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<< <   665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674   > >>
30. Марта 2003, 12:04:46
Субъект: Question lol
How can someone have have 120 games and no moves to make LOL
I know its Sunday here, but is there life out there anywhere :-Þ

29. Марта 2003, 23:43:44
Radiant2008 :-) 
Субъект: Re: The_Philosopher´s
That's c:)ol, mAn! :D

29. Марта 2003, 22:46:08
Just a quick note - if I don't answer to all e-mails reporting the current problems, it's because I am trying to fix them. As Dmitri wrote, each site has problems, occasionally.
Good news are that the problem is not permanent and we are slowly getting it under control.

29. Марта 2003, 21:30:57
Субъект: Re: broken site
goodfoods: My hammer seemed to have worked for the moment, seems to get worse the more ppl that are on.....

29. Марта 2003, 21:10:44
Субъект: broken site
is anyone trying to fix these problems we are experiencing?

29. Марта 2003, 19:19:08
Субъект: problems accessing
here we go again! brainking is to busy, brainking ran into technocal problems, brainking could not respond to, the WHITE page again, it seems the site battleship has been torpedoed three times and is listing, and we don't even have battleship/battleboats on this site! why are we having this trouble? does someboby have an answer PLEASE!!! i would like to play my games and relax!

29. Марта 2003, 19:07:15
Субъект: Cannot find server errors
Anyone else getting "The page cannot be displayed" errors? Been that way on and off here for the past few hours, whilst other sites seem to be loading without error.


29. Марта 2003, 18:16:00
Субъект: Re: statistics are nice, but...
Milestones. Aren't they wonderful? So it appears the site may have an estimated 2000+ active players. :--) It's a great site with good people who love to play. And it even let's you correct your typing errors in the discussion boards.

29. Марта 2003, 16:43:35
Субъект: slow games
would like to thank Fencer for fixing the slow games, though i'm still experencing the problem at about 9:30am Sat. morning. keep getting "brainking is too busy to answer right now". hopefully this will clear up soon, i really enjoy this site so much more than the others, made some really good net friends here! thanks Fencer! :-}

29. Марта 2003, 15:43:08
Субъект: statistics are nice, but...
4000+ registered players, but only about 1/2 of them are alive. one of the things I like about this site is that you can verify things. go to the "player list", sort by "last action". you have then to go beyond page 44 out of 82 to see players that did anything the past month

29. Марта 2003, 14:11:47
Субъект: Re: Slow games
I agree with Dmitri, there are always comp problems that can pop up despite everything Fencer does. I find this site is fast 95% of the time and thats good enough for me. I also agree about not leaving game moves till the last minute if possible, one game within a game is plenty.

29. Марта 2003, 13:40:34
Субъект: slow games
i have to agree with you dmitri. there isnt any site on the internet that dont have problems being slow once in awhile. you cant expect the site to be running perfect every single minute of every single day. i think fencer does a excellent job on this site

29. Марта 2003, 13:27:33
Dmitri King 
Субъект: Slow games
people, give Fencer a break! occasionally, computers do not work properly and they move slowly. If youare worried about gamed timing out, don't leave them until the last minute, because computers can lag at any time, that is justthe nature of computers.

29. Марта 2003, 08:50:00
Субъект: Brainking.com
Isn't brainking 6 months old about now?
If so, can we have a party and all raise our glasses to Fencer for his great work?

29. Марта 2003, 08:49:06
Субъект: The_Philosopher´s "word_of_the_day"
Dont forget to check out The Philosopher´s Word of the day section of his profile !! don´t miss out on the chance to get your necessary daily touch of sharpwitted commentary on the world surrounding us!! and hey! all you brain Kings out there...If theres a subject you want to see included, or a word you want the philosphers definition of, dont hesitate to send him a message!!

29. Марта 2003, 08:31:18
Субъект: White screens
I get them too, I think it only happens to us webtv-ers? When it happens, instead of using the "move to" buttons, I use the "go to main page" button for a while. I check the "move to" button every once in a while, and eventually they start working again.

29. Марта 2003, 04:24:02
Субъект: re: slow/can't access games
Well for the past week, IYT has been very quick!

As long as one site is quick, I'm happy! :-)

As a side note if someone is getting close to timing out - you may want to set a vacation day in case this site stays slow so you will not time out... if you are close on time!


29. Марта 2003, 04:18:04
Субъект: slow/can't access games
about the same time Thurs. this happened and this is Fri. that is why i left iyt.com

29. Марта 2003, 02:31:10
Субъект: Snail racing :(
Having problems accessing this site.
"Page cannot be displayed" & "cannot find server" errors plentiful, along with the partial loading whereby a page remains totally blank (or just the background loads) yet "done" appears just above my taskbar. Frustrating.


29. Марта 2003, 02:27:48
Субъект: Re: not being able to play my games
I posted the same question yesterday and no one has answered me yet. I too get the white screens when i click on any of the 'move' buttons. will be interesting to see if ANYONE can answer us!

29. Марта 2003, 02:24:26
Субъект: Re: not being able to play my games
rsm, usually its a good fast site here. I think they are just having a few problems like last night....something like this never lasts long, Fencer is fast at getting things going again.

29. Марта 2003, 01:45:22
Субъект: slowdown, same time like yesterday ...
again about 19.30-20.00 h CET ... still slow, at the moment ...
here a strange effect looked up the waiting room and when I wanted to
join the 'corner chess' games of maddog they actually appeared as line-game ... :O
has anybody experienced similar effects ? ~*~

what my waiting room list shows

Fortress Chess Normal game Frazer black 7 days
Fortress Chess Normal game Frazer black 7 days
Corner Chess Normal game MADDOG black 2 days
Corner Chess Normal game MADDOG white 2 days
Corner Chess Normal game MADDOG black 2 days

29. Марта 2003, 00:55:51
Субъект: not being able to play my games
I'm fairly new on here( about a month ) but i've been haveing trouble with my screen whiteing out when i hit one of the submit options.also there are times when it wont let me back on, i keep getting a pop up that says "brainking is to busy and to try again later"..i was hopeing this game site would be better then IYT, but guess not.

28. Марта 2003, 23:20:29
Субъект: Re:
Its great now Fencer, are you reinstating timeouts? I couldn't stay awake to get through all my games they were taking so long :-)

28. Марта 2003, 21:44:17
Radiant2008 :-) 
Субъект: Fencer: Congrats! :-)
On the more then 4000 players!!! PARTY!! :DDD

28. Марта 2003, 20:57:56
Субъект: Re:
thanks :)

28. Марта 2003, 20:55:11
Dmitri King 
Субъект: Re:
it takes a short while for your membership to take effect, definitely within 24 hours and probably sooner.

28. Марта 2003, 16:52:49
Субъект: Much Better
Its lightening fast compared to yesterday/last night Good Job Mr Fencer Sir!!!! Was this considered growing pains?

28. Марта 2003, 13:16:12
Субъект: Re: today's effects
The site was slow here too, looks like the problem is fixed. Fortunatly no time outs for me, as I only play the game at hand:)

28. Марта 2003, 11:34:06
Loads better for me :o) Much faster, its not like swimming through mud now!

28. Марта 2003, 11:23:52
Is it better now?

28. Марта 2003, 10:13:28
Субъект: Re: Slow
I too find the site very slow and I cannot get into 'My Profile'.

28. Марта 2003, 09:15:14
Субъект: Slow
Is anyone else finding the site slow today, I have trashed cookies ect. and everywhere else is quick...oh woe and to have 109 games to get thru as well :-)

28. Марта 2003, 08:58:50
Mystery Man 
Субъект: Re: games in order of time
5 or 6 screens, at a time..? hmmmmm, must be nice to have a PC..!!! I'll trade ya my web-tv for it.. LOL...
speaking of slowing down the site, anyone notice it being slower more recently than say a month ago..? At least it seems to me that it takes longer for things to load..!!!

28. Марта 2003, 08:45:34
Mystery Man 
Субъект: Re: timeset for games
no problem Christine.. and you're welcome.. :-))

28. Марта 2003, 04:23:14
Субъект: today's effects
perceivable here as well ... :/ ... timed out a game, as it seemed
to take several minutes until submit was validated - even via dsl -
when the mainpage finally loaded I found the game lost ...
slowdown started about 20.00 h CET, Thursday ... ~*~


28. Марта 2003, 03:02:36
Субъект: Blank pages
Can someone help me? I've had a lot of difficulty just getting on this site; but am finally able to play. However, when I make my game move and click on any of the three 'move' choices, all I get is a blank page. I have to go back to my e-mail to click on the link to get back on the site to make another move. Has anyone else had this problem? I've wracked my brain trying to figure out what the problem could be. My temp files are clear and so are my cookies! And I don't have this problem with any other sites, just this one. HELP, please! lol

27. Марта 2003, 18:37:22
Субъект: Re: timeset for games
Thanks for explaining Mistery Man. I figured it had something to do with week-ends and holidays, but it seemed like it was calculated differently with every game.

27. Марта 2003, 12:33:58
Субъект: :)
Fencer, the small pente and keyro pente games look fun.

Love the alternate colours option and ability to set up more than one game invitation at a time when creating new games. That's great and will save alot of time when setting up the games!

Also, congratulations on exceeding 4000 registered players - this site is ace!


27. Марта 2003, 08:29:39
Субъект: Game order on Next button
The current sorting order is by the last move date and time. Better ways are under development. When it's done, it's done. I never forget about any suggestion :-)

27. Марта 2003, 07:37:16
Субъект: games in order of time
I would love to be able to go to the next game according to time also - as I suggested once before, but it was then explained to me that it would slow the server down a little to recalculate each time someone plays a game (So I would rather have a fast site then this option if I had to choose)

How I get around it: Sometimes when I busy, I will only have about 10 minutes to sign on and play a few games - what I do is if I have a few games that need to be played now, I just open each game up in a new window - so I will have 5-6 screens with 5-6 games that need to be played. This saves me from having to submit each move, go back to the main page (wait for it to load), and then choose the next game.


27. Марта 2003, 07:32:02
Mystery Man 
Субъект: Re: timeset for games
Christine, it also depends on what days you chose as your week-end days..

27. Марта 2003, 07:14:48
Mystery Man 
Субъект: Re: Sir Fencer..
THIS may be a bit long, BUT may also be beneficial..
Now THIS, I do believe, is a good subject to kick around a little.. :-))
Hi Fencer.. I have been wondering the same thing for quite sometime.. I know I would very much like to be able to go to the next opponent (when I submit my "Move and go to next game") that I have the "least" amount of time left on, before I time-out.. It is a (BIG) hasle to have to return BACK to the main page and "manually" click on my next opponent in line "time-wise".. If I have 20 games, then that's not only 20 extra click-ons, but extra scrolling (at least I have to) as well and this all takes up a lot of extra time to do..
So yes Fencer, I have to agree to what "kygal" is getting at.. Is there something you could implement on either the games that could give us an option for what games we wish to play next..
OR, set a choice in our "settings";
-like the way you have it set now (still can't figure this one out) or..
-according to least time left to play (like GT or IYT) or..
-opponent's nic in alphabetical order or..
-type of game you're playing (maybe in ABC order as well) or..
-etc, etc, etc...
I think this would be of interest to everyone that plays here. ESPECIALLY "paid members" that have a lot more than just 20 games like myself.. I can't EVEN imagine having 100 games or more and have to go through an EXTRA 100 or more click-ons and scrolls just to get to your next opponent with the "least" amount of time left..
....and ahhhhh btw, where's my sabotage..? :-(( lol..

27. Марта 2003, 06:41:20
On your main page, it calculates the time remaining using days off, vacations, site holidays, etc. So a 5 day limit will be affected by the 2 days off, making it 7.

It doesn't matter what day it is started, it just matters what day it is, and what days your opponent has chosen for days off.

27. Марта 2003, 00:38:34
Субъект: timeset for games
If I invite any user to a game of chess with a time limit of 5 days, it automaticly becomes 7 days. Is that because of the weekend days? Can anyone tell me how that is calculated. And is there a difference if you start a game lets say on Monday or on Wednesday?

26. Марта 2003, 11:35:02
Субъект: Re:
Thanks Harley!

26. Марта 2003, 11:11:45
I should think the match will end on what the scores are now. If you have 1 point each then the whole thing would end a draw.
If there has been a game or two completed in the match then yes, it would affect ratings.

26. Марта 2003, 09:34:16
Субъект: Re:
Thanks Harley and Blaze - what I meant if you have already started one or two games, will it effect either player's rating if you then delete the following games when they come up? Sorry, I wasn't very clear. ;)

26. Марта 2003, 09:13:23
No, I think you're right Blaze, you'd have to resign individually, Angus. But if you resign then you'd lose overall, can you delete the game instead? Then it would have no effect of your rating. Other than that, if its a 5 match game, when you have resigned each one, it will be counted as one loss for you. Thats my understanding of it anyway.

26. Марта 2003, 08:54:00
Субъект: Re: Resigning match games
Angus, I think you have to resign each individual game in the match separately. When you resign the first game in the match, the next game will appear on your status page. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong here. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your question?


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