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<< <   662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671   > >>
1. Мая 2003, 07:52:11
Субъект: Re: Aaaaaaaargh!
today it is just as slow...it is 4pm here aussie time, english time would be about 6am, and american times vary but it would be about midnight on average...I can understand where you are coming from Angus...i would NOT be happy if i was paying for the games :(

1. Мая 2003, 07:47:39
Субъект: Re: Aaaaaaaargh!
Actually, on the 30th it happened THREE times - on top of that I can't even access the game I was in the middle of playing. Sorry, but I am definately NOT a happy PAID subscriber right now!

1. Мая 2003, 03:38:09
Субъект: Re: Aaaaaaaargh!
I notice this too. It sometimes lasts just a few minutes though. Today between 6 and 7pm Central USA time for me the problem occurred. However i had to make dinner for myself so this might have been a good thing. LOL. However it is frustrating especially in mid-move on a game.

1. Мая 2003, 02:58:04
Субъект: Re: Aaaaaaaargh!
And today it happened twice - so far... and it's still so slow I don't know if it will actually work! PLEASE Fencer, can't this be fixed?

1. Мая 2003, 02:38:03
Субъект: Re: Aaaaaaaargh!
And today it happened twice - so far... PLEASE Fencer, can't this be fixed?

1. Мая 2003, 01:00:00
Субъект: Aaaaaaaargh!
It seems like every day around 3:30 central time, USA, this site goes haywire, telling me it's too busy to be used right now.... this lasts at least a couple of hours. This is very frustrating!!!

30. Апреля 2003, 09:11:18
Blaze, you're quite right, that sorted it, thanks! :)
Its definitely one for Fencer to look into! We can only hold that off so long, once we get another 10 pages or so there will be no way to cure it. Thanks for that, it looks loads better!

30. Апреля 2003, 08:01:00
Субъект: Re: Help
try deleting it :) that has happened to me as well :)

30. Апреля 2003, 05:22:09
Субъект: Help
My Message box keeps showing that I have 1 New Message but I've already read it what do I do?

30. Апреля 2003, 01:35:56
Harley, I had the same problem here. Solved it by setting it to 80 messages per page, so only 19 pages listed. I'm thinking if you have the same problem, it could be to do with the numbers just above that go across the page linking to all the previous pages on this board. For some reason once the numbers fill the width of the middle frame, they don't start a new line, consequently the middle frame just gets wider and wider. Maybe something for Fencer to look into.


29. Апреля 2003, 21:56:39
ROFL!!!! Ha ha, good idea!! :)

29. Апреля 2003, 21:54:48
White Wolf 
Субъект: re. boards.
yes harley ! write shorter messages ! LOL

29. Апреля 2003, 21:50:16
Does this board seem stretched to anyone?! It seems to drift over to the right more than other boards. I have to scroll to read messages where I didn't before. Any suggestions?

29. Апреля 2003, 07:12:32
Субъект: Re: in regards to slow site :(
There are periods where it seems like the site gets slow or jammed up. I just check some e-mail or go to another site for a few minutes and usually things are better after that. I also delete cookies and clean up storage folders which seems to help a bit. I also have the main page saved to my favorites folder and it seems to work better by clicking on that. Just some suggestions that may help most of the time.

29. Апреля 2003, 06:17:36
Субъект: Re: in regards to slow site :(
I'm with Bernice - it wasn't just slow, it kept saying that the site was too busy... I couldn't even log out, just got stuck. I just turned off my webtv and tried a few hours later when it was ok. This happened late afternoon, central time USA

28. Апреля 2003, 12:58:00
Субъект: Re: slow site
I can third it! The only problem I've got is chattytea beating me.

28. Апреля 2003, 08:53:58
Субъект: Re: slow site
I can second BBW on that too.... I have been playing very fast indeed! No problems whatsoever.

28. Апреля 2003, 08:14:12
Субъект: slow site
I've been playing games for the past few hours - and I have had no slowness problems - very fast.

Except it was down for "upgrades" for about 3 minutes.... but other then that, very fast for me tonight. (Mid-Illinois-USA)

28. Апреля 2003, 08:11:15
Субъект: in regards to slow site :(
I have just played 14 games and it has taken me 1hr 15mins to play them :(
I am not a paid member, and think Fencer does a good job...BUT...the times taken to get onto this site and play games is definately a deterent to being a paid member I think :(....I love this site and the people (on the whole) that I have met have been wonderful...is there anything on the horizon to speed this site up???

27. Апреля 2003, 19:05:50
Субъект: Re: HELP!!
glad i could help :)
you just enjoy yourself there :)

27. Апреля 2003, 18:05:01
Субъект: Re: HELP!!
thankyou so very much! it worked:) don't anyone miss me to much while i'm playing with ellie here in sunny florida:)

27. Апреля 2003, 17:54:20
Субъект: Re: HELP!!
try deleting your cookies, if you have had yours set as auto log in as i have done, i had to do this to let my daughter get on to the site
hope this helps

27. Апреля 2003, 17:52:18
Субъект: HELP!!
cats4954 is here visiting me, and she's tryng to log in so she can set up her vacation days, everytime she goes to brainking.com, it gives my page, i even logged out, and she did it again and we stll get my page. can someone tell us how to do it. when i logged out, the log in page was there, when she logged in she got mine.
thx. ellie

27. Апреля 2003, 14:36:36
Субъект: new game
Hi are you going to have Battleships hear soon?? that would be cool..

27. Апреля 2003, 08:44:13
Субъект: Re: Backgammon
send a message to fencer with the game number. If you go into the message boards you will find him faster if you look at "tournaments" where he is listed as moderater. Click on his name and send message including the game number.

27. Апреля 2003, 08:40:05
Субъект: Backgammon
I'm playing a backgammon game no#82972 between myself and Kneightskye and part of the came up missing, who do i e-mail to get the problem corrected. Or what do I do to correct the problem, thanks for any help you can give me RSM

26. Апреля 2003, 16:03:15
Субъект: Re: Downtime every evening!
The last three days have been frusterating for alot of people. I for one have gotten alot more work done the last few days as the site is harder to get in to. I dont think it matters where in the world you are or the time of day either. Saturday at 8:30 EST I wouldnt think the server would be clogged up enough to stop me from getting it but alas.. 2 hours later and I finally get in..

More memberships mean bigger, better, faster server PASS IT AROUND!!!!

26. Апреля 2003, 06:37:10
Субъект: Re: Downtime every evening!
I am having the same problems in the evening. Sometimes,I get on the site and right in the middle of a move I get the message Brain King.com is to busy to use right now. This may last a few minutes,or several hours. I'm using a webtv.

25. Апреля 2003, 07:47:01
Субъект: Re: Downtime every evening!
well it is mainly morning for me i just cant get in...so dont bother. Now morning for me would be evening for most of america.It is annoying but i think we should wait and see if it continues....Fencer does a great job :)

25. Апреля 2003, 07:20:28
Субъект: Re: Downtime every evening!
...every evening and the sluggishness and as Angus stated not worth waiting for. I thought perhaps it was my dial up but I have been making my moves at my office puter which is quite sophisticated...and goodness me, lag time is exasperating. What gives? I recently joined, like the site and I agree Fencer appears to be a cool person. Wonder what is up? Good to know it isn't just my imagination! :D

25. Апреля 2003, 06:18:05
Субъект: Re: Downtime every evening!
I have not been alert enough to document the times, but probably every day there is a time when the site is so slow it's not worth waiting for, and maybe every other day *at least* I can't access it at all for at least a couple of hours. I know Fencer is and has been doing a great job, but I have to admit this is getting annoying and I hope it will be permanently fixed soon.

24. Апреля 2003, 22:28:27
Субъект: Downtime every evening!
For the past couple of weeks I've noticed that brainking has experienced downtime every evening, on average a couple of hours per evening starting at around 8pm GMT. Often it's back up and running by 10pm, but on ocassion has been down again shortly afterwards until around midnight GMT. These problems are occuring every day here, and whilst intermittent, there does seem to be a pattern to the times we're getting the page cannot be displayed errors.

I've spoken to a few other people who are having problems getting on the site between those times and was wondering whether this is just a temporary problem, or something caused by rush hour traffic...lol.

This is a really great site and I'm sure you'll all agree that Fencer is highly dedicated to it! I for one, appreciate all the time and effort he devotes to the site, both in keeping it running and also in research and providing such a good range of games! Keep up the excellent work Fencer!
Everyone agree this is the best games site there is? :)

Also wondering... is there any way you would be able to update the brainking info site when downtime is expected to last a while or if there is a known cause. We would really appreciate the updates!


19. Апреля 2003, 20:20:30
Субъект: Greetings Folks
New to the site...thanks to ScarletRose! I hope you will all give me a warm welcome here...I do play backgammon and a beginner at Chess (LOVE IT). I am from N California, USA just outside her capitol which is Sacramento. I think I am going to enjoy this site! Just wish the moves could be done faster...like on Dailygammon. Just an observation.
Be well,
~RaVen~ (Lily on Caissa, Warrior Queen on Dailygammon and Scorpion Queen on IYT)

16. Апреля 2003, 15:46:23
02 Scooby Rex 
Субъект: Re:
thanks Brian and Kevin for the info :)

16. Апреля 2003, 01:31:55
Субъект: thanks kevin
and good luck for your games ... :) ... ~*~


16. Апреля 2003, 01:29:07
Субъект: Re: a question
2 of your games were deleted with less than 4 moves (actually not a single move!) so while they count for your win/loss, they do not count for your rating.

16. Апреля 2003, 01:27:29
Субъект: a question
has anything changed with the ratings system ?

today, I finished my 4th king's-corner chess game.
but no rating has appeared yet ... any hints anyone ?

thanks in advance ... ~*~


15. Апреля 2003, 21:25:07
:o) Clever Hunk, a minor error, I'm sure Thomas Edison didn't worry too much about such small mistakes :-D

15. Апреля 2003, 21:15:16
Субъект: Re: fence,I think i just had a brainking brainstorm.
correction made,was in a rush,my apologies people.

15. Апреля 2003, 21:06:01
Субъект: dare I sugest another chess variation?
I think I like gothic chess.great idea.
chinese chess is good too,wonder if fencer ever thought of it for here?
my idea for a variant would be "seige chess"
same as gothic chess.
played on 10x10 board
the addition of 2 new pieces,2 of each:
the cannon-movement rules as per in chinese chess.
(my newly invented piece,the archer)
the archer-movement is horizontal or vertical,can move 2,3, or 4 spaces only.it can not move 1 space.
can jump over pieces to land on a space.
because of the larger board,the number of pawns will be increased.

15. Апреля 2003, 20:49:56
Scooby: It is most likely due to an older version of the page cached on your system. The only way to solve that would be to delete the internet files, forcing it to download the ner version of the page.

15. Апреля 2003, 18:19:21
Субъект: Re: ummm, is it me???
Hey Scooby,

That happens to me too on occassion. Sometimes the board will be fine then when I click on a piece the board does go nutty. I am on MSNTV so it might be that. However I just go back to the main page and click on the game again and it works fine.

15. Апреля 2003, 16:39:21
Субъект: Re: Easter Weekend
Thankyou !! .. our hero ;-D

15. Апреля 2003, 16:35:09
Субъект: Re: Easter Weekend
Done :-)

15. Апреля 2003, 15:45:03
Субъект: Easter Weekend
Hi Fencer :-)
I was wondering if this Friday (18th) and Monday (21st) are going to be considered as public holidays(please), as they are Bank Holidays here in the UK for the Easter break .. or whether us UK residents need to book them as vacation days ?
Thankyou :0)

15. Апреля 2003, 10:38:36
02 Scooby Rex 
Субъект: ummm, is it me???
Hello, on my games, when I click on a piece to make a move, the board goes nuts! in some cases it goes back a number of moves. it also never saves the move. any thoughts??

12. Апреля 2003, 21:25:29
Субъект: Re: fence,I think i just had a brainking brainstorm.
okay CH what would be the difference between the rooks and the castles,are they not the same thing,or are we looking at two different types of pieces...other than being slightly comfuzed it sounds like it could be fun and one heck of a challenge.

11. Апреля 2003, 19:35:41
Субъект: Re:
we tried this on a physical real board with a variety of pieces.to much movement power [ie queen,2 bishops,etc]makes this to hard.

11. Апреля 2003, 19:29:39
pssst, Clever Hunk... 2 rooks, 1 bishop, 1 castle???!

Sounds like a good game though, interesting!

11. Апреля 2003, 19:25:56
Субъект: fence,I think i just had a brainking brainstorm.
I had another idea for a new game.
I wanted one of potential great strategy & fun based on an entirely new concept.
this game could only be possible as a computer game,but it is a board game.
basically it is played on a board [6x6] OR [size as yet to be determined.to large for this concept would make it too difficult.too small would be to easy.]
all squares on the board are the same color,white.
when a piece on the board moves onto a square.the square changes color to black.each time any piece lands on a square,its color reverses again.
the object is to turn all squares in a line,diagonal,vertical or horizontal to the same color.
when this is accomplished,any of an opponents pieces on that line are removed form the board.
game is won when all opponents pieces are removed.
piece can not land on the same square as an opponents piece.
pieces used in the game are chess pieces as follows:
1st row - 6 pawns as in chess.
2nd row - 2 knights,1 bishop,1 castle,2 pawns.
pieces's movement are governed the same as chess movements.except pawns can move 1 square or 2 in any direction.

of course number of pieces can be adjusted depending on board size decided on.

fencer,ty again for created the crowded backgammon idea I had.I have submitted a few ideas.I know you are really busy,but someday,would love some feedback on what you think..any of these original game ideas interesting¿
what can I say,the wheels just keep turning.bet you can smell the wood burning from there.

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