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16. Ноября 2009, 13:54:01
Субъект: Re: google chrome
Snoopy: Well, i can everywhere now, BUT like i said it is sooooooo slow. I type in the address and hit return, and it just sits there as if it is not going to do anything, then after a good minute it will start to load the page

16. Ноября 2009, 13:49:15
Субъект: Re: google chrome
Snoopy: Ignore the PM i sent you

I can get on everywhere apart from Facebook using Chrome, BUT it is VERY slow

16. Ноября 2009, 13:21:33
Субъект: Re: google chrome
Fencer: really strange now ive managed to get in using chrome but every time i click on something it crashes
i shall remove it and download it again

16. Ноября 2009, 13:17:48
Sylfest Strutle 
Субъект: Re: google chrome
Snoopy: Works fine for me with both G Chrome and Chromium

16. Ноября 2009, 13:15:17
Субъект: Re: google chrome
Snoopy: No problems at all. But it sounds like a cookie issue. Make sure cookies are not disabled in your Chrome or blocked by a firewall etc.

16. Ноября 2009, 13:10:39
Субъект: google chrome
anyone else having problems logging in using google
just keeps taking me back to log in page everytime i try

15. Ноября 2009, 12:21:57
Субъект: Re: Help
MadMonkey: Thanks......:} I thought it was saying that the particular game in question was a draw....lol...ding...good morning...:} another cup please

15. Ноября 2009, 12:15:04
Субъект: Re: Help
Сделано для MadMonkey (15. Ноября 2009, 12:29:46)
Doris: yes, it was a 2 game match and you won that one, where as you opponent won the other...so 1 : 1

2 games match
The match is a draw.
Score: Doris: 1.0, AlsknWolfGodess: 1.0

15. Ноября 2009, 12:03:21
Субъект: Re: Help
Fencer: yes, I won the game, but it says it's a draw? Is there something that I'm not seeing there?http://brainking.com/en/ArchivedGame?g=4205378

15. Ноября 2009, 11:57:05
Субъект: Re: Help
Doris: 2-game match, 1:1 score?

15. Ноября 2009, 11:50:04
Субъект: Help
I'm a bit confused.......Why is this game a draw?
Crowded Backgammon (AlsknWolfGodess vs. Doris)

14. Ноября 2009, 11:09:37
Субъект: Re: game
lsmiles44:There are several ways:
1. You can choose one from the list of "Waiting games" on the main menu
2. Or go to "New game" and choose a game to add to waiting games list for others to accept
3. Click on a player's profile and invite them to a particular game
4. Post what you'd like to play on here and I'm sure someone will invite you, to get you started

If you need any more help please ask.

14. Ноября 2009, 10:37:09
Субъект: Re: game
lsmiles44: What would you like toplay ?

14. Ноября 2009, 04:36:32
Субъект: game
how do i start playing a game 9on here

10. Ноября 2009, 15:48:19
Субъект: Re: Are the timeouts frozen?
rabbitoid: Something is wrong as this Team Tournament was meant to start at 11.00am today

Nov 2009 Break Break Breakthrough

10. Ноября 2009, 14:47:37
Субъект: Are the timeouts frozen?
Сделано для rabbitoid (10. Ноября 2009, 14:48:38)
The ponds are overdue.
Devil Rays Pummel The Brewers 8-2
1h 47mins

10. Ноября 2009, 12:30:57
I am sure Fencer had a GREAT Birthday yesterday, though i bet he was working

Anyway, does anyone know who or rather what Fencer shares his Birthday with

NO, ok i will tell you

FIVE years ago, on the 9th November 2004 a new Browser first appeared

FIREFOX was born

So i wish Fencer a Happy belated Birthday and Firefox a Happy 5th Birthday, and many more to come

Firefox celebrates fifth birthday

8. Ноября 2009, 16:38:15
Субъект: Re:
Tuesday & Rose: take it to PM please ... further messages of this will be deleted

4. Ноября 2009, 12:34:30
Gouwe gozer 
Сделано для Gouwe gozer (4. Ноября 2009, 12:35:15)
Aah, I see I'm not the only one that send you a reply
I asked you too why you send me a message

4. Ноября 2009, 11:29:47
I beg you, help me to be a member tour!

I dream every day and every night!



4. Ноября 2009, 10:57:46
not blocked

4. Ноября 2009, 10:43:43
Субъект: there must be something very wrong
when i receive a message begging me to buy someone a membership and when i go to reply i find said user has me blocked

surely the pawn registry is enough for ppl without spamming ppl's in boxes to

3. Ноября 2009, 20:29:36
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re: question

3. Ноября 2009, 18:12:43
Субъект: Re: question
Artful Dodger: At the end...

3. Ноября 2009, 18:05:31
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: question
On ratings calculations:  Are ratings determined by the rating differences at the start of the game or at the end?  Thanks in advance. 

29. Октября 2009, 00:43:15
Субъект: Re: Repeating positions.
Roberto Silva: That is nice to know I have never looked into it, but on that i think it should be by win..... BKR should have nothing to do witrh it

28. Октября 2009, 19:51:26
Roberto Silva 
Субъект: Re: Repeating positions.
MadMonkey: It depends on how you set the tournament. In a normal tournament a draw will result in the weakest player going through. If you set the tournament as "1 win matches" the game will be replayed until there's a winner.

28. Октября 2009, 18:02:30
Субъект: Re: Repeating positions.
cd power: I agree, Elimination should NEVER be about BKR, there should always be a winner

28. Октября 2009, 17:59:11
Субъект: Re: Repeating positions.
AbigailII: So.... am i missing something ? Draw = New game ? whats wrong ?

28. Октября 2009, 16:26:19
cd power 
Субъект: Re: Repeating positions.
AbigailII: And I appreciate that! I don't like elimination tourneys where the lower BKR advances in case of a draw. Some games (i.e. Logik) have a high rate for having a draw.

28. Октября 2009, 15:46:32
Субъект: Re: Repeating positions.
MadMonkey: That's why I create elimination tournaments with 1-win matches.

28. Октября 2009, 15:05:10
Roberto Silva 
Субъект: Re: Repeating positions.
MadMonkey: Not if the tournament creator specifically states that a victory is necessary to go through. If that is the case the game is replayed.

28. Октября 2009, 12:46:45

28. Октября 2009, 12:46:28
Субъект: Re: Repeating positions.
joshi tm: I thought when this was discussed before, if an Elimination game is drawn, the person with the lower bkr is classed as the winner

28. Октября 2009, 07:17:43
Субъект: Re: Brain Rook a good deal
1926: not guilty this time

28. Октября 2009, 02:19:38
Субъект: Brain Rook a good deal
I was looking at the membership categories and the brain rook is really a good deal. I was checking to see why one of my opponents wasn't moving and it turns out she (a brain rook) currently has more than 4,000 (four-thousand) games going right now. If you like to play, being a brain rook is really a great deal.

27. Октября 2009, 22:00:18
joshi tm 
Субъект: Re: Repeating positions.
AbigailII: You already drawn the game, I would not see a reason why not accepting a draw here... in normal game elimintation he would be eliminated, but since this is a one win match there is a rematch.

27. Октября 2009, 17:20:35
Субъект: Repeating positions.
Сделано для AbigailII (27. Октября 2009, 17:20:58)
What to do with game 3525524? We've been repeating positions, but my opponent ignores by draw requests. I've repeatedly tried to send a message to Fencer, but that only results in a message saying that it's not possible, and that the Brainking staff was notified.

26. Октября 2009, 06:11:44
DeaD man WalkiN 
Субъект: Re: problems with auto-refresh?
pedestrian: If U have the chat box open on Ur main page the auto refresh will not work on my computer. If that is not it U might ask fencer to help.

24. Октября 2009, 18:08:59
Субъект: Re: problems with auto-refresh?
cd power: Thanks, but I tried that. Anyway, I got a chance to try it on a different computer, and it doesn't seem to be a problem there. So it's probably just me.

24. Октября 2009, 17:58:28
cd power 
Субъект: Re: problems with auto-refresh?
pedestrian: This has happened to me sometimes with Firefox, if I have had it open for awhile. Close your browser completely and then reopen it... this should fix it.

24. Октября 2009, 16:48:10
Apparently I have 10 days vacation available, but it only lets me set them for this month, which is 5 days.

24. Октября 2009, 10:41:42
Субъект: problems with auto-refresh?
Does anyone else experience trouble with the auto-refresh function lately, or is it just my computer that needs fixing? Sometimes it doesn't work at all, sometimes it's just slower than usual.

21. Октября 2009, 20:31:40
Субъект: Re: chess - resources allowed?
Thanks for the quick reply!

21. Октября 2009, 20:07:36
Субъект: Re: chess - resources allowed?
RGroszkiewicz: It is allowed.

21. Октября 2009, 19:56:32
Субъект: chess - resources allowed?
I have NOT been able figure this out by searching on BrainKing.

For chess games, is it allowable to use online resources? This would include opening books.

It seems clear that chess players can NOT use a chess playing program to help them in their games.

20. Октября 2009, 22:30:08

This goes out ALL to Firefox users.

Most of you know what Add-ons & Plug-ins are i hope. In short, they are other programs attached to Firefox to enable it do other things.

Most of the time Add-ons will update themselves as Firefox checks them.

Plug-ins can take ages to update which can lead to security issues & cause crashes.

Firefox are building a Plug-in checker into the upcoming versions of Firefox.

For now, visit THIS PAGE and allow it to do a check for you, and install any updates it finds.

Bookmark that page and check regularly until the new Firefox is released

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