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1. Июня 2004, 03:22:07
Субъект: Re:
I'm getting the white screens, and the "did not respond to request" stuff...

30. Мая 2004, 17:19:26
Субъект: Re:
I want to know why the user agreement is not valid?
What is up with that?
Haven't people been banned and removed and such, for breaking the user agreement?
How was anyone supposed to know that it was not valid?
Can anyone help me understand what the ... is going on here?

23. Мая 2004, 19:38:57
Субъект: Re: Fencer
Is that a hint for auto pass Ug?

21. Мая 2004, 15:35:22
Субъект: Re:
Thanks Bumble... I guess I never did read the rules before :)

LOL @ Harley, This discussion should move to the Backgammon board...Then posts again on the subject... Cracked me up!...

21. Мая 2004, 15:18:12
Субъект: Re: Just to make sure
I am not familiar with that rule....what does it state?
Thanks :)

21. Мая 2004, 15:05:14
Субъект: Re: Just to make sure
I dont get the cheating question iou...
There is no way to cheat in backgammon, as there are no moves 'in poor taste" as Sharon contends...

What am I missing here?

Are you trying to say that "swapping the dice" is somehow cheating or in poor taste?

18. Апреля 2004, 14:54:35
Related to my last question about the 'go to next' option.... I know BK 2 will be different, but if a game is at the top of my list, and I hit the play later opton, that game should not continue to come to the top of my list...I may want to play all of my games except a few, which I need more time on. As it works now, I have to skip over those games after every move, to get to a game I want to play...
Play later should mean just that, later, not right after my next move....

Just a thought :)

16. Апреля 2004, 23:32:23
Does anyone know... When you use the 'move and go to' link when playing a game, how is the order of the games listed determined?

It seems the same game keeps returning to the top of the list, and I constantly have to skip it over it. They are not listed in the same order as they are on my main page. The only thing I can think of is the y are listed by the start date of the game?
Thanks for any help :)

13. Апреля 2004, 19:35:53
Субъект: Re:
Is there a way to change it on this site? I am using webtv...

13. Апреля 2004, 19:14:45
I'm not sure what IE is.. I went into settings and found no link to change font size, or view...can you give me more help? Thanks

13. Апреля 2004, 17:09:59
Is the font or something changed on the main page? My list of fellowships and discussion boards seems like the print is smaller, or thinner or something...anyone else notice this?

5. Апреля 2004, 05:11:44
Субъект: Re:
yeah, im having more problems again too...

5. Апреля 2004, 04:36:02
Субъект: Re:
Yeah, I powered off and reset my system, Im better now :)

5. Апреля 2004, 03:22:14
Just me? Or is this site running on slow motion tonight?

4. Апреля 2004, 19:34:20
Субъект: Re: Re tablut game 178202
I agree with Whisperz....

24. Марта 2004, 17:59:22
Thanks Nikki :)
Thats pretty clear cut, and easy to see.... even those lazy ones out there shouldnt have too much problem with that one !

24. Марта 2004, 17:51:08
Субъект: Re:
Is it just me? I dont see my ratings on my profile page...

22. Марта 2004, 14:30:55
What does anyone care why you put them on your enemie list? If you dont want to see messages from them, why then would they care to see a message from you, especially one that tells them that you thought they were derogetory, or some other personal opinion of yours?

22. Марта 2004, 14:28:25
Субъект: Re:
What does anyone care if you resign all of your tournament games with them anyway???? It would make me happy :)

17. Марта 2004, 14:52:01
Субъект: Re:
I think its a cachee thingy, Bernice...
Most likely a WEBTV thingy too...
It happens to me , I am on WEBTV, and powering off, and other usual tricks work well to stop it from happening...

11. Марта 2004, 19:15:41
Субъект: Re:
i've had a couple times where in backgammon I move my first piece in a turn, and then after the move the dice turn up from the previous move. I hit the back button to start the turn again, this ussually takes care of it :)

26. Февраля 2004, 20:00:06
Субъект: Re:
Lyth..it happens whenever you argue with someone on the debate boards ....LOL

I have been fine today.

25. Февраля 2004, 21:26:59
of course....

25. Февраля 2004, 20:39:16
Субъект: Whats Up?
Not sure what happened....
I recently posted her, and on uncensored debate, and on debate club, and all of my most recent posts are gone now????
On the debate club board, all see is the very first post whic is linda saying welcome and have fun debating...(i assume it is the first post) and nothing else is there.

I have also begun to see the white screen again, and the 'can't use that type of info' pop up.

Anyone else? or just me?
Thanks :(

24. Февраля 2004, 20:55:12
Субъект: Re: Current River
NO need to debate this here...E are all trying to help, just that the benefits of erasing cookies is not clear, I would be leary...

24. Февраля 2004, 20:50:31
Субъект: Re: Current River
Thats one time for every site you visit, and sometimes remembering wich ID and password you used, or email addy, can be trouble :)

24. Февраля 2004, 20:39:00
Субъект: Re: Current River
It is also debatable whether it makes any difference, or helps at all.

Again, the downside is that you will lose all of your auto log ins, and for some people, that is a huge downside problem....

23. Февраля 2004, 21:32:08
Субъект: Re:

I have brainking on F4 also :)

23. Февраля 2004, 21:24:41
Субъект: Re:
I had my machine unplugged all day while I was gone, and came right here first, everything should be cleared.
Are we all talking webtv? If so maybe we could continue at the webtv fellowship...
Is anyone without webtv having problems?

23. Февраля 2004, 21:22:15
Субъект: Re:
Yeah, I can't even click on my main page right now, and there is a backgammon game where one piece wont let me move it.

For the white screen, I usually just hit the back button, then scroll up to the main page link and go from there. This might be quicker for you :)

23. Февраля 2004, 20:46:51
Субъект: 'kind of information that can't be used'
I keep getting this message the past several days. It varys from tome to time where it happens. I have cleared my cache etc... Sometimes it is in a game, other times it is trying to get to the main pqge.

Is anyone else with this problem?

Also, I asked before, but it got lost.
hen the game time is suspended, the time continues to run on the games. Is this right?
It seems to me that if the site is having problems enough to use the game time out option, then the game clocks should stop also.
What am I missing here?
Yhanks :)

23. Февраля 2004, 02:34:23
Why....If there is site trouble, and the time is turned off....does the time left in our games, keep running?

23. Февраля 2004, 02:27:56
So...even though 'game time is suspended' ... The time continues to run out on games?

Thanks :)

17. Февраля 2004, 20:53:40
Субъект: Re:
Yeah steve, me too, for a few days now. Mine says either the server is too busy to use or hat the site ran into a technical problem, or sometimes even that that item cannot be used. Its been frustrating to say the least. I'm sure it has been so slow around here because others are having similar problems. I bet it is taken care of soon, as always.

Good luck Fencer et al.!!!!

17. Февраля 2004, 19:51:27
$4K for a new server? That doesn't sound so bad to me. Especially for a site with 9K members 1K or so who are paying. A new car costs 20K or more. 4K sounds pretty cheap, especially if it makes the site run so much smoother, I think you could recoup that cost with new paying members in no time.

As far as members wanting to pay for it, well that is all good, if they want to, but as pointed out before, most businesses invest their own money to get things started and then recoup that investement through people buying or using theit product. Unless they raise capitol from the public, in which case it shoul'd be those investors who reap any future profits.

IMO, if this new server is so vital to the future of this site, then it should be worth the invesment, even if it means going into debt temporarily, by the owners of he site.

I'm willing to bet they could get more people to donate money to the cause after the fact, when they can see what their money is going for, and see what a smooth running site this is. Instead of dragging it out over the next months or years, or getting people to commit through advance memberships, which will only catch up with you in the long run.

I say take out a loan for the 4K and get it over with, and get this site where it should be, the best game site on the web. Your rewards will be ten fold, minimum!!!!

8. Февраля 2004, 22:22:53
Субъект: Re: LJ&UCK
No, never....

Is it any good?
Is it for suggestions? Or for debating the merits of suggestions?
Does anything ever get implimented?

8. Февраля 2004, 21:48:11
Субъект: Re:
It is because of the anonimity of this site, that people can get away with being so rude in the first place.

I like your idea, maybe a little public humiliation will shame them into playing their games.
And it would help people like me from accidently playing games with these people.

Although, these types probably enjoy the attention and people would be competing to be the one with the most started games.

8. Февраля 2004, 21:29:11
Субъект: Just had an idea...
Ban anyone with a certain percentage of games waiting to be played, from posting on any message boards....

It would force some people, who are unable to use personal control, to limit their amount of started games to how many they can actually play :)

I do understand that many people prefer, and don't get frustrated with longer games. If someone really wants to only make one move every 10 days or one a month, and that is okay with their opponent, thats fine. Just inform your opponent that that is the case, so they know. Put it in your profile... I have many games and will most likely use the whole time limit for every move.
It is the person whoslow plays for pleasure in others frustration that fires me up!

29. Января 2004, 18:44:21
Субъект: Re: Bush
Lyth and Pedro...why don't you check out the uncensored debates.... you could give us some solid arguements for why you want to ge rid of Bush instead of just the general comment "get rid of Bush, yeah, me too..."

9. Января 2004, 14:53:02
Субъект: Re: BBW
The point I was making is that if you have 50 games going, only one of those 50 games per month (undr the suggestion by Scooter) would have to be by someone rated below you. It sounds to me like it would not affect someone playing many games at all. It is a system in attempt to get rid of high ranked players who do not play any games at all in order to keep their name at the top of the leader board. Some people come here win a few games with the right people, get a high ranking, and leave, never to play again. I recently invited a player ranked slightly higher than me, who has only 5 games to his credit, to a game of Reversi. He declined the invitation. This type of system would force players like this to play at least one game a month, if invited, or lose some standing on the leader board. It would not effect active players like yourself at all. Sorry if you felt personally attacked by my previous post, I just didn't think your reasoning had any merit. I am sorry.

9. Января 2004, 04:24:25
Субъект: Re: BKR ratings
Sounds like a lot of hot air to me. All Scooter suggested was to accept one game per month from a player lower rated within 200 points of yourself. Not wanting this type of system is one thing. But some of the excuses I have seen here make no sense. Worrying about a pawn, or that you don't like to play certain people. One game a month, surely you could find one player you don't dislike... Quit all the whining.... Just say you don't like it, and leave the lame excusses at home :)

4. Января 2004, 21:24:55
Субъект: Invites to clubs...
I didn't know we (pawns) could get invited to join club discussions... Any more info how this is done? and by whom? etc...

3. Января 2004, 17:26:49
Субъект: Re: The cynics view
Sounds like sour grapes to me, Noholds...Especially frome someone with a Nic like yours.(As the term No Holds Barred, means that anything goes) You say that you will never tell someone how to spend their money, yet "suggest" That they could find better causes for their money??? If that is your logic, I would suggest that no matter how anyone spends their money, there could always be a better use for it!
Sorry, as a non paying member, I am not allowed to post in the Debate forum...

25. Декабря 2003, 18:59:55
Субъект: Re:
If you want to take 2 months to finish a game

24. Декабря 2003, 22:41:33
Субъект: Re: Harley...
I'm not sure if I'm missing something here.... I am playing one game that is 3 days per move. After I completed my turn, my game sheet shows 11 days 23 hours before time out. Why so long? Even if it counts my opponents 3 days, and then my three days and 2 days for each of us for a weekend, it doesn't add up.
Also, I see my opponents weekend days listed, both on the game page and their profile page, but cannot find their vacation time listed. Is it only listed if they are presently using it? Thanks again.

24. Декабря 2003, 22:25:27
Субъект: "Time left in game" Question...
When my game page states that there are 15 days left in a game (For example), What does that time include? Ie, Weekends? Holidays? My opponents time to move? Total time before my next turn ends? (This is when it shows my list of opponents turn to move) hanks.
Also, How do I find out an opponents vacation schedule?

10. Декабря 2003, 22:07:56
Субъект: Re:
Thanks. I can see that now. Only half of my page was loading, so I was able post a message but unable to scroll down far enough to read anything.I wil be patient, and wait for things to get fixed. Good luck!

10. Декабря 2003, 21:32:31
Субъект: Hello...
Is anybody out there???
Major problems goin on here...
Whats happening? Am I the only one?

8. Декабря 2003, 23:56:14
Субъект: Re: Web TV?
WebTV access cost is similar to a computer, but costs less than $100 to buy. It does not have the capacity of a computer, but works fine for sites like this one, and is far more versitile than most people realize. It is also great for those of us who watch a lot of tv, since it has some great features which help orgainize recording, and other tv viewing help. I also like the fact that I access everything from a remote key board and can play games from my couch, and my 72 inch tv is my monitor! I could go on... but if you need more info send me a private message.

8. Декабря 2003, 22:48:39
Субъект: Re:
Thanks Harley... I am WebTV... I turned my power off and unplugged for a few and when I came back it was fine also.

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