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3. Апреля 2007, 19:16:52
Субъект: Re: Color code
i'm not sure about this.
my color code is black, if i renew for 1 year, and choose 100%, will that add 1 free year of my current membership?

3. Апреля 2007, 13:15:08
joshi tm 
Субъект: Re: Color code
Fencer: hahha, lol and what is half of infinity then?

3. Апреля 2007, 13:12:51
Субъект: Re: Color code
joshi tm: When you die, ask me for a new account.

3. Апреля 2007, 13:12:20
joshi tm 
Субъект: Color code
How much is 100% of a Black Rook membership? :P

3. Апреля 2007, 09:40:38
Субъект: Color code
it was in fencer's news today : http://brainking.com/nl/News
(the one posted on the 3rd of april)

there is a little more info on : http://brainking.com/nl/PaidMembership?p=3

as i understand it : when you see a color code you can take advantage of its bonus : when you purchase a membership at that time, you will get an extra (according to the bonus and color code)

3. Апреля 2007, 06:43:33
Субъект: Re:
There has been some sort of code flashing next to your icon on some people's main page or on their profile page, maybe other pages as well, I'm not sure about that, but, but not on mine, and I guess it has quit for today.

3. Апреля 2007, 06:33:42
Субъект: Re:
ZZZ0100: Well I have no idea what they are talking about! I guess we will find out later.

3. Апреля 2007, 06:31:47
Субъект: Re:
Tigger: LOL. Thanks Tigger!

3. Апреля 2007, 06:26:36
Субъект: Re:
Well don't feel left out TarantinoFan, I don't have anything new on my profile page either..... and haven't had all day, but from the sounds of it, it may not be for pawns like me this time, since, other than the flag, I have no icon. My guess is it is for certain levels only..... but we will soon see.....

3. Апреля 2007, 06:24:58
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re:

3. Апреля 2007, 05:18:13
I feel left out. I never got a colour or a light bulb???? Where abouts were they???

3. Апреля 2007, 05:12:20
Субъект: Re:
ScarletRose: Nobody should say what color you belong until you know whats going on??? _:)))))))))))

3. Апреля 2007, 05:01:58
Субъект: Re:

3. Апреля 2007, 04:58:50
Субъект: Re:
Oceans Apart: I had a lightbulb with a code red on it as well.. anyone find out what it was?

2. Апреля 2007, 23:05:32
Adaptable Ali 
Light bulb gone again now

2. Апреля 2007, 23:04:49
Adaptable Ali 
ooops, yeah me got Purple now as well 

2. Апреля 2007, 23:04:22
Adaptable Ali 
Субъект: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: Thank gawd it is you as well, jsut been telling a friend in pm about it, they wondered if i ahd been drinking LOL

2. Апреля 2007, 23:01:53
Субъект: Re:
Oceans Apart: Purple code for me. My guess, something with the April Action that he was finishing up the programming on.

2. Апреля 2007, 22:20:54
Adaptable Ali 
Now it is a black code....hmmm wonder if it is anythin to do with the game, Logik

2. Апреля 2007, 21:31:55
Adaptable Ali 

2. Апреля 2007, 21:29:23
Oh no.. It's back and the code is "Green"

2. Апреля 2007, 21:19:32
Субъект: Re:
Gabriel Almeida:  Being in the international tax biz, I get newsletters daily, most of which include some reference to a national tax provision being held incompatible with one EU rule or another.

2. Апреля 2007, 21:13:24
Adaptable Ali 
Red dot has gone from Paid membership page too

2. Апреля 2007, 21:12:00
.... confused Is this another April fools?

2. Апреля 2007, 21:05:52
Adaptable Ali 
I clicked on it, dont know what i am meant to do, clicked on the red too, nothing happened, but light bulb has gone now

2. Апреля 2007, 21:04:22
Adaptable Ali 
Субъект: Re:
joshi tm: Go to your profile page , there should be someting by your icon

2. Апреля 2007, 21:03:55
Adaptable Ali 
Субъект: Re:
Tigger: I did, and it takes me to te paid membership page with a big red dot

2. Апреля 2007, 20:55:32
joshi tm 
Субъект: Re:
Anyone: Where the heck are you talking about?!? :S

2. Апреля 2007, 20:53:37
Papa Zoom 
Субъект: Re:
Oceans Apart:  click on it  :)

2. Апреля 2007, 20:50:03
Adaptable Ali 
Субъект: Re:
Jules: Mine is a flashing light bulb lol

2. Апреля 2007, 20:46:23

Ok.. What's this "Red Code" thing appearing on my main page and taking me to the buy a membership page which shows a big red dot?

2. Апреля 2007, 19:32:38
Субъект: Re:
Gabriel Almeida: Absolutely.

2. Апреля 2007, 19:31:43
Gabriel Almeida 
Субъект: Re:
emmett: That souds good. But, completing dead's purpose (as I understand it), I think something else should be displayed in that filter, in order to we could see / not see some people. Or (a suggestion), if we put someone in our "blocked users list", will we see their games in the waiting room? That could be a solution...

2. Апреля 2007, 19:26:59
Субъект: Re:
Dead: I suggested that unrated games should be labeled as "unrated" on the waiting games list. Currently unrated games are listed as "Normal" games. I wish we could relabel unrated games, then filter them out as an option. There is no reason not to, and it is easy to do.

2. Апреля 2007, 18:38:10
Gabriel Almeida 
Субъект: Re:
alanback: Yes, it's true. EU over-rules everything. But it would be even more believable if Fencer talked about TVA and other tax-stuffs. That's a true concerning of the EU... they make the rules, they need money to support themselves, so they concern about taxes... It's a logicall thought! ;)

2. Апреля 2007, 18:32:51
Субъект: Re:
alanback: Loved it too, nice one Fencer !

2. Апреля 2007, 18:32:26
i love the game filter BUT is there a way to block sertain people off the list when u go in to view waiting games couse i dont want to see this robtoo witch is always listed for every single game multiple time and never plays a rated game

2. Апреля 2007, 18:32:02
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: It's rather the reverse way, you want to promote it to a knight because it is the only way to legally capturing the king !

2. Апреля 2007, 18:24:25
Loved the April 1 blog, and based on all my experience with EU rules, found it quite believable!

2. Апреля 2007, 18:14:56
Субъект: Re:
nabla: I just been and read them. All the games i have played of it i have never come across it. Odd rule, i advance my Pawn and capture the King, why would i want to promote it to anything ??

2. Апреля 2007, 18:12:20
joshi tm 
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: Referring to the rules! Yay! the rules always boss. If a pawn is to be promoted (would advance to the last row), the player can move it even if the die does not show 1. However, he can only promote it to the piece chosen by the die roll - for example, if 3 is rolled, the pawn can be promoted to a bishop only. If 1 is rolled, the pawn can be promoted to any piece.

2. Апреля 2007, 18:11:08
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: Time to RTFR - read the f* rules ;-)

2. Апреля 2007, 18:09:54
Gabriel Almeida 
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: Because Fencer must be your godfather, Ian... eheheheheh.
It's always usefull when our godfather is the boss! ;)
Yeah, Fencer answered you... his point is also good, but I rather mine! The result is the same, YOU WIN! Oh, I'm still so proud of you, my good-mad-young-student... ohohoh!

2. Апреля 2007, 18:09:06
Субъект: Re:
Fencer: But i have thrown a 2, so i should not be able to move the Pawn should i ??
Pawns are 1's

2. Апреля 2007, 18:06:58
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: Because you will promote it to a knight.

2. Апреля 2007, 18:02:15
Fencer: This Dice Chess game is having a melt down i think.
Its my go and has rolled me a Knight (2), BUT for some reason it will let me advance my Pawn and take my opponents King. Odd eh.....
Why ?

2. Апреля 2007, 17:31:19
Субъект: Re: Clock Spelling

2. Апреля 2007, 16:54:00
Субъект: Clock Spelling
Ok after the joviality of yesterday I looked at the new blog and noted a reference to the time. It made me remember a post from a few days ago about spelling in the clock settings. It still says Sidney!!!

2. Апреля 2007, 15:58:42
Субъект: Fencer
April Fools.

1. Апреля 2007, 23:44:01
Субъект: Re: Hmmm
you surely wont be alone in that respect

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