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1. Сентября 2010, 23:04:25
Субъект: Re:
Artful Dodger: You will always get reply's from me I love your cartoons

1. Сентября 2010, 22:59:52
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re:
Bernice: that's what happens when i stop posting for a while

1. Сентября 2010, 22:58:44
whatever happened to the sensible and logical conversation in here.....cant understand most of it...

1. Сентября 2010, 22:26:00
Maybe will see see another Britishhhh & Yankeeaaa war here if you like booze & if there weed into look out

1. Сентября 2010, 22:24:21
The Col 
Субъект: Father Beck speaks to his flock
If he isn't pulling a Borat,the men in the white coats can't be far behind


1. Сентября 2010, 22:20:31
Субъект: Re:I saw a case of Canadian beer at about half the price, it turned out to be their version, it was wattered down slop
The Col: Not seen any that I'd recognise by name... Me .. usually Golden Champion.. lovely Brit ale.

1. Сентября 2010, 22:19:19
Is this how a bunch of drunks run the mess your in what ever country you 're in at this moment

1. Сентября 2010, 22:18:30
Субъект: Re: If Obama were Republican he'd wouldn't be for huge spending on entitlements and wouldn't surround himself with so many incompetents.
Artful Dodger: And Bush didn't.... what about Nixon??? Raygun was incompetent. Blair "sexed" things up in the Iraq war case.

"when liberals have no points to make (none that really matter) then always try to marginalize the opposition."

... Sorry, it could be said you are doing that to any liberal comment "they are left wing extremists".. or are you saying you are a victim of being in the political arena??

1. Сентября 2010, 22:11:12
The Col 
Субъект: Re:I saw a case of Canadian beer at about half the price, it turned out to be their version, it was wattered down slop
(V): I drink Stella Artois, but have you ever tried a Canadian beer?

1. Сентября 2010, 22:05:32
Субъект: Re:I saw a case of Canadian beer at about half the price, it turned out to be their version, it was wattered down slop
The Col: ?? Like we say with Fosters.. just save ya body the trouble and pour it down the loo!! American beers are not popular here. We've got so much good stuff made in the UK and EU.

1. Сентября 2010, 21:43:59
The Col 
Субъект: What is it? Canada Day?
Сделано для The Col (1. Сентября 2010, 21:45:42)
We're her to comment on American issues, not canuck junk.There must be a hockey game going on somewhere eh, go buy a two four, and watch it...............................and don't forget my extra crispy, the perfect companion to an evening with friends and family

1. Сентября 2010, 20:36:01
Субъект: Re: check this out...
Übergeek 바둑이: So am i But i do Know who did all the work & it was THE WHITE MAN that forced slaves to come here or i should say to north america to do all the work to what is today

1. Сентября 2010, 20:08:11
Übergeek 바둑이 
Субъект: Re: check this out...
Сделано для Übergeek 바둑이 (1. Сентября 2010, 20:10:28)

> The true native canadians have the power now so why worry

I wonder where in Canada you live. I suppose having Stephen Harper as prime minister really really means Canadians have political power. But then, most Canadians are too complacent to even realize how bad the government here is. Living in Alberta all I can say is that Conservatives here are good for only one thing: giving money away to big business. People here dream that if enough oil money comes into this place, their lives will somehow be better. Nobody wants to see that all that the Conservatives ever did is give away our natural resources to Big Oil, in exchange for peanuts and scraps. The Liberals merely turned a blind eye to it and couldn't even pretend to care. The Socialists (NDP) were too worried trying to look centrist and not left wing, so they did nothing. The Green Party are just like the Liberals, except they pretend to care about the environment, as long as the Capitalist business agenda is not affected. The Bloc Quebecois can't see past the borders of Quebec and cares about nobody else and uses Quebecois nationalism as a tool to cement their own political power. Other parties are too small to even make a dent on the system. Canada probably has the most mediocre political system on the planet. At least in other parts of the World people have the guts to fight back, but we Canadians are gutless.

True native Canadians? You means First Nations like Cree, Black Foot, etc.? If you mean Frist Nations people, they are the poorest, most dispossed and least empowered people in this country. From where I stand, 60% of the people in this country are first or second generation immigrants. Most of my friends (even those with 3 or 4 generations in Canada) have immigrant relatives somewhere, or relatives outside of Canada. We are a country of immigrants. What is a true native Canadian? I am curious to know.

1. Сентября 2010, 18:24:58
Субъект: Re: check this out...
Artful Dodger: Obama is a very wise person he can change to any party he wants to he has that choice now.he is in power there now man

1. Сентября 2010, 18:17:34
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: check this out...
Übergeek 바둑이: If Obama were Republican he'd wouldn't be for huge spending on entitlements and wouldn't surround himself with so many incompetents.

1. Сентября 2010, 18:17:33
Субъект: Re: check this out...
Übergeek 바둑이: The true native canadians have the power now so why worry ? & so will Obama if givin the the chance

1. Сентября 2010, 18:07:59
Übergeek 바둑이 
Субъект: Re: check this out...
Artful Dodger:

> He said one thing, he did another. He's under-handed and totally unqualified to be
> President. He's a fish out of water. He's clueless. And he's ruining America. He's
> surrounded by a bunch of incompetents who are clueless on how to effectively run a
> government.

Is that Bush or Obama?

All presidents seem to fit your comment! Nixon? Carter? Clinton? Bush Sr.? Even Ronald Regan falls into this one.

I can say the same about all our Canadian Prime Ministers and prominent politicians. Say one thing, do another. Undermine the opposition. Use underhanded tactics to get what you want. Chose incompetent, clueless fools to the highest posts in office, etc.

If Obama were a Republican, would he be different? Maybe only in so far as giving more tax breaks to the rich. But then, all politicians are really good at giving free money to the rich in the form of tax breaks, bailouts, etc. I see little difference from one party to another, because the real infection is in the political system itself, not just individual parties.

1. Сентября 2010, 17:55:24
Papa Zoom 

1. Сентября 2010, 17:50:11
Papa Zoom 
BTW, in case you lemmings missed it, a democrat wrote that.

1. Сентября 2010, 17:49:36
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Democrats--The party of lemmings.
The great author, James Thurber, wrote a short story titled "Conversation with a Lemming."

The crux of the story is that a guy walking through the woods meets a lemming and they sit down and talk. At the end of the story, the guy says to the lemming, "You know, I never understood why every few years, you lemmings get together and commit suicide by marching into the sea."

The lemming responds, "That's interesting. I never understood why you humans don't."

Well, as concerns the Democratic Party, it seems the lemming was wrong. We've committed political suicide for the past three elections, even if it meant that that the Republicans had to pick up a sea and place it in front of us. The point is we walked into it anyway and, for the most part, didn't scream foul.

Well, how about 2006 and 2008? Are we going to go on being lemmings? So far, I don't see any Democrat shrieking about the sea that's still in our path. (Read no verifiable, election paper trails and voter disenfranchisement into that.)

1. Сентября 2010, 17:47:06
Papa Zoom 

1. Сентября 2010, 17:45:31
Papa Zoom 

1. Сентября 2010, 17:44:14
Papa Zoom 

1. Сентября 2010, 15:34:30
Сделано для "GERRY" (1. Сентября 2010, 18:09:04)
OBAMA ENDS WAR THAT THE WHITE MAN STARTED Not white people because that includes women & children & at one time women could not vote. Now Obama is of mixed color which looks like a tan to me. & some don't like his beer & as of since last night when my true native friend came with supper with KFC . When she came in the door she said them B******* charged us $ 1.25 a piece for white meat & she had a coupon 2 can dine for a $11.95 Total cost was $ 20.33 with taxes

She just added you better get the best defence for you money can buy because many law suits are coming to you from many natiions then us

THIS is from Marion Look out now WHITE MAN & THIS IS from the waggon burners in canada

I rest my case

1. Сентября 2010, 09:03:11
The Col 
Субъект: Re:
Artful Dodger:

1. Сентября 2010, 08:34:16
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re:
The Col: Now bite me.

1. Сентября 2010, 08:33:50
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re:
The Col: You play ignorant. There is no comparison and you know it. There's no getting through to people who choose to be dishonest. So that's why I ignore you.

1. Сентября 2010, 08:32:49
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re:
Tuesday: um yeah, bwild can chat here just like anyone. Who are you to tell him to take it anywhere?

1. Сентября 2010, 08:31:41
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re:
Tuesday: when liberals have no points to make (none that really matter) then always try to marginalize the opposition. But everyone knows that Fox is the only new outlet that consistently presents the liberal point of view along with conservative (and libertarian) and anything in-between. The other media outlets (NBC ABC, CBS, and their cable affiliates) are cheerleaders for Obama.

Get a tingle in your leg for Obama lately? You don't hear that crap on Fox.

1. Сентября 2010, 08:18:45
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re:
Tuesday: you're entertainment too

1. Сентября 2010, 06:26:01
The Col 
Субъект: Re:
Artful Dodger: If you base viewership on quality than how do you explain Kate plus 8?

1. Сентября 2010, 05:39:07
Субъект: Re:
"GERRY": dude...just say "NO"!

1. Сентября 2010, 03:01:45
Papa Zoom 
According the Neilson Ratings:


MON. AUG 30, 2010


  • FOXNEWS O'REILLY 3,977,000
  • FOXNEWS HANNITY 2,645,000
  • FOXNEWS BECK 2,600,000
  • FOXNEWS BAIER 2,097,000
  • FOXNEWS SHEP 1,858,000
  • FOXNEWS GRETA 1,856,000
  • MSNBC OLBERMANN 1,078,000
  • MSNBC MADDOW 1,027,000
  • MSNBC SHULTZ 699,000
  • CNN SANCHEZ 676,000
  • CNN KING 620,000
  • MSNBC HARDBALL 620,000
  • CNNHN GRACE 586,000
  • CNN COOPER 581,000

The liberal mainstream media continues to dwindle and The New Media (<span>internet, blogs, FOX News) continue to rise.

1. Сентября 2010, 02:59:18
Сделано для "GERRY" (1. Сентября 2010, 02:59:50)
Our goverment here took our Native Canadian Status Card away from them ,breaking a sighed treaty with them & now they are giving it back as they took them to court & won. So they had to pay taxes to them while they get all this through they system. ,before they get there new cards back. My best friend Marion is a Native Canadian Told me tonight when she came for supper with KFC Because she got mail from our great so called leaders here saying it will be coming in the mail soon. Watch for the law suits come out now. How many treatys have they broke & hide since day one

1. Сентября 2010, 02:36:07
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: um yah, told ya.

1. Сентября 2010, 02:32:42
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Another crooked Dem
<span>August 31, 2010

Charity begins at home

<span>Ralph Alter

on the heels of both Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters being charged
with ethics violations by the House Ethics Committee, the Dallas Morning
that Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) has been routinely
handing out scholarships from the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation
to friends and family members:
awarded nine to eleven scholarships a year from 2005 to 2008, the most
recent years for which information was available. Each of those years,
three or four winners were related to her or her district director, Rod
Givens.....Scholarships have gone to two of the Congresswoman's
grandsons, Kirk and David Johnson; to two of her great-nephews, Gregory
and Preston Moore: and to Givens' son and daughter. Givens did not
respond to requests for comment, and none of the scholarship recipients
could be reached....Of 43 scholarships awarded between 2005 and 2008, 15
went to relatives of Johnson or Givens..

1. Сентября 2010, 01:14:07
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: How about you demonstrate your claim with some actual news report and substantial evidence? (not just he said she said nonsense)
Ferris Bueller: Now, instead of hiding, prove your claim.

1. Сентября 2010, 01:12:55
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: I will, the minute you own yours.
Ferris Bueller: YOu have no case to rest. You've never ever made any case here. Just sound bites.

1. Сентября 2010, 00:14:28
The Col 
Субъект: Re:but I drank it obama self. Plenty of buzz.
(V): I remember going to a political rally in Buffalo back in 81, the Stones were also playing, skipped the rally.............I saw a case of Canadian beer at about half the price, it turned out to be their version, it was wattered down slop,I was shattered, sha doobie

1. Сентября 2010, 00:12:34
Ferris Bueller 
Субъект: Re: I will, the minute you own yours.
Artful Dodger:  With your last post on this subject, I rest my case.

1. Сентября 2010, 00:11:07
Субъект: Re:but I drank it obama self. Plenty of buzz.
The Col: It certainly would not win any awards over here in the UK or in Europe.

1. Сентября 2010, 00:09:30
The Col 
Субъект: Re:but I drank it obama self. Plenty of buzz.
(V): I'm surprised the international beer police haven't revoked their license to call it beer

1. Сентября 2010, 00:05:05
Субъект: Re:but I drank it obama self. Plenty of buzz.
The Col: American beer.... is it real??

1. Сентября 2010, 00:03:14
Субъект: Re: They have an agenda, and nothing is going to stand in the way of achieving it. They will lie, they will demonize, they will do anything to achieve it.
Artful Dodger: Isn't that what you are always doing regarding anything liberal...

31. Августа 2010, 22:44:51
The Col 
Субъект: Re:but I drank it obama self. Plenty of buzz.
Artful Dodger: They sure won't get a buzz from your American beer, that is god awful stuff, any Britt or Canadian will vouch for that

31. Августа 2010, 22:42:32
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re:but I drank it obama self. Plenty of buzz.
Tuesday: That's actually a good anology of how many on the left support Obama. They drink the Obama koolaid and get their buzz. The media has been doing this since he was first running. But the "buzz" is wearing off. Former supporters are now his critics.

31. Августа 2010, 22:39:58
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re:
Tuesday: That's ok, the only one that makes any sense is me anyway.

31. Августа 2010, 22:38:57
The Col 
Субъект: Re:
Tuesday: buzz kill

31. Августа 2010, 22:22:36
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: I will, the minute you own yours.
Ferris Bueller: Spoken like a true liberal.

How come you don't admit that NONE OF THAT was present at the Beck rally?

And are you aware that many of those signs were from liberal plants?

How about you demonstrate your claim with some actual news report and substantial evidence? (not just he said she said nonsense)

I can do that against liberals all day long. They have no message which is why they do so much name calling.

The majority of Americans reject Obama's policies. They are saying "NO" to him in a huge way. In his arrogance, he won't listen.

Even democrats are against him and that number is increasing. It's gonna get worse. Much worse.

31. Августа 2010, 22:17:54
Субъект: Re: Says it all.
The Col:

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