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Backgammon and variants.

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9. Июня 2012, 12:30:08
Субъект: Re: Known and neglected for years?
speachless: If the problem is that some image files are missing, then old games will look wrong when we play through them today. That doesn't mean they were affected when they were played.

9. Июня 2012, 12:13:43
Субъект: Re: Known and neglected for years?
playBunny: your links shows the same problem... missing pieces even under small sized boards... as your links are old games it means it is not a new problem but it appears already since years....

9. Июня 2012, 03:23:18
Субъект: Re: Known and neglected for years?
playBunny: You may have missed part of the conversation, as it started on the other board. They were already told to use small pieces to avoid it. However, this is something new, as it seems to be this way even in small pieces.

However, it would be interesting to know what is different about Carl as he has seemingly said it looks normal to him.

9. Июня 2012, 02:34:23
Субъект: Known and neglected for years?

8. Июня 2012, 23:30:26
Субъект: Re: plakoto backgammon errors
Carl: so on the second link you see a black and a white one? ...interesting.

would like to know what makes the difference...

thx for the info

8. Июня 2012, 23:10:08
Субъект: plakoto backgammon errors
thx a lot for your reviews :-) interesting ...

i'v tried with safari, firefox under mac- and win-os and i always see an incorrect graphic, even if i use the small sized board...
and of course i have all software updates done.

a statistic of plakoto gamer about what they see when they look to the links using small sized boards would be really interesting... :-)

thx again

8. Июня 2012, 21:58:49
Субъект: Re: plakoto backgammon errors
rod03801: I see the same, one piece each time (incorrectly).
For both board sizes.
Using Safari on iPad

8. Июня 2012, 21:04:34
Субъект: Re: plakoto backgammon errors
pedestrian: Wow, absolutely correct. I have never had this problem.

8. Июня 2012, 21:01:15
Субъект: Re: plakoto backgammon errors
pedestrian: I see both examples as they should be.

8. Июня 2012, 20:59:50
Субъект: Re: plakoto backgammon errors
Сделано для rod03801 (8. Июня 2012, 21:05:26)
pedestrian: I see the same as you, Pedestrian.

One white piece on #9 on first link
One black piece on #9 on 2nd link

And if you count the pieces in that 2nd link, there are 14 white pieces, and 15 black pieces. Obviously one has "disappeared."

8. Июня 2012, 20:47:29
Субъект: Re: plakoto backgammon errors
Marshmud: I have the same problem as speachless. Just to clarify, let's take speachless' first example.

In this position: Plakoto (speachless vs. Luciano672) What pieces do yo see on the 9-point?

And in this position: Plakoto (speachless vs. Luciano672) which is one move later in the same game, what pieces do you now see on the 9-point?

In the first case, I see one white piece and nothing else. In the second case, I see one black piece and nothing else - but what I should see was a black piece pinning a white piece.

8. Июня 2012, 20:32:17
Субъект: Re: plakoto backgammon errors
speachless: I have played over 200 games in 4+ years and this is the 1st time I ever heard of a problem. I have never changed anything in my settings as well so I may be on original settings by default.

7. Июня 2012, 18:46:31
Субъект: plakoto backgammon errors
Сделано для speachless (7. Июня 2012, 18:56:54)
hi to all
does anyone else also have problems with the plakoto boards? sometimes when an opponent piece is trapped, the trapped one can't anymore be displayed, but only at some boards and at some trapped pieces.... when the one who traps moves on, then it appears again...

i have the problem on 6 of around 12 running plakoto games...


SMALL BOARD SIZE so that's not the problem

the black piece goes from 20 to 9, at 9 a white one is..... but after the move my white one at position 9 disappears:
Plakoto (speachless vs. Luciano672)
Plakoto (speachless vs. Luciano672)

pieces here disappears at position 12:
Plakoto (speachless vs. Dry Martini)
Plakoto (speachless vs. Dry Martini)

here another game, at position 15 one disappears:
Plakoto (speachless vs. steve21)
Plakoto (speachless vs. steve21)

here another game, at position 5 one disappears:
Plakoto (rybczynski vs. speachless)
Plakoto (rybczynski vs. speachless)

another, position 3 disappears:
Plakoto (speachless vs. indigo cat)
Plakoto (speachless vs. indigo cat)

another game at position 5:
Plakoto (speachless vs. petrj)
Plakoto (speachless vs. petrj)

17. Мая 2012, 23:27:11
Субъект: Re:
pedestrian: Well I guess you are right, but it's very confusing, and I have not figured out a way of seeing the details of games within a match to confirm it to my satisfaction. But we're not playing for cattle ranches, so let's forget it,

But I agree with grenv - we don't need messages for each game of a multi-game match.

17. Мая 2012, 12:41:15
Субъект: Re:
pedestrian: we don't really need these notifications until the end of the match IMO

17. Мая 2012, 06:42:16
Субъект: Re:
pgt: Look at the game ID in that message: 5710553 is in fact the game ID of game 4 in that match. So the message that you quote is not the message for the final game, it's the message for game 4.

Game 4 (game ID 5710553) was finished 16. May 2012 00:14:57 (server time). I suppose that corresponds to the date in the message, which is 16. May 2012 11:14:57. Do you live 11 time zones away from Prague?

Game 6, the last game of the match (game ID 5713004) was finished 16. May 2012 01:17:49 (server time). You lost that game and the match. You can see it in your completed games under "lost games", it's number two from the top at the moment. 

17. Мая 2012, 06:14:08
Субъект: Re:
pedestrian: Here is the message text for the final game (the game in question) which says that I am the winner. but the text says "Blue Sky is the winner". The game has disappeared, but does not appear in my "completed games" list.

Read message(back to the list of messages)
Date and time: 16. May 2012, 11:14:57
Subject: You moved all your pieces out (blue sky, Hyper Backgammon)

Game ID: 5710553

Game type: Hyper Backgammon
The game is a part of a multi game match which is not finished.

17. Мая 2012, 05:58:13
Субъект: Re:
Aganju: I have done that a couple of days ago and it has not been acknowledged.

17. Мая 2012, 05:58:04
Субъект: Re:
pgt: The game you link to is game four of the match. You won that game, but your opponent won the match.

17. Мая 2012, 05:55:45
Субъект: Re:
pgt: you are right this is very strange. Send a message to Fencer, he will probably fix it.

17. Мая 2012, 05:48:54
Hyper Backgammon (pgt vs. blue sky)

Can anybody explain why the Event Message told me "You moved all your pieces out" yet the game was awarded to my opponent? The game (wrongly) shows that he won the match, but it was clearly ME who won the match.

18. Января 2012, 01:52:26
Субъект: Re: Backgammon does not count triple??
joshi tm: I realize it would be rare, hence asking... since it may not have been noticed but still not work. Hopefully the code is in one place and it's broken everywhere and will be fixed everywhere :)

17. Января 2012, 12:50:07
joshi tm 
Субъект: Re: Backgammon does not count triple??
Сделано для joshi tm (17. Января 2012, 12:50:47)
grenv: In regular old backgammon it should count as a captured piece which is extremely rare, but in the Backgammon Race or the Crowded Gammon variant the same problem could occur. Anyone want to try out?

Oh, by the way, of course this had to be counted as Backgammon.

16. Января 2012, 07:23:45
Субъект: Re: Backgammon does not count triple??
grenv: Although backgammon from a man on the bar is a rare phenomenon, a million games(*) suggests that it's happened more than a few times and so I imagine that it would have been reported by now if it were in the regular variant. I suspect that the bug occurs in variants which have bar pieces where entry is optional. ... but you might be right. Who can know but the man with the code.

(*) Although the scoring of gammons and backgammons wouldn't be applicable in quite a proportion of that million.

16. Января 2012, 06:08:01
Субъект: Re: Backgammon does not count triple??
playBunny: Wonder is it works in regular old backgammon... would be rare but possible.

14. Января 2012, 00:52:38
Субъект: Re: Backgammon does not count triple??
Aganju: The piece on the bar is a "race piece", which your opponent can bring in at any time. Presumably Fencer forgot to include those in the is-a-backgammon calculation.

14. Января 2012, 00:28:40
Субъект: Back gammon does not count triple??
Сделано для Aganju (14. Января 2012, 00:31:29)
In this game, I would have expected to get a 'backgammon' meaning three points, multiplied by the cube of 2, resulting in 6 points. However, I got four. Can someone explain me why?
He has not borne off anything, he has a piece still on the home bar, the doubling cube was used and accepted. So what is missing??

7. Января 2012, 15:11:07
Субъект: Re: Backgammon Lesson, Backgammon
playBunny: moneygame.

7. Января 2012, 15:08:04
Субъект: Re: Backgammon Lesson, Backgammon
gogul: important win‽ yes or no.

I'm not sure what the question is but it's obviously important enough for you to have posted about it.

7. Января 2012, 13:59:58
Субъект: Backgammon Lesson, Backgammon
Сделано для gogul (7. Января 2012, 14:00:21)
important win‽ yes or no. ⁅game stuff⁆

Match type: Normal game
Tournament type (?): one game for each two players
Membership level:
Minimum number of players: 4
Maximum number of players: 7
Maximum number of players per section: 9
Final match type for two player section: 3 wins match
Time control (?): 6 days, standard vacation
Player rating: 100 <= BKR <= 4000
Unrated players: yes

<a href="Tournaments?tri=707626#1

Backgammon (kid_game_2001 gegen gogul)

all or nothing or all except 1.


30. Декабря 2011, 14:52:15
Субъект: Re: Fevga bug
playBunny: Well that changes everything. I was referring to the link previously posted. not this one. In that case,yes the opponent should have opened a slot

30. Декабря 2011, 10:57:44
Субъект: Re: Fevga bug
nikos: Actually you are missing something

Yes, he's missing the link to the exact move, having posted a link to the game itself, which just happened to be the correct move at the time of posting.

you need to have no legal moves left

Fevga game 5460931, move 60

30. Декабря 2011, 09:25:57
Субъект: Re:
qusar: This is indeed a situation where the one having the prime should unblock but it is a different position of pieces. You don't have to just be in a column, but you must NOT have a chance to move in order someone to unblock you

30. Декабря 2011, 09:22:53
Субъект: Re:
Aganju: Actually you are missing something. In order for Gammonator to unblock a piece in his prime, you need to have no legal moves left also. You could still make a move if you roll an ace.You should have collected them into the next point. Then, your opponent should have unblocked.

28. Декабря 2011, 19:34:51
it is reported here 2 years ago and still not fixed


and the game position

Fevga (Gror vs. Resher)

28. Декабря 2011, 19:14:02
Сделано для Aganju (28. Декабря 2011, 19:15:11)
Is there a bug in site code, or do I miss something?
In Fevga game 5460931, I have collected all my pieces behind his block. The rules state:
"... If opponent has collected all his checkers onto the one point behind player's prime, the player must unblock a point in his prime to allow the opponent a chance to move..." (Fevga rules, next to last paragraph).
Still, my opponent made a move that did not unblock me - which should not have been allowed?
Am I wrong or is the code wrong?

22. Ноября 2011, 03:31:37
Walter Montego 
Субъект: Re: As luck would have it.
grenv: And the theoretical question is what I asked. You both say nine is the least amount of turns even if we give the opponent any roll we want and have him move as we please? I think I will work on this myself, but nine seems very fast. I hadn't thought of it as grenv did, just figuring out each piece from where it starts. This makes sense as you can't use the roll just by the count as the number of pips needed may not divide evenly, 7 and 13 being good examples of this. Is my fifteen move game fairly exceptional, especially considering my opponent wasn't trying to help me?

Which point is what you are calling the midpoint? Is that the point in the outer table that starts with five pieces?

21. Ноября 2011, 15:31:15
Субъект: Re: As luck would have it.
playBunny: Right, the back 2 need to land on the opponents midpoint. this is as likely as 2 move fools mate in chess, but still the answer to the theoretical question :)

21. Ноября 2011, 14:37:36
Субъект: Re: As luck would have it.
grenv: 9 rolls

Yes, and it can be done with nine 6-6s, which wastes pips, or nine rolls which bear off exactly.

For example, if the opponent starts and makes obligingly awful moves (in particular, abandoning their midpoint), the player can roll 6-6, 6-6, 2-2, 6-6, 1-1, 6-5, 6-6, 6-6, 6-6 to finish having rolled exactly 167.

Avoiding errors on the part of the player would need an extra move and an opponent who obligingly misses any necessary blots caused by bearing off with doubles. It can be done as a blitz with 6-6, 5-5, 4-4, 6-6, 6-6, 1-1, 6-6, 5-5, 3-3, 1-1 if the opponent starts with 5-2 and splits the back men.

21. Ноября 2011, 04:49:36
Субъект: Re: As luck would have it.
Walter Montego: Simple in theory.. how many moves minimum to get the pieces off.

2 farthest - 4 each
5 next farthest - 3 each
5 closest - 1 each
3 next closest - 2 each

total 8 + 15 + 5 + 6 = 34 moves

34/4 (assuming doubles) = 8.5, which is 9 turns.

Assuming 7 probably counted pips, however being 7 out cannot be borne off in 1.2 moves for example :)

21. Ноября 2011, 04:25:46
Walter Montego 
Субъект: As luck would have it.
I rolled six doubles in a row and nine in the fifteen moves I had in this game. Backgammon (Walter Montego vs. *HitMan*)
It's hard to imagine ever losing if the dice guy keeps the rolls coming like that.

I am curious. What is the fastest possible win in turns in Backgammon and what is anyone's best? Fifteen turns seems pretty fast and considering I've had Hyper Backgammon games last twice as long it really is crazy how a game can go. I am thinking in theory you could win in seven turns.

11. Ноября 2011, 19:43:50
Субъект: Re: Swop dice
grenv: OK thanks for that, not sure I have come across it before

11. Ноября 2011, 17:48:38
Субъект: Re: Swop dice
WellyWales: Because you can't use both numbers... and in this case you need to use the highest number. If you swapped you would move 1 but not be able to move 2, which is an illegal move.

11. Ноября 2011, 17:36:31
Субъект: Swop dice
Сделано для WellyWales (11. Ноября 2011, 17:37:43)
Why can I not swop the dice in this game? Hyper Backgammon (vilikus72 vs. WellyWales)

21. Октября 2011, 12:25:58
Субъект: Re: resigning
Nothingness: if you resign after bearing off at least one, it will be 3-0... otherwise it will be 5-0 (or 7-0 if you're pieces are still in opponents area).

So get one piece off first, then resign if you can't mathematically win.

21. Октября 2011, 04:08:16
Субъект: resigning
if i resign during a game of probackgammom while the score is 1-0 in a 5pt mathc and the doubling cube is at 2. essentially gving me a 3-0 deficit? or does it give me the whole 5-0 loss?

4. Сентября 2011, 15:50:32
Субъект: GnuBG Hypergammon
I have another question regarding GnuBG.

I want to play Hypergammon with GnuBG - so I ran makehyper to generate the database files. But now I have no clue where to put them. I tried putting them in my home directory, into the build directory of GnuBG, and into /usr/share/gnubg and /var/lib/gnubg - I could never selebt Hypergammon as the game type, only Backgammon and Nackgammon. The GnuBG documentation only tells me to generate the files, not where to put them. So has anybody of you done this before and has an idea that might get me on the right track?

Thanks :)

23. Августа 2011, 01:19:13
Субъект: Re: GlitchBg
toedder: I suspect that a few of the add-on programs that come with various distros are behind the cutting edge, especially with a product like GnuBg that is officially still unreleased yet with a fairly frequently updated development version available to the public. Bugs pop in and pop out again and a distro can end up with a buggy snapshot. I'm glad to hear that changing the version - in both directions, lol - worked for you.

22. Августа 2011, 18:22:27
When I said I downloaded and installed the latest version, I was wrong. I got a little confused by the naming conventions for their tarballs and apparently I downloaded an older one from 2008. I now installed the snapshot from today, and it still works as intended.


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