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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
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For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site : http://brainking.info/archives/20-About-feature-requests.html

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17. Июня 2004, 09:43:27
now I know it is probably a bit late to ask for this but.......
when a game is finished and you get the "message" bit...once you have re-invited or not can the message be deleted? It is annoying to go into messages, re-invite and STILL HAVE TO DELETE THE USELESS message that ya lost :(

9. Июня 2004, 09:09:56
Субъект: Mr BK2 or IMuCK
thanks.....I had an idea it was you but not haveing any PM's or games with you I didnt know :)

I used an unfortunate word below and Niki picked me up on it :( but only time will tell and this board should really be non-existant at the moment...wait until they get BK2 right before asking for feature requests...because i guess they would not occur until BK3???

8. Июня 2004, 07:44:53
i meant dissapointing failure...miserable was a poor choice of words...Sorry :(

7. Июня 2004, 08:14:45
Im surprised that under the circumstances BK2 would leave his nik like that seeing as it has been such a miserable failure???

31. Мая 2004, 09:53:05
Субъект: OK :) further to my post below
I have just checked out the BK Fund Raiser :)

WHat a great tourney, BUT

I notice on quite a few of the sections that the winner is already determined, and they are waiting for slower players to finish their turns to be able to go on to the next round....as are all the section winners.....
would it not be appropriate in this case to award the win to the obvious winner and let the tournament carry on?
The ones im talking of are where the games still being played will not effect the overall winner of that section.

Another question here is.....Does Fencer already have his money? and if so why cant this be done?

it will shorten the tournament considerably :)

I see the woman that i quoted below is also one of them that CANT win but she insists on taking the game to the limit :(

28. Мая 2004, 09:23:47
Субъект: Im glad there are others out there
I am playing "someone" at the moment who insists on playing at the last minute:(
she is know for this and i have had a few players say they will not play in tourneys where she plays.

I asked her if she could improve her move rate and was promptly told...it has just taken you 4 days to move...i replied it was because i wanted to see what was happening in and inter-fellowship with other players....she was leaving ALL games to the last minute so I couldnt let my team down by forfeiting the game with her....I told her this and im still waiting for her to get back....but I will probably have to wait for a week or two until she decides to move :(...

I know it is a turn based site but...idiots will spoil it for others no matter what....hence the GAME time...not TURN TIME.....does this make sense??
This would apply to Tournaments only, and inter fellowship tourney in particular :)

28. Мая 2004, 09:16:27
Субъект: at harleys suggestion Im posting this here
i know it is probably a bit late as it is in the can so to speak...BUT...

I have a tournament running that only had 14 players and it is still running...this tournament started to the best of my knowledge last august2003.

it is battleboats and it is one of the most boring games i have ever played BUT to those that like/love it I can understand:)

My request/query is..... would it be possible to put a TOTAL TIME on a tournament?...after X amount of days those that are in front go on...those that wont play regular are out?

It makes me wonder abut LindaJ fundraising tournament...how long do you think this will run for?...what happens in 2 years when it is still going and people are moved on/departed/bored...etc. if 14 players can go for 12 months...Linda's 100+ could be here in the year 2010 LOLOL...please understand im being facetious here but also asking legit Q

1. Марта 2004, 10:22:32
Субъект: Re: Lythande :)
as you said....tough noogies :)
agreed..Peace will reign :)

1. Марта 2004, 08:34:40
Субъект: thanks Fencer
hopefully LJ wont and give a few of us a bit of peace :)

the only reason I came into here was because i was used as an example, and Memebers told me of his attack on me..
"""This might confuse the old timers such as Bernie, but I think the rest of us could understand it ok"""

Im sorry to have to keep on apologising for this mans continued harrassment of myself and others...
I personally think somethink should be done about it....there have been to many complaints on the boards in general

1. Марта 2004, 01:02:50
DId i hear correctly??
LongJohn saying he will not renew his membership??
Fencer if that is the case, please accept it and I will pay for another non-paying Member to replace him.

I and a lot of others are sick of hearing his complaints and I must agree with Backoff when he says""most pessimistic, negative, gloomy, distrustful, cynical, unenthusiastic person I've ever seen on here. Ever heard that saying "If you don't have anything good to say, just don't say anything"???""

This man WILL attack me on every board that he can post on, and it is starting to wear thin.

He even used me as an example of why something would not work....the arrogance of the man is intolerable so Fencer please accept his resignation and at such time i will send you a replacement membership :)
I hope this will be a deal :)

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