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12. Сентября 2003, 07:44:32
Субъект: Re: The New Imposter Chess file
My thoughts on the "only able to use in next turn rule" were based upon trying to give some evenness and to make this variant significantly different to say Loop Chess. I believe my previous suggestion will require more immediate strategic thought (which, I think, is usually termed "tactics"), rather than being able to store up pieces for a rainy day which is then very like the aforementioned Loop Chess.

Imposter Chess© Co-Exec

11. Сентября 2003, 16:45:01
Субъект: Re: The New Imposter Chess file
Okay ... returning the piece to the opposition when used ... there are a couple of rules which need to be defined and they might read:

1. When an opponent's piece is captured (excluding pawns) it is kept by the captor for possible later use in accordance with rule 2. [Explanation: the King can already move as paawn so keeping them is of no value.]

2. A King may escape from check by taking on the movement (imposting) of a captured opponent's piece so long as the move lands the King on a square which is not in check and the King does not pass through any squares on the way which are under threat. On the next move, as their move, the opponent may place the piece imposted in the previous move anywhere on the board except a sqaure which would place the King in check. If the piece is not placed, but another piece is moved instead, the piece remains with the player for later imposting again. [Explanation: There is a heavy penalty for escaping from check by imposting a piece, the opponent gets the opportunity to return it to their ranks, however, this opportunity must be exercised immediately otherwise it is lost. A situation may arise where it is not prudent to replace the piece on the board as this may give the player a "free" move to exercise their own checking manouvers while not being hounded by continuous checking.]

Probably needs a little more tidying up but I think this gives a fair balance and introduces some interesting strategic possibilites.

Imposter Chess© Co-Exec

9. Сентября 2003, 17:14:46
Субъект: Re: The New Imposter Chess file
From the chair of the co-exec to Grenv (but to be ratified by the inventor) ...

1. We will need to think about this one. Initial thoughts are that the King can impost another piece to get out of check so long as the King leaves the checked square and lands on an unchecked square without crossing another square which is also checked, a little like not being able to castle. Knight moves may be made with only the landing square required to be not checked.

2. No, as the pawn double square move is the first move that a pawn makes, for the King to get to the second ran he must already have moved.

3. No, as the impost move is only to get out of check not for placing a check.

Imposter Chess© Co-Exec

9. Сентября 2003, 10:56:55
Субъект: Re: The New Imposter Chess file
Of course .. we are a caring and sharing community here, besides it may be only chance at fame!

Imposter Chess© Co-Exec

8. Сентября 2003, 09:41:47
Субъект: Re: Imposter Chess
Had a look and, wow, there a lot of variants already there. On my brief look I didn't find our new one though, so maybe we have something MS.

Imposter Chess© Co-Exec

8. Сентября 2003, 08:02:49
Субъект: Re: Imposter chess
How about, if a player uses a piece to escape check then the piece is returned to its original owner for placement at their very next turn as that turn, otherwise the imposting King can keep the piece and use it again?

© Improvements to Imposter Chess© Whisperz 2003

7. Сентября 2003, 12:28:46
Субъект: Undo Move
There has been some discussion in the BrainKing DB about the rules of Backgammon. There may come a time when someone who is not aware of the correct rules wishes to, in fairness to and in agreement with their opponent, retract an incorrect move and play something differemt. The same may occur in other games, although I haven't seen any such discussion.

Or another scenario is when friends (chess purists block your ears or close your eyes) play they may, by mutual consent, agree to one player playing differently.

I think you get my drift ... an undo move would be good.

26. Августа 2003, 15:59:43
Субъект: Re: Question: Tournament Rounds
The creator has to start the subsequent rounds too, when all games have been completed.

26. Августа 2003, 15:52:37
Субъект: Re: Ratinglist
or rather ... "NOT show inactive ratings"

26. Августа 2003, 12:48:19
Субъект: Re: re: Auto accept all inviatations
Now what would BBW and Rod do to make someone mad? ... or do they just have evil, wicked and twisted minds to think up what they might do to others ... the thought would NEVER have occured to me! (LOL - NOM)

24. Августа 2003, 06:24:04
Субъект: Win | Loss | Draw | Abandon
Not sure if this can be incorported, but maybe (particularly with the site database going down ... sorry Fencer but it has happened) a fourth option could be implimented where a game can be abandoned with agreement of both parties. This would not be counted for games played or for BKR but would allow for a resolution of games such as Battleboats where positions are discovered only to be reset to an earlier position and there is no way for players to remember what they played (I find chess is a little easier to remember but have still made mistakes in this too).

For tournament games the game would be restarted.

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