2. Апреля 2007, 06:47:14
Субъект: Re:
emmett: I think it was really well done. It had me going for about 10 minutes then I realised what day it was.

1. Апреля 2007, 21:15:13
Adaptable Ali 
Субъект: Re:
emmett: Yes same here

1. Апреля 2007, 20:42:12
Сделано для goodbyebking (1. Апреля 2007, 20:44:49)
In four hours, in the Czech Republic, it will be April 2nd. I hope that the banner at the top of the main page will be gone by tomorrow. www.getridofit.cz

1. Апреля 2007, 11:28:50
Adaptable Ali 
Субъект: Re: Logik

1. Апреля 2007, 11:08:35
Субъект: Re: Logik
redfrog: Rapid Logik? Most of my Logik games don't see a move 7; isn't that rapid enough? (However, it still needs as many clicks as your average Anti-Backgammon game...;-))

31. Марта 2007, 20:00:05
joshi tm 
Субъект: Re: Logik
redfrog: Or you could use empty holes as 9th color :)

31. Марта 2007, 19:54:23
Субъект: Re: Color
ellieoop: lol me too your not alone

31. Марта 2007, 19:24:05
Субъект: Logik
Well - we have tons of variants that create new strategy or put an emphasis on certain aspects of the game - how bout a variant for Logik? My suggestion for the variant is to not be allowed to use colors more than once.... this still allows for the needed strategic analysis, but could allow for much more intense and rapid gaming....Rapid Logik, Rigid Logik, Locked Logik, Logik+, hmmmm - i dont know what to call it.... but i like the idea....

31. Марта 2007, 16:18:10
Субъект: Re: Image caching
Harassed: All images should be cached by the browser by default.
It is obvious because when someone updates the icon, other users still see the old one (cached by the browser) until they clear the cache or force a full reload by ctrl-f5.
Which is another issue and will be addressed separately.

31. Марта 2007, 15:49:13
Субъект: Image caching
Cannot the BK image caching be somehow forced by HTML code? Or it is just a problem of internet browser?
I find it annoying when those backgroud images always keep downloading and Maxthon (IE core) often crashes when user action is executed until page is fully loaded. OK, may be Firefox is better solution...

31. Марта 2007, 11:23:34
Субъект: Re: Game Filter
Fencer: I would like a filter on the game page for all games not with this player. would be great for when you have a lot of games with one person and you want to play on all the other games first.

31. Марта 2007, 10:08:17
Субъект: Re: Game Filter

31. Марта 2007, 09:41:04
Субъект: Re: Game Filter
Fencer: emmett's request sound good, but I would prefer a complete filter builder, even if we have to wait longer for it. Otherwise we will end with a lot of separate requests, like :
1) Filtering by a range of time control
2) Filtering by vacation / no vacation
3) Filtering by week-end days / no week-end days
4) Filtering out Fischer time controls
5) Filtering out games without autopass
6) Filtering by match type
7) Filtering all but random colour games

Well, basically, every create game option could lead to a filter. Personally, I would probably use at least 1, 2, 3 and 5.

31. Марта 2007, 08:42:44
Субъект: Re: Game Filter
emmett: It could be done.

31. Марта 2007, 08:42:22
Субъект: Re: Color
ellieoop: Wait for more options to be added to the Settings page.

31. Марта 2007, 06:20:49
Субъект: Game Filter
Сделано для goodbyebking (31. Марта 2007, 06:28:53)
Could we have an addition to the Game filter, where we can filter out certain classes of membership, for example, pawns, or unrated players?

30. Марта 2007, 21:45:25
Субъект: Color
is there a way to set a color for waiting games, i find myself clicking the opponents games and wondering why i can't move, i guess the line separating the 2 is not working for me. perhaps if the line was in a bright color it would help.

30. Марта 2007, 12:27:35
Субъект: Re: 'Castle / Simple / No fonts'
tonyh: It has nothing to do with the location of "roll dice" link.

30. Марта 2007, 12:19:41
Субъект: Re: 'Castle / Simple / No fonts'
Fencer: because, when playing Backgammon, I get the 'throw dice' move at the bottom of the screen and don't have to scroll down.

30. Марта 2007, 09:47:24
Субъект: Re: 'Castle / Simple / No fonts'
tonyh: Why?

30. Марта 2007, 09:39:19
Субъект: 'Castle / Simple / No fonts'
Please could you move this message away from the top of the page (or give us the choice of where we have it displayed)

30. Марта 2007, 07:32:30
Субъект: Re: How to win a game of GO?
heyo: Not a bad idea. Please try to post it to the Go discussion board as well.

29. Марта 2007, 23:08:43
Субъект: How to win a game of GO?
This has already been adressed in http://brainking.com/en/ReadBug?bgi=1164&utf=GO and I agree that it's not a bug - but it's still an unresolved Problem. (In Go 13x13 (heyo vs. goldhaus) my opponent wants to prove that he just can't loose)
My suggestion to handle this: after the game has ended and players don't agree about dead stones both are forced to place at least one stone befor they may pass again. A player who can't legaly place a stone looses the game.
This may lead to a new problem if the game's ending is slightly in favor for white (only by komi), but would solve the problem that by the rules as they are now nobody can ever win a game of GO if the opponent doesn't agree.

29. Марта 2007, 22:18:26
Субъект: Bug Tracker Suggestion
I think it is set up now when a bug you have a message in has a reply, an e-mail is set (which depending on the e-mail, can easly get into bulk/junk boxes to never be seen)

Why not just send a message to the users Message Box when a bug they have a message in has an update? That way it would be a lot easier for them to follow up on a fixed bug, or if a discussion has started about a bug.

29. Марта 2007, 20:08:34
Can we have the "Move" button just below the player stats, but just above the message area?

28. Марта 2007, 21:32:01
Субъект: Re: Feature requests tracker
Fencer: Great !

28. Марта 2007, 19:26:50
Субъект: Re: Feature requests tracker
nabla: Yes, it's not a bad idea.

28. Марта 2007, 16:02:31
Субъект: Feature requests tracker
Сделано для nabla (28. Марта 2007, 16:03:52)
Fencer: Since you seem to be online, any interest in the idea of a feature requests tracker ? It got buried deep in this board, but the thread is here : http://brainking.com/en/Board?bc=3&plla=709992

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