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11. Декабря 2010, 16:26:57
new mexico 
Is there a way to get more vacation hours before my membership timed-out? Thanks for the info.

11. Декабря 2010, 15:50:51
Субъект: Re:
Mélusine: .. Just a matter of remembering your 24 & 12 times table otherwise.

11. Декабря 2010, 14:49:38
I like the new system using hours instead of days for vacation.
Will the number of hours for vacation also be mentioned as days, so as to have an idea about the remaining time ?

11. Декабря 2010, 09:34:47
Субъект: Events
Yes, I really forgot to add a "trash only" condition to the deletion script. Sorry. It should be fixed soon.

11. Декабря 2010, 05:20:36
Субъект: Re:
Vikings: it isnt there........I already looked before I complained.......

11. Декабря 2010, 03:02:08
Субъект: Re:
Сделано для Vikings (11. Декабря 2010, 03:02:28)
Bernice: look in your trash archive

11. Декабря 2010, 02:04:21
Субъект: Re:
Bernice: Yeah, it must be. I just noticed my Event box only goes back to Nov 11. I couldn't remember when the Event box started, so I checked Brainking.info, and it was Oct 21 or so. So, yes, automatic deletion must be happening. I would guess it only keeps things for a month.

11. Декабря 2010, 01:56:45
Субъект: Re:
rod03801: yes but it doesn't give me back the results I have lost....thanks for your help

11. Декабря 2010, 01:41:41
Субъект: Re:
Bernice: Won't the archive box work?

11. Декабря 2010, 01:40:27
Субъект: Re:
rod03801: thanks....:( that must have happened...I would rather go back to the old system...

11. Декабря 2010, 01:26:38
Субъект: Re:
Bernice: I believe Fencer contemplated having some sort of automatic deletion in that box, but I don't recall him saying he had programmed that. I see there is an "Archive" box there. I would recommend sending those you want to save to that Archive box. (If that's the one you meant they disappeared from, then I don't know what to say! lol)

11. Декабря 2010, 01:12:35
in my events box (in box) I only keep the tournaments I have won, the achievements I have won and the ponds I have won.

Can someone tell me why half of them are missing? NO I HAVNE't deleted then accidently.

11. Декабря 2010, 01:07:36
I really like the fact that is will add 1 hour to ALL GAMES - and not just the ones that timed out.

Even though it hasn't been a problem for me for awhile since I got my game count down - when I had 1,000+ games and something would come up and I was unable to play for a few days - having the time only added to games that timed out mean all my games suddenly had less then 24 hours to play... meaning sometimes it would take me a couple extra vacation days to "catch up" to normal play.

10. Декабря 2010, 22:41:01
I agree with you Fencer, less options makes an automated system less abusive. Keep it that way. Even for a turned based game-site , set rules for those who have never seen a real gameboard in their life or just people trying to abuse the system. Internet has given these options, But we / i also want to keep; a nice pace, stay interested in the games, not losing the flow, the feel and emotion of a game while waiting for an opponent.

10. Декабря 2010, 22:21:17
Субъект: Re: Vacation
nodnarbo: When people cannot set any options, they can hardly abuse a fully automatic system.

10. Декабря 2010, 22:20:13
Субъект: Re: Vacation
Fencer: You haven't learned yet? there is no ultimate solution...nothing is idiot-proof to a sufficiently talented idiot.

10. Декабря 2010, 21:43:13
Субъект: Re: Vacation Days
Fencer: great idea regarding the new vacation days, I think it will help to solve the abuse of the system

10. Декабря 2010, 21:19:17
Good decission made concerning the vacation use /abuse, lets see how it works out.

10. Декабря 2010, 19:07:00
Субъект: Re: Vacation
happyjuggler0: You might decide it's not worth using up lots of vacation to save one or two games from timing out, when you might need the vacation later in the year to save many more games from timing out. This could happen if you're desperately trying to finish your games before going away, but due to a slow player or two, you don't quite make it.

10. Декабря 2010, 19:04:34
Субъект: Re: Vacation
Because of the reason Fencer is changing it. Some like to pick their own vacation days...then cancel them so they get the extended time to play but NEVER actually use a vacation day

10. Декабря 2010, 18:57:25
Субъект: Re: Vacation
alexlee: Why would anyone want to deactivate automatic vacation time?

10. Декабря 2010, 18:53:12
Субъект: Re: Vacation
All vacation will be automatic, which also means that the calendar would be removed from Settings page (it should disable all attempts of cheating by periodical setting/unsetting of scheduled vacation days, as we could see in the past). Users of all membership levels will be allowed to activate/deactivate automatic vacation anytime.

*Users of all membership levels will be allowed to activate/deactivate automatic vacation anytime.* If we choose to deactivate automatic vacation would we then be able to schedule vacation days like before

10. Декабря 2010, 16:57:52
Субъект: Re: Vacation
cd power: I think it could be the ultimate solution.

10. Декабря 2010, 16:55:35
cd power 
Субъект: Vacation
Thank you, Fencer, for changing the vacation rules so that vacation can no longer be abused. I look forward to January 1.

1. Декабря 2010, 05:42:34
Субъект: Re:
thisbeme: i must be magical or a witch, i posted and poof, timeouts were suspended..
it certainly will make alexlee happy.

1. Декабря 2010, 05:16:10
Субъект: Re:
ellieoop:" BrainKing has detected that the site was inaccessible from 1. December 2010, 02:26:49 to 1. December 2010, 03:27:35. In order to avoid timeouts in started games, the timeout checking process has been automatically suspended. It will be reenabled as of 2. December 2010, 03:27:35. Thank you for understanding."
I think your friend should be ok

1. Декабря 2010, 05:12:16
Субъект: Re:
thisbeme: i couldn't get on and alexlee was trying to get on but had to go to work. she has some 1 day ponds and maybe other games that's she's worried about.. she would hate to lose those games.

1. Декабря 2010, 04:49:53
Субъект: Re:
Bernice: I couldn't connect about 20 minutes ago, was close to timing out as a result!!

1. Декабря 2010, 02:19:17
is any body else experiencing delays/unable to connect?

I used the "down for all or just me" and it wasn't me."

26. Ноября 2010, 22:05:37
Again you're welcome for the upgrade. And yes thats true in a way, i am nr 4 now in keryo :) I hope you challenge the other players as well to see where you are standing :) Good luck and have fun m8 ! :)

26. Ноября 2010, 22:02:56
Субъект: Re: friends list

Ok, I messed up the first time that I tried to make him a public friend, but I got it right this time.

I think that what I did the first time was click the wrong button after clicking the lock, and as a result I actually removed him from my friends list. I had to put him back on the list again, which I thought was odd at the time....

26. Ноября 2010, 22:00:12
Субъект: Re:

Wow, another membership! Thanks once again, that is generous of you, especially considering that thanks to our games together I took your number 2 spot in the keryo pente ratings list, for now anyway....

26. Ноября 2010, 18:56:43
You're welcome happyjuggler0, now you have a Knights account. Kind Regards,

26. Ноября 2010, 02:48:42
Субъект: Re: friends list
happyjuggler0: Yup, it's been asked many times.

26. Ноября 2010, 02:36:11
Субъект: Re: friends list
rod03801: Thanks rod, your instruction was perfectly helpful; now I have to wait for him to agree to allow me to put him on my public friends list.

I never saw that padlock before. The way this is set up is totally unintuitive.

rod, I don't know how to add a submission to the "tips" list, but I suggest that you do so. I can't possibly be the only person who had that question before....

26. Ноября 2010, 02:04:03
Субъект: Re: friends list
happyjuggler0: Go to your friends list. (From the link on the left, under Profile section) You will see a little padlock next to his/her name. Click that.

26. Ноября 2010, 01:01:35
Субъект: friends list
A few days ago someone bought me a membership, so I put him on my friends list. When he is online, the right side of my screen shows his name.

However I don't see his name on my profile as a public friend. Why not? What do I have to do to make that happen?


21. Ноября 2010, 15:03:39
Субъект: Re: "Go to next game of similar type" button
El Cid: There will be 13 groups and 11 subgroups of game types in the next BrainKing version, so I guess the "go to next" action should be a little more meaningful.

21. Ноября 2010, 13:44:31
El Cid 
Субъект: Re: "Go to next game of similar type" button
thisbeme: According to brainking they are all of the type "other", but yes, maybe 2 or 3 division in the "other" type would be more than welcome

21. Ноября 2010, 12:05:22
Субъект: "Go to next game of similar type" button
Apparently Jungle, Assimilation, Dice Pokers, Mastermind, Frogs Legs/frogfinder, Mancala, Froglet are all of" similar type".
To my mind the relationship isn't obvious. When I want to go to a similar game it is from triple/not triple dice poker 6d to dice poker 5d not mancala/assimilation/etcera!

13. Ноября 2010, 19:04:49
Субъект: Re: auto-pass?
Roberto Silva: thank you, Roberto. no wonder i couldn't find it...seems to me a weird place for it. but yes, it would be nice to get Ludo on that list.

13. Ноября 2010, 18:40:47
Субъект: Re: auto-pass?
Roberto Silva:
I agree I timed out with 1 legal move! in couple of games!
Checkers/chess/knightfight could also have autopass/automove for the situations where there is only one legal move!

13. Ноября 2010, 01:31:37
Roberto Silva 
Субъект: Re: auto-pass?
plaintiger: Settings --> Game filter --> scroll down

Currently only available for backgammon variants. We definitely need an option for Ludo as well.

13. Ноября 2010, 00:38:39
Субъект: auto-pass?
it seems to me there was an "auto-pass" feature on the site a while back; i never knew what it was for, but i think i've figured it out: i'm playing a game of Ludo; would auto-pass prevent me from being notified that it's my turn when i can't make a move, and just pass the turn for me? and if so, where is the auto-pass setting? i want to turn it on!


9. Ноября 2010, 07:17:26
Good Luck :)FLR 
Субъект: happy bthday
to the big boss Fencer

7. Ноября 2010, 14:35:29
Субъект: Re:
coan.net: Ok, I'll do it next time. Thank you for the information, I didn't know it was possible.

7. Ноября 2010, 06:02:00
Субъект: Re:
Mélusine: Once any fellowship tournament starts (team challenge or site team tournament) - you can LEAVE that team at any time and join another fellowship's team. There is nothing keeping you on that team once the tournament starts.

I just tested it - I was in one fellowships for the Knight Fight team - I had already removed myself from that team (continuing to play the games for that tournament), and joined another team. Not sure about the issue when a fellowship is deleted, probable just a bug in programming, but for normal running fellowships, you shouldn't be trapped and should be free to join another team if you want.

7. Ноября 2010, 03:46:02
And I don't speak about games (in team tournaments) you play for f/s which have been deleted after the beginning of the tournament.
For what I said before (a team with less than 4 players) you can hope to find another player, but when the f/s is deleted : you're convicted ! : you have to wait the end of the tournament (shall I speak again about slow players ?! ).
But, in this case, you're also punished ! : at the end of the tournament, you're blocked and can't join no more teams for this game. Luck is with you because Fencer had the good idea to create a bug tracker and each time I asked, this problem has been solved (thanks to him).
But I must admit this irritates me a little and I've actually this problem with 4 games and I've not informed, so I'm blocked for these games.

7. Ноября 2010, 03:26:49
Субъект: Re: Every team should have a captain
" it has been requested before, that there should be a way for players in teams to either make themselves available or not without having to leave & rejoin teams " : I totally agree with that.
And I'd like to be able to join several teams for the same game. Because when I like a game, I'd like to play it more often. I understand that it can make a problem when the 2 teams where you are play together, but in this case, only one choice would be possible (for the player) for example.
I say this, because sometimes you join a team, you play several tournaments and suddenly (I don't know why) many players leave the team and you're now less than 4 in the team, so you can't play other tournaments (because not enough players) and you can't leave the team for another because the tournaments aren't finished (even YOU have finished).
And we'll speak again about slow players.... (it will remember something to Gouwe gover and Gabriel Almeida - a discussion we had on another board).

6. Ноября 2010, 16:55:52
Субъект: Re: Every team should have a captain
coan.net: OK, so how about by default the Big Boss of every Fellowship should be in the Teams (that have been created) and then also made Captain, then if someone would like to take over it is easy, BUT to have the Boss join Teams (even if he does not play) just so he can put the Teams into a Tournament is pretty stupid really
You know the Madhouse tries to enter a Team all the time in any Tournament that is there, but getting players is one thing, trying to fins a Captain is something else (though i have to admit, i do not know why).

Gouwe gozer : It is simple, if you want to play in a Tournament, join that Team, once the team is entered, then leave....no problem.

Fencer : I am Captain of many of my Teams, BUT i do not always play, simply for a fact as that it is a game i can not play or i am crap at, but i make myself Captain just so we can take part.

ALSO, it has been requested before, that there should be a way for players in teams to either make themselves available or not without having to leave & rejoin teams. A better way would be able to set your own parameters for a Tournament in your settings (i.e. you will play if it is 5 days, standard vacation etc...).

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