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<< <   657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666   > >>
25. Мая 2003, 10:24:04
Субъект: Re: DB layout
HAHAHAHA.....I have a mouse with a piece of cheese in its mouth and its head caught in a trap...will this help make things faster for me LOLOLOL....sorry harley this should be somewhere else i know but couldnt resist a bit of levity

25. Мая 2003, 04:32:33
Wizard from Oz 
Субъект: Re: DB layout
Dear Blondie, I have a mouse with a roller wheel in it. This is excellent for fast scrolling. May I suggest you invest in one of these as they are relatively cheap and overcome your present concern. :O)

24. Мая 2003, 23:53:52
Субъект: Re: DB layout
Thank you Wisperz and Harley for your replies

24. Мая 2003, 13:49:12
Субъект: Re: DB layout
But you do need to read them nearly every day as many boards get more than 50 messages each day. When this happens you will need to go back a few (sometimes many) pages but then the "new" markings disappear.

You can also change the number of messages displayed each time too although I have left mine to the standard 50. I think if you change this it changes all the boards and I expect the more messages the longer to download.

Cheers W.

24. Мая 2003, 11:53:08
Sorry, no there isn't. But its easy to scroll down quickly and stop when the 'new' sign disappears next to the post!

24. Мая 2003, 06:01:35
Субъект: DB layout
Is there a place that l can change my settings for the Db's?
When l come to the boards to read them lm reading responses before l read the question (if you know what l mean)
The first message is usually the last responce to a discussion, is there a way l can change my setting so the discussion lm reading is in order instead of haveing to scroll to the bottom and read up

22. Мая 2003, 16:50:17
Субъект: Re: Quickness
lmao we will do voodoo dances to de-jinx em!

22. Мая 2003, 16:35:19
Субъект: Re: Quickness
Rose, I know; I always take my umbrella with me, when the temperature is in the 90s. And leave of the thermal vest when the skiing temp goes below zero! How do I de-jinx these mach4 moves?

22. Мая 2003, 16:28:27
Субъект: Re: Quickness
yea it is shhhhhhhhhhhh dont jinx it!!!

22. Мая 2003, 16:25:32
Субъект: Re: same move
well i'm glad to hear other people are having the same problem with seeing the same game with same dice over and over. I thought there was something wrong with my computer, but all in all this is the best site i've played on, everyone envolved in making this site job well done :)

22. Мая 2003, 16:14:30
Субъект: Quickness
Is it just me - or has the speed of this site improved today???

22. Мая 2003, 14:33:54
Субъект: Re:
me too. so how do people still manage to enter hundreds of moves on a day like this? beats me.

22. Мая 2003, 01:58:53
Субъект: Re:
OMG me too! i played one turn with Grillyx 5 times then i said screw that er.. i mean forget that! delete delete delete! lol

22. Мая 2003, 01:56:22
Субъект: Re:
Rose: LOL, i have been here 4 hours & made 30 moved in 30 games, funny things was most of them i played the same move between 2 & 6 times, depending how the server was lolol :-)

22. Мая 2003, 01:54:03
The Glemlins are at the server again today.. all day I have been able to play about 8 games.. im going stir crazy an loco! hahaha i need my fix!

20. Мая 2003, 03:47:26
CleverHunk: I meant send me a message - like a private message on this site :-)

20. Мая 2003, 02:59:54
Субъект: Re:
ty blaze..I will.does anyone know any good multi player games & were they are online.just so we can examine them?

20. Мая 2003, 02:57:23
Субъект: Re: Kevin's Membership Competition
by send,do you mean post it here..or send somewhere as yet to be advised?

20. Мая 2003, 02:32:13
Sorry, I meant June. Thanks for pointing that out :-)

19. Мая 2003, 22:55:40
Субъект: Re: Kevin's Membership Competition
April 1st deadline??? Wow you have almost a year to register. LOL

19. Мая 2003, 22:27:01
Субъект: Kevin's Membership Competition
I have deicided to hold a membership competition, but have decided against simply giving it to the person who is best at a certain game. I also wanted to keep it open to all pawns, regardless of whether they are in a tournament or not. Here's how it will work:
1. It is open to all brain pawns who are registered on the site as of the date and time of this message (to prevent people creating multiple accounts and entering more than once)
2. You will send me a message with the title "Kevin's Membership Competition". In it, you will tell me in 100 words or less why you deserve a membership.
3. The deadline for entries will be June 1 at midnight GMT. As long as the message is dated before then, it will be accepted.
4. There will be at least one winner, but could be more depending on quality and quantity of entrants.
5. Please try and use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. If I can't understand it the first read through, i won't try and read it again.
6. Good luck everyone :-)

19. Мая 2003, 19:33:39
CleverHunk, I'm not sure whether Fencer is considering any multi-player games, though I believe at some point he intends to introduce battleboats. If you have any suggestions regarding any games in particular, you could post them up on the Feature Requests board.


19. Мая 2003, 18:22:32
ok blaze,you are right.bernice I'll post my website URL to the general chat board(is there one labelled general?will check).this isn't an ad..i just like helping people.
blaze..more to the subject,about brainking.you know what would be nice.few places(a few do) have games were more than 2 players can play a game.the strategy is interesting & fun.have any like that ever been considered by fencer?

19. Мая 2003, 09:07:06
Субъект: Re: ok, fine, you cannot pay it all at once.
CleverHunk, dragging you back into shallower water at your request. But we should take this to an appropriate board. See you on the General Chat board.


19. Мая 2003, 08:41:07
Субъект: Re: an idea
well?????......i wanna look....whats the URL?

19. Мая 2003, 08:04:26
Субъект: an idea
hi to all.I am working on a website.each pages will be a list of the "best sites"for a subject.I have an ambitious list of subjects.one of which is top game sites.brainking,in my opinion is tops in that subject & will state so on my list.when finished,I'll tell everyone were it is,If they want to peek.I hope to provide some helpful links for all.want to start a webpage for word game links.anyone know any good ones?

19. Мая 2003, 02:54:24
Субъект: Re: ok, fine, you cannot pay it all at once.
I have helped with church outreach programs,and with food & shelter help groups.you are so right about our pampered society.cable TV a basic?,you are right,not so.there ARE people that exists cant even afford a tv.
I know several people who decided to get a computer instead of a TV & use a freenet,since they can't offord both.a computer can be gotten very cheap 2nd these days.
that way,they can job-hunt & stuff online.besides,a growing number of people find TV so mind-numbing brain dead,they feel they are not missing anything.
what has the media offered us lately.
dumb paradies.
sad remakes of remakes.
rubber stamp sitcoms with the same old situations.
mike meyers movies with lame puns the 3 stooges wouldn't use.
and movies...with car crashes...shootings every 20 seconds...shallow plots,little character development..as 2 dimensional as a cartoon.
with all these alledgedly brilliant minds in hollywood,were is the creativity¿ ok,ok blazinshore,I'm getting to deep,drag me back into shallow water again.

18. Мая 2003, 12:53:43
Субъект: Re:

18. Мая 2003, 12:24:30


18. Мая 2003, 01:41:27
Субъект: Re:
No matter what time zone he's in, I still don't believe he sleeps.

18. Мая 2003, 01:39:29
Pipilo : Czech republic have gmt +1 hour . :)
Its a little big different time here :)

18. Мая 2003, 00:27:32
Субъект: Re: PayPal
Thanks. Now let me get this straight... Are you saying that Fencer actually sleeps?

17. Мая 2003, 22:51:28
Субъект: Re: PayPal
You should be upgraded the next time that Fencer is online, But rember that its saturday night over there.

17. Мая 2003, 20:22:08
Субъект: PayPal
The PayPal option from the USA is pretty easy. There are a few screens/names that could use a bit more explanation (like SWREG, and Atlantic Coast PLC), but the immediate email from Fencer was reassuring once the transaction was complete. All it took was a little persistence and trust.

(I can't help much on setting up the PayPal account, as I did that a few years ago and don't really remember much about it.)

Now let's see how long it takes for the pawn next to my name changes to the new piece. tap...tap... tap...

17. Мая 2003, 02:28:13
Субъект: Re:membership
Fencer, I can handle the USA for you. I already have my email address listed on the customer suppost section of the brainking.info page, and anyone can also message me if you need help with the process.

16. Мая 2003, 20:04:19
Субъект: Re:membership
I believe anyone wanting to send a money order should contact Fencer Directly and get the info for sending it to him. That would be best. Saves stamps!

16. Мая 2003, 18:55:55
Субъект: Re:membership
i was wondering would it be faster to go through you for a membership or sending a money order by mail.

16. Мая 2003, 13:44:45
Субъект: Re:
Any one in Canada needing help on purchasing a membership let me know. I can walk you through what to do. If you dont have a credit card or debit card we can work out ways for you to send payment to or through me and I can pass the membership fee on to Fencer Through Paypal.com
As mentioned by someone else even if you have a bank card (ATM - Debit card) you can use that with Paypal.com now as well. Any questions folks gimme a holler. You can also send Money orders in (US funds)

* Note - Paypal is in US funds not Canadian funds (unless it has changed since I used it last) so don't try to work it out in Canadian currency then try to send it in Canadian. You will send more money then is necessary

16. Мая 2003, 11:46:50
PLease try it now.

16. Мая 2003, 11:40:15
Субъект: Re: Help!
I dont know if its the same bug , but we have lost all previous messages in game id: 85991 though we have just finished it.

16. Мая 2003, 11:09:36
Fix in progress.

16. Мая 2003, 10:53:36
Субъект: Help!
I've just made my first move in a game of Atomic chess - but I can't scroll down to click to confirm the move.
I can't even scroll to get the game number.

Maybe this idea of timing the messages has introduced a bug?

16. Мая 2003, 10:36:25
Wizard from Oz 
Субъект: Re:
thanks Harley

16. Мая 2003, 10:26:17
Wizard, one option would be to send cash through the post for your membership, if you can exchange your dollars for USA dollars. Of course not everyone trusts the postal service! I'm sure there will be an Australian representative soon if you don't fancy that option.

Blaze, your meaning wasn't lost, I was just teasing!! :o)
It really doesn't bother me giving out my address, I sell on eBay and that requires me to give out my address for everything I sell (and buy!) so I'm quite used to it now!

16. Мая 2003, 10:07:09
Wizard from Oz 
Субъект: Australian rep.
If you get someone here in Australia to accept payments please let me know who it is as I don't have a card or bank account. :O)

16. Мая 2003, 09:28:46
harley, what I meant was that I would be happy to help liase with people on payment methods but am a little reluctant to actually do the transactions on their behalf (unless I actually know the person) as that would mean giving out my home address. You already offered to take on that responsibility which kinda let me off the hook anyway. My wording wasn't that good is all. I should have said exactly what I meant rather than that 'top rep' nonsence...lol.

I'm sure we'll make a good team and I'm looking forward to working with you on this :)


16. Мая 2003, 09:17:58
It doesn't matter, any "representative type" is welcome :-D No, just kidding, anybody who wants to help is welcome. THere are no limits for the list.

16. Мая 2003, 09:15:19
Aww, Blaze, give over!! LOL!! The important thing is getting the right information to the people who need it, not who is 'top rep' LOL! We can work together for the UK side of things, I reckon we'd make a good team :o)
How many people were you thinking for each country Fencer?

16. Мая 2003, 09:06:59
Субъект: Representatives
harley is definitely the person for the job as far as english British payments go as she's offered to use paypal in leui of British potal orders. I believe Rose has offered in similar vein for her country too.

Feel free to list me too, as I would be happy to liase with people on this, and help them find methods of payment; however I feel harley is the best person to be the top rep for the UK.

Fencer, it's great you are doing this; I'm looking forward to seeing the changes on the Paid Membership page and hope the site gains many new brain rooks and brain knights!


16. Мая 2003, 08:10:05
Yep, you can count me in, Fencer :o) Be glad to help.

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