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2. Марта 2009, 20:13:19
Субъект: Re: Tip of the day
Fencer:Clearly the solution is to rename "tips" and call it "tips and ads" ;-)

Of course, to someone who wants the product, an ad is a tip!

2. Марта 2009, 18:34:16
Субъект: Re: There are genuine cases where people get ill and end up in hospital.
"GERRY":Many life events interfere with our leisure activities.  If I book a vacation and there's a cancellation fee, I can't go to the travel agent and ask for a refund because my boss decided to send me on a business trip instead.  In most cases it's the same if I'm sick.  Games just aren't that important, are they?  And how do you measure the inconvenience to other players from granting extra time to the occasional unfortunate?  Sometimes, the ball just bounces the wrong way, in games and in life.  We're better off learning to deal with this reality than constantly asking for the world to take our burdens off our shoulders.

28. Февраля 2009, 02:57:59
Субъект: Re: Reminder
rod03801:I don't think it's so much a matter of abuse as of thoughtlessness.  People should not be subject to criticism for following the rules of the site.  The rules can always be changed if they don't suit the majority of users.  However, deliberately delaying matches is rudeness, another term for which is unsportsmanlike behavior, and that can legitimately be criticized.

26. Февраля 2009, 01:29:24
Субъект: Re: Vacation days
Carl:Hadn't noticed this before, but I see I must be playing the same person.  Still in the first game of 2 7 point matches started in August.  Odd.

17. Февраля 2009, 21:53:09
Субъект: Re: guess who is back?
nobleheart:I'm back, but then I've always been back.

13. Февраля 2009, 17:52:29
Субъект: Re:
Fencer:Interesting.  Looks like the Western US is not well served.  I wonder why they didn't include major cities on the West Coast (LA, San Francisco) in their list.  Or Las Vegas, for that matter.

12. Февраля 2009, 23:06:38
Субъект: Re:
nodnarbo:"always a local problem" = "never a server problem"

12. Февраля 2009, 22:00:53
Субъект: Re:
Fencer:Never say never

19. Января 2009, 23:04:50
Субъект: Re:
Artful Dodger:Keep us posted, if it slows down later.  That was my experience with other browsers -- fast at first, then slower as time goes on.  I've had to disable all the add-ins in Firefox to make it even usable.

19. Января 2009, 22:52:38
Субъект: Re:
Artful Dodger:Odd. I've just installed it, and it doesn't seem to be any faster than Firefox.

16. Января 2009, 22:48:30
Субъект: Re:
Bwild: I agree that ratings are not important.  But if there is to be a rating system, I feel it should operate rationally.

16. Января 2009, 20:20:18
Субъект: Re:
Bwild:This is only one example of how screwed up the BKR system is.

8. Января 2009, 01:17:41
Субъект: Re:
nodnarbo:If that's the case, he must not read these boards carefully! We have some steel-jacketed, armor-piercing idiots on this site!

19. Декабря 2008, 03:38:55
Субъект: Re: Smileys
Eriisa:Man was I confused until I remembered my original question ...  Thanks!

19. Декабря 2008, 03:38:18
Субъект: Re: Smileys
ScarletRose:There's no sticky strips on my smileys!!

19. Декабря 2008, 00:12:44
Субъект: Smileys
How can I change my favorite smileys?

15. Декабря 2008, 21:29:39
Субъект: Re:
Czuch:Seems especially harsh, since prawns can't live out of water

13. Октября 2008, 22:33:43
Субъект: Re: Advertising in Tip of the day
Fencer: Must be a language thing. I infer that the Czech word for "advertisement" is "tip" ;-)

3. Октября 2008, 20:14:13
The topic is, what is the topic?

3. Октября 2008, 02:35:13
Субъект: Re: Banning, Censoship, Democracy
Tuesday:Neither am I.  In fact, I am completely indifferent.

30. Сентября 2008, 16:07:23
Субъект: Re:
Fencer:Some people think democracy is anarchy with privileges and no responsibilities.

24. Сентября 2008, 03:24:41
Субъект: Re:

24. Сентября 2008, 02:57:56
Is there a separate board for feature requests?

6. Августа 2008, 18:30:15
Субъект: Re: site access
beach:I had slow loads on my cable connection, but no unending white screens.

10. Июля 2008, 01:37:15
Субъект: Re: blog
rod03801:Same here.  Rather ironic to see the article posted here, considering the number of gambling ads on the front page.

10. Июля 2008, 01:33:30
Субъект: Re: blog
rod03801:I see it the way you describe it.

21. Июня 2008, 07:03:41
Субъект: Re: Hiding advertising at top of main page
volant:I mean, how many bananers can you eat?

16. Июня 2008, 16:55:06
Субъект: Re:
ScarletRose:  If your machine gets faster every time you install a new browser, could the degradation in speed be an issue with your cache settings?

15. Июня 2008, 02:40:22
Субъект: Re:
"GERRY":  Can't speak for anyone else, but I'm just playin' around!

14. Июня 2008, 23:20:32
Субъект: Re: Hqrls
Hrqls: Hm ... if her answer was not suitable for this board, why was yours? ;-)

10. Июня 2008, 19:18:41
Субъект: Re:
Summertop:  That seems to imply a problem with the server side scripting.

8. Июня 2008, 21:41:41
Субъект: Re:
Snoopy:  As a paid subscriber I'm not going to hide my complaints

8. Июня 2008, 21:35:13
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey:  I don't know, but I've been experiencing the same intermittent access.

5. Июня 2008, 18:28:22
Субъект: Re:
Adaptable Ali:  Make sure your air conditioner is not blowing directly on your desk!

2. Июня 2008, 23:58:49
Субъект: Re:
AbigailII:  Well, DOS is case insensitive, as is Windows with respect to filenames.  Obviously a case insensitive system would not permit you to create two different files named Foo and foo in the first place.

2. Июня 2008, 20:14:12
Субъект: Re:
Fencer:  Any particular reason?  Most applications are case-insensitive with respect to filenames.  Although I guess server software is an exception, since I have to be careful about caps in the names of files I upload to my site.

21. Мая 2008, 19:10:48
Субъект: Re: polls
Hrqls:  So you're asking for a czech box so you can czech yourself off the czech list?

4. Мая 2008, 07:11:21
Субъект: Re: Reloading time
tonyh:  Perhaps. but unless it is a Java application or something other than HTML, it still reloads the entire page.  That site may be faster for you than this site for a number of reasons.

3. Мая 2008, 23:47:17
Субъект: Re: Reloading time
tonyh:  Because it's not a backgammon board, it's a page of HTML, and every position has different source code.

14. Апреля 2008, 18:00:45
Субъект: Re:
Czuch:  I have to confess I know nothing about ponds or how the BKR system works there.  I know that in backgammon large ratings swings are possible, though 500 points would be extreme.

14. Апреля 2008, 02:51:44
Субъект: Re:
Czuch:  I think you have overlooked the fact that the purpose of the ratings system is to measure your ability, not to allow you to manage your rating.

13. Апреля 2008, 20:23:41
Субъект: Re:
Czuch:  Theoretically the players' ratings at the end of a match should be more indicative of their "true" ability than their ratings at the beginning, since being later in time they should reflect a larger statistical sample (i.e. more games played).  Remember your own rating will also change during the term of a match.  This is just a feature of a turn based site you can't do anything about.

One thing I have noticed that might be fixed is in setting the BKR range for a tournament.  Eligibility is based on a player's rating at the time he or she joins the tournament.  At the time the tournament starts, his or her rating may be significantly lower than the eligibility threshold.   This  diminishes the utility of being able to set a minimum BKR for entry.  This would not be particularly important if the BKR system for backgammon worked properly, but it does not so this is a major problem.

12. Апреля 2008, 21:43:38
Субъект: Re: Photo Albums
Сделано для alanback (12. Апреля 2008, 21:44:26)
Fencer:  Thanks!  I see it's been done while I was sleeping ...

11. Апреля 2008, 22:02:55
Субъект: Photo Albums
    Is there a page which lists all public albums?  When I click on the menu link I get a page that shows my albums and the newest public albums.  I can't find a page which shows less recent ones.

28. Января 2008, 21:56:14
Субъект: Re: VAT on User Fees?
Fencer:  There's no practical difference in any case, since you are (or believe you are) obligated to collect the tax.  As far as I know there is only one kind of VAT in the EU, since the EU regulates it and requires a great deal of conformity throughout.  I know rates and taxable items differ from country to country (within a specified range), but the basic structure is probably the same everywhere in the EU.

28. Января 2008, 20:54:31
Субъект: Re: VAT on User Fees?
pauloaguia:  I think you're correct that the problem is one of establishing the residence of the customer.  My colleague also mentioned that. 

I believe that Fencer is incorrect in stating that the tax is imposed on him; in principle it is imposed on the customer, and the business merely collects it.  Businesses pay VAT on their own purchases.  Presumably Fencer pays VAT on the fees charged to him by the company that hosts the site, for example.  He also pays VAT on purchases of computer parts and supplies, etc.  This input VAT paid is creditable against the obligation to pay over VAT collected from customers.  Hence, the VAT is not (in principle, again) borne by businesses, but ultimately by consumers.

I suppose that customers outside the EU might be able to claim a refund of the VAT they pay, but that would hardly be worth the effort.

28. Января 2008, 17:02:14
Субъект: VAT on User Fees?
Since I work in the international tax department of a major accounting firm, I have some experience with VAT issues even though the US is the only major economy that doesn't have one.  The announcement that membership fees would be subject to VAT as of 1 Februrary made me scratch my head a bit.  I have a colleague who recently returned from spending several years working in Prague so I put the question to him.  He believes that in principle the tax should only be imposed on Czech residents.  Obviously there can be a difference between "in principle" and "in practice", but I wonder whether it's worth looking into a bit more closely.  My colleague would be willing to refer Fencer to our Prague office if that would be helpful.

21. Декабря 2007, 18:44:05
Субъект: Re: Xmas Holidays
Hrqls:  Excellent idea about the weekend.  

21. Декабря 2007, 01:14:34
Субъект: Re: Xmas Holidays
AbigailII:  I'm in favor of giving you all the vacation days you want, if that will put you in a more generous mood ;-)

20. Декабря 2007, 20:35:54
Субъект: Re: Xmas Holidays
Rose:  What's unfair about it?  No one has a vested right in the time system.  It exists to keep the games moving along at a certain pace.  At a time of year when many people of all religions pause to relax and reflect, it's entirely appropriate to offer this opportunity.  If some games finish a few days later than they otherwise would have, what of it?  This site is for leisure, after all.

I have no personal interest in this as I have plenty of vacation days left and don't accept games that don't allow vacation.  I just think it would be a nice thing to do.

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