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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
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For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site : http://brainking.info/archives/20-About-feature-requests.html

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8. Апреля 2003, 21:44:39
Субъект: Re: Winners
WOW that is a kool page.. I had no idea I had won that many tournies.. Never had a clue! neato!

25. Марта 2003, 20:54:44
Субъект: Re:
Me three!! er I mean me too harley.. I like em how they are!

28. Февраля 2003, 16:44:04
Субъект: Re: Drop list
Shows what I know about drop down lists! I just tried to bold an entry on a drop down list on one of my sites.. DUH.. I thought you could bold a line. 2 lists isa bout your only option as you say Fencer!

28. Февраля 2003, 16:34:03
Субъект: Re: Drop list
Oh I like that idea alot.. even if they were bolded to stand out better!

26. Февраля 2003, 22:26:01
Субъект: Re:
yes better known as High speed access. Its the bestest way to have internet! and you dont have to worry about the phone ringing cuz it has nothing to do with your internet provider so talk an surf at the same time.. or talk and play BK!

18. Февраля 2003, 00:45:18
Субъект: Re: bug, or stange rule
seems to me goon that a white queen went missing when a black queen jumped itsself then two of white.. not sure thats right.. seems like a glitch to me

14. Февраля 2003, 22:55:59
Субъект: Re: Automatic Game Invite..
no fencer thats great how it is and I am sure most will agree it cant be much easier then to read the end message and click to invite the player to a new game or new type of game!

11. Февраля 2003, 17:54:03
Субъект: Re: Messages with invitation to msg archive
Thanks for that fencer. I have had alot of ppl reply to something I wrote in an invite and havent a clue what it is they are replying to lol

4. Февраля 2003, 14:50:00
Субъект: Re:
Very frusterating isnt it harl..
I realize Fencer is working on this and he is very generous etc etc
I do like the idea that someone mentioned yesterday about giving us daily updates on how the progress is going. There are still alot of people who cant get in at all, as well as the most of us who cant play proper games fromhaving to wait and wait for pages to load only to get that upgrade page.

Fencer what will it take to fix this? A faster machine, limited moves per day for non members, a new Hosting company??

3. Февраля 2003, 20:14:06
Субъект: Re:
I know harl I have never had this much patience in my life!!! I guess any of us who can get in are lucky as a ton of ppl cant even access the site at all. I mean not even to the opening page.

Its very hard for me to bite my tongue here as I asked a ton of questions about site slowness before I bought my membership and was told it wouldnt happen! I went ahead an bought a top membership then this happens.. But I remain hopefull this is going to be rectified soon... arggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

3. Февраля 2003, 13:49:21
Субъект: UP date?
Hi Fencer its day 7 of the site being laggy and next to impossible to get in to certain times of the time not to mention that there are still people who cant get in to the site. Can we get an update from you on just how the progress is going? I know half the people I play are very frusterated at how long it takes to access the site or send a move only to play a turn an have it not register then have to play it again when the site is back up.. yesterday the site was down ( for lack of a better word) 15 times while trying to play. I would play 10 or 15 turns then get that white upgrade page.
I am asking every one if they get it. and no matter what part of the world you are from they are getting it whether its North American or Europe.

29. Января 2003, 14:08:47
Субъект: Re: Attention Fencer!
Fencer: Wow that is phenominal that you can get so much done and not work around the clock. You do know what you are doing!!!

Stingeroni: BYTE ME!!!! ;-)

28. Января 2003, 23:13:26
Субъект: Attention Fencer!
I want to know when you will take a break and take a few days off! You are so generous to everyone and every day I see people throwing ideas your way... How about you take a few days off and relax for a change!!!

9. Января 2003, 21:30:50
Субъект: Re:
what you think o stingers new name ellie? one more for the noodleland pot! lol

9. Января 2003, 20:48:45
Субъект: Re: Can you create...
You're a guy all you need is a cup! or a cathetor!

8. Января 2003, 19:51:37
Субъект: Re: gulp One more request
Love yer new name molls!!! lmao!!!

8. Января 2003, 14:39:03
Субъект: gulp One more request
Hi Fencer.. Before I ask you what I have been sent here to ask you I want it stated that this is not my question but a question from a player who is too chicken to type it her self!!(no names tho MOLLY!!!!!!)
She would like to know.. If you can make some type of designation in the tourney game itself so SHE knows its a tourney game.. It says it before you click on the game but when you are actually in the game it doesnt show it (if it does we cant see it)... again for the record this is MOLLY's question! Thank you for your time!

20. Декабря 2002, 13:58:20
Субъект: Holidays
Maybe Fencer could use a break over the holidays to be with family instead of being barraged with requestes every day.. Just a thought.. He does soo much for us I think he deserves a vacation as well. Don't you all? Happy Holidays to Fencer and his Family!

18. Декабря 2002, 03:02:20
Субъект: Re: Move later....
WOW! what an awesome feature Fencer! thank you sooo much.. I love the option to choose any game in my list to go to next.. thank you!!!!!

8. Декабря 2002, 19:26:50
Субъект: Re: colour
Fencer made the reversi pieces 3D norma so we could tell the difference.. he did that this week

23. Ноября 2002, 00:55:49
Субъект: Re:
I just had a friend send me a game invite ( i am maxed at 20 games) all i could do was hit decline.. there was no box to explain why I couldnt take the game..

22. Ноября 2002, 19:50:11
Субъект: Re:
maybe im wrong.. Ill have to get someone to send me an invite as I am maxed out again.. i thought there was only the declie button.. no message box to write why I had todecline.. will get someone on that now an get back to you

22. Ноября 2002, 00:20:00
decline.. is there anyway.. and I know im asking always for stuff.. but when a person is maxed out and cant accept a game invite.. it just gives the option to decline.. i dont want ppl to think im rude an just hit decline.. any way we can have a message box to explain why we have to decline as in my case I have no room left for games?

21. Ноября 2002, 01:28:49
Субъект: Re: thank you
I have to agree on both things.. the button idea and a big thanks to Fencer.. He works so hard to make us all happy! 3 cheers for Fencer!!!

20. Ноября 2002, 20:59:49
Субъект: Re: players lists
I figured it out.. sorry to waste you time fencer.. i wasnt clickin on the name link.. TY for your help!

20. Ноября 2002, 20:59:03
Субъект: Re: players lists
I must be trying it wrong.. i see the order change from first signed up then u can change it to last signed up.. i dont see how it can change to list players alphabetically...

20. Ноября 2002, 20:24:55
Субъект: players lists
I Hope I say this right.. a few of us are wondering if there is an easier way to see the player list data base.. right now players are listed by the date they joined the site.. so its hard for us to find friends ID's that may have joined.. would it be possible to have the list go by date of join or have the option to list players by ID alphabetically as well? just a thought

4. Ноября 2002, 23:25:37
Субъект: tournaments
In the future are you planning on game tournaments?

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