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 Feature requests

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29. Августа 2004, 04:07:22
I said.."Even IF" maybe i was wrong

29. Августа 2004, 04:02:51
Dano...i've stopped, i dont want to risk that our Japanese/Greenland friend fills the board with more of his "nice" vocubulary :)
Even if he thinks he is cool, im sure most people dont.

29. Августа 2004, 03:44:13
poor guy

29. Августа 2004, 03:38:43
Ugh..first...if you have time to scroll then youll see that Fencer started this "autopass crap" this time.
..and second...your dirty posts have really helped
to make these boards fun to read!

29. Августа 2004, 03:31:09
Well Ugh...I cant help if you dont see the point in auto-pass, thats your problem.
And..i dont think you are the right man (or kid i guess) to judge people who are posting on the boards.
We have seen many (too many) dirty posts from you on this family site in the past and i suppose we'll see even more in the future.

29. Августа 2004, 03:14:33
BBW..You are so darn right in your explanation, but why do you say "sorry Fencer" all the time? LOL
We dont need to apologize if we try to help him to make his site mor fun, right?

29. Августа 2004, 00:35:09
Ugh...finally you seem to understand. We are talking about an OPTION!..doesnt that mean that those who want autopass can use it and the "chatters" can choose to not use it. Fair to EVERYONE isnt it?

29. Августа 2004, 00:05:42
lol Dano :)

28. Августа 2004, 23:03:31
Medic..He has never answered in public, maybe he has sent you a PM?
I suppose Jason tried to be funny, but im sorry i didnt understand it, stupid swede you know.

28. Августа 2004, 22:54:50
Let him answer Medic..if its boring read a book

28. Августа 2004, 22:49:04
I just want to read one REAL..just one..reason and not those faked reasons Kevin has posted 11 times(if his counting is correct).
Is it as simple as Fencer is too embarrased to confess that he doesnt know how to do it?
If i was the owner of a site and a majority wanted me to do something to please ALL players i shouldnt hesitate one second to do it!
Are some peoples money worth more than others?

28. Августа 2004, 19:09:37
And Santa Claus is coming at Christmas :)

28. Августа 2004, 19:00:41
U really expect an explanation Stevie? :)

28. Августа 2004, 14:21:31
Fencer and VIP ...ooops i mean Customer Service.. are smarter (or should i say more stubborn?) than us Stevie so its useless to "fight".

28. Августа 2004, 13:32:04
Субъект: Re: Stevie: Very funny :-) Any other jokes?
I know a very fun joke:

Autopass = you cant chat
your opponent can be confused

very funny! LOL

28. Августа 2004, 00:39:16

28. Августа 2004, 00:34:16
Kevin, you have a lot to learn from Fencer. He doesnt answer when he has no answers or is proven wrong :)

28. Августа 2004, 00:06:49
Thanks for your info Kevin, next time we'll ask for it :)

27. Августа 2004, 14:13:57
Me thinks Fencer didnt like my auction idea :)

27. Августа 2004, 00:09:40
Субъект: Re: For about the tenth time:
and I agree with Stevie :)

27. Августа 2004, 00:09:10
BBW..Im trying to help Fencer collect money and then you try to 'steal" them!! :)

26. Августа 2004, 23:58:31
Субъект: Idea
Fencer, why dont you sell (auction) features?
Could give some money for a new server.
My startbid for auto-pass is $ 50 :)

26. Августа 2004, 23:56:48
wont work grenv :)..i deleted my posts

10. Августа 2004, 15:30:46
Субъект: Re:
page 3 had been worse..;) danke

10. Августа 2004, 15:25:35
Субъект: Ignore button
Fencer, once you said that an "ignore feature" (so you can mute who you dont want to read messages from on the dbs) could be added in the future.
Is it on your "to do list"?..i know it has nothing to do with playing the games :)

21. Июля 2004, 02:13:07
"Better many small pictures than a few big" :)

21. Июля 2004, 02:08:56
LOL...no i think you read my poor english correct.
If they dont want/dare show a little "minipicture" do you think they would show a bigger?

21. Июля 2004, 01:59:40
Im afraid there would be a lot less pics if we had a bigger format considering that many people dont want to show their pics in this small format.

18. Июля 2004, 05:34:41
My spelling is perfect as well as my grammar...if i type in Swedish :)

13. Июня 2004, 17:00:47
Ug..exactly...im not feeling more "shaky" when i play one with 2300 than if he has 1300 LOL

13. Июня 2004, 16:43:57
Arent the dices the good or bad players in backgammon? LOL

1. Июня 2004, 14:58:34
Thanks Fencer

Kevin..sorry if you dont understand my english, where did i say that Fencer isnt allowed to program? I said it takes 15 seconds to answer one

Ughaibu..I never expected a long detailed answer..just a "ill look at it" or (as he did now)
"Yes its possible".

Steve: :) i play Kevin too

1. Июня 2004, 01:45:26
No good to ignore customers

1. Июня 2004, 01:26:37
BBW..As far as i can see so was my question the only question to Fencer today. And to type "Ok Andersp ill look at it" or "No its not possible" had taken him about 15 seconds..probably less.
No Sir..its all about WHO is asking...yes i know..he usually answers your questions too :)

31. Мая 2004, 21:04:54
He left again..why am i not surprised LOL

31. Мая 2004, 21:00:01
I heard nothing LOL..dont tell Antje she use to complain that i never listen LOL

31. Мая 2004, 20:51:26
Steve...i just watched who-is-on line. Fencer is here playing games and when he doesnt play games he is watching who-is-on-line. So ..Harleys excuse that he is so darn busy is just BS!..he has plenty of time to answer a question...if he wants, but as Harley said "He cant (meaning "doesnt want") please everyone.
Some peoples money are worth more than others.

31. Мая 2004, 20:13:44
We know

31. Мая 2004, 20:09:36
I think so too, and he had saved you (Harley) from posting 2 (or is it 3?) long and unnecessary "defence speaches"

31. Мая 2004, 19:51:31
Correct Steve...he could have said "ill come back"

31. Мая 2004, 19:50:56
Well...he seems to have plenty of time to post on
Home fellowship's board :)

31. Мая 2004, 19:35:49
Субъект: Re:
Thanks Harley, im not surprised YOU answered LOL
But i saw Fencer was reading this board after i had posted my question, a no or yes hadnt taken so long time to type.
Wonder if he had ignored the question if you or for example Bumble had asked it..what do you think? :)

31. Мая 2004, 14:30:57
yes, especially when the site is in "stuck mode".
Fencer was here but he didnt answer so i suppose i have to accept a no...again :(

31. Мая 2004, 14:21:30
I guess not

31. Мая 2004, 14:11:31
Субъект: Accepting invites
In case someone invites to a lot of games would it be possible to have a feature "Accept all selected games" (as "delete selected messages")

8. Мая 2004, 23:24:19
Correct MM..a few people are happy..thats important :)

8. Мая 2004, 23:16:29
AD..this is getting better and better..has anyone really said that auto-pass can cause cheating? LOL
Walter..nice try but you wont get a reason from Fencer..his friends wants to chat so they need to send "not touched" games :)

8. Мая 2004, 19:28:30
I have never said i dont accept it, we have to accept many stupid decisions in life...as i've said earlier: This issue has nothing to do with common sence, it has to do with who Fencer listens to :).....could have said stubborness but i didnt :)

8. Мая 2004, 14:33:53
BBW..this issue had nothing to do with "common sense" anymore..a poll who should show 99% for auto pass wouldnt help :)

8. Мая 2004, 14:27:18
Harley..thats OK..and i think most of us knows who he listens to :)

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