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24. Июля 2009, 07:17:31
Субъект: Re: online status setting?
Pedro Martínez: OK, I swear there used to be a setting for that. Maybe I need a brain check. ;-)


24. Июля 2009, 02:41:22
Pedro Martínez 
Субъект: Re: online status setting?
Thad: No, there isn't. BK deems you to have logged out after 5 minutes of inactivity.

24. Июля 2009, 02:26:30
Субъект: online status setting?
Isn't there a way to set how long your status remains online without reloading or clicking on a page before you appear as offline? I can't find it.

24. Июля 2009, 02:12:52
Субъект: Re:
Pedro & coan.net: ok, just needs re-wording then

Have to have a discussion or some suggestions i think about a re-design (dont tell Fencer lol) of that whole signing up process.....put them together on the Facebook page

24. Июля 2009, 02:05:29
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: I also believe if a team has 0 members signed up on the team, it will also not show. But yes, Pedro is correct - if a team already has enough players, it will not show.

24. Июля 2009, 02:02:03
Pedro Martínez 
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: Yes, I am. Once a team reaches the required number of players, it is not shown among the "teams open to join" (or whatever it is called). And yes, I agree that "teams looking for players" would be more appropriate.

24. Июля 2009, 01:53:06
Субъект: Re:
Pedro Martínez: Are you sure that is the reason, i am sure it was not there yesterday when i set it as main team

Either way, it should still be there as the Team is still open, maybe the Open teams to join: should be changed to Teams looking for Players: is you are correct

24. Июля 2009, 01:34:01
Pedro Martínez 
Субъект: Re:
Сделано для Pedro Martínez (24. Июля 2009, 01:40:39)
MadMonkey: It is not there because there already are enough players on that team to sign it up.

24. Июля 2009, 01:29:30
I am not in any Pente Team (not shocking really as i am rubbish at it lol). Anyway, there is a Team Tournament coming up, though when i look at the Tournament, i see this:

Match type: Normal game
Tournament type (?): two games (switched colors) for each two players
Minimum number of teams: 4
Maximum number of teams: unlimited
Maximum number of teams per section: 8
Number of team players: 5
Time control (?): 5 days 5 hours, standard vacation
Status: open
Last term to sign up: 25. August 2009, 04:00:00

You are not a captain of Pente team.

Open teams to join: Radost z vítězství (4), ☼ ¥εstεrday's Wørld ☼ (3), Kapříci (3), ITALIANS DO IT BETTER :D (3), World Federation of Pente (3), The Teamplayers (2), Velká A'tuin (2), THE IMMORTALS (2), Club WebTV (1), Purple World (1), The Mercenaries (1), THE WELCOME MAT (1), The Sunshine Club (1), "Le" Club (1), ABSTRAKTA (1), Polish Power (1)

NOW, that is all very interesting, i can join any of those Teams (well, IF i was in half those Fellowships lol), but agreed, the Teams are open to join if i was a member of the appropriate Fellowship

So, my question is......WHY is the Madhouse Team not in that list ? Is it just because i am boss of it ?
Can someone else look who is not in a Team and tell me what they see please

19. Июля 2009, 12:20:48
Субъект: Re: is there a reason
Сделано для Snoopy (21. Июля 2009, 05:04:45)
Fencer: ah yes i had a feeling that might be the cause

19. Июля 2009, 12:13:22
Субъект: Re: is there a reason
Imsoaddicted: It happens when BrainKing is being restarted, due to small changes or upgrades. Such downtime usually takes only a couple of seconds and the site is not available during this time period.

19. Июля 2009, 12:03:16
Субъект: Re: is there a reason
Fencer: the page i keep going to is

fast browser search then gaves me a list of pages on brainking which i can click on to come back in..lol

19. Июля 2009, 11:35:57
Субъект: Re: is there a reason
Imsoaddicted: What is "a page outside of site"?

19. Июля 2009, 11:18:01
Субъект: is there a reason
why today when i press on move button i keep getting taken to a page outside of site
its becomming very frustrating

18. Июля 2009, 06:19:06
Субъект: Re:
nodnarbo: Fencer is in Tahiti, working on some new smileys, yeah right...

18. Июля 2009, 00:08:10
Субъект: Re:
nodnarbo: Good idea. I just did it.

17. Июля 2009, 23:27:51
Субъект: Re:
Fencer: How about adding this link somewhere in the description of the Feature request board. Most people don't go back in the archives of brainking.info very far to read articles, and I'm sure there are a lot who've never read that article, but would benefit from reading it.

17. Июля 2009, 21:22:05
oh cool- thanks Pedro and Fencer

17. Июля 2009, 20:48:08
Субъект: Re:
Fencer: Thank you

17. Июля 2009, 20:43:15
Субъект: Re:

17. Июля 2009, 20:22:04
El Cid 
Субъект: Re:
AbigailII: Sometime ago, I've asked on feature requests forum, that the chosen vacation days only disapear from our profile at the end of the day, and not at the begining, just to avoid this kind of problems. Seems Fencer didn't see it, or didn't care, for the request

17. Июля 2009, 20:20:05
Субъект: Re:
alilsassy: That's another thing to be improved in the new BrainKing.

17. Июля 2009, 19:48:53
Субъект: Re:
Imsoaddicted& baddessi: Thank you both for your help......I was getting so confused with all the red numbers.
The minus now makes since with the changing of calendar and auto/vac. features.

I have to agree with cd power's when he said "I don't see the logic behind having any other fancy rules."
0 should mean 0

17. Июля 2009, 19:37:32
Субъект: Re:
Pedro Martínez: Thank you

17. Июля 2009, 19:31:55
Pedro Martínez 
Субъект: Re:

17. Июля 2009, 19:31:09
Субъект: Re:
Сделано для Snoopy (17. Июля 2009, 19:32:47)
alisassy: it goes into negative time when ppl change anything on the calendar page
earlier today i changed mine by turning my auto vacation day box off
quite a few of my games went to -3 days 23 hrs but over the next half a hour or so it recalculates the timings and sorts itself out

of course in my case its cause ive got way to many games..lol

17. Июля 2009, 19:28:29
Субъект: Re:
Сделано для baddessi (17. Июля 2009, 19:29:21)
alilsassy: just wanted you to know that I saw your question and looked all thru help and FAQ and couldn't find any explanations for vacation days. This might be a good thing to request on "featured Requests" board. Just wanted you to know that I looked and couldn't find an answer for you. It is confusing!

17. Июля 2009, 19:28:03
I went back to check it again 1 minute later & it says"

Backgammon Christmas in July ********* white 4. 10 hours 36 mins

I'm so confused LOL

17. Июля 2009, 19:18:55
Субъект: Re:
Сделано для alilsassy (17. Июля 2009, 19:21:03)
cd power:: I think there's a site problem too.  Check this out...I just copied & pasted it from my games list"
Backgammon     Christmas in July      *********     white     4.      -13 hours 17 mins
Is the clock suppose to have -13 hours?
I understand this particular person has auto-vacation, but I've never seen the red clock minus by so many hours until last night.

17. Июля 2009, 19:16:07
Субъект: Re:
Czuch: Happens to me a lot too, in Firefox.

17. Июля 2009, 19:06:59
cd power 
Субъект: Re:
Czuch: Have you exited your browser (completely closed it) and then reloaded it? That always works for me, as I have had the same issue.

17. Июля 2009, 19:03:16
II dont know if this might be related, probably not... but I have noticed that when I refresh this page manually, by using the "main page" link, it refreshes just fine. But when I leave it and it tries to refresh on its own, the page never finishes reloading, my little clock thingy at the top right corner of my screen just keeps on spinning and spinning

Is this a site problem, or my browser issue? It could have something to do with why games wont time out correctly? I would assume that the fact that no comment from Fencer means that he is working right now to correct some sort of issue?

17. Июля 2009, 17:53:12
Субъект: Re:
cd power: I was also hoping Fencer would give us some insight on the situation as well. I'm sure that it has said (0) no vacation days remaining for more than 48 hours now.
Is there a location I can go to here at BK to read up on the time out system so that I can better understand what is going on?

17. Июля 2009, 17:32:35
cd power 
Субъект: Re:
AbigailII: I have also been confused for many years by the vacation day system. If a person's vacation days show zero, then when the clock counts down to zero, it should be a timeout, period. I don't see the logic behind having any other fancy rules.

17. Июля 2009, 17:27:49
Субъект: Re:
rod03801: I am in the same timezone as the site uses, and what I saw happened on Friday server time. Also, I would normally see which vacation days a person has set, or whether a person uses auto-vacation. This wasn't show for the person discussed - perhaps this piece of information disappears when the number of vacation days is 0?

Perhaps Fencer could add a little tidbit of information which indicates whether a player has taken a vacation day (be it by setting the date, or auto-vacation kicking in earlier that day) "today" (A dot of some colour next to the number of vacation days remaining will do). This can avoid confusion in the future.

Still, what I don't understand is, if a person who has Saturday and Sunday set as weekend days, times out on a Friday, and Friday is either a vacation day, or autovacation kicks in, why does that person have 24 hours added to the clock, and not 72?

17. Июля 2009, 17:02:57
Субъект: Re:

17. Июля 2009, 16:22:38
Субъект: Re:

17. Июля 2009, 16:18:25
Субъект: Re:
alilsassy: dont worry about it
i sometimes dont understand it after 6 years

17. Июля 2009, 16:08:31
Субъект: Re:
rod03801: I'm in the US as well. I understand what you, Pedro and Imsoaddicted & (V) are saying.
When I see red numbers counting down on games, I tend to go to the players profile & check for vacation days, week-ends, auto, etc. especially before I mention it to anyone.
Thank you.....I'll just sit back & wait patiently.

17. Июля 2009, 15:20:35
Субъект: Re:
Сделано для rod03801 (17. Июля 2009, 15:20:52)
alilsassy: You need to remember, that the day starts at midnite Czech time. I'm not positive where you are, but here in the Eastern U.S. the "new day" starts at 6pm.

I believe Pedro and Imsoaddicted are correct as well. It is her last vacation day. Her vacation days remaining probably turned to zero at 6pm eastern yesterday (which would explain why you say it has been "two" days). I would imagine at 6pm eastern, she will start timing out.

17. Июля 2009, 15:15:24
Субъект: Re:
AbigailII: Thank you for understanding. I was beginning to think I wasn't comprehending the time out guide lines. I'll watch a lil' closer today & see if things work itself out.

17. Июля 2009, 13:11:10
Субъект: Re:
AbigailII: Well then... The person is going to lose alot of games if she don't come on. Problem solved!

17. Июля 2009, 12:44:53
Pedro Martínez 
Субъект: Re:
AbigailII: I believe Imsoaddicted is right about today being her last vacation day. Those game she timed out in were all no-days-off games, so vacation days don't apply to them.

17. Июля 2009, 11:55:04
Субъект: Re:
(V): Actually, I did check her weekend settings: it's Saturday and Sunday. And today is not listed as a vaction day for her. Nor can today be an autovacation day for her, as she timed out yesterday, and hasn't been at BK since Tuesday - she cannot have changed her setting since her last timeout.

17. Июля 2009, 11:38:15
Субъект: Re:
Bernice: I had the same problem.
Now is OK

17. Июля 2009, 11:30:34
Субъект: Re:
Bernice: yes i was for 20 minutes its ok again now.

17. Июля 2009, 11:22:41
Сделано для Bernice (17. Июля 2009, 11:22:59)
ive been hanving terrible prob with half loaded pages....eg my games are there but nothing on the right hand side of the page is.

any others having the same problem???

OOPS.........sems to be OK at the moment

17. Июля 2009, 10:46:15
Субъект: Re:
Сделано для Snoopy (17. Июля 2009, 10:48:43)
(V): lol i know that but if i had a vacation day set for say Sunday it would show on my profile until the day changes to Sunday then it goes away i beleive

i know what i mean just not good at explaining things

17. Июля 2009, 10:41:43
Субъект: Re:
Imsoaddicted: The account will tell you such info. Such info is open so people can check. Like your weekend days being Friday and Saturday

17. Июля 2009, 10:33:02
Субъект: Re:
Сделано для Snoopy (17. Июля 2009, 10:37:16)
(V): ive just been watching the same account and all her games are going back 24 hours
and the only reason i can think of for it doing that she had today set has a vacation day

i guess we have to wait until Monday to see what happens then

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