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31. Августа 2010, 22:17:16
Субъект: Re: Says it all.
Ferris Bueller:

31. Августа 2010, 22:17:11
The Col 
Субъект: Re: Says it all.
Ferris Bueller: What's the going rate these days?

31. Августа 2010, 22:16:08
Ferris Bueller 
Субъект: Re: Says it all.
Artful Dodger:  I will, the minute you own yours.

31. Августа 2010, 22:02:55
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: They will twist it somehow.
Tuesday: No one does this better than the left.

31. Августа 2010, 22:02:13
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: Says it all.
Ferris Bueller: More excuses. Own your demons.

31. Августа 2010, 21:59:34
Ferris Bueller 
Субъект: Re: Says it all.
Artful Dodger:   The epithets are hurled both ways.  Conservatives try to marginalize liberals by calling them communists, socialists, racists against Whites, Nazies, holding up pictures of Obama with a Hitler mustache, continuing to spread rumors about his religion, etc,

31. Августа 2010, 21:52:59
The Col 
Субъект: Re: America won't trust a black liberal for a long time to come
Tuesday: They'll come around once he schedules more photo ops coming out of church carrying a bible

31. Августа 2010, 21:49:55
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: America won't trust a black liberal for a long time to come
Tuesday: He's too radical for America. The writing's on the wall. It's only going to get worse for him.

31. Августа 2010, 20:29:42
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Says it all.
Are you opposed to Obamacare or illegal immgration? You’re a racist. Are you opposed to gay marriage? You’re a homophobe. Did you oppose Elana Kagan’s appointment to the Supreme Court? You’re a sexist. After less than two years of complete Democrat control of government, there aren’t many Americas progressives haven’t accused of some sort of bigotry for simply having an opinion different from theirs. The politics of “hope” and “change” have devolved into exactly what those espousing them claimed they would end. Is this really Democrat’s plan to win votes in November?

Barack Obama campaigned under the banner of unity and ending the “politics of division.” But that banner was swiftly furled and the true banner of progressive politics began flying over our country. Progressivism leaves no room for debate or disagreement. To paraphrase former President Bush, to progressives you’re either with them or you’re with the enemy.

During the Obamacare debate, opponents were compared to opponents of civil rights legislation. The ethically challenged Congressman from New York, Charlie Rangel, said “The group that were in Washington fighting against the health bill and fighting against the President, [they] looked just like and sounded just like those groups that attacked the civil rights movement in the South.” Left-wing blogs ran with this mantra and agenda-driven media outlets like MSNBC dutifully followed. They still advance the lie that African-American Members of Congress were pelted with racial slurs as they walked to cast their vote, something even the New York Times has acknowledged there is zero evidence of.

The ends justify the means, no matter how sickening and divisive the means.

When a judge in California overturned Proposition 8, a ballot measure that defined marriage as being between one man and one woman which was passed by voters, these self-appointed champions of democracy cheered its undermining. Whatever your opinion on the issue, it was a rather ironic turn for people who use the word “democracy” as though they respect it.

When Elena Kagan was nominated to the Supreme Court without much of a record, opposition to this life-time appointment was called sexist all across the left-wing echo chamber. Blogs were replete with this unfounded charge, with headlines like “Not-So-Subtle Sexism at the Kagan Hearings” from the blog at Ms. Magazine.

The bigotry arrow has become the default weapon in the progressive’s quiver, only it’s lost its sting.

When Arizona passed a state law allowing police to enforce federal law on immigration, progressives cried racism. It couldn’t be that a majority of Arizonans, and Americans, simply support forcing immigrants to enter the country legally – opponents needed to be painted as bigots.

When 9/11 families expressed discomfort with building a Mosque two blocks from where Muslin extremists senselessly murdered their loved ones they were ignored by Progressives. Why? Because attacking them is a losing proposition. So they attacked those who sided with them, many of whom are Republicans, as bigots. They’ve basically ignored Democrats, including Howard Dean and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who’ve said the same things. Opponents are not trying to “block” the Mosque, Progressives claim, yet no law to stop it has been proposed. They’ve made appeals to sensitivity, nothing more.

Progressives, who act as sensitivity police for others, attack Republicans for standing with people who have every reason to be sensitive.

The difference between right and left on these issues is the right attempts to change hearts and minds; the left simply accused opponents of bigotry. This makes sense when you realize how unpopular their initiatives have been; if you can’t get people to vote for you, try to discourage them from voting at all. It’s a strategy – if you can’t win someone’s vote, convince them the alternative is a bigot, because who wants to vote for a racist, homophobe or sexist? They’re hoping people will stay home on November 2nd.

Progressives show little concern for the will of the people. They have an agenda, and nothing is going to stand in the way of achieving it. They will lie, they will demonize, they will do anything to achieve it.

In their zeal to advance that agenda they’ve gone farther than they ever have before and thus exposed their true nature. Progressives have accused about 90 percent of the country of bigotry, in one form or another. On every one of the issues listed above polls show the American people are unambiguously not buying the spin and siding with their opponents. That’s a fact progressives will learn the hard way when it comes time for these “bigots” to vote.

31. Августа 2010, 20:20:38
The Col 
Субъект: Re: America won't trust a black liberal for a long time to come
Artful Dodger: So how many chances does a white President get

31. Августа 2010, 19:00:23
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: check this out...
Bwild: That is a great sign! And the fact is, many who voted for Obama are embarrassed. I've heard more liberals talk about "buyer's remorse" when reflecting on Obama's promises and his delivery. He said one thing, he did another. He's under-handed and totally unqualified to be President. He's a fish out of water. He's clueless. And he's ruining America. He's surrounded by a bunch of incompetents who are clueless on how to effectively run a government. Liberals need to wake up. They are losing the debate (they've lost long ago) and if they want to have a voice in government, they need to govern from the center.

Had Obama governed from the center, he'd have been successful. Can a liberal name one thing he's accomplished? He's done a lot of things, but they are all bad for America. He's ruined any chance for a black man to become president IF that black man is also a liberal. America won't trust a black liberal for a long time to come. Obama's deception has seen to that.

Embarrassed yet? Yes, the whole nation is embarrassed. Obama is a global embarrassment.

31. Августа 2010, 13:26:41

31. Августа 2010, 13:21:12
A liar will always get caught so why even worry or talk about them. A honest positive person will win. if they are straight forword on what they say

31. Августа 2010, 13:12:49
Субъект: check this out...

31. Августа 2010, 13:11:06
Субъект: The consequences of the Iraq war..

.....Most of the arguments in favour of invading back in 2003 have come to nothing.

Many Iraqis welcomed the overthrow of Saddam Hussein - 50% regarded the invasion as a liberation, according to a BBC poll taken in 2004, while 50% regarded it as an occupation - but nowadays it is hard to find anyone who sees America as Iraq's friend and mentor.

Nor has the overthrow of Saddam Hussein led to a general domino effect towards democracy throughout the Middle East. On the contrary, America's position in the Middle East has been visibly eroded. Some of the things done by the American authorities in Iraq, based in the Green Zone in Baghdad, were sober, positive and practical. Some have become a burden, for instance the constitution the Americans wished on Iraq, which makes it fiendishly hard to create a decent effective government.....

...And because the Green Zone administration was thrown together in a huge hurry back in 2002-03, overseen by former Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld - a man with no interest in nation-building - some of what was done involved grotesque levels of corruption and mismanagement.

Mr Rumsfeld was sent a careful, conscientious 900-page report by the state department containing detailed plans for the post-invasion period. He reportedly dumped it, unopened, straight into his waste-paper basket.

Iraqis, and some Americans, pile a good deal of the blame for what happened during this period on to Mr Rumsfeld's ally Paul Bremer, the temperamental pro-consul who often seemed unaware of what was going on right under his nose.

Former Vice-President Dick Cheney, when asked by the Saudi foreign minister why the US insisted on going ahead with the invasion, answered: "Because it's do-able."

But the problem began even higher up.

A respected Iraqi dissident, who later became vice-president, has described how shocked he was to find, a few weeks before the invasion, that President Bush seemed wholly unaware that Muslims in Iraq were divided between Shia and Sunni Islam.

31. Августа 2010, 08:04:34
The Col 
Субъект: Re: Religious conservatism’s slippery slope
Artful Dodger: He's an opportunist, much like Beck.They both exploit.

31. Августа 2010, 07:33:54
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: Religious conservatism’s slippery slope
GTCharlie: One of many that can be pointed out. Sharpton is a bit of a racist. If you're black, he's there. Truth be damned. If a black person makes the accusation against a white, Sharpton will milk it with no regard for the truth. When confronted, he twists things. I saw him do this very thing today when asked about his comments at his rally. The video said one things, but on camera Sharpton denied saying it.

31. Августа 2010, 07:21:57
Субъект: Re: Religious conservatism’s slippery slope
Artful Dodger: True, the tawanna brawley case was extremely disgusting, a modern day attempt of a reverse lynching

31. Августа 2010, 06:48:14
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: Religious conservatism’s slippery slope
GTCharlie: I can. It's Sharpton. A no brainer. He's a complete liar.

31. Августа 2010, 06:31:37
Субъект: Re: Religious conservatism’s slippery slope
The Col: neither can most

31. Августа 2010, 06:00:36
The Col 
Субъект: Re: Religious conservatism’s slippery slope
GTCharlie: I stated originally, I can't decide who is a bigger ass,Beck or Sharpton

31. Августа 2010, 05:32:26
Субъект: Re: Religious conservatism’s slippery slope
The Col: Was Tawanna there??

31. Августа 2010, 02:44:25
Субъект: Is this how it might end???

31. Августа 2010, 02:31:40
Nick Griffin says he is a Christian... his followers though are more interested in building walls (actual ones) and living in only white areas. Something about "vital bodily fluids" n' losing what it means to be British.... Apparently according to the BNP immigrants cause the indigenous UK population to be at risk.

31. Августа 2010, 02:30:05
Субъект: Re: Religious conservatism’s slippery slope
The Col: Reborns & Gods people holy the POPE needs more money i guess, did they get ice cream on that apple pie?

31. Августа 2010, 02:26:20
Субъект: Re: America today begins to turn back to God.”.............
The Col: ... were they serving apple pie?

31. Августа 2010, 01:25:25
The Col 
Субъект: Religious conservatism’s slippery slope
This past weekend, the lawn of the Lincoln Memorial played host to the biggest tea party Washington D.C. has ever seen. And what a Wonderland it was, with the Mad Hatter – conservative commentator Glenn Beck – and the Queen of Hearts – former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin – exhorting the crowd to forget politics and focus on a higher power. According to Mr. Beck, “Something beyond imagination is happening … America today begins to turn back to God.”.............


30. Августа 2010, 15:15:13
Субъект: Re:
(V): Jules when i get the time i enjoy talking the gospels with you

30. Августа 2010, 15:10:33
Субъект: Re:
Tuesday: I'am for Obama I think he will be the best leader the USA has ever had .He is down to earth with anyone. You have to realize what he is up against because the Bush people got the USA in one big mess.& he can only do one thing at time my dear to fix it

30. Августа 2010, 13:59:03
Субъект: Re:
Tuesday: If they were a 'fan'... yes. Beck has been open about his Mormonism for a few years now.. especially on his radio show from what I've heard

... He's not afraid to use God in all three forms to 'draw' people into his thinking. Yet it feels icky when he does it. God n' politics in one hit... that's a no no, ya not allowed to use God.. it's in the Gospels. Not even Jesus was allowed to do that.

30. Августа 2010, 04:58:00
Субъект: Re:
Tuesday: So do i & i am a Canadian :))

30. Августа 2010, 03:25:05
Субъект: Re:
Tuesday: I remember quite a few Conservative 'Christians' who said anyone who did not believe as they did ... then they were in league with the devil. Yes.. I imagine many of them who would like Beck.

It's that thing he does when Beck starts acting like he's from the "ministry of truth".

30. Августа 2010, 03:16:53
Субъект: Re:
The Col: Scientology... a pyramid scheme.

.... Jedi Knight is better. At least you get to dress up in weird stuff

30. Августа 2010, 00:13:50
The Col 
Субъект: Re:

29. Августа 2010, 23:38:34
The Col 
Субъект: Re:
(V): I'm all for live and let live, but Scientology is a bit of a stretch

29. Августа 2010, 23:17:15
Субъект: Re:
(V): No worse then all the others I've seen recently calling themselves 'prophets'. Jay and Silent Bob were so much more respectable!!

29. Августа 2010, 23:13:16
N' last I heard.. Conservative Christianity and Mormons didn't mix.. One 'born again' Conservative type use to go on and on and on about how The Mormon prophet was a big fat liar and his followers were deluded and on the road to hell.

Is this true anyone??

29. Августа 2010, 23:07:38
Субъект: Re:Kudos to Beck for standing up to principles and admitting an error in judgment.
Сделано для Mort (29. Августа 2010, 23:08:14)
The Col: Well Beck has to do something about his future.. His ratings ain't what they use to be!!

29. Августа 2010, 23:03:39
The Col 
Субъект: Re:Kudos to Beck for standing up to principles and admitting an error in judgment.
(V): He's pulling a Borat, it will all come out on film, brilliant

29. Августа 2010, 22:43:45
Субъект: Re:Kudos to Beck for standing up to principles and admitting an error in judgment.
Artful Dodger: He didn't.. He didn't retract and then pushed what he said into some weird pseudo religious thought.

We call that in the UK a NuTtEr!!

29. Августа 2010, 22:41:13
Субъект: Re:
Tuesday: It reminds me of Brown during the run up to our General Election...

And he lost BIG style!!

29. Августа 2010, 22:33:41
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re:
Tuesday: Because Beck is a class act. Kudos to Beck for standing up to principles and admitting an error in judgment.

29. Августа 2010, 18:38:02
Papa Zoom 
Obama Zombie Praises Obama for Free Gas & Housing

Hey Peggy, hows that free gas working for ya now?

29. Августа 2010, 18:34:21
Papa Zoom 
This is how Conservatives leave the grounds of a rally. Neat and clean:

This is how libs leave it - decimated

Obama Zombies "Trash" The Capitol

Keep in mind that these liberal zombies are the one that claim to be eco-conscience.

29. Августа 2010, 16:31:18
Субъект: Re: By contrast
Artful Dodger: The anti Iraq war rally here drew about 2 miilion.

Btw.. everyone thinks the actual attendance of the rally was in the mid to late tens of thousands. Those big estimates.. propaganda.

29. Августа 2010, 16:24:48
Субъект: Re:How so? YOu must mean by exercising his Constitutional right to free speech and assembly. I forgot that you libs were against that part of the Constitution when it comes to those with opposing views.
Artful Dodger: Sooooo.. everyone is allowed to have an opinion... true. Then anyone who isn't .. as it were.. 'in your camp' is allowed to disagree as per free speech. But you seem to be against that!!

29. Августа 2010, 11:48:23
Субъект: Re:
The Col:

29. Августа 2010, 10:42:02
Ferris Bueller 
Субъект: Stephen Colbert & Beck

29. Августа 2010, 08:23:31
The Col 
Субъект: Re:
Tuesday: The original is a nice companion to that one


29. Августа 2010, 07:16:44
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re:
The Col: Your side stopped making sense long ago and that's why the country is turning against the libs. A huge majority of Americans of all stripes are turning (and have turned) away from the liberal agenda. It's not what the people want for the country.

The tea party has ideas. Liberal have lies and name calling.

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